Ayberk Tosun, 9 December 2021

Based on `ayberkt/formal-topology-in-UF`.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}

open import MLTT.List hiding ([_])
open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (𝟚)
open import UF.Base
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc

module Locales.CompactRegular
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (fe : Fun-Ext)

open import Locales.AdjointFunctorTheoremForFrames
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.Definition pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.FrameHomomorphism-Definition pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.FrameHomomorphism-Properties pt fe
open import Locales.Frame pt fe hiding (is-directed)
open import Locales.InitialFrame pt fe
open import Slice.Family
open import UF.Equiv using (_≃_; logical-equivs-of-props-are-equivs)
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open AllCombinators pt fe
open PropositionalTruncation pt
open import Locales.GaloisConnection pt fe


\section{The way below relation}

We first define the notion of a directed family. This is actually
defined in the `Dcpo` module but I am redefining it here to avoid
importing the `Dcpo` module. There are also some things about that
definition that make it a bit inconvenient to work with. It might be
good idea to address this duplication at some point.


is-directed : (P : Poset 𝓤 𝓥)  (S : Fam 𝓦  P ∣ₚ)  Ω (𝓥  𝓦)
is-directed P (I , s) =
    I ∥Ω
  ( i  I ,  j  I , Ǝ k  I , ((s i  s k)  (s j  s k)) holds)
  where open PosetNotation P using (_≤_)



way-below : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F    F   Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
way-below {𝓤 = 𝓤} {𝓦 = 𝓦} F U V =
  S  Fam 𝓦  F  , is-directed (poset-of F) S 
  V  (⋁[ F ] S)  (Ǝ i  index S , (U  S [ i ]) holds)
    open PosetNotation (poset-of F) using (_≤_)

infix 5 way-below

syntax way-below F U V = U ≪[ F ] V


A compact open is one that is way below itself.


is-compact-open : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F   Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
is-compact-open F U = U ≪[ F ] U


A compact frame is simply a frame whose top element is finite.


is-compact : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦  Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
is-compact F = is-compact-open F 𝟏[ F ]


Compacts opens are always closed undery binary joins.


compacts-are-closed-under-joins : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                 (U V :  F )
                                 is-compact-open F U holds
                                 is-compact-open F V holds
                                 is-compact-open F (U ∨[ F ] V) holds
compacts-are-closed-under-joins F U V κ₁ κ₂ S dir@(_ , up) p =
 ∥∥-rec₂ ∃-is-prop γ s₁′ s₂′
   open PosetNotation  (poset-of F) using (_≤_)
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)


We know that both `U` and `V` are covered by `S` by the assumption that `U ∨ V`
is covered by `S`


   q₁ : (U  (⋁[ F ] S)) holds
   q₁ = U ≤⟨ ∨[ F ]-upper₁ U V  U ∨[ F ] V ≤⟨ p  ⋁[ F ] S 

   q₂ : (V  (⋁[ F ] S)) holds
   q₂ = V ≤⟨ ∨[ F ]-upper₂ U V  U ∨[ F ] V ≤⟨ p  ⋁[ F ] S 


Therefore there must exist indices `i₁` and `i₂` such that `U ≤ Sᵢ₁` and `V ≤


   s₁′ :  Σ i₁  index S , (U  S [ i₁ ]) holds 
   s₁′ = κ₁ S dir q₁

   s₂′ :  Σ i₂  index S , (V  S [ i₂ ]) holds 
   s₂′ = κ₂ S dir q₂

   γ : (Σ i₁  index S , (U  S [ i₁ ]) holds)
      (Σ i₂  index S , (V  S [ i₂ ]) holds)
       i  index S , ((U ∨[ F ] V)  S [ i ]) holds
   γ (i₁ , s₁) (i₂ , s₂) = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop δ (up i₁ i₂)
     δ : Σ i  index S , ((S [ i₁ ]  S [ i ])  (S [ i₂ ]  S [ i ])) holds
         i  index S , ((U ∨[ F ] V)  S [ i ]) holds
     δ (i , r₁ , r₂) =  i , ∨[ F ]-least ε ζ 
       ε : (U  S [ i ]) holds
       ε = U ≤⟨ s₁  S [ i₁ ] ≤⟨ r₁  S [ i ] 

       ζ : (V  S [ i ]) holds
       ζ = V ≤⟨ s₂  S [ i₂ ] ≤⟨ r₂  S [ i ] 


\section{Well Inside}

`well-inside₀` is the type family expressing that a given open of a frame is


well-inside₀ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F    F   𝓤 ̇
well-inside₀ F U V =
 Σ W   F  , (U ∧[ F ] W  𝟎[ F ]) × (V ∨[ F ] W  𝟏[ F ])

infix 4 well-inside₀

syntax well-inside₀ F U V = U ⋜₀[ F ] V


The well inside relation is not propositional in general, even though the “has
complement” predicate (i.e. is well inside itself) is propositional.


well-inside₀-is-not-prop : propext 𝓤₀
                          Σ F  Frame 𝓤₁ 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀ ,
                            (¬ ((U V :  F )  is-prop (U ⋜₀[ F ] V)))
well-inside₀-is-not-prop pe = IF , ε
  IF : Frame 𝓤₁ 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀ -- “IF” standing for “initial frame”.
  IF = 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe

  γ₂ : 𝟎[ IF ] ⋜₀[ IF ] 𝟏[ IF ]
  γ₂ = 𝟏[ IF ] , (β , γ)
          β : 𝟎[ IF ] ∧[ IF ] 𝟏[ IF ]  𝟎[ IF ]
          β = 𝟎-left-annihilator-for-∧ IF 𝟏[ IF ]

          γ : 𝟏[ IF ] ∨[ IF ] 𝟏[ IF ]  𝟏[ IF ]
          γ = 𝟏-right-annihilator-for-∨ IF 𝟏[ IF ]

  γ₁ : 𝟎[ IF ] ⋜₀[ IF ] 𝟏[ IF ]
  γ₁ = 𝟎[ IF ] , (β , γ)
          β : 𝟎[ IF ] ∧[ IF ] 𝟎[ IF ]  𝟎[ IF ]
          β = 𝟎-right-annihilator-for-∧ IF 𝟎[ IF ]

          γ : 𝟏[ IF ] ∨[ IF ] 𝟎[ IF ]  𝟏[ IF ]
          γ = 𝟏-left-annihilator-for-∨ IF 𝟎[ IF ]

  𝟎-is-not-𝟏 : ¬ (𝟎[ IF ]  𝟏[ IF ])
  𝟎-is-not-𝟏 p = γ
    γ :  holds
    γ = transport _holds (𝟏[ IF ] =⟨ p ⁻¹  𝟎[ IF ] =⟨ 𝟎-of-IF-is-⊥ pe   ) 

  ε : ¬ ((U V :  IF )  is-prop (well-inside₀ IF U V))
  ε ψ = 𝟎-is-not-𝟏 (pr₁ (from-Σ-= δ))
    δ : γ₁  γ₂
    δ = ψ 𝟎[ IF ] 𝟏[ IF ] γ₁ γ₂


Because well inside is not propositional, we have to truncate it to get a


well-inside : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F    F   Ω 𝓤
well-inside F U V =  U ⋜₀[ F ] V ∥Ω

infix 4 well-inside

syntax well-inside F U V = U ⋜[ F ] V



well-inside-implies-below : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                           (U V :  F )
                           (U ⋜[ F ] V  (U ≤[ poset-of F ] V)) holds
well-inside-implies-below F U V = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (U ≤[ poset-of F ] V)) γ
  _⊓_ = λ U V  U ∧[ F ] V

  γ : U ⋜₀[ F ] V  (U ≤[ poset-of F ] V) holds
  γ (W , c₁ , c₂) = connecting-lemma₂ F δ
    δ : U  U ∧[ F ] V
    δ = U                        =⟨ 𝟏-right-unit-of-∧ F U ⁻¹              
        U  𝟏[ F ]               =⟨ ap (U ⊓_) (c₂ ⁻¹)                     
        U  (V ∨[ F ] W)         =⟨ binary-distributivity F U V W         
        (U  V) ∨[ F ] (U  W)   =⟨ ap  -  binary-join F (U  V) -) c₁ 
        (U  V) ∨[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]    =⟨ 𝟎-left-unit-of-∨ F (U  V)            
        U  V                    



↑↑-is-upwards-closed : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                      {U V W :  F }
                      (U ⋜[ F ] V) holds
                      (V ≤[ poset-of F ] W) holds
                      (U ⋜[ F ] W) holds
↑↑-is-upwards-closed F {U} {V} {W} p q =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (U ⋜[ F ] W)) γ p
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

   γ : U ⋜₀[ F ] V  (U ⋜[ F ] W) holds
   γ (T , c₁ , c₂) =  T , c₁ , d₂ 
     β : (𝟏[ F ] ≤[ poset-of F ] (W ∨[ F ] T)) holds
     β = 𝟏[ F ]      =⟨ c₂ ⁻¹                  ⟩ₚ
         V ∨[ F ] T  ≤⟨ ∨[ F ]-left-monotone q 
         W ∨[ F ] T  

     d₂ : W ∨[ F ] T  𝟏[ F ]
     d₂ = only-𝟏-is-above-𝟏 F (W ∨[ F ] T) β

↓↓-is-downwards-closed : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                        {U V W :  F }
                        (V ⋜[ F ] W) holds
                        (U ≤[ poset-of F ] V) holds
                        (U ⋜[ F ] W) holds
↓↓-is-downwards-closed F {U} {V} {W} p q = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop γ p
  open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

  γ : V ⋜₀[ F ] W  (U ⋜[ F ] W) holds
  γ (T , c₁ , c₂) =  T , (only-𝟎-is-below-𝟎 F (U ∧[ F ] T) β , c₂) 
    β : ((U ∧[ F ] T) ≤[ poset-of F ] 𝟎[ F ]) holds
    β = U ∧[ F ] T  ≤⟨ ∧[ F ]-left-monotone q 
        V ∧[ F ] T  =⟨ c₁                     ⟩ₚ
        𝟎[ F ]      


An open _U_ in a frame _A_ is *clopen* iff it is well-inside itself.


is-boolean-complement-of : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F    F   Ω 𝓤
is-boolean-complement-of F U′ U =
 (U ∧[ F ] U′ =[ iss ]= 𝟎[ F ])  (U ∨[ F ] U′ =[ iss ]= 𝟏[ F ])
   iss = carrier-of-[ poset-of F ]-is-set

complementation-is-symmetric : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (x y :  F )
                              (is-boolean-complement-of F x y
                               is-boolean-complement-of F y x) holds
complementation-is-symmetric F x y (φ , ψ) =  , 
   : x ∧[ F ] y  𝟎[ F ]
   = x ∧[ F ] y =⟨ ∧[ F ]-is-commutative x y  y ∧[ F ] x =⟨ φ  𝟎[ F ] 

   : x ∨[ F ] y  𝟏[ F ]
   = x ∨[ F ] y =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative x y  y ∨[ F ] x =⟨ ψ  𝟏[ F ] 

∧-complement : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
              {x y x′ y′ :  F }
              is-boolean-complement-of F x x′ holds
              is-boolean-complement-of F y y′ holds
              is-boolean-complement-of F (x′ ∨[ F ] y′) (x ∧[ F ] y) holds
∧-complement F {x} {y} {x′} {y′} φ ψ = β , γ
  open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

  _⊓_ = λ x y  x ∧[ F ] y

  φ₀ : x  x′  𝟎[ F ]
  φ₀ = x  x′ =⟨ ∧[ F ]-is-commutative x x′  x′  x =⟨ pr₁ φ   𝟎[ F ] 

  ψ₀ : y  y′  𝟎[ F ]
  ψ₀ = y  y′ =⟨ ∧[ F ]-is-commutative y y′  y′  y  =⟨ pr₁ ψ  𝟎[ F ] 

  φ₁ : x ∨[ F ] x′  𝟏[ F ]
  φ₁ = x  ∨[ F ] x′ =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative x x′ 
       x′ ∨[ F ] x  =⟨ pr₂ φ                      
       𝟏[ F ]       

  β : (x ∧[ F ] y) ∧[ F ] (x′ ∨[ F ] y′)  𝟎[ F ]
  β = (x  y)  (x′ ∨[ F ] y′)                =⟨  
      ((x  y)  x′) ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)    =⟨  
      ((y  x)  x′) ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)    =⟨  
      (y  (x  x′)) ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)    =⟨  
      (y  𝟎[ F ]) ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)      =⟨  
      𝟎[ F ] ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)            =⟨  
      (x  y)  y′                            =⟨  
      x  (y  y′)                            =⟨  
      x  𝟎[ F ]                              =⟨  
      𝟎[ F ]                                  
         = binary-distributivity F (x  y) x′ y′
         = ap  -  (-  x′) ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)) (∧[ F ]-is-commutative x y)
         = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)) (∧[ F ]-is-associative y x x′ ⁻¹)
         = ap  -  (y  -) ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)) φ₀
         = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] ((x  y)  y′)) (𝟎-right-annihilator-for-∧ F y)
         = 𝟎-right-unit-of-∨ F ((x  y)  y′)
         = ∧[ F ]-is-associative x y y′ ⁻¹
         = ap  -  x  -) ψ₀
         = 𝟎-right-annihilator-for-∧ F x

  γ : (x  y) ∨[ F ] (x′ ∨[ F ] y′)  𝟏[ F ]
  γ = (x  y) ∨[ F ] (x′ ∨[ F ] y′)                                =⟨  
      (x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] (x  y)                                =⟨  
      ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] x) ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)   =⟨  
      ((y′ ∨[ F ] x′) ∨[ F ] x) ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)   =⟨  
      (y′ ∨[ F ] (x′ ∨[ F ] x)) ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)   =⟨  
      (y′ ∨[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]) ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)          =⟨  
      𝟏[ F ] ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)                      =⟨  
      (x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y                                      =⟨  
      x′ ∨[ F ] (y′ ∨[ F ] y)                                      =⟨  
      x′ ∨[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]                                             =⟨  
      𝟏[ F ]                                                       
         = ∨[ F ]-is-commutative x′ y′
         = 𝟏-right-annihilator-for-∨ F y′
         = ∨[ F ]-is-commutative (x  y) (x′ ∨[ F ] y′)
         = binary-distributivity-op F (x′ ∨[ F ] y′) x y
         = ap  -  (- ∨[ F ] x) ∧[ F ] ((_ ∨[ F ] _) ∨[ F ] y)) 
         = ap  -  - ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)) (∨[ F ]-assoc y′ x′ x)
         = ap  -  (y′ ∨[ F ] -) ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)) (pr₂ φ)
         = ap  -  - ∧[ F ] ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)) 
         = 𝟏-left-unit-of-∧ F ((x′ ∨[ F ] y′) ∨[ F ] y)
         = ∨[ F ]-assoc x′ y′ y
         = ap  -  x′ ∨[ F ] -) (pr₂ ψ)
         = 𝟏-right-annihilator-for-∨ F x′

is-complement-of : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F    F   𝓤  ̇
is-complement-of F x′ x = (x ∧[ F ] x′  𝟎[ F ]) × (x ∨[ F ] x′  𝟏[ F ])

is-clopen₀ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F   𝓤 ̇
is-clopen₀ F U = Σ W   F  , is-complement-of F W U

is-clopen₀-is-prop : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  (U :  F )  is-prop (is-clopen₀ F U)
is-clopen₀-is-prop F U (W₁ , p₁ , q₁) (W₂ , p₂ , q₂) = to-subtype-= β γ
  P = poset-of F -- we refer to the underlying poset of F as P.

  β : (W :  F )  is-prop ((U ∧[ F ] W  𝟎[ F ]) × (U ∨[ F ] W  𝟏[ F ]))
  β W = ×-is-prop carrier-of-[ P ]-is-set carrier-of-[ P ]-is-set

  γ : W₁  W₂
  γ = W₁                                  =⟨ (𝟏-right-unit-of-∧ F W₁) ⁻¹       
      W₁ ∧[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]                    =⟨ ap  -  meet-of F W₁ -) (q₂ ⁻¹) 
      W₁ ∧[ F ] (U ∨[ F ] W₂)             =⟨ binary-distributivity F W₁ U W₂   
      (W₁ ∧[ F ] U) ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) =⟨ i                                 
      (U ∧[ F ] W₁) ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) =⟨ ii                                
      𝟎[ F ] ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)        =⟨ iii                               
      (U ∧[ F ] W₂) ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) =⟨ iv                                
      (W₂ ∧[ F ] U) ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) =⟨ v                                 
      (W₂ ∧[ F ] U) ∨[ F ] (W₂ ∧[ F ] W₁) =⟨ vi                                
      W₂ ∧[ F ] (U ∨[ F ] W₁)             =⟨ vii                               
      W₂ ∧[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]                    =⟨ viii                              
        i    = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)) (∧[ F ]-is-commutative W₁ U)
        ii   = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)) p₁
        iii  = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)) (p₂ ⁻¹)
        iv   = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)) (∧[ F ]-is-commutative U W₂)
        v    = ap  -  (W₂ ∧[ F ] U) ∨[ F ] -) (∧[ F ]-is-commutative W₁ W₂)
        vi   = binary-distributivity F W₂ U W₁ ⁻¹
        vii  = ap  -  W₂ ∧[ F ] -) q₁
        viii = 𝟏-right-unit-of-∧ F W₂

complements-are-unique : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (U V₁ V₂ :  F )
                        is-complement-of F V₁ U
                        is-complement-of F V₂ U
                        V₁  V₂
complements-are-unique F U V₁ V₂ p q =
 pr₁ (from-Σ-= (is-clopen₀-is-prop F U φ ψ))
   φ : is-clopen₀ F U
   φ = V₁ , p

   ψ : is-clopen₀ F U
   ψ = V₂ , q

is-clopen : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F   Ω 𝓤
is-clopen F U = is-clopen₀ F U , is-clopen₀-is-prop F U

clopen-implies-well-inside-itself : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                   (U :  F )
                                   (is-clopen F U  U ⋜[ F ] U) holds
clopen-implies-well-inside-itself F U = ∣_∣

well-inside-itself-implies-clopen : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                           (U :  F )
                                           (U ⋜[ F ] U  is-clopen F U) holds
well-inside-itself-implies-clopen F U =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (is-clopen F U)) id

clopenness-equivalent-to-well-inside-itself : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                             (U :  F )
                                             (U ⋜[ F ] U) holds
                                             is-clopen F U holds
clopenness-equivalent-to-well-inside-itself F U =
   well-inside-itself-implies-clopen F U
 , logical-equivs-of-props-are-equivs
    (holds-is-prop (U ⋜[ F ] U))
    (holds-is-prop (is-clopen F U))
    (well-inside-itself-implies-clopen F U)
    (clopen-implies-well-inside-itself F U)



𝟎-is-clopen : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  𝟎[ F ] ⋜₀[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]
𝟎-is-clopen F = 𝟏[ F ] , β , γ
  β : 𝟎[ F ] ∧[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]  𝟎[ F ]
  β = 𝟎-left-annihilator-for-∧ F 𝟏[ F ]

  γ : 𝟎[ F ] ∨[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]  𝟏[ F ]
  γ = 𝟏-right-annihilator-for-∨ F 𝟎[ F ]

𝟏-is-clopen : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  𝟏[ F ] ⋜₀[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]
𝟏-is-clopen F = 𝟎[ F ] , β , γ
  β : 𝟏[ F ] ∧[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]  𝟎[ F ]
  β = 𝟎-right-annihilator-for-∧ F 𝟏[ F ]

  γ : 𝟏[ F ] ∨[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]  𝟏[ F ]
  γ = 𝟏-left-annihilator-for-∨ F 𝟎[ F ]

𝟎-is-compact : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  is-compact-open F 𝟎[ F ] holds
𝟎-is-compact F S (∣i∣ , _) p = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop  ∣i∣
   : index S
      i  index S , (𝟎[ F ] ≤[ poset-of F ] (S [ i ])) holds
   i =  i , 𝟎-is-bottom F (S [ i ]) 



𝟎-is-well-inside-anything : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (U :  F )
                           (𝟎[ F ] ⋜[ F ] U) holds
𝟎-is-well-inside-anything F U =
 ↑↑-is-upwards-closed F  𝟎-is-clopen F  (𝟎-is-bottom F U)



well-inside-is-join-stable : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) {U₁ U₂ V :  F }
                            (U₁ ⋜[ F ] V) holds
                            (U₂ ⋜[ F ] V) holds
                            ((U₁ ∨[ F ] U₂) ⋜[ F ] V) holds
well-inside-is-join-stable F {U₁} {U₂} {V} =
 ∥∥-rec₂ (holds-is-prop ((U₁ ∨[ F ] U₂) ⋜[ F ] V)) γ
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

   γ : U₁ ⋜₀[ F ] V  U₂ ⋜₀[ F ] V  ((U₁ ∨[ F ] U₂) ⋜[ F ] V) holds
   γ (W₁ , c₁ , d₁) (W₂ , c₂ , d₂) =  (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) , c , d 
     δ : (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₂  𝟎[ F ]
     δ = (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₂  =⟨ (∧[ F ]-is-associative W₁ W₂ U₂) ⁻¹ 
         W₁ ∧[ F ] (W₂ ∧[ F ] U₂)  =⟨                                    
         W₁ ∧[ F ] (U₂ ∧[ F ] W₂)  =⟨ ap  -  meet-of F W₁ -) c₂        
         W₁ ∧[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]          =⟨ 𝟎-right-annihilator-for-∧ F W₁      
         𝟎[ F ]                    
            = ap  -  W₁ ∧[ F ] -) (∧[ F ]-is-commutative W₂ U₂)

     ε : ((W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₁)  𝟎[ F ]
     ε = (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₁  =⟨                                    
         (W₂ ∧[ F ] W₁) ∧[ F ] U₁  =⟨ (∧[ F ]-is-associative W₂ W₁ U₁) ⁻¹ 
         W₂ ∧[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] U₁)  =⟨                                    
         W₂ ∧[ F ] (U₁ ∧[ F ] W₁)  =⟨ ap  -  W₂ ∧[ F ] -) c₁           
         W₂ ∧[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]          =⟨ 𝟎-right-annihilator-for-∧ F W₂      
         𝟎[ F ]                    
            = ap  -  - ∧[ F ] U₁) (∧[ F ]-is-commutative W₁ W₂)
            = ap  -  W₂ ∧[ F ] -) (∧[ F ]-is-commutative W₁ U₁)

     c : ((U₁ ∨[ F ] U₂) ∧[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂))  𝟎[ F ]
     c = (U₁ ∨[ F ] U₂) ∧[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)                          =⟨ i    
         (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] (U₁ ∨[ F ] U₂)                          =⟨ ii   
         ((W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₁) ∨[ F ] ((W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₂)  =⟨ iii  
         ((W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₁) ∨[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]                      =⟨ iv   
         (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₁                                      =⟨ ε    
         𝟎[ F ]                                                        
           i   = ∧[ F ]-is-commutative (U₁ ∨[ F ] U₂) (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)
           ii  = binary-distributivity F (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) U₁ U₂
           iii = ap  -  ((W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₁) ∨[ F ] -) δ
           iv  = 𝟎-left-unit-of-∨ F ((W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂) ∧[ F ] U₁)

     d : V ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)  𝟏[ F ]
     d = V ∨[ F ] (W₁ ∧[ F ] W₂)            =⟨ i   
         (V ∨[ F ] W₁) ∧[ F ] (V ∨[ F ] W₂) =⟨ ii  
         𝟏[ F ] ∧[ F ] (V ∨[ F ] W₂)        =⟨ iii 
         𝟏[ F ] ∧[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]               =⟨ iv  
         𝟏[ F ] 
           i   = binary-distributivity-op F V W₁ W₂
           ii  = ap  -  - ∧[ F ] (V ∨[ F ] W₂)) d₁
           iii = ap  -  𝟏[ F ] ∧[ F ] -) d₂
           iv  = 𝟏-right-unit-of-∧ F 𝟏[ F ]



open FrameHomomorphisms
open FrameHomomorphismProperties

frame-homomorphisms-preserve-complements : (F G : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                          (h : F ─f→ G)
                                          {x x′ :  F }
                                          is-complement-of F x′ x
                                          is-complement-of G (h .pr₁ x) (h .pr₁ x′)
frame-homomorphisms-preserve-complements F G 𝒽@(h , _ , μ) {x} {x′} (φ , ψ) =  , 
   : (h x′) ∧[ G ] (h x)  𝟎[ G ]
   = h x′ ∧[ G ] h x   =⟨  
      h (x′ ∧[ F ] x)   =⟨  
      h 𝟎[ F ]          =⟨  
      𝟎[ G ]            
         = frame-homomorphisms-preserve-meets F G 𝒽 x′ x ⁻¹
         = ap h (x′ ∧[ F ] x   =⟨ ∧[ F ]-is-commutative x′ x 
                  x ∧[ F ] x′   =⟨ φ 
                  𝟎[ F ]        )
         = frame-homomorphisms-preserve-bottom F G 𝒽

   : h x′ ∨[ G ] h x  𝟏[ G ]
   = h x′ ∨[ G ] h x   =⟨  
      h (x′ ∨[ F ] x)   =⟨  
      h 𝟏[ F ]          =⟨  
      𝟏[ G ]            
         = frame-homomorphisms-preserve-binary-joins F G 𝒽 x′ x ⁻¹
         = ap h (x′ ∨[ F ] x =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative x′ x 
                  x ∨[ F ] x′ =⟨ ψ 
                  𝟏[ F ]      )
         = frame-homomorphisms-preserve-top F G 𝒽


\section{Some properties}


∨-is-scott-continuous : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                       (U :  F )
                       is-scott-continuous F F  -  U ∨[ F ] -) holds
∨-is-scott-continuous F U S dir = β , γ
  open PosetNotation  (poset-of F) using (_≤_)
  open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)
  open Joins _≤_

  β : ((U ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S)) is-an-upper-bound-of  U ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S ) holds
  β i = ∨[ F ]-right-monotone (⋁[ F ]-upper S i)

  γ : ( (U′ , _)  upper-bound  U ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S  ,
        ((U ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S))  U′)) holds
  γ (u′ , p) = ∨[ F ]-least γ₁ γ₂
    δ₁ : index S  (U  u′) holds
    δ₁ i = U                  ≤⟨ ∨[ F ]-upper₁ U (S [ i ]) 
           U ∨[ F ] (S [ i ]) ≤⟨ p i                       

    γ₁ : (U ≤[ poset-of F ] u′) holds
    γ₁ = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (U ≤[ poset-of F ] u′)) δ₁ (pr₁ dir)

    γ₂ : ((⋁[ F ] S) ≤[ poset-of F ] u′) holds
    γ₂ = ⋁[ F ]-least S (u′ , δ₂)
      δ₂ : (u′ is-an-upper-bound-of S) holds
      δ₂ i = S [ i ]                         ≤⟨ ∨[ F ]-upper₂ U (S [ i ]) 
             U ∨[ F ] (S [ i ])              ≤⟨ p i                       

∨-is-scott-continuous-eq : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                          (U :  F )
                          (S : Fam 𝓦  F )
                          (is-directed (poset-of F) S) holds
                          U ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S)  ⋁[ F ]  U ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S 
∨-is-scott-continuous-eq F U S dir =
 ⋁[ F ]-unique  U ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S  (U ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S)) (γ , δ)
   γ = pr₁ ((∨-is-scott-continuous F U) S dir)
   δ = pr₂ ((∨-is-scott-continuous F U) S dir)

∨-is-scott-continuous-eq′ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                           (U :  F )
                           (S : Fam 𝓦  F )
                           (is-directed (poset-of F) S) holds
                           (⋁[ F ] S) ∨[ F ] U  ⋁[ F ]  Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S 
∨-is-scott-continuous-eq′ F U S δ =
 (⋁[ F ] S) ∨[ F ] U             =⟨  
 U ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S)             =⟨  
 ⋁[ F ]  U ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S  =⟨  
 ⋁[ F ]  Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S  
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

    : cofinal-in F  U ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S   Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S  holds
    i =  i , (U ∨[ F ] (S [ i ]) =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative U (S [ i ]) ⟩ₚ
                S [ i ] ∨[ F ] U   ) 

    : cofinal-in F  Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S   U ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S  holds
    i =  i , (S [ i ] ∨[ F ] U   =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative (S [ i ]) U ⟩ₚ
                U ∨[ F ] (S [ i ]) ) 

    = ∨[ F ]-is-commutative (⋁[ F ] S) U
    = ∨-is-scott-continuous-eq F U S δ
    = bicofinal-implies-same-join F _ _  

∨-is-scott-continuous′ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                        (U :  F )
                        is-scott-continuous F F  -  - ∨[ F ] U) holds
∨-is-scott-continuous′ F U S δ =
 transport  -  (- is-lub-of  Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S ) holds) ( ⁻¹) 
   open Joins  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)

    : (⋁[ F ] S) ∨[ F ] U  ⋁[ F ]  Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S 
    = ∨-is-scott-continuous-eq′ F U S δ

    = ⋁[ F ]-upper  Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S 
     , ⋁[ F ]-least  Sᵢ ∨[ F ] U  Sᵢ ε S 

⋜₀-implies-≪-in-compact-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                is-compact F holds
                                (U V :  F )
                                U ⋜₀[ F ] V
                                (U ≪[ F ] V) holds
⋜₀-implies-≪-in-compact-frames {𝓦 = 𝓦} F κ U V (W , c₁ , c₂) S d q =
 ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop θ ζ
   open PosetNotation  (poset-of F)
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

   T : Fam 𝓦  F 
   T =  W ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S 

   δ : (𝟏[ F ]  (⋁[ F ] T)) holds
   δ = 𝟏[ F ]                           =⟨ c₂ ⁻¹                              ⟩ₚ
       V ∨[ F ] W                       ≤⟨ ∨[ F ]-left-monotone q             
       (⋁[ F ] S) ∨[ F ] W              =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative (⋁[ F ] S) W ⟩ₚ
       W ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S)              =⟨ ∨-is-scott-continuous-eq F W S d   ⟩ₚ
       ⋁[ F ]  W ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S   

   ε : ((W ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S))  (⋁[ F ] T)) holds
   ε = W ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S)              ≤⟨ 𝟏-is-top F (W ∨[ F ] (⋁[ F ] S)) 
       𝟏[ F ]                           ≤⟨ δ                                
       ⋁[ F ]  W ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S   


The family `T` we defined is also directed by the directedness of `S`.


   up : ( i ,  j ,
           Ǝ k , (T [ i ]  T [ k ]) holds × (T [ j ]  T [ k ]) holds) holds
   up i j = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop r (pr₂ d i j)
     r  = λ (k , p , q)   k , ∨[ F ]-right-monotone p , ∨[ F ]-right-monotone q 



   T-is-directed : (is-directed (poset-of F)  W ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S ) holds
   T-is-directed = pr₁ d , up

   ζ :  Σ i  index S , (𝟏[ F ]  (W ∨[ F ] (S [ i ]))) holds 
   ζ = κ  W ∨[ F ] Sᵢ  Sᵢ ε S  T-is-directed δ

   θ : Σ i  index S , (𝟏[ F ]  (W ∨[ F ] S [ i ])) holds
       i  index S , (U  S [ i ]) holds
   θ (i , p) =  i , well-inside-implies-below F U (S [ i ])  W , c₁ , ι  
     η = 𝟏[ F ]              ≤⟨ p                                 
         W ∨[ F ] (S [ i ])  =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative W (S [ i ]) ⟩ₚ
         (S [ i ]) ∨[ F ] W  

     ι = only-𝟏-is-above-𝟏 F ((S [ i ]) ∨[ F ] W) η

⋜-implies-≪-in-compact-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                               is-compact F holds
                               (U V :  F )  (U ⋜[ F ] V  U ≪[ F ] V) holds
⋜-implies-≪-in-compact-frames F κ U V =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (U ≪[ F ] V)) (⋜₀-implies-≪-in-compact-frames F κ U V)

clopens-are-compact-in-compact-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                       is-compact F holds
                                       (U :  F )
                                       is-clopen F U holds
                                       is-compact-open F U holds
clopens-are-compact-in-compact-frames F κ U =
 ⋜₀-implies-≪-in-compact-frames F κ  U U



We would like to be able to express regularity using `↓↓` defined as:


↓↓[_] : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F   Fam 𝓤  F 
↓↓[ F ] U = (Σ V   F  , (V ⋜[ F ] U) holds) , pr₁


but there are size problems with this. Therefore, we define regularity as


is-regular₀ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 ) ̇
is-regular₀ {𝓤 = 𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} F =
  open Joins  U V  U ≤[ poset-of F ] V)

  P : Fam 𝓦  F   𝓤  𝓥  𝓦  ̇
  P  = Π U   F  ,
         Σ J  Fam 𝓦 (index ) ,
            (U is-lub-of   [ j ]  j ε J ) holds
          × (Π i  index J , ( [ J [ i ] ] ⋜[ F ] U) holds)
  Σ   Fam 𝓦  F  , P 



is-regular : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
is-regular {𝓤 = 𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} F =  is-regular₀ F ∥Ω


Even though this definition is a bit more convenient to work with, it simply
asserts the existence of a regular basis i.e. a basis in which every open in a
basic covering family for some open `U` is well inside `U`.


is-regular-basis : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                  ( : Fam 𝓦  F )  (β : is-basis-for F )  Ω (𝓤  𝓦)
is-regular-basis F  β =
  U   F  , let 𝒥 = pr₁ (β U) in  j  (index 𝒥) ,  [ 𝒥 [ j ] ] ⋜[ F ] U


A projection for easily referring to the basis of a regular frame:


basisᵣ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
        (is-regular F  has-basis F) holds
basisᵣ F r = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (has-basis F)) γ r
  γ : is-regular₀ F  has-basis F holds
  γ ( , δ)=   ,  U  pr₁ (δ U) , pr₁ (pr₂ (δ U))) 


When we directify the basis of a regular frame, the directified basis is also


directification-preserves-regularity : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                      ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                                      (β : is-basis-for F )
                                      is-regular-basis F  β holds
                                        ℬ↑ = directify F 
                                        β↑ = directified-basis-is-basis F  β
                                        is-regular-basis F ℬ↑ β↑ holds
directification-preserves-regularity F  β r U = γ
  ℬ↑ = directify F 
  β↑ = directified-basis-is-basis F  β

  𝒥  = pr₁ (β U)
  𝒥↑ = pr₁ (β↑ U)

  γ : ( js  index 𝒥↑ , ℬ↑ [ 𝒥↑ [ js ] ] ⋜[ F ] U) holds
  γ []       = 𝟎-is-well-inside-anything F U
  γ (j  js) = well-inside-is-join-stable F (r U j) (γ js)


This gives us that covering families in a regular frame are directed from
which the result we are interested in follows:


≪-implies-⋜-in-regular-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                               (is-regular F) holds
                               (U V :  F )
                               (U ≪[ F ] V  U ⋜[ F ] V) holds
≪-implies-⋜-in-regular-frames {𝓦 = 𝓦} F r U V =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (U ≪[ F ] V  U ⋜[ F ] V)) γ r
   γ : is-regular₀ F  (U ≪[ F ] V  U ⋜[ F ] V) holds
   γ ( , δ) κ = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (U ⋜[ F ] V)) ζ (κ S ε c)
     ℬ↑ : Fam 𝓦  F 
     ℬ↑ = directify F 

     β : is-basis-for F 
     β U = pr₁ (δ U) , pr₁ (pr₂ (δ U))

     β↑ : is-basis-for F ℬ↑
     β↑ = directified-basis-is-basis F  β

     ρ : is-regular-basis F  β holds
     ρ U = pr₂ (pr₂ (δ U))

     ρ↑ : is-regular-basis F ℬ↑ β↑ holds
     ρ↑ = directification-preserves-regularity F  β ρ

     𝒥 : Fam 𝓦 (index ℬ↑)
     𝒥 = pr₁ (β↑ V)

     S : Fam 𝓦  F 
     S =  ℬ↑ [ i ]  i ε 𝒥 

     ε : is-directed (poset-of F) S holds
     ε = covers-of-directified-basis-are-directed F  β V

     c : (V ≤[ poset-of F ] (⋁[ F ] S)) holds
     c = reflexivity+ (poset-of F) (⋁[ F ]-unique S V (pr₂ (β↑ V)))

     ζ : Σ k  index S , (U ≤[ poset-of F ] (S [ k ])) holds  (U ⋜[ F ] V) holds
     ζ (k , q) = ↓↓-is-downwards-closed F (ρ↑ V k) q



compacts-are-clopen-in-regular-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                       is-regular F holds
                                       ( U   F  ,
                                          is-compact-open F U  is-clopen F U) holds
compacts-are-clopen-in-regular-frames F r U =
 well-inside-itself-implies-clopen F U  ≪-implies-⋜-in-regular-frames F r U U



A locale L is said to be zero-dimensional iff it has a basis consisting of
clopen elements.


consists-of-clopens : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  (S : Fam 𝓦  F )  Ω (𝓤  𝓦)
consists-of-clopens F S =  i  index S , is-clopen F (S [ i ])

zero-dimensionalᴰ : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦  (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 ) ̇
zero-dimensionalᴰ {𝓦 = 𝓦} F =
 Σ   Fam 𝓦  F  , is-directed-basis F 
                   × consists-of-clopens F  holds

basis-of-zero-dimensionalᴰ-frame : (L : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                  zero-dimensionalᴰ L
                                  Σ   Fam 𝓦  L  , is-basis-for L 
basis-of-zero-dimensionalᴰ-frame L ( , (β , _) , _) =  , β

is-zero-dimensional : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦  Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
is-zero-dimensional {𝓦 = 𝓦} F =  zero-dimensionalᴰ F ∥Ω

basis-of-zero-dimensional-frame : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                 (is-zero-dimensional F  has-basis F) holds
basis-of-zero-dimensional-frame F =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (has-basis F)) λ { ( , (δ , _) , _)    , δ }



clopens-are-closed-under-∨ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (x y :  F )
                            (is-clopen F x
                             is-clopen F y
                             is-clopen F (x ∨[ F ] y)) holds
clopens-are-closed-under-∨ F x y (x′ , ϡ₁ , ϟ₁) (y′ , ϡ₂ , ϟ₂) =
 (x′ ∧[ F ] y′) ,  , 
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

   †₁ : (((x ∨[ F ] y) ∧[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′)) ≤[ poset-of F ] 𝟎[ F ]) holds
   †₁ =
    (x ∨[ F ] y) ∧[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′)                         =⟨  ⟩ₚ
    (x ∧[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′)) ∨[ F ] (y ∧[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′)) ≤⟨  
    (x ∧[ F ] x′) ∨[ F ] (y ∧[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′))             ≤⟨  
    (x ∧[ F ] x′) ∨[ F ] (y ∧[ F ] y′)                         ≤⟨  
    𝟎[ F ] ∨[ F ] (y ∧[ F ] y′)                                ≤⟨  
    𝟎[ F ] ∨[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]                                       =⟨  ⟩ₚ
    𝟎[ F ]                                                     
       = binary-distributivity-right F
       = ∨[ F ]-left-monotone  (∧[ F ]-right-monotone (∧[ F ]-lower₁ x′ y′))
       = ∨[ F ]-right-monotone (∧[ F ]-right-monotone (∧[ F ]-lower₂ x′ y′))
       = ∨[ F ]-left-monotone  (reflexivity+ (poset-of F) ϡ₁)
       = ∨[ F ]-right-monotone (reflexivity+ (poset-of F) ϡ₂)
       = ∨[ F ]-is-idempotent 𝟎[ F ] ⁻¹

    : (x ∨[ F ] y) ∧[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′)  𝟎[ F ]
    = only-𝟎-is-below-𝟎 F _ †₁

   ‡₁ : (𝟏[ F ] ≤[ poset-of F ] ((x ∨[ F ] y) ∨[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′))) holds
   ‡₁ =
    𝟏[ F ]                                                      =⟨  ⟩ₚ
    𝟏[ F ] ∧[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]                                        ≤⟨  
    (x ∨[ F ] x′) ∧[ F ] 𝟏[ F ]                                 ≤⟨  
    (x ∨[ F ] x′) ∧[ F ] (y ∨[ F ] y′)                          ≤⟨  
    ((x ∨[ F ] y ) ∨[ F ] x′)∧[ F ] (y ∨[ F ] y′)               ≤⟨  
    ((x ∨[ F ] y ) ∨[ F ] x′) ∧[ F ] ((x ∨[ F ] y ) ∨[ F ] y′)  =⟨  ⟩ₚ
    (x ∨[ F ] y) ∨[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′)                          
       = ∧[ F ]-is-idempotent 𝟏[ F ]
       = ∧[ F ]-left-monotone  (reflexivity+ (poset-of F) (ϟ₁ ⁻¹))
       = ∧[ F ]-right-monotone (reflexivity+ (poset-of F) (ϟ₂ ⁻¹))
       = ∧[ F ]-left-monotone (∨[ F ]-left-monotone (∨[ F ]-upper₁ x y))
       = ∧[ F ]-right-monotone (∨[ F ]-left-monotone (∨[ F ]-upper₂ x y))
       = binary-distributivity-op F (x ∨[ F ] y) x′ y′ ⁻¹

    : (x ∨[ F ] y) ∨[ F ] (x′ ∧[ F ] y′)  𝟏[ F ]
    = only-𝟏-is-above-𝟏 F _ ‡₁

clopens-are-closed-under-∧ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (x y :  F )
                            (is-clopen F x
                             is-clopen F y
                             is-clopen F (x ∧[ F ] y)) holds
clopens-are-closed-under-∧ F x y ϟ₁@(x′ , φ₁ , φ₂) ϟ₂@(y′ , ψ₁ , ψ₂) = (x′ ∨[ F ] y′) , 
  ϡ₁ : is-boolean-complement-of F x x′ holds
  ϡ₁ = (x′ ∧[ F ] x =⟨ ∧[ F ]-is-commutative x′ x  x ∧[ F ] x′ =⟨ φ₁  𝟎[ F ] )
     , (x′ ∨[ F ] x =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative x′ x  x ∨[ F ] x′ =⟨ φ₂  𝟏[ F ] )

  ϡ₂ : is-boolean-complement-of F y y′ holds
  ϡ₂ = (y′ ∧[ F ] y =⟨ ∧[ F ]-is-commutative y′ y  y ∧[ F ] y′ =⟨ ψ₁  𝟎[ F ] )
     , (y′ ∨[ F ] y =⟨ ∨[ F ]-is-commutative y′ y  y ∨[ F ] y′ =⟨ ψ₂  𝟏[ F ] )

   : is-boolean-complement-of F (x′ ∨[ F ] y′) (x ∧[ F ] y) holds
   = ∧-complement F ϡ₁ ϡ₂

directification-preserves-clopenness : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                      ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                                      (consists-of-clopens F 
                                      consists-of-clopens F (directify F ))
directification-preserves-clopenness F  ξ []       = 𝟎-is-clopen F
directification-preserves-clopenness F  ξ (i  is) =
 clopens-are-closed-under-∨ F ( [ i ]) (directify F  [ is ]) (ξ i) ℐℋ
    ℐℋ : is-clopen F (directify F  [ is ]) holds
    ℐℋ = directification-preserves-clopenness F  ξ is


Every zero-dimensional locale is regular.


zero-dimensional-locales-are-regular : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                      is-zero-dimensional F holds
                                      is-regular F holds
zero-dimensional-locales-are-regular {𝓦 = 𝓦} F =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (is-regular F)) γ
   open Joins  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)

   γ : zero-dimensionalᴰ F  is-regular F holds
   γ ( , β , ξ) =   , δ 
     δ : Π U   F  ,
          Σ J  Fam 𝓦 (index ) ,
             (U is-lub-of (fmap-syntax (_[_] ) J)) holds
           × (Π i  index J , ( [ J [ i ] ] ⋜[ F ] U) holds)
     δ U = 𝒥 , c , ε
       𝒥 = pr₁ (pr₁ β U)

       c : (U is-lub-of   [ j ]  j ε 𝒥 ) holds
       c = pr₂ (pr₁ β U)

       ε : Π i  index 𝒥 , ( [ 𝒥 [ i ] ] ⋜[ F ] U) holds
       ε i = ↑↑-is-upwards-closed F  ξ (𝒥 [ i ])  (pr₁ c i)
         η : (( [ 𝒥 [ i ] ]) ≤[ poset-of F ] ( [ 𝒥 [ i ] ])) holds
         η = ≤-is-reflexive (poset-of F) ( [ 𝒥 [ i ] ])

compacts-are-clopen-in-zero-dimensional-locales : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                                 is-zero-dimensional F holds
                                                 (C :  F )
                                                 is-compact-open F C holds
                                                 is-clopen F C holds
compacts-are-clopen-in-zero-dimensional-locales F =
 compacts-are-clopen-in-regular-frames F  zero-dimensional-locales-are-regular F


\section{Stone Locales}

A frame F is called Stone iff it is compact and zero-dimensional.


is-stone : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
is-stone F = is-compact F  is-zero-dimensional F


In a Stone locale, an open is a clopen iff it is compact.


clopen-iff-compact-in-stone-frame : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                   is-stone F holds
                                   (U :  F )
                                   (is-clopen F U holds)
                                   (is-compact-open F U holds)
clopen-iff-compact-in-stone-frame F (κ , ζ) U = β , γ
  β : (is-clopen F U  is-compact-open F U) holds
  β = clopens-are-compact-in-compact-frames F κ U

  ρ : is-regular F holds
  ρ = zero-dimensional-locales-are-regular F ζ

  γ : (is-compact-open F U  is-clopen F U) holds
  γ = compacts-are-clopen-in-regular-frames F ρ U




contains-top : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  Fam 𝓦  F   Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦)
contains-top F U = Ǝ t  index U , is-top F (U [ t ]) holds

closed-under-binary-meets : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  Fam 𝓦  F   Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦)
closed-under-binary-meets F 𝒮 =
  i  index 𝒮 ,  j  index 𝒮 ,
  Ǝ k  index 𝒮 , ((𝒮 [ k ]) is-glb-of (𝒮 [ i ] , 𝒮 [ j ])) holds
    open Meets  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)

closed-under-finite-meets : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  Fam 𝓦  F   Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦)
closed-under-finite-meets F S = contains-top F S  closed-under-binary-meets F S

consists-of-compact-opens : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  Fam 𝓦  F   Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
consists-of-compact-opens F U =  i  index U , is-compact-open F (U [ i ])


We now define the notion of spectrality. Note that closure under finite joins is
not an essential part of the definition. However, it can be assumed *without
loss of generality* and we assume it in the definition for the sake of


spectralᴰ : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦  (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 ) ̇
spectralᴰ {𝓤 = 𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} F =
 Σ   Fam 𝓦  F  , is-directed-basis F 
                   × consists-of-compact-opens F  holds
                   × closed-under-finite-meets F  holds

basisₛ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  spectralᴰ F  Fam 𝓦  F 
basisₛ F ( , _) = 

is-spectral : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦  Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
is-spectral F =  spectralᴰ F ∥Ω

spectral-frames-have-bases : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                            (is-spectral F  has-basis F) holds
spectral-frames-have-bases F σ = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop γ σ
  γ : spectralᴰ F   Σ   Fam _  F  , is-basis-for F  
  γ ( , p) =   , pr₁ (pr₁ p) 

finite-meet : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  ( : Fam 𝓦  F )  List (index )   F 
finite-meet F  []       = 𝟏[ F ]
finite-meet F  (i  is) =  [ i ] ∧[ F ] finite-meet F  is

coherence-list : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                closed-under-finite-meets F  holds
                (is : List (index ))
                 Σ k  index  ,  [ k ]  finite-meet F  is 
coherence-list F  (φ , ψ) []       = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop  φ
   : Σ t  index  , is-top F ( [ t ]) holds
      Σ k  index  ,  [ k ]  finite-meet F  [] 
   (t , τ) =  t , 𝟏-is-unique F ( [ t ]) τ 
coherence-list F  (φ , ψ) (i  is) = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop  ih
  open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)
  open Meets  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)

  ih :  Σ k  index  ,  [ k ]  finite-meet F  is 
  ih = coherence-list F  (φ , ψ) is

   : Σ k  index  ,  [ k ]  finite-meet F  is
      Σ k  index  ,  [ k ]  finite-meet F  (i  is) 
   (k , p) = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop  (ψ i k)
     : _
     (j , ξ , r) =  j , ∧[ F ]-unique (β , γ) 
      β : (( [ j ]) is-a-lower-bound-of ( [ i ] , finite-meet F  is)) holds
      β = transport  -  (( [ j ]) is-a-lower-bound-of ( [ i ] , -)) holds) p ξ

      γ : ( (l , _)  lower-bound ( [ i ] , finite-meet F  is) ,
            l ≤[ poset-of F ] ( [ j ])) holds
      γ (l , ζ) = l                                  ≤⟨  
                   [ i ] ∧[ F ] finite-meet F  is  =⟨  ⟩ₚ
                   [ i ] ∧[ F ]  [ k ]             =⟨  ⟩ₚ
                   [ j ]                            
                     = uncurry (∧[ F ]-greatest ( [ i ]) (finite-meet F  is) l) ζ
                     = ap  -  meet-of F ( [ i ]) -) (p ⁻¹)
                     = (∧[ F ]-unique (ξ , r)) ⁻¹


\section{Spectral maps}


is-spectral-map : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓥) (G : Frame 𝓤' 𝓥 𝓥)
                 (F ─f→ G)  Ω (𝓤  𝓤'  𝓥 )
is-spectral-map F G (f , _) =
  x   F  , is-compact-open F x   is-compact-open G (f x)


-- directification-preserves-coherence : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
--                                     → (ℬ : Fam 𝓦 ⟨ F ⟩)
--                                     → (σ : closed-under-finite-meets F ℬ holds)
--                                     → closed-under-finite-meets F (directify F ℬ) holds
-- directification-preserves-coherence F ℬ c@(τ , σ) = β , γ
--  where
--   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)
--   open Meets (λ x y → x ≤[ poset-of F ] y) hiding (is-top)

--   β : contains-top F (directify F ℬ) holds
--   β = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (contains-top F (directify F ℬ))) † τ
--        where
--         † : Σ t ꞉ index ℬ , is-top F (ℬ [ t ]) holds
--           → contains-top F (directify F ℬ) holds
--         † (t , p) = ∣ (t ∷ []) , transport (λ - → is-top F - holds) (‡ ⁻¹) p ∣
--          where
--           ‡ : directify F ℬ [ t ∷ [] ] = ℬ [ t ]
--           ‡ = ℬ [ t ] ∨[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]  =⟨ 𝟎-left-unit-of-∨ F (ℬ [ t ]) ⟩
--               ℬ [ t ]                ∎

--   γ : closed-under-binary-meets F (directify F ℬ) holds
--   γ is js = ∥∥-rec₂ ∥∥-is-prop δ (coherence-list F ℬ c is) (coherence-list F ℬ c is)
--    where
--     δ : (Σ m ꞉ index ℬ , ℬ [ m ] = finite-meet F ℬ is)
--       → (Σ n ꞉ index ℬ , ℬ [ n ] = finite-meet F ℬ is)
--       → ∥ Σ ks ꞉ index (directify F ℬ) ,
--            ((directify F ℬ [ ks ]) is-glb-of (directify F ℬ [ is ] , directify F ℬ [ js ])) holds ∥
--     δ (m , μ) (n , ν) = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop ϵ (σ m n )
--      where
--       ϵ : Sigma (index ℬ) (λ k → ((ℬ [ k ]) is-glb-of (ℬ [ m ] , ℬ [ n ])) holds)
--         → ∥ Sigma
--              (index (directify F ℬ))
--              (λ ks → ((directify F ℬ [ ks ]) is-glb-of (directify F ℬ [ is ] , directify F ℬ [ js ])) holds) ∥
--       ϵ (k , ξ) = ∣ (k ∷ []) , (ζ₁ , ζ₂) , θ ∣
--        where
--         ζ₁ : ((directify F ℬ [ k ∷ [] ]) ≤[ poset-of F ] (directify F ℬ [ is ])) holds
--         ζ₁ = ℬ [ k ] ∨[ F ] 𝟎[ F ]                             ≤⟨ {!!} ⟩
--              ℬ [ k ]                                           ≤⟨ {!!} ⟩
--              ℬ [ m ] ∧[ F ] ℬ [ n ]                            ≤⟨ {!!} ⟩
--              (finite-meet F ℬ is) ∧[ F ] (finite-meet F ℬ js)  ≤⟨ {!!} ⟩
--              finite-meet F ℬ is                                ≤⟨ {!!} ⟩
--              directify F ℬ [ is ]                              ■

--         ζ₂ : {!!}
--         ζ₂ = {!!}

--         θ : {!!}
--         θ = {!!}



compact-rel-syntax : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)   F    F   Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦 )
compact-rel-syntax F U V =
  W   F  , is-compact-open F W  W ≤[ poset-of F ] U  W ≤[ poset-of F ] V

syntax compact-rel-syntax F U V = U ≤ₖ[ F ] V

spectral-yoneda : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                 is-spectral F holds
                 (U V :  F )
                 (U ≤ₖ[ F ] V  U ≤[ poset-of F ] V) holds
spectral-yoneda {𝓦 = 𝓦} F σ U V χ =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (U ≤[ poset-of F ] V)) γ σ
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)
   open Joins  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)
   open JoinNotation  -  ⋁[ F ] -)

   γ : spectralᴰ F  (U ≤[ poset-of F ] V) holds
   γ ( , υ , φ , ψ) =
    U                            =⟨ I  ⟩ₚ
    ⋁[ F ]   [ i ]  i ε     ≤⟨ ii 
      : Fam 𝓦 (index )
      = covering-index-family F  (pr₁ υ) U

     I : U  ⋁[ F ]   [ i ]  i ε  
     I = ⋁[ F ]-unique   [ i ]  i ε   U (pr₂ (pr₁ υ U))

     ϑ : (i : index )  (( [  [ i ] ]) ≤[ poset-of F ] U) holds
     ϑ i =  [  [ i ] ]               ≤⟨ ⋁[ F ]-upper   [ i ]  i ε   i 
           ⋁[ F ]   [ i ]  i ε    =⟨ I ⁻¹                               ⟩ₚ

     ξ : (V is-an-upper-bound-of   [ i ]  i ε  ) holds
     ξ i = χ ( [  [ i ] ]) (φ ( [ i ])) (ϑ i)

     ii : ((⋁[ F ]   [ i ]  i ε  ) ≤[ poset-of F ] V) holds
     ii = ⋁[ F ]-least   [ i ]  i ε   (V , ξ)



open Locale

module PerfectMaps (X : Locale 𝓤 𝓥 𝓥) (Y : Locale 𝓤' 𝓥 𝓥)
                                      (𝒷 : has-basis (𝒪 Y) holds) where

 open AdjointFunctorTheorem pt fe X Y 𝒷
 open ContinuousMapNotation X Y


A continuous map `f : X → Y` is called *perfect* if its right adjoint is


 open ContinuousMaps

 is-perfect-map : (X ─c→ Y)  Ω (𝓤  𝓤'  𝓥 )
 is-perfect-map f = is-scott-continuous (𝒪 X) (𝒪 Y) (pr₁ (right-adjoint-of f))



 perfect-preserves-way-below : (𝒻 : X ─c→ Y)
                              is-perfect-map 𝒻 holds
                              (U V :  𝒪 Y )
                              (U ≪[ 𝒪 Y ] V) holds
                              (𝒻 ⋆∙ U ≪[ 𝒪 X ] 𝒻 ⋆∙ V) holds
 perfect-preserves-way-below f φ U V ϑ S δ p = γ
   open GaloisConnectionBetween (poset-of (𝒪 Y)) (poset-of (𝒪 X))
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of (𝒪 Y))

   T : Fam 𝓥  𝒪 Y 
   T =  f ⁎· V  V ε S 

   ζ₁ : (V ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] (f ⁎· (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S))) holds
   ζ₁ = adjunction-inequality-forward f (join-of (𝒪 X) S) V p

   ζ₂ : (V ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] (⋁[ 𝒪 Y ]  f ⁎· V  V ε S )) holds
   ζ₂ = V                             ≤⟨ ζ₁ 
        f ⁎· (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S)             =⟨   ⟩ₚ
        ⋁[ 𝒪 Y ]  f ⁎· V  V ε S    
           = scott-continuous-join-eq (𝒪 X) (𝒪 Y) (f ⁎·_) φ S δ

   T-is-directed : is-directed (poset-of (𝒪 Y)) T holds
   T-is-directed =
    monotone-image-on-directed-family-is-directed (𝒪 X) (𝒪 Y) S δ (f ⁎·_) μ
      μ : is-monotonic (poset-of (𝒪 X)) (poset-of (𝒪 Y)) (f ⁎·_) holds
      μ = pr₂ (right-adjoint-of f)

   γ : (Ǝ k  index S , ((f ⋆∙ U) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (S [ k ])) holds) holds
   γ = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop ϵ (ϑ T T-is-directed ζ₂)
     ϵ : _
     ϵ (k , q) =  k ,  
        : ((f ⋆∙ U) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (S [ k ])) holds
        = adjunction-inequality-backward f (S [ k ]) U q

 compact-codomain-of-perfect-map-implies-compact-domain : (𝒻 : X ─c→ Y)
                                                         is-perfect-map 𝒻 holds
                                                         is-compact (𝒪 Y) holds
                                                         is-compact (𝒪 X) holds
 compact-codomain-of-perfect-map-implies-compact-domain 𝒻@(f , φ , _) p κ = γ
   β : (f 𝟏[ 𝒪 Y ] ≪[ 𝒪 X ] f 𝟏[ 𝒪 Y ]) holds
   β = perfect-preserves-way-below 𝒻 p 𝟏[ 𝒪 Y ] 𝟏[ 𝒪 Y ] κ

   γ : (𝟏[ 𝒪 X ] ≪[ 𝒪 X ] 𝟏[ 𝒪 X ]) holds
   γ = transport  -  (- ≪[ 𝒪 X ] -) holds) φ β

 perfect-maps-are-spectral : (f : X ─c→ Y)
                           (is-perfect-map f  is-spectral-map (𝒪 Y) (𝒪 X) f) holds
 perfect-maps-are-spectral 𝒻@(f , _) φ U κ = perfect-preserves-way-below 𝒻 φ U U κ

 spectral-maps-are-perfect : (f : X ─c→ Y)
                            is-spectral (𝒪 Y) holds
                            (is-spectral-map (𝒪 Y) (𝒪 X) f  is-perfect-map f) holds
 spectral-maps-are-perfect f 𝕤 σ S δ =  , 
   open Joins  U V  U ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] V)
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of (𝒪 Y))

   f⁺ : 𝒪 Y ─f→ 𝒪 X
   f⁺ = f

   f₊ :  𝒪 X    𝒪 Y 
   f₊ = right-adjoint-of f⁺ .pr₁

   f₊-is-monotone : is-monotonic (poset-of (𝒪 X)) (poset-of (𝒪 Y)) f₊ holds
   f₊-is-monotone = right-adjoint-of f⁺ .pr₂

    : (f₊ (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S) is-an-upper-bound-of  f₊ V  V ε S ) holds
    i = f₊ (S [ i ]) ≤⟨   f₊ (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S) 
      = f₊-is-monotone (S [ i ] , ⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S) (⋁[ 𝒪 X ]-upper S i)

    : ((W , _) : upper-bound  f₊ V  V ε S )
      (f₊ (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] W) holds
    (W , p) = spectral-yoneda (𝒪 Y) 𝕤 (f₊ (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S)) W 
      : (C :  𝒪 Y )
        is-compact-open (𝒪 Y) C holds
        (C ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] (f₊ (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S))) holds
        (C ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] W) holds
      C κ q = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (C ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] W)) γ (κ′ S δ β)
       κ′ : is-compact-open (𝒪 X) (f ⋆∙ C) holds
       κ′ = σ C κ

       β : (f ⋆∙ C ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S)) holds
       β = adjunction-inequality-backward f⁺ (⋁[ 𝒪 X ] S) C q

       γ : (Σ i  index S , (f ⋆∙ C ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] S [ i ]) holds)
          (C ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 Y) ] W) holds
       γ (i , r) = C ≤⟨   f₊ (S [ i ]) ≤⟨   W 
          = adjunction-inequality-forward f (S [ i ]) C r
          = p i



compact-opens-are-basic-in-compact-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                           ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                                           is-directed-basis F 
                                           is-compact F holds
                                           (x :  F )
                                           is-compact-open F x holds
                                            Σ i  index  , x   [ i ] 
compact-opens-are-basic-in-compact-frames F  β _ x ϟ  =
 ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop  (ϟ   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  ð γ)
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

   β₀ : is-basis-for F 
   β₀ = pr₁ β

   𝒥 = covering-index-family F  β₀ x

   ð : is-directed (poset-of F)   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  holds
   ð = pr₂ β x

   γ : (x ≤[ poset-of F ] (⋁[ F ]   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥 )) holds
   γ = reflexivity+ (poset-of F) (covers F  β₀ x)

    : Σ i  index 𝒥 , (x ≤[ poset-of F ] ( [ 𝒥 [ i ] ])) holds
       Σ i  index  , x   [ i ] 
    (i , p) =  𝒥 [ i ] , ≤-is-antisymmetric (poset-of F) p q 
     q : (( [ 𝒥 [ i ] ]) ≤[ poset-of F ] x) holds
     q =  [ 𝒥 [ i ] ]              ≤⟨ ⋁[ F ]-upper   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  i 
         ⋁[ F ]   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  =⟨ covers F  β₀ x ⁻¹                ⟩ₚ



module BasicComplements (L : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (𝕜 : is-compact L holds) (zᴰ : zero-dimensionalᴰ L) where

   : Fam 𝓦  L 
   = pr₁ zᴰ

 ¬ₓ_ : Σ c   L  , is-compact-open L c holds   L 
 ¬ₓ_ (c , κ) = k
   k :  L 
   k = pr₁ (pr₂ (clopen-iff-compact-in-stone-frame L (𝕜 ,  zᴰ  ) c) κ)

 ¬ₓ-gives-complement : (c :  L )
                      (κ : is-compact-open L c holds)
                      is-complement-of L (¬ₓ (c , κ)) c
 ¬ₓ-gives-complement c κ =
  pr₂ (pr₂ (clopen-iff-compact-in-stone-frame L (𝕜 ,  zᴰ  ) c) κ)



spectral-implies-compact : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)  (is-spectral F  is-compact F) holds
spectral-implies-compact F σ = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (is-compact F)) γ σ
  γ : spectralᴰ F  is-compact F holds
  γ ( , _ , (ψ , (p , _))) = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (is-compact F)) β p
    β : Σ t  index  , is-top F ( [ t ]) holds
       is-compact F holds
    β (t , φ) = transport  -  is-compact-open F - holds) δ (ψ t)
      δ :  [ t ]  𝟏[ F ]
      δ = only-𝟏-is-above-𝟏 F ( [ t ]) (φ 𝟏[ F ])

clopens-are-basic-in-stone-locales : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                    is-stone F holds
                                    ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                                    is-directed-basis F 
                                    (x :  F )
                                    is-clopen F x holds
                                     Σ i  index  , x   [ i ] 
clopens-are-basic-in-stone-locales F (κ , _)  δ x ζ =
 compact-opens-are-basic-in-compact-frames F  δ κ x 
    : is-compact-open F x holds
    = clopens-are-compact-in-compact-frames F κ x ζ

compacts-are-basic-in-spectralᴰ-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                        (σ : spectralᴰ F)
                                        (U :  F )
                                        is-compact-open F U holds
                                            = basisₛ F σ
                                          I  = index 
                                           Σ i  I , U   [ i ] 
compacts-are-basic-in-spectralᴰ-frames {𝓦 = 𝓦} F σ@(_ , β , _) U κ =
 compact-opens-are-basic-in-compact-frames F (basisₛ F σ) β  U κ
    = spectral-implies-compact F  σ 


Stone locales are spectral.


stone-locales-are-spectral : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                            (is-stone F  is-spectral F) holds
stone-locales-are-spectral F σ@(κ , ζ) =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (is-spectral F))  ζ
   open Meets  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y) hiding (is-top)

    : zero-dimensionalᴰ F  is-spectral F holds
    ( , δ , ψ) =   , δ , ϑ ,  
     ϑ : consists-of-compact-opens F  holds
     ϑ is = pr₁ (clopen-iff-compact-in-stone-frame F σ ( [ is ])) (ψ is)

     τ :  Σ i  index  , 𝟏[ F ]   [ i ] 
     τ = compact-opens-are-basic-in-compact-frames F  δ κ 𝟏[ F ] κ

     †₁ : contains-top F  holds
     †₁ = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (contains-top F )) ‡₁ τ
       ‡₁ : (Σ i  index  , 𝟏[ F ]   [ i ])  contains-top F  holds
       ‡₁ (i , p) =  i , transport  -  is-top F - holds) p (𝟏-is-top F) 

     †₂ : closed-under-binary-meets F  holds
     †₂ i j = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop ‡₂ υ
       χ : is-clopen F ( [ i ] ∧[ F ]  [ j ]) holds
       χ = clopens-are-closed-under-∧ F ( [ i ]) ( [ j ]) (ψ i) (ψ j)

       υ :  Σ k  index  , ( [ i ]) ∧[ F ] ( [ j ])   [ k ] 
       υ = clopens-are-basic-in-stone-locales F σ  δ ( [ i ] ∧[ F ]  [ j ]) χ

       ‡₂ : (Σ k  index  , ( [ i ]) ∧[ F ] ( [ j ])   [ k ])
            Σ k  index  , (( [ k ]) is-glb-of ( [ i ] ,  [ j ])) holds 
       ‡₂ (k , p) =  k , ‡₃ 
         ρ₁ = ∧[ F ]-lower₁ ( [ i ]) ( [ j ])
         ρ₂ = ∧[ F ]-lower₂ ( [ i ]) ( [ j ])
         ρ₃ = λ { (z , p , q)  ∧[ F ]-greatest ( [ i ]) ( [ j ]) z p q}

         ‡₃ : (( [ k ]) is-glb-of ( [ i ] ,  [ j ])) holds
         ‡₃ = transport
                -  (- is-glb-of ( [ i ] ,  [ j ])) holds)
               ((ρ₁ , ρ₂) , ρ₃)

      : closed-under-finite-meets F  holds
      = †₁ , †₂



compacts-closed-under-∧-in-spectral-frames : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                            is-spectral F holds
                                            (K₁ K₂ :  F )
                                            is-compact-open F K₁ holds
                                            is-compact-open F K₂ holds
                                            is-compact-open F (K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂) holds
compacts-closed-under-∧-in-spectral-frames F σ K₁ K₂ κ₁ κ₂ = ∥∥-rec  γ σ
   open Meets  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)

    : is-prop (is-compact-open F (K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂) holds)
    = holds-is-prop (is-compact-open F (K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂))

   γ : spectralᴰ F  is-compact-open F (K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂) holds
   γ σᴰ@( , φ , Κ , _ , ψ) =
    ∥∥-rec₂ (holds-is-prop (is-compact-open F (K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂))) δ K₁b K₂b
      K₁b :  Σ i  index  , K₁   [ i ] 
      K₁b = compacts-are-basic-in-spectralᴰ-frames F σᴰ K₁ κ₁

      K₂b :  Σ k  index  , K₂   [ k ] 
      K₂b = compacts-are-basic-in-spectralᴰ-frames F σᴰ K₂ κ₂

      δ : Σ j  index  , K₁   [ j ]
         Σ k  index  , K₂   [ k ]
         is-compact-open F (K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂) holds
      δ (j , pⱼ) (k , pₖ) =
       transport  -  is-compact-open F - holds) (q ⁻¹) ϵ
         q : K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂   [ j ] ∧[ F ]  [ k ]
         q = K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂             =⟨ i  
              [ j ] ∧[ F ] K₂        =⟨ ii 
              [ j ] ∧[ F ]  [ k ]   
               i  = ap  -  -       ∧[ F ] K₂) pⱼ
               ii = ap  -   [ j ] ∧[ F ]  -)  pₖ

         ζ : Σ l  index  , (( [ l ]) is-glb-of ( [ j ] ,  [ k ])) holds
            is-compact-open F ( [ j ] ∧[ F ]  [ k ]) holds
         ζ (l , θ) =
          transport  -  is-compact-open F - holds) (∧[ F ]-unique θ) (Κ l)

         ϵ : is-compact-open F ( [ j ] ∧[ F ]  [ k ]) holds
         ϵ = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (is-compact-open F _)) ζ (ψ j k)

-- TODO: it's not clear if this lemma will be needed. Think more about this and
-- remove it if it turns out that it won't be needed.
compact-meet-lemma : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                    (U V K :  F )
                    is-compact-open F K holds
                    (K ≤[ poset-of F ] (U ∧[ F ] V)) holds
                    Σ K₁   F  ,  Σ K₂   F  ,
                       is-compact-open F K₁ holds
                     × is-compact-open F K₂ holds
                     × ((K ≤[ poset-of F ] (K₁ ∧[ F ] K₂)) holds)
                     × (((K₁ ≤[ poset-of F ] U)  (K₂ ≤[ poset-of F ] V)) holds)
compact-meet-lemma F U V K κ p = K , K , κ , κ , γ , p₁ , p₂
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

   γ : (K ≤[ poset-of F ] (K ∧[ F ] K)) holds
   γ = ∧[ F ]-greatest K K K
        (≤-is-reflexive (poset-of F) K)
        (≤-is-reflexive (poset-of F) K)

   p₁ : (K ≤[ poset-of F ] U) holds
   p₁ = K ≤⟨ p  U ∧[ F ] V ≤⟨ ∧[ F ]-lower₁ U V  U 

   p₂ : (K ≤[ poset-of F ] V) holds
   p₂ = K ≤⟨ p  U ∧[ F ] V ≤⟨ ∧[ F ]-lower₂ U V  V 


## Characterisation of continuity

Let `L` and `M` be two frames and let `h : | L | → | M |` be a function.
Function `h` is said to satisfy the **continuity condition** if *for every `x :
L`, compact `b : M` with `b ≤ h(x)`, there is some compact `a : L` such that `a
≤ x` and `b ≤ h(a)`*.


continuity-condition : (L : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (M : Frame 𝓤' 𝓥' 𝓦)
                      ( L    M )  Ω (𝓤  𝓥  𝓦   𝓤'  𝓥')
continuity-condition L M h =
  b   M  ,  x   L  , is-compact-open M b 
  b ≤[ poset-of M ] h x 
   (Ǝ a   L  ,
     ((is-compact-open L a  a ≤[ poset-of L ] x  b ≤[ poset-of M ] h a) holds))


Given frames `L` and `M`, with `M` spectral, any monotone function `h : ∣ L ∣ →
∣ M ∣` satisfying the continuity condition is Scott-continuous.


characterisation-of-continuity : (L : Frame 𝓤  𝓥  𝓦)
                                (M : Frame 𝓤' 𝓥' 𝓦)
                                is-spectral M holds
                                (h :  L    M )
                                is-monotonic (poset-of L) (poset-of M) h holds
                                continuity-condition L M h holds
                                is-scott-continuous L M h holds
characterisation-of-continuity L M σ h μ ζ S δ = β , γ
  open PosetReasoning (poset-of M)
  open Joins  x y  x ≤[ poset-of M ] y)

  β : (h (⋁[ L ] S) is-an-upper-bound-of  h s  s ε S ) holds
  β i = μ (S [ i ] , ⋁[ L ] S) (⋁[ L ]-upper S i)

  γ : ( (u , _)  upper-bound  h s  s ε S  ,
        h (⋁[ L ] S) ≤[ poset-of M ] u) holds
  γ (u , φ) = spectral-yoneda M σ (h (⋁[ L ] S)) u ε
    ε : (h (⋁[ L ] S) ≤ₖ[ M ] u) holds
    ε k κ p = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (k ≤[ poset-of M ] u))  (ζ k (⋁[ L ] S) κ p)
       : (Σ a   L   ,
             (is-compact-open L a
            (a ≤[ poset-of L ] (⋁[ L ] S))
            (k ≤[ poset-of M ] h a)) holds)
         (k ≤[ poset-of M ] u) holds
       (a , κₐ , q , r) =
       k                        ≤⟨ r                                    
       h a                      ≤⟨                                     
       ⋁[ M ]  h s  s ε S    ≤⟨ ⋁[ M ]-least  h s  s ε S  (u , φ) 
          : (Σ i  index S , (a ≤[ poset-of L ] (S [ i ])) holds)
            (h a ≤[ poset-of M ] (⋁[ M ]  h s  s ε S )) holds
          (i , ψ) = h a                    ≤⟨ μ (a , S [ i ]) ψ               
                     h (S [ i ])            ≤⟨ ⋁[ M ]-upper  h s  s ε S  i  
                     ⋁[ M ]  h s  s ε S  

          : (h a ≤[ poset-of M ] (⋁[ M ]  h s  s ε S )) holds
          = ∥∥-rec
              (holds-is-prop (h a ≤[ poset-of M ] (⋁[ M ]  h s  s ε S )))
              (κₐ S δ q)


We now prove the converse: given frames `L` and `M`, with `L` spectral, any
Scott-continuous function `h : ∣ L ∣ → ∣ M ∣` satisfies the continuity condition.


characterisation-of-continuity-op : (L M : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                   is-spectral L holds
                                   (f :  L    M )
                                   is-scott-continuous L M f holds
                                   continuity-condition L M f holds
characterisation-of-continuity-op {𝓦 = 𝓦} L M σ f ζ =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (continuity-condition L M f))  σ
   μ : is-monotonic (poset-of L) (poset-of M) f holds
   μ = scott-continuous-implies-monotone L M f ζ

    : spectralᴰ L  continuity-condition L M f holds
    σᴰ K U κ φ = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop  (κ  f ( [ i ])  i ε 𝒥  δ₂ ψ)
      : Fam 𝓦  L 
      = pr₁ σᴰ

     𝒥 : Fam 𝓦 (index )
     𝒥 = pr₁ (pr₁ (pr₁ (pr₂ σᴰ)) U)

     cover : U  ⋁[ L ]   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥 
     cover = ⋁[ L ]-unique   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  U (pr₂ (pr₁ (pr₁ (pr₂ σᴰ)) U))

      : (Σ k  index 𝒥 , ((K ≤[ poset-of M ] f ( [ 𝒥 [ k ] ])) holds))
         K′   L  , (is-compact-open L K′ holds)
                      × ((K′ ≤[ poset-of L ] U) holds)
                      × ((K ≤[ poset-of M ] f K′) holds )
      (k , φ) =   [ 𝒥 [ k ] ] ,  ,  , φ 
       open PosetReasoning (poset-of L)

        : is-compact-open L ( [ 𝒥 [ k ] ]) holds
        = pr₁ (pr₂ (pr₂ σᴰ)) (𝒥 [ k ])

        : (( [ 𝒥 [ k ] ]) ≤[ poset-of L ] U) holds
        =  [ 𝒥 [ k ] ]                ≤⟨ ⋁[ L ]-upper   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  k 
           ⋁[ L ]   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥    =⟨ cover ⁻¹                          ⟩ₚ

     open PosetReasoning (poset-of M)

     δ₁ : is-directed (poset-of L)   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  holds
     δ₁ = pr₂ (pr₁ (pr₂ σᴰ)) U

     ψ : (K ≤[ poset-of M ] (⋁[ M ]  f ( [ i ])  i ε 𝒥 )) holds
     ψ = K                              ≤⟨ φ 
         f U                            =⟨  ⟩ₚ
         f (⋁[ L ]   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥 ) =⟨  ⟩ₚ
         ⋁[ M ]  f ( [ i ])  i ε 𝒥  
            = ap f cover
            = ⋁[ M ]-unique _ _ (ζ   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  δ₁)

     δ₂ : is-directed (poset-of M)  f ( [ i ])  i ε 𝒥  holds
     δ₂ = monotone-image-on-directed-family-is-directed L M   [ i ]  i ε 𝒥  δ₁ f μ


Let `F` be a spectral frame. Given `x, y, : F` and compact `a : F` with `a ≤ x ∨
y`, there exist compact `b, c : F` with `a ≤ b ∨ c` such that `b ≤ x` and `c ≤


compact-join-lemma : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                    is-spectral F holds
                    (x y a :  F )
                    is-compact-open F a holds
                    (a ≤[ poset-of F ] (x ∨[ F ] y)) holds
                     (b , c)   F  ×  F  ,
                       is-compact-open F b holds
                     × is-compact-open F c holds
                     × (a ≤[ poset-of F ] (b ∨[ F ] c)) holds
                     × (b ≤[ poset-of F ] x  c ≤[ poset-of F ] y) holds
compact-join-lemma F σ U V K κ ψ = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop  φ₁
  open Joins  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)
  open PosetReasoning (poset-of F)

  Θ =  (K₁ , K₂)   F  ×  F  ,
        is-compact-open F K₁ holds
      × is-compact-open F K₂ holds
      × (K ≤[ poset-of F ] (K₁ ∨[ F ] K₂)) holds
      × (K₁ ≤[ poset-of F ] U  K₂ ≤[ poset-of F ] V) holds

  c₁ :  F    F 
  c₁ = λ -  - ∨[ F ] V

  ζ₁ : is-scott-continuous F F c₁ holds
  ζ₁ = ∨-is-scott-continuous′ F V

  φ₁ :  K₁   F  , (is-compact-open F K₁
                     (K₁ ≤[ poset-of F ] U)
                     K ≤[ poset-of F ] (K₁ ∨[ F ] V)) holds
  φ₁ = characterisation-of-continuity-op F F σ c₁ ζ₁ K U κ ψ

   : Σ K₁   F  , (is-compact-open F K₁
                     (K₁ ≤[ poset-of F ] U)
                     K ≤[ poset-of F ] (K₁ ∨[ F ] V)) holds
   (K₁ , κ₁ , p₁ , q₁) = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop  φ₂
    c₂ :  F    F 
    c₂ = λ -  K₁ ∨[ F ] -

    ζ₂ : is-scott-continuous F F c₂ holds
    ζ₂ = ∨-is-scott-continuous F K₁

     : (Σ K₂   F  , (is-compact-open F K₂
                       K₂ ≤[ poset-of F ] V
                       K ≤[ poset-of F ] (K₁ ∨[ F ] K₂)) holds)
     (K₂ , κ₂ , p₂ , q₂) =  (K₁ , K₂) , κ₁ , κ₂ , q₂ , p₁ , p₂ 

    φ₂ :  K₂   F  , (is-compact-open F K₂
                       K₂ ≤[ poset-of F ] V
                       (K ≤[ poset-of F ] (K₁ ∨[ F ] K₂))) holds
    φ₂ = characterisation-of-continuity-op F F σ c₂ ζ₂ K V κ q₁



open import Locales.HeytingImplication pt fe

module LemmasAboutHeytingComplementation (X : Locale 𝓤 𝓥 𝓥)
                                         (𝒷 : has-basis (𝒪 X) holds) where

 open HeytingImplicationConstruction X 𝒷

 complement-is-heyting-complement : (C C′ :  𝒪 X )
                                   is-complement-of (𝒪 X) C′ C
                                   C′  C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]
 complement-is-heyting-complement C C′ (p , q) =
  ≤-is-antisymmetric (poset-of (𝒪 X))  
    open PosetReasoning (poset-of (𝒪 X))

     : (((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′)) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] C′) holds
     (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′)                             =⟨  ⟩ₚ
     ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C′) ≤⟨   
        = binary-distributivity (𝒪 X) (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) C C′
        = ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-least
            ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C    ≤⟨ mp-right C 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]  
             𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]                       ≤⟨ 𝟎-is-bottom (𝒪 X) C′ 
             C′                             )
            (∧[ 𝒪 X ]-lower₂ (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) C′)

     : (C′ ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])) holds
     = heyting-implication₁ C 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ] C′ †₁
      †₁ : ((C′ ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) holds
      †₁ = C′ ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C   =⟨ ∧[ 𝒪 X ]-is-commutative C′ C ⟩ₚ
           C  ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C′  =⟨ p ⟩ₚ
           𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]        

     : (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ] ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] C′) holds
     = C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]          ≤⟨                 
        (C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′) ==> C′  =⟨                ⟩ₚ
        𝟏[ 𝒪 X ] ==> C′         =⟨ 𝟏-==>-law C′ ⁻¹ ⟩ₚ
           = heyting-implication₁ (C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′) C′ (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) 
           = ap  -  - ==> C′) q

 heyting-complement-is-complement : (C C′ :  𝒪 X )
                                   is-complement-of (𝒪 X) C′ C
                                   is-complement-of (𝒪 X) (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) C
 heyting-complement-is-complement C C′ (p , q) =  , 
    : C ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])  𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]
    = C ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])  =⟨  
       C ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C′                =⟨ p 
       𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]                     
          = ap
               -  C ∧[ 𝒪 X ] -)
              (complement-is-heyting-complement C C′ (p , q) ⁻¹)

    : C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])  𝟏[ 𝒪 X ]
    = C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])  =⟨  
       C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′                =⟨ q 
       𝟏[ 𝒪 X ]                     
          = ap
               -  C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] -)
              (complement-is-heyting-complement C C′ (p , q) ⁻¹)

 material-implication : (C U :  𝒪 X )
                       is-clopen₀ (𝒪 X) C
                       (C ==> U)  (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U
 material-implication C U (C′ , p , q) = ≤-is-antisymmetric (poset-of (𝒪 X))  
   open PosetReasoning (poset-of (𝒪 X))

    : ((C ==> U) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U)) holds
    = (C ==> U)                                         ≤⟨  
       (C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′) ==> ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U) =⟨  ⟩ₚ
       𝟏[ 𝒪 X ] ==> ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U)        =⟨  ⟩ₚ
       (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U                       
          = (C ==> U) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′)                        =⟨  ⟩ₚ
             ((C ==> U) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] ((C ==> U) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C′)   ≤⟨   
             U ∨[ 𝒪 X ] ((C ==> U) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C′)                        ≤⟨   
             U ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′                                             =⟨  ⟩ₚ
             C′ ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U                                             =⟨  ⟩ₚ
             (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U                               
                = binary-distributivity (𝒪 X) (C ==> U) C C′
                = ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-left-monotone (mp-right C U)
                = ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-right-monotone (∧[ 𝒪 X ]-lower₂ (C ==> U) C′)
                = ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-is-commutative U C′
                = ap
                     -  - ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U)
                    (complement-is-heyting-complement C C′ (p , q))

          = heyting-implication₁
              (C ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′)
              ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U)
              (C ==> U)
          = ap  -  - ==> ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U)) q
          = 𝟏-==>-law ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U) ⁻¹

    : (((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (C ==> U)) holds
    = heyting-implication₁ C U ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U) ‡₁
     ‡₁ : ((((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C)
            ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ]
           U) holds
     ‡₁ = ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] U) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C               =⟨  ⟩ₚ
          ((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C)  ≤⟨  
             = (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C    ≤⟨ mp-right C 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ] 
                𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]                       ≤⟨ 𝟎-is-bottom (𝒪 X) U 

             = binary-distributivity-right (𝒪 X)
             = ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-least  (∧[ 𝒪 X ]-lower₁ U C)

 double-negation-elimination : (C :  𝒪 X )
                              is-clopen₀ (𝒪 X) C
                              (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]  C
 double-negation-elimination C (C′ , p , q) =
  ≤-is-antisymmetric (poset-of (𝒪 X))  
    open PosetReasoning (poset-of (𝒪 X))

     : (((C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] C) holds
     = (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]        =⟨  ⟩ₚ
        C′ ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]                      =⟨  ⟩ₚ
           = ap
                -  - ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])
               (complement-is-heyting-complement C C′ (p , q) ⁻¹)
           = complement-is-heyting-complement C′ C (Ⅱ₁ , Ⅱ₂) ⁻¹
                Ⅱ₁ = C′ ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C     =⟨ ∧[ 𝒪 X ]-is-commutative C′ C 
                     C  ∧[ 𝒪 X ] C′    =⟨ p                            
                     𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]          
                Ⅱ₂ = C′ ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C     =⟨ ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-is-commutative C′ C 
                     C  ∨[ 𝒪 X ] C′    =⟨ q                            
                     𝟏[ 𝒪 X ]          

     : (C ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) holds
     = heyting-implication₁ (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ] C ‡₁
      ‡₁ : ((C ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (C ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])) ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]) holds
      ‡₁ = mp-left C 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]

 negation-∨-lemma₁ : {U V W :  𝒪 X }
                    is-clopen₀ (𝒪 X) V
                    (U ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (V ∨[ 𝒪 X ] W)) holds
                    ((U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (V ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]))
                       ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ]
                      W) holds
 negation-∨-lemma₁ {U} {V} {W} (V′ , p , q) φ =
  U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (V ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ])               =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′                             ≤⟨   
  (V ∨[ 𝒪 X ] W) ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′                =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  (V ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (W ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′)  =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  𝟎[ 𝒪 X ] ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (W ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′)         =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  W ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′                             ≤⟨   
    open PosetReasoning (poset-of (𝒪 X))

     = ap
          -  U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] -)
         (complement-is-heyting-complement V V′ (p , q) ⁻¹)
     = ∧[ 𝒪 X ]-left-monotone φ
     = binary-distributivity-right (𝒪 X)
     = ap  -  - ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (W ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′)) p
     = 𝟎-right-unit-of-∨ (𝒪 X) (W ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′)
     = ∧[ 𝒪 X ]-lower₁ W V′

 negation-∨-lemma₂ : {U V W :  𝒪 X }
                 is-clopen₀ (𝒪 X) V
                  ((U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (V ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]))
                     ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ]
                    W) holds
                  (U ≤[ poset-of (𝒪 X) ] (V ∨[ 𝒪 X ] W)) holds
 negation-∨-lemma₂ {U} {V} {W} (V′ , p , q) φ =
  U                                                      =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] 𝟏[ 𝒪 X ]                                    =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (V ∨[ 𝒪 X ] V′)                             =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V′)                =⟨  ⟩ₚ
  (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] (V ==> 𝟎[ 𝒪 X ]))  ≤⟨   
  (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] W                              ≤⟨   
  V ∨[ 𝒪 X ] W                                           
    open PosetReasoning (poset-of (𝒪 X))

     =  𝟏-right-unit-of-∧ (𝒪 X) U ⁻¹
     = ap  -  U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] -) (q ⁻¹)
     = binary-distributivity (𝒪 X) U V V′
     = ap
          -  (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] V) ∨[ 𝒪 X ] (U ∧[ 𝒪 X ] -))
         (complement-is-heyting-complement V V′ (p , q))
     = ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-right-monotone φ
     = ∨[ 𝒪 X ]-left-monotone (∧[ 𝒪 X ]-lower₂ U V)


\section{CNF Transformation for Spectrality}

Section added on 2023-08-17.

Given a basis closed under binary meets, the directification of that basis using
the `directify` function is also closed under binary meets. The reason is that
the meets of joins can be turned into joins of meets. In this section, we prove
this fact.

To define CNF transformation, we need the following function
`conjunct-with-list` which takes some `x` and some list `y₁ , … , yₙ` and
computes `(x ∧ y₁) , … , (x ∧ yₙ)`.


conjunct-with-list : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                     F   List  F   List  F 
conjunct-with-list F x = map  -  x ∧[ F ] -)

cnf-transform : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
               List  F   List  F    F 
cnf-transform F []       ys = 𝟎[ F ]
cnf-transform F (x  xs) ys =
 (⋁ₗ[ F ] conjunct-with-list F x ys) ∨[ F ] cnf-transform F xs ys


Given some `x : ⟨ F ⟩` and a list `(y₁ , … , yₙ) : List ⟨ F ⟩`,
`x ∧ (y₁ ∨ … ∨ yₙ) = (x ∧ y₁) ∨ … ∨ (x ∧ yₙ)`, which is of course just an
instance of the distributivity law. We prove this fact next.


distributivity-list : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (x :  F ) (ys : List  F )
                     x ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys)  ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F x ys)
distributivity-list F x []       = 𝟎-right-annihilator-for-∧ F x
distributivity-list F x (y  ys) =
 x ∧[ F ] (y ∨[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys))                         =⟨     
 (x ∧[ F ] y) ∨[ F ] (x ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys))              =⟨     
 (x ∧[ F ] y) ∨[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] conjunct-with-list F x ys)  =⟨ refl 
 ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F x (y  ys))                
    = binary-distributivity F x y (join-list F ys)
    = ap  -  (x ∧[ F ] y) ∨[ F ] -) (distributivity-list F x ys)


With `distributivity-list` in hand, we are ready to prove the correctness of the
CNF transformation procedure.


cnf-transform-correct : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) (xs ys : List  F )
                       (⋁ₗ[ F ] xs) ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys)  cnf-transform F xs ys
cnf-transform-correct F []       ys = 𝟎-left-annihilator-for-∧ F ((⋁ₗ[ F ] ys))
cnf-transform-correct F (x  xs) ys =
 (x ∨[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] xs)) ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys)                       =⟨     
 (x ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys)) ∨[ F ] ((⋁ₗ[ F ] xs) ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys)) =⟨     
 (x ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys)) ∨[ F ] cnf-transform F xs ys              =⟨     
 (⋁ₗ[ F ] conjunct-with-list F x ys) ∨[ F ] cnf-transform F xs ys  =⟨ refl 
 cnf-transform F (x  xs) ys                                       
    = binary-distributivity-right F
    = ap
         -  (x ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ys)) ∨[ F ] -)
        (cnf-transform-correct F xs ys)
    = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] cnf-transform F xs ys) (distributivity-list F x ys)


We now start proving, making use of `cnf-transform-correct`, that the CNF
transformation of two basic opens is itself basic.

We first prove the analogous fact that the `conjunct-with-list` function:


conjunct-with-list-is-basic : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                             (β : is-basis-for F )
                             closed-under-binary-meets F  holds
                               ℬ↑ = directify F 
                               β↑ = directified-basis-is-basis F  β
                               (i : index ) (is : index ℬ↑) 
                                 ks  index ℬ↑ ,
                                  ℬ↑ [ ks ]
                                   ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> is))
conjunct-with-list-is-basic F  β p i []       =  [] , refl 
conjunct-with-list-is-basic F  β p i (j  js) = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop γ μ
  open Meets  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)

  ℬ↑ = directify F 


We know by the closure of `ℬ` under binary meets that the meet of `ℬ[ i ]` and
`ℬ[ j ]` is in the basis, given by some index `k`.


  μ :  k  index  , (( [ k ]) is-glb-of ( [ i ] ,  [ j ])) holds
  μ = p i j


We unpack this truncated sigma inside `γ`:


  γ : Σ k  index  , (( [ k ]) is-glb-of ( [ i ] ,  [ j ])) holds
      ks  index ℬ↑ ,
       ℬ↑ [ ks ]  ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> (j  js)))
  γ (k , q) = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop δ IH


Now, by the I.H. on `ℬ[ i ]`, we also get some `ks` corresponding to the index
of conjuncting `ℬ[ i ]` with each `ℬ[ j ]` given by `js.`


    IH :  ks  index ℬ↑ ,
          ℬ↑ [ ks ]  ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> js))
    IH = conjunct-with-list-is-basic F  β p i js


Once again, we unpack this truncated sigma inside `δ`:


    δ : Σ ks  index ℬ↑ ,
         ℬ↑ [ ks ]  ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> js))
        ls  index ℬ↑ ,
         ℬ↑ [ ls ]  ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> (j  js)))
    δ (ks , r) =  (k  ks) ,  


The list of indices that we need for the desired result is then simply `k ∷ ks`.
The proof that this satisfies the desired property is given in `†` below.


      w = ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> js))

       : ℬ↑ [ k  ks ]
           ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> (j  js)))
        [ k ] ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ ks ]                                        =⟨     
        [ k ] ∨[ F ] w                                                =⟨     
       ( [ i ] ∧[ F ]  [ j ]) ∨[ F ] w                               =⟨ refl 
       ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> (j  js))) 
          = ap  -   [ k ] ∨[ F ] -) r
          = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] w) (∧[ F ]-unique q)


We are now ready to prove the desired result: that the meet of two basic opens
is basic.


cnf-transform-is-basic : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦) ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                        (β : is-basis-for F )
                        closed-under-binary-meets F  holds
                          ℬ↑ = directify F 
                          β↑ = directified-basis-is-basis F  β
                          (is js : index ℬ↑) 
                            ks  index ℬ↑ ,
                            ℬ↑ [ ks ]  (ℬ↑ [ is ]) ∧[ F ] (ℬ↑ [ js ])
cnf-transform-is-basic F  β p [] js =
  [] , (𝟎-left-annihilator-for-∧ F (directify F  [ js ]) ⁻¹) 
cnf-transform-is-basic F  β p (i  is) js =
 ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop γ (cnf-transform-is-basic F  β p is js)
   ℬ↑ = directify F 


We first record the following trivial `lemma`:


   lemma : (is js : index ℬ↑)
          ℬ↑ [ is ] ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]
            join-in-frame′ F  is ∧[ F ] join-in-frame′ F  js
   lemma is js =
       = ap
            -  - ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ])
           (join-in-frame-equality F  is)
       = ap
            -  (⋁ₗ[ F ] (( [_]) <$> is)) ∧[ F ] -)
           (join-in-frame-equality F  js)
     ℬ↑ [ is ] ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]                                   =⟨  
     (⋁ₗ[ F ] (( [_]) <$> is)) ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]                  =⟨  
     (⋁ₗ[ F ] (( [_]) <$> is)) ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] (( [_]) <$> js)) 


In `γ`, we unpack the truncated sigma given by the I.H.:


   γ : Σ ks  index ℬ↑ , ℬ↑ [ ks ]  ℬ↑ [ is ] ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]
       ks  index ℬ↑ , ℬ↑ [ ks ]  ( [ i ] ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ is ]) ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]
   γ (ks , q) =


We know by `conjunct-with-list-is-basic` that there is a basis index
corresponding to `conjunct-with-list (ℬ [ i ]) ((ℬ [_]) <$> js)`. We refer to
this as `ls`.


      :  ls  index ℬ↑ ,
          ℬ↑ [ ls ]  ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> js))
      = conjunct-with-list-is-basic F  β p i js



We proceed by truncation recursion on this truncated sigma, with the contents
unpacked in the function `δ`.


     ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop δ 


As we will have to refer to `(ℬ [_]) <$> is` and `(ℬ [_]) <$> js` frequently,
we introduce abbrevations for them:


       ℬ-is = ( [_]) <$> is
       ℬ-js = ( [_]) <$> js


Combining `lemma` and the correctness of `cnf-transform`, we have that `ℬ↑[ ks
]` is the CNF transformation of the meet of the joins of `is` and `js`.


        : ℬ↑ [ ks ]  cnf-transform F (( [_]) <$> is) (( [_]) <$> js)
        ℬ↑ [ ks ]                                           =⟨  
        ℬ↑ [ is ] ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]                          =⟨  
        (⋁ₗ[ F ] ℬ-is) ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] (( [_]) <$> js))    =⟨  
        cnf-transform F ℬ-is (( [_]) <$> js)               
           = q
           = lemma is js
           = cnf-transform-correct F ℬ-is ℬ-js


As `⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F (ℬ [ i ]) ((ℬ [_]) <$> js))` is mentioned
quite frequently, we introduce the abbreviation `w` for it:


       w = ⋁ₗ[ F ] (conjunct-with-list F ( [ i ]) (( [_]) <$> js))


The desired list of indices is just `ls ++ ks`:


       δ : (Σ ls  index ℬ↑ , ℬ↑ [ ls ]  w)
           ms  index ℬ↑ ,
            ℬ↑ [ ms ]  ( [ i ] ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ is ]) ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]
       δ (ls , r) =  (ls ++ ks) ,  



         : ℬ↑ [ ls ++ ks ]  ( [ i ] ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ is ]) ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]
         ℬ↑ [ ls ++ ks ]                                        =⟨     
         ℬ↑ [ ls ] ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ ks ]                             =⟨     
         w ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ ks ]                                     =⟨     
         w ∨[ F ] (cnf-transform F ℬ-is ℬ-js)                   =⟨ refl 
         cnf-transform F (( [_]) <$> (i  is)) ℬ-js            =⟨     
         (⋁ₗ[ F ] (( [_]) <$> (i  is))) ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ℬ-js) =⟨     
         (ℬ↑ [ i  is ]) ∧[ F ] join-list F ℬ-js                =⟨     
         (ℬ↑ [ i  is ]) ∧[ F ] (ℬ↑ [ js ])                     =⟨ refl 
         ( [ i ] ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ is ]) ∧[ F ] (ℬ↑ [ js ])          
            = directify-functorial F  ls ks
            = ap  -  - ∨[ F ] ℬ↑ [ ks ]) r
            = ap  -  w ∨[ F ] -) 
            = cnf-transform-correct F (( [_]) <$> (i  is)) ℬ-js ⁻¹
            = ap
                 -  - ∧[ F ] (⋁ₗ[ F ] ℬ-js))
                (join-in-frame-equality F  (i  is) ⁻¹)
            = ap
                 -  (ℬ↑ [ i  is ]) ∧[ F ] -)
                (join-in-frame-equality F  js ⁻¹)


This is the result that we wanted: directification of a basis preserves its
closure under binary meets. In the following definition, we make this a bit more


directify-preserves-closure-under-∧ : (F : Frame 𝓤 𝓥 𝓦)
                                     ( : Fam 𝓦  F )
                                     (β : is-basis-for F )
                                     closed-under-binary-meets F  holds
                                       ℬ↑ = directify F 
                                       β↑ = directified-basis-is-basis F  β
                                       closed-under-binary-meets F ℬ↑ holds
directify-preserves-closure-under-∧ F  β ϑ is js =
 ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop γ (cnf-transform-is-basic F  β ϑ is js)
   open Meets  x y  x ≤[ poset-of F ] y)

   ℬ↑ = directify F 
   x  = ℬ↑ [ is ]
   y  = ℬ↑ [ js ]

   γ : Σ ks  (index ℬ↑) , ℬ↑ [ ks ]  ℬ↑ [ is ] ∧[ F ] ℬ↑ [ js ]
       ks  index ℬ↑ , (((ℬ↑ [ ks ]) is-glb-of (x , y)) holds)
   γ (ks , p) =
      : ((x ∧[ F ] y) is-glb-of (x , y)) holds
      = (∧[ F ]-lower₁ x y  , ∧[ F ]-lower₂ x y)
       , λ (z , p)  uncurry (∧[ F ]-greatest x y z) p
      ks , transport  -  (- is-glb-of (x , y)) holds) (p ⁻¹)  


Section added on 2023-08-17.

\section{Spectrality of the initial frame}


module SpectralityOfTheInitialFrame (𝓤 : Universe) (pe : propext 𝓤) where

 open Spectrality-of-𝟎 𝓤 pe

 bottom-of-𝟎Frm-is-⊥ :   𝟎[ 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe ]
 bottom-of-𝟎Frm-is-⊥ = only-𝟎-is-below-𝟎 (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe)   ())

 𝟎Frm-is-compact : is-compact (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) holds
 𝟎Frm-is-compact S (∣i∣ , u) p = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop  (p )
    : (Σ j  index S , ((S [ j ]) holds))
       j  index S , (𝟏[ 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe ] ≤[ poset-of (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ] S [ j ]) holds
    (j , q) =  j ,  _  q) 

 ℬ𝟎-consists-of-compact-opens : consists-of-compact-opens (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ℬ𝟎 holds
 ℬ𝟎-consists-of-compact-opens (inl ) =
    -  is-compact-open (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) - holds)
   (bottom-of-𝟎Frm-is-⊥ ⁻¹)
   (𝟎-is-compact (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe))
 ℬ𝟎-consists-of-compact-opens (inr ) = 𝟎Frm-is-compact

 and₂-lemma₁ : (x y : 𝟚 𝓤)  (ℬ𝟎 [ and₂ x y ] ≤[ poset-of (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ] ℬ𝟎 [ x ]) holds
 and₂-lemma₁ (inl ) y       = λ ()
 and₂-lemma₁ (inr ) (inl ) = λ ()
 and₂-lemma₁ (inr ) (inr ) = λ {   }

 and₂-lemma₂ : (x y : 𝟚 𝓤)  (ℬ𝟎 [ and₂ x y ] ≤[ poset-of (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ] ℬ𝟎 [ y ]) holds
 and₂-lemma₂ (inl ) y       = λ ()
 and₂-lemma₂ (inr ) (inl ) = λ ()
 and₂-lemma₂ (inr ) (inr ) = λ {   }

 open Meets  x y  x ≤[ poset-of (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ] y) hiding (is-top)

 and₂-lemma₃ : (x y : 𝟚 𝓤) ((z , _) : lower-bound (ℬ𝟎 [ x ] , ℬ𝟎 [ y ]))
              (z ≤[ poset-of (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ] ℬ𝟎 [ and₂ x y ]) holds
 and₂-lemma₃ (inl ) y (z , p₁ , p₂) = p₁
 and₂-lemma₃ (inr ) y (z , p₁ , p₂) = p₂

 ℬ𝟎-is-closed-under-binary-meets : closed-under-binary-meets (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ℬ𝟎 holds
 ℬ𝟎-is-closed-under-binary-meets i j =  and₂ i j , (†₁ , †₂) , and₂-lemma₃ i j 
   †₁ : (ℬ𝟎 [ and₂ i j ] ≤[ poset-of (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ] ℬ𝟎 [ i ]) holds
   †₁ = and₂-lemma₁ i j

   †₂ : (ℬ𝟎 [ and₂ i j ] ≤[ poset-of (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ] ℬ𝟎 [ j ]) holds
   †₂ = and₂-lemma₂ i j

 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞-is-spectral : is-spectral (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) holds
 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞-is-spectral =  ℬ𝟎↑ , ℬ𝟎-is-directed-basis-for-𝟎 , κ , γ 
   κ : consists-of-compact-opens (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ℬ𝟎↑ holds
   κ []       = 𝟎-is-compact (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe)
   κ (i  is) = compacts-are-closed-under-joins
                 (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe)
                 (ℬ𝟎 [ i ])
                 (ℬ𝟎↑ [ is ])
                 (ℬ𝟎-consists-of-compact-opens i)
                 (κ is)

   t : is-top (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) (𝟏[ 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe ] ∨[ 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe ] 𝟎[ 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe ]) holds
   t = transport
         -  is-top (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) - holds)
        (𝟎-left-unit-of-∨ (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) 𝟏[ 𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe ] ⁻¹)
        (𝟏-is-top (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe))

   c : closed-under-binary-meets (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ℬ𝟎↑ holds
   c = directify-preserves-closure-under-∧
        (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe)

   γ : closed-under-finite-meets (𝟎-𝔽𝕣𝕞 pe) ℬ𝟎↑ holds
   γ =  (inr   []) , t  , c
