title:          The notion of spectral point
author:         Ayberk Tosun
date-started:   2024-05-27

A _spectral point_ of a locale `X` is a continuous map `p : 𝟏 → X` whose right
adjoint `p^* : 𝒪(X) → 𝒪(𝟏)` preserves compact opens.

In this module, we give the definition of this notion. We define it using
records for the sake of convenience, and prove that the record-based definition
is equivalent to the standard definition.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Subsingletons

module Locales.Point.SpectralPoint-Definition
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (fe : Fun-Ext)
        (pe : Prop-Ext)

open import Locales.Compactness.Definition pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.Definition pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.FrameHomomorphism-Definition pt fe
open import Locales.Frame pt fe
open import Locales.InitialFrame pt fe
open import Locales.Spectrality.SpectralMap pt fe
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open Locale


We work in a module parameterized by a large and locally small locale `X`.


module Notion-Of-Spectral-Point (X : Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤) where

 open ContinuousMaps X (𝟏Loc pe)
 open FrameHomomorphisms (𝒪 X) (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe)


A _spectral point_ of locale `X` is a frame homomorphism `𝒪(X) → Ω`
preserving compact opens. In other words, it is a spectral map `𝟏 → X`.

In the following definition, we call the underlying function of this frame
homomorphism `point-fn.


 record Spectral-Point : 𝓤   ̇ where
   point-fn :  𝒪 X   Ω 𝓤

   point-preserves-top          : preserves-top point-fn holds
   point-preserves-binary-meets : preserves-binary-meets point-fn holds
   point-preserves-joins        : preserves-joins point-fn holds
   point-preserves-compactness  : (K :  𝒪 X )
                                 is-compact-open X K holds
                                 is-compact-open (𝟏Loc pe) (point-fn K) holds

  point-is-a-frame-homomorphism : is-a-frame-homomorphism point-fn holds
  point-is-a-frame-homomorphism = point-preserves-top
                                , point-preserves-binary-meets
                                , point-preserves-joins

  point : _─f→_
  point = point-fn , point-is-a-frame-homomorphism


This record-based definition is of course just a more verbose way of writing
“spectral map into the initial frame”. We call this alternative definition
`Spectral-Point₀` and prove its equivalence to the type `Spectral-Point`.


 Spectral-Point₀ : 𝓤   ̇
 Spectral-Point₀ = Spectral-Map (𝟏Loc pe) X

 to-spectral-point₀ : Spectral-Point  Spectral-Point₀
 to-spectral-point₀ sp = (point-fn , ) , point-preserves-compactness
   open Spectral-Point sp

    : is-a-frame-homomorphism point-fn holds
    = point-is-a-frame-homomorphism

 to-spectral-point : Spectral-Map (𝟏Loc pe) X  Spectral-Point
 to-spectral-point ((F , α , β , γ) , σ) =
   { point-fn                     = F
   ; point-preserves-top          = α
   ; point-preserves-binary-meets = β
   ; point-preserves-joins        = γ
   ; point-preserves-compactness  = σ


The equivalence proof.


  : Spectral-Point₀  Spectral-Point
 spectral-point-equivalent-to-spectral-map-into-Ω =
  to-spectral-point , qinvs-are-equivs to-spectral-point 
     : qinv to-spectral-point
     = to-spectral-point₀ ,  _  refl) ,  _  refl)


To show that two spectral points are equal, it suffices to show that their
underlying functions are equal. We call this lemma `to-spectral-point-=`.


 open Spectral-Point

 to-spectral-point-= : ( 𝒢 : Spectral-Point)
                       point-fn   point-fn 𝒢
 to-spectral-point-=  𝒢 p =
  to-spectral-point (to-spectral-point₀ )   =⟨  
  to-spectral-point (to-spectral-point₀ 𝒢)   =⟨  
   e = spectral-point-equivalent-to-spectral-map-into-Ω

    : to-spectral-point₀   to-spectral-point₀ 𝒢
    = to-subtype-=
        (holds-is-prop  is-spectral-map X (𝟏Loc pe))
        (to-subtype-= (holds-is-prop  is-a-frame-homomorphism) p)

    = inverses-are-sections' e 
    = ap to-spectral-point 
    = inverses-are-sections' e 𝒢 ⁻¹


Added on 2024-08-12.


 to-spectral-point-=' : ( 𝒢 : Spectral-Point)  point   point 𝒢    𝒢
 to-spectral-point-='  𝒢 p =
  to-spectral-point (to-spectral-point₀ )    =⟨  
  to-spectral-point (to-spectral-point₀ 𝒢)    =⟨  
    e = spectral-point-equivalent-to-spectral-map-into-Ω

     : to-spectral-point₀   to-spectral-point₀ 𝒢
     = to-subtype-= (holds-is-prop  is-spectral-map X (𝟏Loc pe)) p

     = inverses-are-sections' e 
     = ap to-spectral-point 
     = inverses-are-sections' e 𝒢 ⁻¹
