Martin Escardo, December 2020

A notion of disconnectedness. This is different from homotopy
disconnectedness in the sense of the HoTT book. It is based on the
topological, rather than homotopical, interpretation of types.

A discussion of such models is in

  M.H. Escardo and Chuangjie Xu. A constructive manifestation of the
  Kleene-Kreisel continuous functionals. Annals of Pure and Applied
  Logic, 2016.


  M.H. Escardo and Thomas Streicher. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic,


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module TypeTopology.DisconnectedTypes where

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import MLTT.Two-Properties
open import Naturals.Properties
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Hedberg
open import UF.Retracts


The following notions of disconnectedness are data rather than


is-disconnected₀ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
is-disconnected₀ X = retract 𝟚 of X

is-disconnected₁ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
is-disconnected₁ X = Σ p  (X  𝟚) , fiber p  × fiber p 

is-disconnected₂ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  ̇
is-disconnected₂ {𝓤} X = Σ X₀  𝓤 ̇ , Σ X₁  𝓤 ̇ , X₀ × X₁ × (X  X₀ + X₁)

is-disconnected₃ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  ̇
is-disconnected₃ {𝓤} X = Σ X₀  𝓤 ̇ , Σ X₁  𝓤 ̇ , X₀ × X₁ × (retract (X₀ + X₁) of X)

is-disconnected-eq : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                    (is-disconnected₀ X  is-disconnected₁ X)
                   × (is-disconnected₁ X  is-disconnected₂ X)
                   × (is-disconnected₂ X  is-disconnected₃ X)
                   × (is-disconnected₃ X  is-disconnected₀ X)

is-disconnected-eq {𝓤} X = (f , g , h , k)
  f : (Σ p  (X  𝟚) , Σ s  (𝟚  X) , p  s  id)
     Σ p  (X  𝟚) , (Σ x  X , p x  ) × (Σ x  X , p x  )
  f (p , s , e) = p , (s  , e ) , (s  , e )

  g : (Σ p  (X  𝟚) , (Σ x  X , p x  ) × (Σ x  X , p x  ))
     Σ X₀  𝓤 ̇ , Σ X₁  𝓤 ̇ , X₀ × X₁ × (X  X₀ + X₁)
  g (p , (x₀ , e₀) , (x₁ , e₁)) = (Σ x  X , p x  ) ,
                                  (Σ x  X , p x  ) ,
                                  (x₀ , e₀) ,
                                  (x₁ , e₁) ,
                                  qinveq ϕ (γ , γϕ , ϕγ)
    ϕ : X  (Σ x  X , p x  ) + (Σ x  X , p x  )
    ϕ x = 𝟚-equality-cases
            (r₀ : p x  )  inl (x , r₀))
            (r₁ : p x  )  inr (x , r₁))

    γ : (Σ x  X , p x  ) + (Σ x  X , p x  )  X
    γ (inl (x , r₀)) = x
    γ (inr (x , r₁)) = x

    ϕγ : ϕ  γ  id
    ϕγ (inl (x , r₀)) = 𝟚-equality-cases₀ r₀
    ϕγ (inr (x , r₁)) = 𝟚-equality-cases₁ r₁

    γϕ : γ  ϕ  id
    γϕ x = 𝟚-equality-cases
            (r₀ : p x  )  ap γ (𝟚-equality-cases₀ r₀))
            (r₁ : p x  )  ap γ (𝟚-equality-cases₁ r₁))

  h : (Σ X₀  𝓤 ̇ , Σ X₁  𝓤 ̇ , X₀ × X₁ × (X  X₀ + X₁))
     (Σ X₀  𝓤 ̇ , Σ X₁  𝓤 ̇ , X₀ × X₁ × (retract (X₀ + X₁) of X))
  h (X₀ , X₁ , x₀ , x₁ , (γ , (ϕ , γϕ) , _)) = (X₀ , X₁ , x₀ , x₁ , (γ , ϕ , γϕ))

  k : (Σ X₀  𝓤 ̇ , Σ X₁  𝓤 ̇ , X₀ × X₁ × (retract (X₀ + X₁) of X))
     Σ p  (X  𝟚) , Σ s  (𝟚  X) , p  s  id
  k (X₀ , X₁ , x₀ , x₁ , (γ , ϕ , γϕ)) = p , s , ps
    p : X  𝟚
    p x = Cases (γ x)  _  )  _  )

    s : 𝟚  X
    s  = ϕ (inl x₀)
    s  = ϕ (inr x₁)

    ps : p  s  id
    ps  = ap (cases  _  )  _  )) (γϕ (inl x₀))
    ps  = ap (cases  _  )  _  )) (γϕ (inr x₁))


The following is our official notion of disconnectedness (logically
equivalent to the other ones):


is-disconnected : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
is-disconnected = is-disconnected₀


Some examples:


𝟚-is-disconnected : is-disconnected 𝟚
𝟚-is-disconnected = identity-retraction

ℕ-is-disconnected : is-disconnected 
ℕ-is-disconnected = (r , s , rs)
  r :   𝟚
  r zero     = 
  r (succ n) = 

  s : 𝟚  
  s  = zero
  s  = succ zero

  rs : (n : 𝟚)  r (s n)  n
  rs  = refl
  rs  = refl

 : {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
  (Σ y₀  Y , Σ y₁  Y , (y₀  y₁) × is-isolated y₀ )
  is-disconnected Y
 (y₀ , y₁ , ne , i) = 𝟚-retract-of-non-trivial-type-with-isolated-point ne i

 : {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
  (Σ y₀  Y , Σ y₁  Y , y₀  y₁)
  is-discrete Y
  is-disconnected Y
discrete-types-with-two-different-points-are-disconnected (y₀ , y₁ , ne) d =
   (y₀ , y₁ , ne , d y₀)

ℕ-is-disconnected' : is-disconnected 
ℕ-is-disconnected' = discrete-types-with-two-different-points-are-disconnected
                     (0 , 1 , succ-no-fp 0)

retract-is-disconnected : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
                         retract X of Y
                         is-disconnected X
                         is-disconnected Y
retract-is-disconnected = retracts-compose


TODO. Define totally disconnected. Then maybe for compact types the
notions of total disconnectedness and total separatedness agree.

The negation of disconnectedness can be expressed positively in
various equivalent ways.


open import TypeTopology.TotallySeparated
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt

is-connected₀ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
is-connected₀ X = (f : X  𝟚)  wconstant f

is-connected₁ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
is-connected₁ X = ¬ is-disconnected X

is-connected₂ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
is-connected₂ X = (x y : X)  x =₂ y

connected₀-types-are-connected₂ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  is-connected₀ X  is-connected₂ X
connected₀-types-are-connected₂ i x y p = i p x y

connected₂-types-are-connected₀ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  is-connected₂ X  is-connected₀ X
connected₂-types-are-connected₀ ϕ f x y = ϕ x y f

connected₀-types-are-connected₁ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  is-connected₀ X  is-connected₁ X
connected₀-types-are-connected₁ c (r , s , rs) = n (c r)
  n : ¬ wconstant r
  n κ = zero-is-not-one (       =⟨ (rs )⁻¹ 
                         r (s ) =⟨ κ (s ) (s ) 
                         r (s ) =⟨ rs  

disconnected-types-are-not-connected : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
                                      is-disconnected X
                                      ¬ is-connected₀ X
disconnected-types-are-not-connected c d = connected₀-types-are-connected₁ d c

connected₁-types-are-is-connected₀ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
                                    is-connected₁ X
                                    is-connected₀ X
connected₁-types-are-is-connected₀ {𝓤} {X} n f x y =
 𝟚-is-¬¬-separated (f x) (f y) ϕ
  ϕ : ¬¬ (f x  f y)
  ϕ u = n (f , s , fs)
    s : 𝟚  X
    s  = 𝟚-equality-cases
            (p₀ : f x  )  x)
            (p₁ : f x  )  y)
    s  = 𝟚-equality-cases
            (p₀ : f x  )  y)
            (p₁ : f x  )  x)

    a : f x    f y  
    a p = different-from-₁-equal-₀  (q : f y  )  u (p  (q ⁻¹)))

    b : f x    f y  
    b p = different-from-₀-equal-₁  (q : f y  )  u (p  q ⁻¹))

    fs : f  s  id
    fs  = 𝟚-equality-cases
            (p₀ : f x  )  f (s ) =⟨ ap f (𝟚-equality-cases₀ p₀) 
                               f x      =⟨ p₀ 
            (p₁ : f x  )  f (s ) =⟨ ap f (𝟚-equality-cases₁ p₁) 
                               f y      =⟨ a p₁ 
    fs  = 𝟚-equality-cases
            (p₀ : f x  )  f (s ) =⟨ ap f (𝟚-equality-cases₀ p₀) 
                               f y      =⟨ b p₀ 
            (p₁ : f x  )  f (s ) =⟨ ap f (𝟚-equality-cases₁ p₁) 
                               f x      =⟨ p₁ 

is-connected : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
is-connected = is-connected₀

being-connected-is-prop : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  Fun-Ext  is-prop (is-connected X)
being-connected-is-prop fe = Π₃-is-prop fe  f x y  𝟚-is-set)
