Ettore Aldrovandi ealdrovandi@fsu.edu
Keri D'Angelo kd349@cornell.edu

July 2022

TORSORS. Split off from GroupActions.

TODO: Variable reorganization.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.Base hiding (_≈_)
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.EquivalenceExamples
open import UF.Embeddings
open import UF.Equiv-FunExt
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc

open import Groups.Type renaming (_≅_ to _≣_)
open import Groups.GroupActions

module Groups.Torsors
--       (ua : is-univalent 𝓤)
       (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤)
       (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)


A G-torsor is a G-Set with nonempty underlying carrier and such that for
any x : X the right-multiplication map λ g → g · x is an equivalence.


-- fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤
-- fe = univalence-gives-funext ua

open PropositionalTruncation pt

is-torsor : (G : Group 𝓤) (𝕏 : G Sets)  𝓤  ̇
is-torsor G (X , a) =  X  ×
                    ((x : X)  is-equiv (right-mult G (X , a) x))

is-torsor-is-prop : (G : Group 𝓤) (𝕏 : G Sets)
                   is-prop (is-torsor G 𝕏)
is-torsor-is-prop G 𝕏 = ×-is-prop ∥∥-is-prop
                          (Π-is-prop fe
                              x  being-equiv-is-prop'' fe (right-mult G 𝕏 x)))


Alternative formulation: the "shear" map
(g , x) → (g · x , x) is an equivalence.

Those two formulations are equivalent (both being props).

is-torsor₁ : (G : Group 𝓤) (𝕏 : G Sets)  𝓤 ̇
is-torsor₁ G 𝕏 =   𝕏   × is-equiv (mult G 𝕏)

is-torsor₁-is-prop : (G : Group 𝓤) (𝕏 : G Sets)
                    is-prop (is-torsor₁ G 𝕏)
is-torsor₁-is-prop G 𝕏 = ×-is-prop (∥∥-is-prop)
                           (being-equiv-is-prop'' fe (mult G 𝕏))

torsor→torsor₁ : {G : Group 𝓤} (𝕏 : G Sets)
                is-torsor G 𝕏  is-torsor₁ G 𝕏
torsor→torsor₁ {G = G} (X , a) (n , e) = n , ee
    ee : is-equiv (mult G (X , a))
    ee = (u , ε) , v , η
        u : X × X   G  × X
        u ( y , x) = (pr₁ (pr₁ (e x)) y) , x

        ε : (mult G (X , a))  u  id
        ε (y , x) = to-×-= (pr₂ (pr₁ (e x)) y) refl

        v : X × X   G  × X
        v (y , x) = pr₁ (pr₂ (e x)) y , x

        η : v  (mult G (X , a))  id
        η (g , x) = to-×-= (pr₂ (pr₂ (e x)) g) refl

torsor₁→torsor : {G : Group 𝓤} (𝕏 : G Sets)
                is-torsor₁ G 𝕏  is-torsor G 𝕏
torsor₁→torsor {G = G} (X , a) (n , e) = n , ee
    ee : (x : X)  is-equiv (right-mult G (X , a) x)
    ee x = (u , ε) , v , η
        m :  G  × X  X × X
        m = mult G (X , a)
        r :  G   X
        r = right-mult G (X , a) x

        ri li : X × X   G  × X
        ri = pr₁ (pr₁ e)
        li = pr₁ (pr₂ e)

        e-ri : m  ri  id
        e-ri = pr₂ (pr₁ e)

        li-e : li  m  id
        li-e = pr₂ (pr₂ e)

        γ : (g :  G )  m (g , x)  r g , x
        γ g = refl

        u : X   G 
        u y = pr₁ (ri (y , x))

        ε : r  u  id
        ε y = ap pr₁ q ⁻¹
            p : pr₂ ( ri (y , x) )  x
            p = ap pr₂ (e-ri (y , x))

            q : y , x  r (u y) , x
            q = y , x                      =⟨ e-ri (y , x) ⁻¹ 
                m (ri (y , x))             =⟨ ap m refl 
                m (u y , pr₂ (ri (y , x))) =⟨ ap  v  m (u y , v)) p 
                m (u y , x)                =⟨ γ (u y) 
                r (u y) , x 

        v : X   G 
        v y = pr₁ (li (y , x))

        η : v  r  id
        η g = ap pr₁ q ⁻¹
            p : pr₂ (li (r g , x))  x
            p = ap pr₂ (li-e (g , x))

            q : g , x  v (r g) , x
            q = g , x                        =⟨ li-e (g , x) ⁻¹ 
                li (m (g , x))               =⟨ ap li (γ g) 
                li (r g , x)                 =⟨ refl 
                v (r g) , pr₂ (li (r g , x)) =⟨ ap  z  v (r g) , z) p 
                v (r g) , x 

The type of G-Torsors.


TORS Tors Torsor : (G : Group 𝓤)  (𝓤 ) ̇
TORS G = Σ 𝕏  Action G , is-torsor G 𝕏
Tors = TORS
Torsor = TORS

TORS' Tors' Torsor' : (G : Group 𝓤)  (𝓤 ) ̇
TORS' G = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ a  Action-structure G X , is-torsor G (X , a)
Tors' = TORS'
Torsor' = TORS'

torsor-equivalent-defs : {G : Group 𝓤}  TORS G  TORS' G
torsor-equivalent-defs = Σ-assoc

underlying-action : {G : Group 𝓤}  (X : Tors G)
                   Action G
underlying-action X = pr₁ X

torsor-carrier : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G)  𝓤 ̇
torsor-carrier X =  pr₁ X  

torsor-prop : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G)  is-torsor G (pr₁ X)
torsor-prop X = pr₂ X

torsor-carrier-prop : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G)   (pr₁ (pr₁ X)) 
torsor-carrier-prop {G} X = pr₁ (torsor-prop {G} X)

torsor-nonempty : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G)  is-nonempty (pr₁ (pr₁ X))
torsor-nonempty {G} X = inhabited-is-nonempty (torsor-carrier-prop {G} X)

torsor-splitting : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G) 
                   ((x :  pr₁ X )  is-equiv (right-mult G (pr₁ X) x))
torsor-splitting {G}  X = pr₂ (torsor-prop {G} X)

torsor-splitting₁ : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G)
                   is-equiv (mult G (pr₁ X))
torsor-splitting₁ {G = G} X = pr₂ (torsor→torsor₁ {G = G} (pr₁ X) (pr₂ X))

torsor-to-equiv : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G)
                 (x : torsor-carrier {G = G} X)
                  G   (torsor-carrier {G = G} X)
torsor-to-equiv {G = G} X x = (right-mult G (pr₁ X) x) , torsor-splitting {G = G} X x


The equivalence G × X → X × X is the counterpart to the classical fact
that the "shear" map G × X → X × X given by (g , x) ↦ (g · x , x) is
an isomorphism. In classical geometry this implies that the inverse
also has x as its second component. In other words, pr₂ = x.

Not so here, as highligheted by the convoluted proof above where an
explicit proof that pr₂ ( inverse (mult) (y , x)) = x was needed.  We
codify this fact, as it will be useful elsewhere.


torsor-rinv-mult torsor-linv-mult : (G : Group 𝓤) (X : Tors G)
                                   ( pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X    G  ×  pr₁ X )
torsor-rinv-mult G X (y , x) = pr₁ (ri (y , x)) , x
    m :  G  ×  pr₁ X    pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X 
    m = mult G (pr₁ X)

    e : is-equiv m
    e = torsor-splitting₁ {G = G} X

    ri :  pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X    G  ×  pr₁ X 
    ri = pr₁ (pr₁ e)

torsor-linv-mult G X (y , x) = (pr₁ (li (y , x))) , x
    m :  G  ×  pr₁ X    pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X 
    m = mult G (pr₁ X)

    e : is-equiv m
    e = torsor-splitting₁ {G = G} X

    li :  pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X    G  ×  pr₁ X 
    li = pr₁ (pr₂ e)

torsor-rinv-mult-is-right-inverse : (G : Group 𝓤) (X : Tors G) 
                                    (mult G (pr₁ X))  (torsor-rinv-mult G X)  id
torsor-rinv-mult-is-right-inverse G X (y , x) =  q ⁻¹
    m :  G  ×  pr₁ X    pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X 
    m = mult G (pr₁ X)
    r :  G    pr₁ X 
    r = right-mult G (pr₁ X) x

    e : is-equiv m
    e = torsor-splitting₁ {G = G} X

    ri :  pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X    G  ×  pr₁ X 
    ri = pr₁ (pr₁ e)

    e-ri : m  ri  id
    e-ri = pr₂ (pr₁ e)

    u :  pr₁ X    G 
    u y = pr₁ (ri (y , x))

    p : pr₂ ( ri (y , x) )  x
    p = ap pr₂ (e-ri (y , x))

    q : y , x  r (u y) , x
    q = y , x                      =⟨ e-ri (y , x) ⁻¹ 
        m (ri (y , x))             =⟨ ap m refl 
        m (u y , pr₂ (ri (y , x))) =⟨ ap  v  m (u y , v)) p 
        m (u y , x)                =⟨ refl 
        r (u y) , x 

torsor-linv-mult-is-left-inverse : (G : Group 𝓤) (X : Tors G) 
                                   (torsor-linv-mult G X)  (mult G (pr₁ X))  id
torsor-linv-mult-is-left-inverse G X (g , x) = q ⁻¹
    m :  G  ×  pr₁ X    pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X 
    m = mult G (pr₁ X)
    r :  G    pr₁ X 
    r = right-mult G (pr₁ X) x

    e : is-equiv m
    e = torsor-splitting₁ {G = G} X

    li :  pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X    G  ×  pr₁ X 
    li = pr₁ (pr₂ e)

    li-e : li  m  id
    li-e = pr₂ (pr₂ e)

    v :  pr₁ X    G 
    v y = pr₁ (li (y , x))

    p : pr₂ (li (r g , x))  x
    p = ap pr₂ (li-e (g , x))

    q : g , x  v (r g) , x
    q = g , x                        =⟨ li-e (g , x) ⁻¹ 
        li (m (g , x))               =⟨ ap li (refl) 
        li (r g , x)                 =⟨ refl 
        v (r g) , pr₂ (li (r g , x)) =⟨ ap  z  v (r g) , z) p 
        v (r g) , x 


If G is abelian, the underlying action is an equivariant map with
underlying weak equivalence, i.e. an ActionIso.


left-mult-gives-ActionIso : (G : Group 𝓤) (i : is-abelian G) (X : Tors G)
                           (g :  G )  Action-Iso G (pr₁ X) (pr₁ X)
left-mult-gives-ActionIso G i X g = (action-to-Aut G (pr₁ X) g) ,
                                       a x  (
                                           g · (a · x)     =⟨ (action-assoc G 𝕏 g a x) ⁻¹ 
                                           (g ·⟨ G  a) · x =⟨ ap ( x) (i g a) 
                                           (a ·⟨ G  g) · x =⟨ action-assoc G 𝕏 a g x 
                                            a · (g · x)  ))
    𝕏 : Action G
    𝕏 = pr₁ X

    _·_ :  G    𝕏    𝕏 
    _·_ = action-op G 𝕏


Forgetting the torsor axiom is an inclusion into the type of actions.


underlying-action-is-embedding : (G : Group 𝓤)  is-embedding (underlying-action {G})
underlying-action-is-embedding G = pr₁-is-embedding  𝕏  is-torsor-is-prop G 𝕏)

underlying-action-injectivity :  (G : Group 𝓤) (X Y : Tors G)
                                (X  Y)  (underlying-action {G} X  underlying-action  {G} Y)
underlying-action-injectivity G X Y = ≃-sym
                                (underlying-action {G = G})
                                (underlying-action-is-embedding G) X Y)

underlying-action-injectivity' : {G : Group 𝓤} {X Y : Tors G}
                                (X  Y)  (underlying-action {G} X  underlying-action {G} Y)
underlying-action-injectivity' {G} {X} {Y} = ≃-sym
                                (underlying-action {G = G})
                                (underlying-action-is-embedding G) X Y)

underlying-action-injectivity-comp : {G : Group 𝓤} {X Y : Tors G} (p : X  Y)
                                    pr₁ (underlying-action-injectivity G X Y) p 
                                       ap (underlying-action {G})  p
underlying-action-injectivity-comp p = refl


For two points x y of a G-torsor there is a unique g ∈ G bringing x to
y. This is the "quotient map" of the G-torsor. Note that in the proof
below we need both "inverses" of the shear map (see above).


torsor-division : (G : Group 𝓤) (X : Tors G) (y x :  pr₁ X ) 
                      ∃! g   G  , action-op G (pr₁ X) g x  y
torsor-division G X y x = (g , ap pr₁ u) ,
               λ { (h , p)  to-Σ-= (ap pr₁ (ii h p) , carrier-is-set G (pr₁ X) _ _)}
      gx :  G  ×  pr₁ X 
      gx = torsor-rinv-mult G X (y , x)

      g :  G 
      g = pr₁ gx

      u : mult G (pr₁ X) gx  y , x
      u = torsor-rinv-mult-is-right-inverse G X (y , x)

      m :  G  ×  pr₁ X    pr₁ X  ×  pr₁ X 
      m = mult G (pr₁ X)

      i : (h :  G ) (p : action-op G (pr₁ X) h x  y)  m (g , x)  m (h , x)
      i h p = m (g , x)                   =⟨ to-×-= (ap pr₁ u) refl 
              y , x                       =⟨ to-×-= (p ⁻¹) refl 
              action-op G (pr₁ X) h x , x =⟨ refl 
              m (h , x) 

      ii : (h :  G ) (p : action-op G (pr₁ X) h x  y)  g , x  h , x
      ii h p = g , x                            =⟨ q ⁻¹ 
               torsor-linv-mult G X (m (g , x)) =⟨ ap (torsor-linv-mult G X) (i h p) 
               torsor-linv-mult G X (m (h , x)) =⟨ r 
               h , x 
                   q = torsor-linv-mult-is-left-inverse G X (g , x)
                   r = torsor-linv-mult-is-left-inverse G X (h , x)

torsor-division-map : {G : Group 𝓤} {X : Tors G}
                     (y x :  pr₁ X )   G 
torsor-division-map {G = G} {X} y x = pr₁ (pr₁ (torsor-division G X y x ))

-- type as \ldiv
syntax torsor-division-map y x = y  x

A map of torsors in just an equivariant map, that is, a morphism of
the underlying actions.

As in the classical case, a map f : X → Y of
G-torsors is necessarily an equivalence.


torsor-map-is-equiv : {G : Group 𝓤} {X Y : Tors G}
                     ((f , is) : Action-Map G (pr₁ X) (pr₁ Y))
                     is-equiv f
torsor-map-is-equiv {G} {𝕏 , tx} {𝕐 , ty} (f , is) = ∥∥-rec (being-equiv-is-prop'' fe f) γ (pr₁ tx)
    X Y : 𝓤 ̇
    X =  𝕏 
    Y =  𝕐 
    _·_ :  G   X  X
    _·_ = action-op G 𝕏
    _*_ :  G   Y  Y
    _*_ = action-op G 𝕐

    module _ (x₀ : X) where
       rx :  G   X
       rx = right-mult G 𝕏 x₀
       ry :  G   Y
       ry = right-mult G 𝕐 (f x₀)

       h : f  rx  ry  id
       h g = f (rx g)   =⟨ refl 
             f (g · x₀) =⟨ is g x₀ 
             g * (f x₀) =⟨ refl 
             ry g 

       i : is-equiv (f  rx)
       i = equiv-closed-under-∼ ry (f  rx) (pr₂ ty (f x₀)) h

       γ : is-equiv f
       γ = ≃-2-out-of-3-right (pr₂ tx x₀) i

torsor-map-to-Action-Iso : {G : Group 𝓤} {(𝕏 , i) (𝕐 , j) : Tors G}
                           (f : Action-Map G 𝕏 𝕐)  Action-Iso G 𝕏 𝕐
torsor-map-to-Action-Iso {G} {X} {Y} (f , is) = (f , (torsor-map-is-equiv {G} {X} {Y} (f , is))) , is

Hom : {G : Group 𝓤}  Tors G  Tors G  𝓤 ̇
Hom {G} X Y = Action-Map G (pr₁ X) (pr₁ Y)

trivial-torsor : (G : Group 𝓤)  Tors G
trivial-torsor G = ( G  , ((multiplication G) , ((groups-are-sets G) , ((assoc G) , (unit-left G))))) ,
                   ( unit G  , λ x  qinvs-are-equivs   a  a ·⟨ G  x)
                                       ((λ a  a ·⟨ G  (inv G x)) ,
                                     ((λ a  ((a ·⟨ G  x) ·⟨ G  (inv G x) =⟨ assoc G _ _ _ 
                                              a ·⟨ G  (x ·⟨ G  (inv G x)) =⟨ ap  v  a ·⟨ G  v) (inv-right G x) 
                                              a ·⟨ G  (unit G)            =⟨ unit-right G a 
                                              a )) ,
                                       a  ((a ·⟨ G  (inv G x)) ·⟨ G  x =⟨ assoc G _ _ _ 
                                              a ·⟨ G  ((inv G x) ·⟨ G  x) =⟨ ap  v  a ·⟨ G  v) (inv-left G x) 
                                              a ·⟨ G  (unit G)            =⟨ unit-right G a 
                                              a )))))

syntax trivial-torsor G = 𝕋 G


A point x in a torsor X determines a map of G-torsors 𝕋 G → X. (Why is
this called univ-function in UniMath?) This is the trivialization map
of the G-torsor X and it is an equivariant map of the underlying


univ-function : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G) (x :  pr₁ X )
                pr₁  (𝕋 G)     pr₁ X 
univ-function {G} X x = right-mult G (pr₁ X) x

univ-function-equivariant : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G) (x :  pr₁ X )
                           is-equivariant G  (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ X) (univ-function {G} X x)
univ-function-equivariant {G} X x = λ g a   (g ·⟨ G  a) · x =⟨  action-assoc G (pr₁ X) g a x 
                                              g · (a · x)     
    _·_ : action-structure G (pr₁ (pr₁ X))
    _·_ = action-op G (pr₁ X)

triv-map = univ-function
triv-map-equivariant = univ-function-equivariant

triv-iso : {G : Group 𝓤} (X : Tors G) (x :  pr₁ X )
          Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ X)
triv-iso {G} X x = (t , eq) , eqv
    t   = triv-map {G} X x
    eqv = triv-map-equivariant {G} X x
    eq  = torsor-map-is-equiv {G} {𝕋 G} {X} (t , eqv)


When applying the trivialization map to the trivial torsor pointed at
the identity we get the identity of the underlying action map (which
is an equivalence).


triv-iso-compute : (G : Group 𝓤)
                  triv-iso {G} (𝕋 G) (unit G)  id-Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G))
triv-iso-compute G = pr₁ φ γ
    u v : Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G))
    u   = triv-iso {G} (𝕋 G) (unit G)
    v   = id-Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G))

    ∣u∣ ∣v∣ :  G    G 
    ∣u∣     = underlying-iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) u
    ∣v∣     = underlying-iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) v

    γ : ∣u∣  ∣v∣
    γ = to-Σ-= (dfunext fe  a  unit-right G a) , being-equiv-is-prop'' fe id _ _)

    φ : (∣u∣  ∣v∣)  (u  v)
    φ = ≃-sym (underlying-iso-injectivity G fe (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) u v)


At any other point g, triv-iso (𝕋 G) provides a self-equivalence
of ⟨ G ⟩. Note this is NOT the one obtained from the (left) action
multiplication by g.


triv-torsor-equiv : (G : Group 𝓤) (g :  pr₁ (𝕋 G) )   pr₁ (𝕋 G)    pr₁ (𝕋 G) 
triv-torsor-equiv G g = pr₁ (triv-iso {G} (𝕋 G) g)

triv-torsor-Auto : (G : Group 𝓤) (g :  G )
                  Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G))
triv-torsor-Auto G g = triv-iso {G} (𝕋 G) g

triv-torsor-Auto' : (G : Group 𝓤) (g :  G )
                   Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G))
triv-torsor-Auto' G g = triv-torsor-equiv G g , triv-map-equivariant {G} (𝕋 G) g

triv-torsor-Auto-compare : (G : Group 𝓤) (g :  G )
                          triv-torsor-Auto G g  triv-torsor-Auto' G g
triv-torsor-Auto-compare G g = refl


The right multiplication map induces an equivalence between G and the
Action Isomorphism type of the trivial torsor.

Note that the proof boils down to the analyis of the equivariance of
the underlying right-multiplication map for the trivial torsor, namely

u (g) = u (g · e) = g · u(e)

triv-torsor-right-mult : (G : Group 𝓤)
                         G   Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G))
triv-torsor-right-mult G = qinveq t (r , η , ε)
    t :  G   Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G))
    t = triv-torsor-Auto G

    r : Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G))   G 
    r ((u , e) , i) = u (unit G)

    η : r  t  id
    η = λ g  unit-left G g

    ε : t  r  id
    ε x = pr₁ φ γ
        ∣x∣ ∣x∣' :  G    G 
        ∣x∣      = underlying-iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) x
        ∣x∣'     = underlying-iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (t (r x))

        u :  G    G 
        u = pr₁ ∣x∣
        e : is-equiv u
        e = pr₂ ∣x∣
        i : is-equivariant G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) u
        i = pr₂ x
        check : x  ((u , e) , i)
        check = refl

        φ : (∣x∣'  ∣x∣)  (t (r x)  x)
        φ = ≃-sym (underlying-iso-injectivity G fe (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (t (r x)) x)

        γ : ∣x∣'  ∣x∣
        γ = to-Σ-= (dfunext fe  a  ( a ·⟨ G  (u (unit G)) =⟨ (i a (unit G)) ⁻¹  
                                         u (a ·⟨ G  (unit G)) =⟨ ap u (unit-right G a) 
                                         u a   ) ) ,
                    being-equiv-is-prop'' fe u _ _)

The above equivalence can be used to transfer the group structure from
G to Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G)). Indeed we prove below that
the assignment

λ g → triv-torsor-Auto G g

is a homomorphism.  This structure is the opposite of the natural one
on Aut induced by the composition of maps.  This is the familiar fact
that the automorphism group of the trivial G-torsor is the opposite
group of G.

The way Action-Iso is defined hides the opposite and restores the
natural order of the group operation.


module _ (G : Group 𝓤) where

  -- Note this is just the right action of G on itself
  ρ : (a :  G )   G    G 
  ρ a = triv-map {G} (𝕋 G) a

  τ : (a :  G )  Action-Iso G (pr₁ (𝕋 G)) (pr₁ (𝕋 G))
  τ a = triv-torsor-Auto G a

  triv-torsor-map-mult : (a b :  G )  (ρ a)  (ρ b)  ρ (b ·⟨ G  a)
  triv-torsor-map-mult a b = dfunext fe  g  assoc G g b a)

  triv-torsor-Aut-mult : (a b :  G )
                        compose-Action-Iso G {pr₁ (𝕋 G)} {pr₁ (𝕋 G)} {pr₁ (𝕋 G)} (τ a) (τ b)  τ (a ·⟨ G  b)
  triv-torsor-Aut-mult a b = pr₁ φ γ
      𝕋G : Action G
      𝕋G = pr₁ (𝕋 G)

      τab : Action-Iso G 𝕋G 𝕋G
      τab = compose-Action-Iso G {𝕋G} {𝕋G} {𝕋G} (τ a) (τ b)

      φ : (pr₁ (τab)  pr₁ (τ (a ·⟨ G  b)))  (τab  τ (a ·⟨ G  b))
      φ = ≃-sym (underlying-iso-injectivity G fe 𝕋G 𝕋G τab (τ (a ·⟨ G  b)))

      γ : pr₁ (τab)  pr₁ (τ (a ·⟨ G  b))
      γ = to-Σ-= (dfunext fe  g  assoc G g a b) ,
                   being-equiv-is-prop'' fe (ρ (a ·⟨ G  b)) _ _)

  module _ (X : Tors G) where

    t : (x :  pr₁ X )   pr₁ (𝕋 G)    pr₁ X 
    t  x = triv-map {G} X x

    triv-map-right-equivariance : (x :  pr₁ X ) (a :  G ) 
                                  t (action-op G (pr₁ X) a x)  (t x)  (ρ a)
    triv-map-right-equivariance x a = dfunext fe  g  (g · (a · x)     =⟨ ( action-assoc G 𝕏 g a x ) ⁻¹ 
                                                         (g ·⟨ G  a) · x  ) )
           𝕏 : Action G
           𝕏 = pr₁ X
           _·_ : action-structure G   pr₁ X 
           _·_ = action-op G (pr₁ X)

If φ is a torsor map, informally φ (x) = g · x, for any point x, for
an appropriate g. This is obtained by applying the divison map to
φ. Thus, φ corresponds to j : X → G such that f x = (j x) · x.

Informally, the equivariance property of j is

  j (a · x) = a (j x) a ⁻¹

If x ∈ X is a point and j the corresponding division map, its other
equivariance property reads

  f ∘ (t x) = (t x) ∘ (ρ (j φ x))

where (t x) is the trivialization map given by the choice of x, and ρ
is the trivialization map of the trivial torsor G, that is, the
right-multiplication map of G on itself.


    j : Hom {G} X X   pr₁ X    G 
    j φ x = torsor-division-map {G} {X} (pr₁ φ x) x

    j-equivariance : (φ : Hom {G} X X) (a :  G ) (x :  pr₁ X  )
                    j φ (action-op G (pr₁ X) a x) ·⟨ G  a  a ·⟨ G  (j φ x)
    j-equivariance φ a x = equivs-are-lc (t x) (pr₂ (pr₁ (triv-iso {G} X x))) q
        𝕏 : Action G
        𝕏 = pr₁ X

        _·_ :  G    𝕏    𝕏 
        _·_ = action-op G 𝕏

        f :  𝕏    𝕏 
        f = pr₁ φ
        e : is-equiv f
        e = torsor-map-is-equiv {G} {X} {X} φ
        i : is-equivariant G 𝕏 𝕏 f
        i = pr₂ φ

        q : (j φ (a · x) ·⟨ G  a ) · x  (a ·⟨ G  (j φ x)) · x
        q = (j φ (a · x) ·⟨ G  a ) · x =⟨ action-assoc G 𝕏 _ _ _ 
            j φ (a · x) · (a · x)      =⟨ pr₂ (pr₁ (torsor-division G X (f (a · x)) (a · x)))  
            f (a · x)                  =⟨ i a x 
            a · (f x)                  =⟨ ap  v  a · v) l ⁻¹ 
            a · ( (j φ x) · x)         =⟨ (action-assoc G 𝕏 _ _ _) ⁻¹ 
            (a ·⟨ G  (j φ x)) · x      
                l : j φ x · x  f x
                l = pr₂ (pr₁ (torsor-division G X (f x) x))

    j-equivariance₁-pointwise : (φ : Hom {G} X X) (x :  pr₁ X )
                               (pr₁ φ)  (t x)  (t x)  (ρ (j φ x))
    j-equivariance₁-pointwise φ x g = f (t x g)             =⟨ refl 
                                      f (g · x)             =⟨ i g x 
                                      g · (f x)             =⟨ ap  v  g · v) l ⁻¹  
                                      g · ((j φ x) · x)     =⟨ (action-assoc G 𝕏 _ _ _ ) ⁻¹ 
                                      (g ·⟨ G  (j φ x)) · x =⟨ refl 
                                      t x (ρ (j φ x) g) 
        𝕏 : Action G
        𝕏 = pr₁ X

        _·_ :  G    𝕏    𝕏 
        _·_ = action-op G 𝕏

        f :  𝕏    𝕏 
        f = pr₁ φ
        e : is-equiv f
        e = torsor-map-is-equiv {G} {X} {X} φ
        i : is-equivariant G 𝕏 𝕏 f
        i = pr₂ φ

        l : j φ x · x  f x
        l = pr₂ (pr₁ (torsor-division G X (f x) x))

    j-equivariance₁ : (φ : Hom {G} X X) (x :  pr₁ X )
                     (pr₁ φ)  (t x)  (t x)  (ρ (j φ x))
    j-equivariance₁ φ x = dfunext fe (j-equivariance₁-pointwise φ x)
