Chuangjie Xu, 2012.

This is an Agda formalization of Theorem 8.2 of the extended version
of [1].

The theorem says that, for any p : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚, the proposition
(n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁ is decidable where ΞΉ : β„• β†’ ∞ is the inclusion.

[1] Martin Escardo. Infinite sets that satisfy the principle of
    omniscience in all varieties of constructive mathematics, Journal
    of Symbolic Logic, volume 78, number 3, September 2013, pages


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.FunExt

module TypeTopology.ADecidableQuantificationOverTheNaturals (fe : funext 𝓀₀ 𝓀₀) where

open import CoNaturals.Type
open import MLTT.Two-Properties
open import Notation.CanonicalMap
open import NotionsOfDecidability.Complemented
open import NotionsOfDecidability.Decidable
open import TypeTopology.GenericConvergentSequenceCompactness fe
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated

Lemma-8Β·1 : (p : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚) β†’ (Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€))
                         + ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
Lemma-8Β·1 p = cases claimβ‚€ claim₁ claimβ‚‚
  claimβ‚€ : (Ξ£ y κž‰ β„•βˆž , p y β‰  p (Succ y))
         β†’ (Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€)) + ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
  claimβ‚€ e = inl (𝟚-equality-cases caseβ‚€ case₁)
    x : β„•βˆž
    x = pr₁ e

    ne : p x β‰  p (Succ x)
    ne = prβ‚‚ e

    caseβ‚€ : p x = β‚€ β†’ Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€)
    caseβ‚€ r = x , (s , r)
      s : x β‰  ∞
      s t = ne (ap p (t βˆ™ (Succ-∞-is-∞ fe)⁻¹ βˆ™ (ap Succ t)⁻¹))

    case₁ : p x = ₁ β†’ Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€)
    case₁ r = (Succ x) , (s , s')
      s : Succ x β‰  ∞
      s t = ne (ap p (Succ-lc (t βˆ™ (Succ-∞-is-∞ fe)⁻¹) βˆ™ t ⁻¹))

      s' : p (Succ x) = β‚€
      s' = different-from-₁-equal-β‚€ (Ξ» t β†’ ne (r βˆ™ t ⁻¹))

  claim₁ : ((y : β„•βˆž) β†’ p y = p (Succ y)) β†’
            (Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€)) + ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
  claim₁ f = 𝟚-equality-cases caseβ‚€ case₁
    caseβ‚€ : p Zero = β‚€ β†’
            (Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€)) + ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
    caseβ‚€ r = inl (Zero , (s , r))
      s : Zero β‰  ∞
      s t = ∞-is-not-finite 0 (t ⁻¹)

    case₁ : p Zero = ₁ β†’
            (Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€)) + ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
    case₁ r = inr by-induction
      by-induction : (n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁
      by-induction 0 = r
      by-induction (succ n) = (f (ΞΉ n))⁻¹ βˆ™ by-induction n

  claimβ‚‚ : (Ξ£ y κž‰ β„•βˆž , p y β‰  p (Succ y)) + ((y : β„•βˆž) β†’ p y = p (Succ y))
  claimβ‚‚ = g (β„•βˆž-compact q)
    fact : (y : β„•βˆž) β†’ (p y β‰  p (Succ y)) + Β¬ (p y β‰  p (Succ y))
    fact y = ¬-preserves-decidability (𝟚-is-discrete (p y) (p (Succ y)))

    f : Ξ£ q κž‰ (β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚), ((y : β„•βˆž) β†’ (q y = β‚€ β†’ p y β‰  p (Succ y))
                                  Γ— (q y = ₁ β†’ Β¬ (p y β‰  p (Succ y))))
    f = characteristic-function fact

    q : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚
    q = pr₁ f

    g : (Ξ£ y κž‰ β„•βˆž , q y = β‚€) + ((y : β„•βˆž) β†’ q y = ₁)
      β†’ (Ξ£ y κž‰ β„•βˆž , p y β‰  p (Succ y)) + ((y : β„•βˆž) β†’ p y = p (Succ y))
    g (inl (y , r)) = inl (y , (pr₁ (prβ‚‚ f y) r))
    g (inr h ) = inr (Ξ» y β†’ discrete-is-¬¬-separated
                             (p y) (p (Succ y))
                             (prβ‚‚ (prβ‚‚ f y) (h y)))


TODO. The name of the following fact is that of the reference [1]
above. It deserves a better name, or at least a better synonym.


 Theorem-8Β·2 : (p : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚) β†’ is-decidable ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
 Theorem-8Β·2 p = cases claimβ‚€ claim₁ (Lemma-8Β·1 p)
   claimβ‚€ : (Ξ£ x κž‰ β„•βˆž , (x β‰  ∞) Γ— (p x = β‚€))
          β†’ is-decidable ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
   claimβ‚€ e = inr c₁
     x : β„•βˆž
     x = pr₁ e

     cβ‚€ : Β¬ ((n : β„•) β†’ x β‰  ΞΉ n)
     cβ‚€ = Ξ» g β†’ pr₁ (prβ‚‚ e) (not-finite-is-∞ fe g)

     c₁ : Β¬ ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
     c₁ g = cβ‚€ d
       d : (n : β„•) β†’ x β‰  ΞΉ n
       d n r = equal-β‚€-different-from-₁ (prβ‚‚ (prβ‚‚ e)) (ap p r βˆ™ g n)

   claim₁ : ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁) β†’ is-decidable ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
   claim₁ f = inl f


Some examples:


module examples where

    to-β„• : {A : 𝓀 Μ‡ } β†’ is-decidable A β†’ β„•
    to-β„• (inl _) = 0
    to-β„• (inr _) = 1


    0 means that (n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁
    1 means that Β¬ ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)


    eval : (β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚) β†’ β„•
    eval p = to-β„• (Theorem-8Β·2 p)

    pβ‚€ : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚
    pβ‚€ _ = β‚€

    p₁ : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚
    p₁ _ = ₁


    If the first boolean is less than or equal to the second
    then it has value ₁; otherwise, it has value β‚€.


    _<=_ : 𝟚 β†’ 𝟚 β†’ 𝟚
    β‚€ <= y = ₁
    ₁ <= β‚€ = β‚€
    ₁ <= ₁ = ₁


    If the two booleans are equal then it has value ₁;
    otherwise, it has value β‚€.


    _==_ : 𝟚 β†’ 𝟚 β†’ 𝟚
    β‚€ == β‚€ = ₁
    β‚€ == ₁ = β‚€
    ₁ == β‚€ = β‚€
    ₁ == ₁ = ₁

    pβ‚‚ : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚
    pβ‚‚ (Ξ± , _) = Ξ± 10 <= Ξ± 1

    p₃ : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚
    p₃ (Ξ± , _) = Ξ± 0 <= Ξ± 1

    pβ‚„ : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚
    pβ‚„ (Ξ± , _) = Ξ± 5 == Ξ± 100

    to-something : (p : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚)
                 β†’ is-decidable ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁) β†’ (p (ΞΉ 17) = ₁) + β„•
    to-something p (inl f) = inl (f 17)
    to-something p (inr _) = inr 1070

    eval1 : (p : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚) β†’ (p (ΞΉ 17) = ₁) + β„•
    eval1 p = to-something p (Theorem-8Β·2 p)


    Despite the fact that we use function extensionality, eval pi
    evaluates to a numeral for i=0,...,4.

Added by Martin Escardo 5th September 2024. The following version is
more convenient in practice.


 Theorem-8Β·2' : (A : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝓀 Μ‡ )
              β†’ is-complemented A
              β†’ is-decidable ((n : β„•) β†’ A (ΞΉ n))
 Theorem-8Β·2' {𝓀} A Ξ΄ = IV
   p : β„•βˆž β†’ 𝟚
   p = complement ∘ characteristic-map A δ

   I : is-decidable ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁)
   I = Theorem-8Β·2 p

   II : ((n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁) β†’ (n : β„•) β†’ A (ΞΉ n)
   II b n = characteristic-map-propertyβ‚€ A Ξ΄ (ΞΉ n) (complement₁ (b n))

   III : ((n : β„•) β†’ A (ΞΉ n)) β†’ (n : β„•) β†’ p (ΞΉ n) = ₁
   III a n = complement₁-back (characteristic-map-propertyβ‚€-back A Ξ΄ (ΞΉ n) (a n))

   IV : is-decidable ((n : β„•) β†’ A (ΞΉ n))
   IV = map-decidable II III I
