Andrew Sneap, November 2021
This file proves that a rational valued function on the rationals may
be extended to rational real valued functions on the reals, provided
that the function is strictly monotonic and has a bijection with
another rational valued function on the rationals.
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}
open import MLTT.Spartan renaming (_+_ to _∔_)
open import Notation.CanonicalMap
open import Notation.Order
open import UF.Base
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Powerset
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import Rationals.Type
open import Rationals.Addition
open import Rationals.Negation
open import Rationals.Order
module Rationals.Extension
(fe : Fun-Ext)
(pe : Prop-Ext)
(pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
open PropositionalTruncation pt
open import DedekindReals.Type fe pe pt
open import DedekindReals.Order fe pe pt
We begin by proving a lemma. If f and g are bijective, and f is
strictly monotone, then g is strictly monotone.
TODO: Is it true that strictly monotone functions automatically have a
bijection-preserves-monotone : (f g : ℚ → ℚ) → 𝓤₀ ̇
bijection-preserves-monotone f g = ((p q : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (f p < f q))
→ ((r : ℚ) → (g (f r) = r) × (f (g r) = r))
→ ((p q : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (g p < g q))
bijective-preserves-monotone' : (f g : ℚ → ℚ) → 𝓤₀ ̇
bijective-preserves-monotone' f g = ((p q : ℚ) → p < q ↔ f p > f q)
→ ((r : ℚ) → (g (f r) = r) × (f (g r) = r))
→ ((p q : ℚ) → p < q ↔ g p > g q)
bijective-and-monotonic : (f : ℚ → ℚ)
→ (g : ℚ → ℚ)
→ bijection-preserves-monotone f g
bijective-and-monotonic f g f-preserves-order f-g-bijection = γ
γ : (p q : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (g p < g q)
γ p q = ltr , rtl
apply-order-preversation : (g p < g q) ↔ (f (g p) < f (g q))
apply-order-preversation = f-preserves-order (g p) (g q)
ltr : p < q → g p < g q
ltr l = (rl-implication apply-order-preversation) i
i : f (g p) < f (g q)
i = transport₂ _<_ (pr₂ (f-g-bijection p) ⁻¹) (pr₂ (f-g-bijection q) ⁻¹) l
rtl : g p < g q → p < q
rtl l = transport₂ _<_ (pr₂ (f-g-bijection p)) (pr₂ (f-g-bijection q)) i
i : f (g p) < f (g q)
i = (lr-implication apply-order-preversation) l
bijective-and-monotonic' : (f g : ℚ → ℚ) → bijective-preserves-monotone' f g
bijective-and-monotonic' f g f-preserves-order f-g-bijection = γ
γ : (p q : ℚ) → p < q ↔ g p > g q
γ p q = ltr , rtl
apply-order-preservation : g q < g p ↔ f (g q) > f (g p)
apply-order-preservation = f-preserves-order (g q) (g p)
ltr : p < q → g p > g q
ltr l = (rl-implication apply-order-preservation) i
i : f (g q) > f (g p)
i = transport₂ _<_ (pr₂ (f-g-bijection p) ⁻¹) (pr₂ (f-g-bijection q) ⁻¹) l
rtl : g p > g q → p < q
rtl l = transport₂ _<_ (pr₂ (f-g-bijection p)) (pr₂ (f-g-bijection q)) i
i : f (g p) < f (g q)
i = (lr-implication apply-order-preservation) l
Now, given a monotonic function f, and a bijective function g, we construct an extension of f, which we call f̂.
Pictorially, we have the following:
ℚ ────────────────────────────────▶ ℚ
│ │ We want our extension to satisfy f̂ ∘ ι = ι ∘ f
│ │ This means f̂ does not change the behavour of f
│ │ for any point in the rationals.
ι │ │ ι
│ │
│ │
▼ ▼
ℝ ────────────────────────────────▶ ℝ
The following f→f̂ extends functions, and the is followed by diagram commutes which proves that the above diagram is satisfied.
f→f̂ : (f g : ℚ → ℚ)
→ ((p q : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (f p < f q))
→ ((r : ℚ) → (g (f r) = r) × (f (g r) = r))
→ ℝ → ℝ
f→f̂ f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective
((L , R) , inhabited-left-x , inhabited-right-x , rounded-left-x , rounded-right-x , disjoint-x , located-x)
= (left , right) , inhabited-left' , inhabited-right' , rounded-left' , rounded-right' , disjoint' , located'
x : ℝ
x = ((L , R) , inhabited-left-x , inhabited-right-x , rounded-left-x , rounded-right-x , disjoint-x , located-x)
left : 𝓟 ℚ
left p = (g p ∈ L) , ∈-is-prop L (g p)
right : 𝓟 ℚ
right q = g q ∈ R , ∈-is-prop R (g q)
inhabited-left' : inhabited-left left
inhabited-left' = ∥∥-functor I inhabited-left-x
I : Σ p ꞉ ℚ , p ∈ L → Σ p' ꞉ ℚ , p' ∈ left
I (p , p-L) = (f p) , transport (_∈ L) (pr₁ (f-g-bijective p) ⁻¹) p-L
inhabited-right' : inhabited-right right
inhabited-right' = ∥∥-functor I inhabited-right-x
I : Σ q ꞉ ℚ , q ∈ R → Σ q' ꞉ ℚ , q' ∈ right
I (q , q-R) = f q , transport (_∈ R) (pr₁ (f-g-bijective q) ⁻¹) q-R
rounded-left' : rounded-left left
rounded-left' k = I , II
I : k ∈ left → ∃ p ꞉ ℚ , (k < p) × p ∈ left
I k-L = ∥∥-functor iii ii
i : f (g k) = k
i = pr₂ (f-g-bijective k)
ii : ∃ q ꞉ ℚ , g k < q × q ∈ L
ii = (pr₁ (rounded-left-x (g k))) k-L
iii : Σ q ꞉ ℚ , g k < q × q ∈ L → Σ p ꞉ ℚ , k < p × p ∈ left
iii (q , (l , q-L)) = f q , vii , vi
iv : g k < q → f (g k) < f q
iv = pr₁ (f-order-preserving (g k) q)
v : g (f q) ∈ L
v = transport (_∈ L) (pr₁ (f-g-bijective q) ⁻¹) q-L
vi : g (f q) ∈ L
vi = transport (_∈ L) (pr₁ (f-g-bijective q) ⁻¹) q-L
vii : k < f q
vii = transport (_< f q) i (iv l)
II : ∃ p ꞉ ℚ , k < p × p ∈ left → k ∈ left
II e = ∥∥-rec (∈-is-prop left k) i e
i : Σ p ꞉ ℚ , k < p × p ∈ left → k ∈ left
i (p , (l , p-L)) = iv ∣ (g p) , iii , p-L ∣
ii : (k < p) ↔ (g k < g p)
ii = bijective-and-monotonic f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective k p
iii : g k < g p
iii = (pr₁ ii) l
iv : ∃ p' ꞉ ℚ , g k < p' × p' ∈ L → g k ∈ L
iv = pr₂ (rounded-left-x (g k))
rounded-right' : rounded-right right
rounded-right' k = I , II
I : k ∈ right → ∃ q ꞉ ℚ , q < k × q ∈ right
I k-R = ∥∥-functor ii i
i : ∃ q ꞉ ℚ , q < g k × q ∈ R
i = pr₁ (rounded-right-x (g k)) k-R
ii : Σ p ꞉ ℚ , p < g k × p ∈ R → Σ q ꞉ ℚ , (q < k) × q ∈ right
ii (p , (l , p-R)) = (f p) , (transport (f p <_) iv iii) , transport (_∈ R) (pr₁ (f-g-bijective p) ⁻¹) p-R
iii : f p < f (g k)
iii = (pr₁ (f-order-preserving p (g k))) l
iv : f (g k) = k
iv = pr₂ (f-g-bijective k)
II : ∃ q ꞉ ℚ , q < k × q ∈ right → k ∈ right
II e = ∥∥-rec (∈-is-prop right k) i e
i : Σ q ꞉ ℚ , q < k × q ∈ right → k ∈ right
i (q , (l , q-R)) = iv ∣ (g q) , (iii , q-R) ∣
ii : (q < k) ↔ (g q < g k)
ii = bijective-and-monotonic f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective q k
iii : g q < g k
iii = (pr₁ ii) l
iv : ∃ q ꞉ ℚ , q < g k × q ∈ R → g k ∈ R
iv = pr₂ (rounded-right-x (g k))
disjoint' : disjoint left right
disjoint' p q l = (pr₂ I) II
I : (p < q) ↔ (g p < g q)
I = bijective-and-monotonic f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective p q
II : g p < g q
II = disjoint-x (g p) (g q) l
located' : located left right
located' p q l = III
I : (p < q) ↔ (g p < g q)
I = bijective-and-monotonic f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective p q
II : p < q → g p < g q
II = pr₁ I
III : g p ∈ L ∨ g q ∈ R
III = located-x (g p) (g q) (II l)
diagram-commutes : (f g : ℚ → ℚ)
→ (f-order-preserving : ((p q : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (f p < f q)))
→ (f-g-bijective : ((r : ℚ) → (g (f r) = r) × (f (g r) = r)))
→ (q : ℚ)
→ (f→f̂ f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective ∘ ι) q = (ι ∘ f) q
diagram-commutes f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective q = ℝ-equality' ((f̂ ∘ ι) q) ((ι ∘ f) q) I II III IV
f̂ : ℝ → ℝ
f̂ = f→f̂ f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective
I : (a : ℚ) → g a < q → a < f q
I a b = transport (_< f q) ii i
i : f (g a) < f q
i = (pr₁ (f-order-preserving (g a) q)) b
ii : f (g a) = a
ii = pr₂ (f-g-bijective a)
II : (a : ℚ) → a < f q → g a < q
II a b = transport (g a <_) ii i
i : g a < g (f q)
i = (pr₁ (bijective-and-monotonic f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective a (f q))) b
ii : g (f q) = q
ii = pr₁ (f-g-bijective q)
III : (a : ℚ) → q < g a → f q < a
III a b = transport (f q <_) ii i
i : f q < f (g a)
i = (pr₁ (f-order-preserving q (g a))) b
ii : f (g a) = a
ii = pr₂ (f-g-bijective a)
IV : (a : ℚ) → f q < a → q < g a
IV a b = transport (_< g a) ii i
i : g (f q) < g a
i = (pr₁ (bijective-and-monotonic f g f-order-preserving f-g-bijective (f q) a)) b
ii : g (f q) = q
ii = pr₁ (f-g-bijective q)
With the monotonic extension theorem, here is an example of extending
the function which adds 1 to a rational.
ℚ-succ : ℚ → ℚ
ℚ-succ q = q + 1ℚ
ℚ-pred : ℚ → ℚ
ℚ-pred q = q - 1ℚ
<-ℚ-succ : (p q : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (ℚ-succ p < ℚ-succ q)
<-ℚ-succ p q = i , ii
i : p < q → ℚ-succ p < ℚ-succ q
i l = ℚ<-addition-preserves-order p q 1ℚ l
ii : ℚ-succ p < ℚ-succ q → p < q
ii l = transport₂ _<_ iv v iii
iii : p + 1ℚ - 1ℚ < q + 1ℚ - 1ℚ
iii = ℚ<-addition-preserves-order (p + 1ℚ) (q + 1ℚ) (- 1ℚ) l
iv : p + 1ℚ - 1ℚ = p
iv = ℚ+-assoc p 1ℚ (- 1ℚ) ∙ ℚ-inverse-intro p 1ℚ ⁻¹
v : q + 1ℚ - 1ℚ = q
v = ℚ+-assoc q 1ℚ (- 1ℚ) ∙ ℚ-inverse-intro q 1ℚ ⁻¹
ℚ-succ-pred : (r : ℚ) → (ℚ-pred (ℚ-succ r) = r) × (ℚ-succ (ℚ-pred r) = r)
ℚ-succ-pred r = i , ii
i : ℚ-pred (ℚ-succ r) = r
i = ℚ+-assoc r 1ℚ (- 1ℚ) ∙ ℚ-inverse-intro r 1ℚ ⁻¹
ii : ℚ-succ (ℚ-pred r) = r
ii = ℚ-succ (ℚ-pred r) =⟨ by-definition ⟩
r - 1ℚ + 1ℚ =⟨ ℚ+-assoc r (- 1ℚ) 1ℚ ⟩
r + ((- 1ℚ) + 1ℚ) =⟨ ap (r +_) (ℚ+-comm (- 1ℚ) 1ℚ) ⟩
r + (1ℚ - 1ℚ) =⟨ ap (r +_) (ℚ-inverse-sum-to-zero 1ℚ) ⟩
r + 0ℚ =⟨ ℚ-zero-right-neutral r ⟩
r ∎
ℝ-succ : ℝ → ℝ
ℝ-succ = f→f̂ ℚ-succ ℚ-pred <-ℚ-succ ℚ-succ-pred
ℚ-succ-behaviour-preserved : (q : ℚ) → ℝ-succ (ι q) = ι (ℚ-succ q)
ℚ-succ-behaviour-preserved q = diagram-commutes ℚ-succ ℚ-pred <-ℚ-succ ℚ-succ-pred q
With this, we have a function which adds one to a real number, which
agrees with the function that adds one to a rational. Moreover, we
didn't have to write the proof that this function produces a real (by
proving that the output satisifies the properties of a real, because
this is taken care of by the f→f̂ function.
TODO: I would like to be able to show that the extended function
satisfies certain properties. For example, proving that x < x + 1 for
any real.
ℚ-succ-preserves-order : (p : ℚ) → p < ℚ-succ p
ℚ-succ-preserves-order p = ℚ<-addition-preserves-order'' p 1ℚ (0 , refl)
test : (x : ℚ) -> (ι x) < ℝ-succ (ι x)
test x = transport (ι x <_) (ℚ-succ-behaviour-preserved x ⁻¹)
(embedding-preserves-order x (ℚ-succ x)
(ℚ-succ-preserves-order x))
bijection-preserves-monotone-multi : (f g : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ) → 𝓤₀ ̇
bijection-preserves-monotone-multi f g = ((p q r : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (f p r < f q r))
→ ((p q : ℚ) → (g (f p q) q = p) × (f (g p q) q = p))
→ ((p q r : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (g p r < g q r))
bijection-preserves-monotone-multi-proof : (f g : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ) → bijection-preserves-monotone-multi f g
bijection-preserves-monotone-multi-proof f g f-preserves-order f-g-bijection = γ
γ : (p q r : ℚ) → (p < q) ↔ (g p r < g q r)
γ p q r = ltr , rtl
apply-order-preversation : (g p r < g q r) ↔ (f (g p r) r < f (g q r) r)
apply-order-preversation = f-preserves-order (g p r) (g q r) r
ltr : p < q → g p r < g q r
ltr l = (rl-implication apply-order-preversation) i
i : f (g p r) r < f (g q r) r
i = transport₂ _<_ (pr₂ (f-g-bijection p r) ⁻¹) (pr₂ (f-g-bijection q r) ⁻¹) l
rtl : g p r < g q r → p < q
rtl l = transport₂ _<_ (pr₂ (f-g-bijection p r)) (pr₂ (f-g-bijection q r)) i
i : f (g p r) r < f (g q r) r
i = (lr-implication apply-order-preversation) l