Martin Escardo 2011.

module CurryHoward where

The universe of propositions is denoted by Prp. By the
Curry-Howard isomorphism, it is the universe of types,
sometimes called sets in Agda.


open import SetsAndFunctions

Prp = Set


We also need this, where Set₁ is the second universe:


Prp₁ = Set₁


The false proposition (empty set) is inductively
defined with no cases:


 : Prp

⊥-elim : {A : Prp}    A
⊥-elim = unique-from-∅

infix  50 ¬_
infixr 10 _∧_
infixr 20 _∨_

¬_ : Prp  Prp
¬ A = (A  )

_∧_ : Prp  Prp  Prp
A  B = A × B

∧-elim₀ : {A₀ A₁ : Prp}  A₀  A₁  A₀
∧-elim₀ = π₀

∧-elim₁ : {A₀ A₁ : Prp}  A₀  A₁  A₁
∧-elim₁ = π₁

∧-intro : {A₀ A₁ : Prp}  A₀  A₁  A₀  A₁
∧-intro a₀ a₁ = (a₀ , a₁)

_∨_ : Prp  Prp  Prp
A  B = A + B

∨-intro₀ : {A₀ A₁ : Prp}  A₀  A₀  A₁
∨-intro₀ = in₀

∨-intro₁ : {A₀ A₁ : Prp}  A₁  A₀  A₁
∨-intro₁ = in₁

∨-elim : {A₀ A₁ B : Prp} 

  (A₀  B)  (A₁  B)  A₀  A₁  B

∨-elim = cases

∨-commutative : {A B : Prp}  A  B  B  A
∨-commutative = ∨-elim ∨-intro₁ ∨-intro₀

 : {X : Set}  (A : X  Prp)  Prp
 = Σ

∃-intro : {X : Set}  {A : X  Prp} 

  (x₀ : X)  A x₀   \(x : X)  A x

∃-intro x a = (x , a)

∃-witness : {X : Set} {A : X  Prp} 

   ( \(x : X)  A x)  X

∃-witness = π₀

∃-elim : {X : Set} {A : X  Prp} 

   (proof :  \(x : X)  A x)  A (∃-witness proof)

∃-elim = π₁

infixr 1 _↔_

_↔_ : Prp  Prp  Prp
A  B = (A  B)  (B  A)


A set X is inhabited if it has an element, if and only if,
when the set X, considered as a proposition, holds. So the
statement that X is inhabited is X itself! In fact, notice
that X is isomorphic to ∃ \(x : X) → ⊤, where ⊤ is the unit
proposition (assuming extensionality).


inhabited : Set  Prp
inhabited X = X


Some basic logical facts. 


contra-positive : {A B : Prp}  (A  B)  ¬ B  ¬ A
contra-positive = contra-variant


Double-negation monad:


¬¬ : Prp  Prp
¬¬ A = ¬(¬ A)

¬¬-functor : {A B : Prp}  (A  B)  ¬¬ A  ¬¬ B
¬¬-functor = K-functor

double-negation-intro : {A : Prp}  A  ¬¬ A
double-negation-intro = ηK

three-negations-imply-one : {A : Prp}  ¬(¬¬ A)  ¬ A
three-negations-imply-one =
  contra-positive double-negation-intro

not-exists-implies-forall-not : {X : Set}  {A : X  Prp} 

 ¬( \(x : X)  A x)  ∀(x : X)  ¬(A x)

not-exists-implies-forall-not = curry

forall-not-implies-not-exists : {X : Set}  {A : X  Prp} 

 (∀(x : X)  ¬(A x))  ¬( \(x : X)  A x)

forall-not-implies-not-exists = uncurry


Double-negation unshift:


DNU : {X : Set} {A : X  Prp} 

 ¬¬(∀ x  A x)   x  ¬¬(A x)



Special case, if you like:


dnu : {A B : Prp}  ¬¬(A  B)  ¬¬ A  ¬¬ B
dnu = ku
