Andrew Swan, started 12 February 2024 This is an implementation of open modalities. Like the other results in this directory, it is covered in [1]. [1] Rijke, Shulman, Spitters, Modalities in homotopy type theory, \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import MLTT.Spartan open import Modal.Subuniverse open import UF.Equiv open import UF.EquivalenceExamples open import UF.Equiv-FunExt open import UF.FunExt open import UF.Subsingletons module Modal.Open \end{code} Function extensionality is required for even some quite basic results about open modalities, so we will assume it throughout. \begin{code} (fe : funext π€ π€) \end{code} There is an open modality for each proposition P. We fix such a proposition throughout. \begin{code} (P : π€ Μ ) (P-is-prop : is-prop P) where open-unit : (A : π€ Μ ) β A β (P β A) open-unit A a _ = a is-open-modal : π€ Μ β π€ Μ is-open-modal A = is-equiv (open-unit A) open-subuniverse : subuniverse π€ π€ open-subuniverse = is-open-modal , Ξ» A β being-equiv-is-prop'' fe _ \end{code} The reflection has a very simple description - it just sends A to the exponential P β A. We then need to check that it is a reflection. \begin{code} exponential-is-modal : (A : π€ Μ ) β is-open-modal (P β A) exponential-is-modal A = ((Ξ» f p β f p p) , (Ξ» f β dfunext fe (Ξ» p β dfunext fe (Ξ» q β ap (Ξ» r β f r q) (P-is-prop _ _))))) , (Ξ» f p β f p p) , (Ξ» f β refl) exponential-is-reflection : (A : π€ Μ ) β is-reflection open-subuniverse A (((P β A) , (exponential-is-modal A)) , Ξ» a _ β a) exponential-is-reflection A B B-modal = qinvs-are-equivs _ ((Ξ» g β prβ (prβ B-modal) β Ξ» f β g β f) , (Ξ» j β dfunext fe (is-retraction j)) , Ξ» g β dfunext fe (Ξ» a β prβ (prβ B-modal) (g a))) where lemma : (j : (P β A) β B) β (Ξ» f β (j β open-unit A β f)) βΌ (open-unit B) β j lemma j f = dfunext fe (Ξ» z β ap j (dfunext fe (Ξ» z' β ap f (P-is-prop z z')))) is-retraction : (j : (P β A) β B) β prβ (prβ B-modal) β (Ξ» f β (j β open-unit A β f)) βΌ j is-retraction j f = prβ (prβ B-modal) (j β open-unit A β f) οΌβ¨ ap (prβ (prβ B-modal)) (lemma j f) β© prβ (prβ B-modal) (open-unit B (j f)) οΌβ¨ prβ (prβ B-modal) (j f) β© j f β open-is-reflective : subuniverse-is-reflective open-subuniverse open-is-reflective A = (((P β A) , (exponential-is-modal A)) , (open-unit A)) , exponential-is-reflection A \end{code} We can show moreover that the reflective subuniverse is replete, using only function extensionality rather than univalence, and that it is Ξ£-closed. This confirms that it is a modality. \begin{code} open-is-replete : subuniverse-is-replete open-subuniverse open-is-replete A B e B-modal = β-2-out-of-3-left (prβ (βcong' fe fe e)) (β-is-equiv β e β-is-equiv B-modal) open-is-sigma-closed : subuniverse-is-sigma-closed open-subuniverse open-is-sigma-closed A B A-modal B-modal = β-2-out-of-3-left β Ξ Ξ£-distr-β β-is-equiv β unit-equiv β-is-equiv where unit-equiv : Ξ£ B β (Ξ£ f κ (P β A) , ((z : P) β B (f z))) unit-equiv = Ξ£-bicong _ _ ((open-unit A) , A-modal) (Ξ» a β (open-unit (B a)) , (B-modal a)) \end{code} We add a useful lemma for the absoluteness of compactness: if P is a true proposition then the open modality is trivial, in the sense that all types are modal. \begin{code} P-true-implies-all-modal : (z : P) β (A : π€ Μ ) β is-open-modal A P-true-implies-all-modal z A = qinvs-are-equivs (open-unit A) ((Ξ» f β f z) , ((Ξ» a β refl) , (Ξ» f β dfunext fe (Ξ» z' β ap f (P-is-prop z z'))))) \end{code}