Martin Escardo and Tom de Jong, October 2021

Modified from Quotient.Large to add the parameter F.

We use F to control the universe where propositional truncations live.
For more comments and explanations, see the original files.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan

open import UF.Base hiding (_≈_)
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Powerset
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Sets-Properties
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt

open import UF.PropTrunc-Variation
open import UF.ImageAndSurjection-Variation

module Quotient.Large-Variation
        (F   : Universe  Universe)
        (pt  : propositional-truncations-exist F)
        (fe  : Fun-Ext)
        (pe  : Prop-Ext)

is-prop-valued is-equiv-relation : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  (X  X  𝓥 ̇ )  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
is-prop-valued _≈_ =  x y  is-prop (x  y)
is-equiv-relation _≈_ = is-prop-valued _≈_ × reflexive _≈_ × symmetric _≈_ × transitive _≈_

module quotient
       {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe}
       (X   : 𝓤 ̇ )
       (_≈_ : X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
       (≈p  : is-prop-valued _≈_)
       (≈r  : reflexive _≈_)
       (≈s  : symmetric _≈_)
       (≈t  : transitive _≈_)

 open PropositionalTruncation F pt
 open ImageAndSurjection F pt

 equiv-rel : X  (X  Ω 𝓥)
 equiv-rel x y = x  y , ≈p x y

 X/≈ : F (𝓤  (𝓥 ))  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
 X/≈ = image equiv-rel

 X/≈-is-set : is-set X/≈
 X/≈-is-set = subsets-of-sets-are-sets (X  Ω 𝓥) _
                (powersets-are-sets'' fe fe pe)

 η : X  X/≈
 η = corestriction equiv-rel

 η-surjection : is-surjection η
 η-surjection = corestriction-is-surjection equiv-rel

 quotient-induction :  {𝓦} (P : X/≈  𝓦 ̇ )
                     ((x' : X/≈)  is-prop (P x'))
                     ((x : X)  P (η x))
                     (x' : X/≈)  P x'
 quotient-induction = surjection-induction η η-surjection

 η-equiv-equal : {x y : X}  x  y  η x  η y
 η-equiv-equal {x} {y} e =
   to-Σ-= (dfunext fe
           z  to-Σ-= (pe (≈p x z) (≈p y z) (≈t y x z (≈s x y e)) (≈t x y z e) ,
                         being-prop-is-prop fe _ _)) ,
       ∥∥-is-prop _ _)

 η-equal-equiv : {x y : X}  η x  η y  x  y
 η-equal-equiv {x} {y} p = equiv-rel-reflect (ap pr₁ p)
   equiv-rel-reflect : equiv-rel x  equiv-rel y  x  y
   equiv-rel-reflect q = b (≈r y)
     a : (y  y)  (x  y)
     a = ap  -  pr₁ (- y)) (q ⁻¹)
     b : (y  y)  (x  y)
     b = Idtofun a

 universal-property :  {𝓦} (A : 𝓦 ̇ )
                     is-set A
                     (f : X  A)
                     ({x x' : X}  x  x'  f x  f x')
                     ∃! f'  ( X/≈  A), f'  η  f
 universal-property {𝓦} A iss f pr = ic
   B : (x' : X/≈)  F (F (𝓥   𝓤)  𝓥   𝓤  𝓦)  𝓦 ̇
   B x' = (Σ a  A ,  x  X ,  (η x  x') × (f x  a))

   φ : (x' : X/≈)  is-prop (B x')
   φ = quotient-induction _ γ induction-step
      induction-step : (y : X)  is-prop (Σ a  A ,  x  X ,  (η x  η y) × (f x  a))
      induction-step x (a , d) (b , e) = to-Σ-= (p , ∥∥-is-prop _ _)
        h : (Σ x'  X , (η x'  η x) × (f x'  a))
           (Σ y'  X , (η y'  η x) × (f y'  b))
           a  b
        h (x' , r , s) (y' , t , u) = s ⁻¹  pr (η-equal-equiv (r  t ⁻¹))  u

        p : a  b
        p = ∥∥-rec iss  σ  ∥∥-rec iss (h σ) e) d

      γ : (x' : X/≈)  is-prop (is-prop (Σ a  A ,  x  X , (η x  x') × (f x  a)))
      γ x' = being-prop-is-prop fe

   k : (x' : X/≈)  B x'
   k = quotient-induction _ φ induction-step
     induction-step : (y : X)  Σ a  A ,  x  X , (η x  η y) × (f x  a)
     induction-step x = f x ,  x , refl , refl 

   f' : X/≈  A
   f' x' = pr₁ (k x')

   r : f'  η  f
   r = dfunext fe h
     g : (y : X)   x  X , (η x  η y) × (f x  f' (η y))
     g y = pr₂ (k (η y))

     j : (y : X)  (Σ x  X , (η x  η y) × (f x  f' (η y)))  f' (η y)  f y
     j y (x , p , q) = q ⁻¹  pr (η-equal-equiv p)

     h : (y : X)  f' (η y)  f y
     h y = ∥∥-rec iss (j y) (g y)

   c : (σ : Σ f''  (X/≈  A), f''  η  f)  (f' , r)  σ
   c (f'' , s) = to-Σ-= (t , v)
     w :  x  f' (η x)  f'' (η x)
     w = happly (r  s ⁻¹)

     t : f'  f''
     t = dfunext fe (quotient-induction _  _  iss) w)

     u : f''  η  f
     u = transport  -  -  η  f) t r

     v : u  s
     v = Π-is-set fe  _  iss) u s

   ic : ∃! f'  (X/≈  A), f'  η  f
   ic = (f' , r) , c
