Todd Waugh Ambridge, 22 May 2020
This gives a structured identity principle for
* midpoint algebras,
* convex bodies,
* interval objects,
with each building on the last.
The defintions for these are found in Escardo-Simpson-LICS2001.
For each structure we define a standard notion of structure (SNS),
which gives rise to an equivalence type for the structure.
We then show that this equivalence characterizes the identity type
for the structure.
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.FunExt
module TWA.SIP-IntervalObject {𝓤 : Universe} (fe' : FunExt) where
fe : funext 𝓥 𝓦
fe {𝓥} {𝓦} = fe' 𝓥 𝓦
open import TWA.Escardo-Simpson-LICS2001 fe'
open import UF.Base
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.SIP
open import UF.SIP-Examples
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Sets-Properties
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import UF.Univalence
open sip
open sip-with-axioms
(1) Midpoint Algebras.
midpoint-algebra-structure : 𝓤 ̇ → 𝓤 ̇
midpoint-algebra-structure X = Σ (midpoint-algebra-axioms X)
midpoint-algebra : 𝓤 ⁺ ̇
midpoint-algebra = Σ (midpoint-algebra-structure)
midpoint-algebra-prop : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (_⊕_ : X → X → X)
→ is-set X
→ is-prop (midpoint-algebra-axioms X _⊕_)
midpoint-algebra-prop _⊕_ i = ×-is-prop
(being-set-is-prop fe)
(Π-is-prop fe (λ x → i {x ⊕ x} {x}))
(Π-is-prop fe
(λ x → Π-is-prop fe
(λ y → i {x ⊕ y} {y ⊕ x})))
(Π-is-prop fe
(λ x → Π-is-prop fe
(λ y → Π-is-prop fe
(λ w → Π-is-prop fe
(λ z → i {(x ⊕ y) ⊕ (w ⊕ z)}
{(x ⊕ w) ⊕ (y ⊕ z)})))))))
midpoint-algebra-sns : SNS midpoint-algebra-structure 𝓤
midpoint-algebra-sns = add-axioms midpoint-algebra-axioms s
s : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (_⊕_ : X → X → X) → is-prop (midpoint-algebra-axioms X _⊕_)
s X _⊕_ (i , p) = midpoint-algebra-prop _⊕_ i (i , p)
_≊⟨midpoint-algebra⟩_ : midpoint-algebra → midpoint-algebra → 𝓤 ̇
(X , _⊕_ , _) ≊⟨midpoint-algebra⟩ (Y , _⊗_ , _)
= Σ f ꞉ (X → Y) , is-equiv f
× ((λ x y → f (x ⊕ y)) = (λ x y → f x ⊗ f y))
characterization-of-midpoint-algebra-= : is-univalent 𝓤
→ (A B : midpoint-algebra)
→ (A = B) ≃ (A ≊⟨midpoint-algebra⟩ B)
characterization-of-midpoint-algebra-= ua = characterization-of-= ua
(2) Convex bodies.
convex-body-structure : 𝓤 ̇ → 𝓤 ̇
convex-body-structure X = Σ (convex-body-axioms X)
convex-body : 𝓤 ⁺ ̇
convex-body = Σ (convex-body-structure)
full-iterative-uniqueness : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (_⊕_ : A → A → A)
→ is-set A
→ (F M : iterative _⊕_)
→ F = M
full-iterative-uniqueness A _⊕_ i M₁-iterative M₂-iterative
= to-subtype-=
(λ M → ×-is-prop
(Π-is-prop fe (λ a → i {M a} {a 0 ⊕ M (a ∘ succ)}))
(Π-is-prop fe (λ a → Π-is-prop fe
(λ x → Π-is-prop fe
(λ _ → i {a 0} {M x})))))
(iterative-uniqueness _⊕_ M₁-iterative M₂-iterative)
convex-body-prop : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (_⊕_ : X → X → X)
→ is-prop (convex-body-axioms X _⊕_)
convex-body-prop X _⊕_ ((i , p) , q) = γ ((i , p) , q)
γ : is-prop (convex-body-axioms X _⊕_)
γ = ×-is-prop
(midpoint-algebra-prop _⊕_ i)
(Π-is-prop fe
(λ x → Π-is-prop fe
(λ y → Π-is-prop fe
(λ _ → Π-is-prop fe
(λ _ → i {x} {y})))))
(full-iterative-uniqueness X _⊕_ i))
convex-body-sns : SNS convex-body-structure 𝓤
convex-body-sns = add-axioms convex-body-axioms
_≊⟨convex-body⟩_ : convex-body → convex-body → 𝓤 ̇
(X , _⊕_ , mx , _) ≊⟨convex-body⟩ (Y , _⊗_ , my , _)
= (X , _⊕_ , mx) ≊⟨midpoint-algebra⟩ (Y , _⊗_ , my)
characterization-of-convex-body-= : is-univalent 𝓤
→ (A B : convex-body)
→ (A = B) ≃ (A ≊⟨convex-body⟩ B)
characterization-of-convex-body-= ua = characterization-of-= ua
(3) Interval Objects.
interval-object-axioms : (𝓥 : Universe)
→ (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (X → X → X) × X × X → 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥 ⁺ ̇
interval-object-axioms 𝓥 X (_⊕_ , u , v)
= Σ 𝓘 ꞉ convex-body-axioms X _⊕_ , is-interval-object (X , _⊕_ , 𝓘) 𝓥 u v
interval-object-structure : (𝓥 : Universe) → 𝓤 ̇ → 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥 ⁺ ̇
interval-object-structure 𝓥 X = Σ (interval-object-axioms 𝓥 X)
interval-object : (𝓥 : Universe) → (𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥) ⁺ ̇
interval-object 𝓥 = Σ (interval-object-structure 𝓥)
interval-axioms-prop : (𝓥 : Universe) → (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
→ (_⊕_uv : (X → X → X) × X × X)
→ is-set X
→ is-prop (interval-object-axioms 𝓥 X _⊕_uv)
interval-axioms-prop 𝓥 X (_⊕_ , u , v) i
= ×-is-prop
(convex-body-prop X _⊕_)
(Π-is-prop fe
(λ _ → Π-is-prop fe
(λ _ → Π-is-prop fe
(λ _ → being-singleton-is-prop fe))))
open sip-join
interval-object-sns : (𝓥 : Universe) → SNS (interval-object-structure 𝓥) 𝓤
interval-object-sns 𝓥 = add-axioms (interval-object-axioms 𝓥) s
(join ∞-magma.sns-data
(join pointed-type.sns-data
s : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (s : (X → X → X) × X × X)
→ is-prop (interval-object-axioms 𝓥 X s)
s X _⊕_uv (((i , p) , q) , r)
= interval-axioms-prop 𝓥 X _⊕_uv i (((i , p) , q) , r)
_≊⟨interval-object⟩_ : {𝓥 : Universe}
→ interval-object 𝓥 → interval-object 𝓥 → 𝓤 ̇
(X , (_⊕_ , u , v) , _) ≊⟨interval-object⟩ (Y , (_⊗_ , s , t) , _)
= Σ f ꞉ (X → Y) , is-equiv f
× (((λ x y → f (x ⊕ y)) = (λ x y → f x ⊗ f y)))
× (f u = s) × (f v = t)
characterization-of-interval-object-= : {𝓥 : Universe} → is-univalent 𝓤
→ (A B : interval-object 𝓥)
→ (A = B) ≃ (A ≊⟨interval-object⟩ B)
characterization-of-interval-object-= {𝓥} ua = characterization-of-= ua
(interval-object-sns 𝓥)
all-interval-objects-equiv : (A B : interval-object 𝓤) → A ≊⟨interval-object⟩ B
all-interval-objects-equiv (X , (_⊕_ , u , v) , p , up) (Y , (_⊗_ , s , t) , p' , up')
= h , ((h' , happly h∘h'=id) , (h' , happly h'∘h=id))
, dfunext fe (λ x → dfunext fe (λ y → hᵢ x y)) , hₗ , hᵣ
hX→Y! : ∃! (λ h → (h u = s) × (h v = t) × ((a b : X) → h (a ⊕ b) = h a ⊗ h b))
hX→Y! = up (Y , _⊗_ , p') s t
hY→X! : ∃! (λ h → (h s = u) × (h t = v) × ((a b : Y) → h (a ⊗ b) = h a ⊕ h b))
hY→X! = up' (X , _⊕_ , p) u v
h : X → Y
h = ∃!-witness hX→Y!
hₗ : h u = s
hₗ = pr₁ (∃!-is-witness hX→Y!)
hᵣ : h v = t
hᵣ = pr₁ (pr₂ (∃!-is-witness hX→Y!))
hᵢ : (a b : X) → h (a ⊕ b) = h a ⊗ h b
hᵢ = pr₂ (pr₂ (∃!-is-witness hX→Y!))
h' : Y → X
h' = ∃!-witness hY→X!
h'ₗ : h' s = u
h'ₗ = pr₁ (∃!-is-witness hY→X!)
h'ᵣ : h' t = v
h'ᵣ = pr₁ (pr₂ (∃!-is-witness hY→X!))
h'ᵢ : (a b : Y) → h' (a ⊗ b) = h' a ⊕ h' b
h'ᵢ = pr₂ (pr₂ (∃!-is-witness hY→X!))
h∘h'=id : h ∘ h' = id
h∘h'=id = ap pr₁ (∃!-uniqueness'' (up' (Y , _⊗_ , p') s t)
(h ∘ h' , (ap h h'ₗ ∙ hₗ) , (ap h h'ᵣ ∙ hᵣ)
, λ a b → ap h (h'ᵢ a b) ∙ hᵢ (h' a) (h' b))
(id , refl , refl
, λ a b → refl))
h'∘h=id : h' ∘ h = id
h'∘h=id = ap pr₁ (∃!-uniqueness'' (up (X , _⊕_ , p) u v)
(h' ∘ h , (ap h' hₗ ∙ h'ₗ) , (ap h' hᵣ ∙ h'ᵣ)
, λ a b → ap h' (hᵢ a b) ∙ h'ᵢ (h a) (h b))
(id , refl , refl
, λ a b → refl))
interval-object-prop : is-univalent 𝓤 → is-prop (interval-object 𝓤)
interval-object-prop ua A B = f (all-interval-objects-equiv A B)
f : A ≊⟨interval-object⟩ B → A = B
f = pr₁ (pr₁ (pr₂ (characterization-of-interval-object-= ua A B)))