title:          Frame homomorphisms
author:         Ayberk Tosun
date-started:   2024-04-10

Originally written as part of Ayberk Tosun's MSc thesis on 2020-02-23.

Ported to TypeTopology as part of the `Locales.Frame` module on 2021-03-09.

Factored out from the `Locales.Frame` module into this module on 2024-04-10.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (𝟚; ; )
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc

module Locales.ContinuousMap.FrameHomomorphism-Definition
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (fe : Fun-Ext)

open import Locales.Frame pt fe
open import Slice.Family
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open AllCombinators pt fe


We work in a module parameterized by two frames.


module FrameHomomorphisms (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (G : Frame 𝓤' 𝓥' 𝓦) where


We denote by `σ` the proof that the carrier of frame `G` is a set.


  σ : is-set  G 
  σ = carrier-of-[ poset-of G ]-is-set


The following predicate expresses what it means for a function between frames to
preserve the top element.


 preserves-top : ( F    G )  Ω 𝓤'
 preserves-top h = h 𝟏[ F ] =[ σ ]= 𝟏[ G ]


The following predicate expresses what it means for a function between frames
to preserve binary meets.


 preserves-binary-meets : ( F    G )  Ω (𝓤  𝓤')
 preserves-binary-meets h =
   x   F  ,  y   F  , h (x ∧[ F ] y) =[ σ ]= h x ∧[ G ] h y


The following predicate expresses what it means for a function between frames
to preserve the small joins.


 open Joins  x y  x ≤[ poset-of G ] y)

 preserves-joins : ( F    G )  Ω (𝓤  𝓤'  𝓥'  𝓦 )
 preserves-joins h =  S  Fam 𝓦  F  , h (⋁[ F ] S) is-lub-of  h x  x ε S 


We package these up into a predicate that express the notion of frame
homomorphism: a function that preserves finite meets, and the small joins.


 is-a-frame-homomorphism : ( F    G )  Ω (𝓤  𝓦   𝓤'  𝓥')
 is-a-frame-homomorphism h = α  β  γ
   α = preserves-top h
   β = preserves-binary-meets h
   γ = preserves-joins h


Using this, we write down the type of frame homomorphisms between two frames.


 _─f→_ : 𝓤  𝓦   𝓤'  𝓥' ̇
 _─f→_ = Σ f  ( F    G ) , is-a-frame-homomorphism f holds


We denote by `fun 𝒽` the underlying function of a frame homomorphism `𝒽`.


 fun : _─f→_   F    G 
 fun (h , _) = h

 fun-syntax : _─f→_   F    G 
 fun-syntax = fun

 infixr 3 fun-syntax

 syntax fun f x = f $ x

 fun-is-a-frame-homomorphism : (h : _─f→_)
                              is-a-frame-homomorphism (fun h) holds
 fun-is-a-frame-homomorphism (_ , φ) = φ


We also write down a record-based version of the same type and prove their


 record _─f·→_ : 𝓤  𝓤'  𝓥'  𝓦   ̇ where
   h :  F    G 

   h-preserves-top   : preserves-top h holds
   h-preserves-meets : preserves-binary-meets h holds
   h-preserves-joins : preserves-joins h holds

 frame-homomorphism-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ : _─f→_  _─f·→_
 frame-homomorphism-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ (h , α , β , γ) =
   { h                 = h
   ; h-preserves-top   = α
   ; h-preserves-meets = β
   ; h-preserves-joins = γ

 frame-homomorphismᵣ-to-frame-homomorphism : _─f·→_  _─f→_
 frame-homomorphismᵣ-to-frame-homomorphism 𝒽 =
   open _─f·→_ 𝒽
   h , h-preserves-top , h-preserves-meets , h-preserves-joins

 frame-homomorphism-equiv-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ : _─f→_  _─f·→_
 frame-homomorphism-equiv-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ =
  s , (r , ) , r , 
    s : _─f→_  _─f·→_
    s = frame-homomorphism-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ

    r : _─f·→_  _─f→_
    r = frame-homomorphismᵣ-to-frame-homomorphism

     : (s  r)  id
     _ = refl

     : (r  s)  id
     _ = refl


For convenience, we also define some direct projections on the Σ-based type.


 frame-homomorphisms-preserve-top : (h : _─f→_)
                                   preserves-top (fun h) holds
 frame-homomorphisms-preserve-top 𝒽 =
   open _─f·→_ (frame-homomorphism-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ 𝒽)

 frame-homomorphisms-preserve-meets : (h : _─f→_)
                                     preserves-binary-meets (fun h) holds
 frame-homomorphisms-preserve-meets 𝒽 =
   open _─f·→_ (frame-homomorphism-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ 𝒽)

 frame-homomorphisms-preserve-all-joins : (h : _─f→_)
                                         preserves-joins (fun h) holds
 frame-homomorphisms-preserve-all-joins 𝒽 =
   open _─f·→_ (frame-homomorphism-to-frame-homomorphismᵣ 𝒽)

  : (h : _─f→_)
   (S : Fam 𝓦  F )
   h $ (⋁[ F ] S)  ⋁[ G ]  h $ x  x ε S 
 frame-homomorphisms-preserve-all-joins′ h S =
  ⋁[ G ]-unique
    h $ x  x ε S 
   (h $ (⋁[ F ] S))
   (frame-homomorphisms-preserve-all-joins h S)
