Martin Escardo, Vincent Rahli, Bruno da Rocha Paiva, Ayberk Tosun 20 May 2023


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module EffectfulForcing.Internal.FurtherThoughts where

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (rec ; _^_) renaming ( to 〈〉)
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Continuity
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Dialogue
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.SystemT using (type ; ι ; _⇒_ ; 〖_〗)
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Church
                              hiding (B⋆【_】 ; ⟪⟫⋆ ; _‚‚⋆_ ; B⋆⟦_⟧ ; dialogue-tree⋆)
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.Internal hiding (B⋆⟦_⟧ ; dialogue-tree⋆)
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.External
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.SystemT
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.Subst
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.Correctness



B⋆⟦_⟧ : {Γ : Cxt} {σ : type} {A : Type}
       T Γ σ
       B⋆【 Γ  A
       B⋆〖 σ  A
B⋆⟦ Zero        _ = zero⋆
B⋆⟦ Succ t     xs = succ⋆ (B⋆⟦ t  xs)
B⋆⟦ Rec f g t  xs = rec⋆ (B⋆⟦ f  xs) (B⋆⟦ g  xs) (B⋆⟦ t  xs)
B⋆⟦ ν i        xs = xs i
B⋆⟦ ƛ t        xs = λ x  B⋆⟦ t  (xs ‚‚⋆ x)
B⋆⟦ t · u      xs = (B⋆⟦ t  xs) (B⋆⟦ u  xs)

B⋆⟦_⟧₀ : {σ : type} {A : Type}  T₀ σ  B⋆〖 σ  A
B⋆⟦ t ⟧₀ = B⋆⟦ t  ⟪⟫⋆

dialogue-tree⋆ : {A : Type}  T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)  B⋆  A
dialogue-tree⋆ t = B⋆⟦ t ⟧₀ generic⋆


We are not using the following relarion R⋆ for the moment, but we want
to keep it around for a bit to maybe relate it to Rnorm and R.


R⋆ : {σ : type}  Baire   σ   T₀ (B-type〖 σ  ((ι  ι)  ι))  Type
R⋆ {ι}     α n d  = n  dialogue⋆  d ⟧₀ α
R⋆ {σ  τ} α f f' = (x  :  σ )
                    (x' : T₀ σ)
                  R⋆ {σ} α x  x' 
--                 → Σ u ꞉ T₀ (B-type〖 τ 〗 ((ι ⇒ ι) ⇒ ι)) , (⟦ u ⟧ = ⟦ f' · x' ⟧)
                  R⋆ {τ} α (f x) (f' ·  x' )
{-                    (x' : T₀ σ)
                 → R⋆ {σ} α x ⌜ x' ⌝
                 → R⋆ {τ} α (f x) (f' · ⌜ x' ⌝)-} -- would this be enough?

IB₀ : {A : type}  IB【 〈〉  A
IB₀ {A} ()

R⋆s : Baire  {Γ : Cxt}
    Γ   IB【 Γ  ((ι  ι)  ι)  Type
R⋆s α {Γ} xs ys = {σ : type} (i : ∈Cxt σ Γ)  R⋆ α (xs i) (ys (∈Cxt-B-type i))

R⋆-preserves-⟦⟧' : {α : Baire} {σ : type}
                  (a :  σ ) (t u : T₀ (B-type〖 σ  ((ι  ι)  ι)))
                  t ⟧₀   u ⟧₀
                 R⋆ α a t
                 R⋆ α a u
R⋆-preserves-⟦⟧' {α} {ι} a t u e r = r  ap  k  k  z α₁  z)  φ x α₁  φ (α₁ x) α₁) α) e
R⋆-preserves-⟦⟧' {α} {σ  σ₁} a t u e r x x' rx =
 R⋆-preserves-⟦⟧' (a x) (t ·  x' ) (u ·  x' ) (ap  x  x   x'  ⟧₀) e) (r x x' rx)

R⋆-preserves-⟦⟧ : {α : Baire} {σ : type}
                  (a :  σ ) (t u : T₀ σ)
                  ⌜_⌝ {〈〉} {σ} {(ι  ι)  ι} t ⟧₀    u  ⟧₀
                 R⋆ α a  t 
                 R⋆ α a  u 
R⋆-preserves-⟦⟧ {α} {σ} a t u e r = R⋆-preserves-⟦⟧' a  t   u  e r

R⋆s-Sub,, : {α : Baire} {Γ : Cxt} {σ : type}
            (xs :  Γ ) (x :  σ )
            (ys : IB【 Γ  ((ι  ι)  ι)) (y : T₀ (B-type〖 σ  ((ι  ι)  ι)))
           R⋆s α xs ys
           R⋆ α x y
           R⋆s α (xs  x) (Sub,, ys y)
R⋆s-Sub,, {α} {Γ} {σ} xs x ys y rs r {.σ} (∈Cxt0 .Γ) = r
R⋆s-Sub,, {α} {Γ} {σ} xs x ys y rs r {τ} (∈CxtS .σ i) = rs i

R⋆s-⌜Sub,,⌝ : {α : Baire} {Γ : Cxt} {σ : type}
            (xs :  Γ ) (x :  σ )
            (ys : Sub₀ Γ) (y : T₀ σ)
           R⋆s α xs (⌜Sub⌝ ys)
           R⋆ α x  y 
           R⋆s α (xs  x) (⌜Sub⌝ (Sub,, ys y))
R⋆s-⌜Sub,,⌝ {α} {Γ} {σ} xs x ys y rs r {.σ} (∈Cxt0 .Γ) = r
R⋆s-⌜Sub,,⌝ {α} {Γ} {σ} xs x ys y rs r {τ} (∈CxtS .σ i) = p (rs i)
  p : (ri : R⋆ α (xs i) (⌜Sub⌝ ys (∈Cxt-B-type i)))
     R⋆ α (xs i) (⌜Sub⌝ (Sub,, ys y) (∈CxtS (B-type〖 σ  ((ι  ι)  ι)) (∈Cxt-B-type i)))
  p ri with ∈Cxt-B-context'' {B-type〖 τ  ((ι  ι)  ι)} (∈Cxt-B-type i)
  ... | τ₁ , e , j , z with =B-type e
  ... | refl with =type-refl e
  ... | refl with =∈Cxt-B-type i j z
  ... | refl = ri

-- derived from Rnorm-lemma and main-lemma
R⋆-main-lemma-ι : (t : T₀ ι)
                 (α : Baire)
                R⋆ α  t ⟧₀  t 
R⋆-main-lemma-ι t α =
  t ⟧₀                              =⟨  
 dialogue B⟦ t ⟧₀ α                  =⟨  
 dialogue⋆ (church-encode B⟦ t ⟧₀) α =⟨  
 dialogue⋆   t  ⟧₀ α 
  e : (a b : )  a  b  α a  α b
  e a .a refl = refl

   = main-lemma t α ⟨⟩ ⟪⟫  ())
   = dialogues-agreement B⟦ t ⟧₀ α
   = ≡-symm (Rnorm-lemmaι t (e _ _))


-- Is that even provable? (we don't need it, but we want to explore this)
RnormAs : {σ : type} (d : B〖 σ 〗) (t : {A : type} → T₀ (B-type〖 σ 〗 A)) (α : Baire)
         → Rnorm d t ↔ (Σ x ꞉ 〖 σ 〗 , ((R α x d) × (R⋆ α x t)))
RnormAs {ι} d t α = c1 , c2
  c0 : is-dialogue-for d t → dialogue d α = dialogue⋆ ⟦ t ⟧₀ α
  c0 i =
   dialogue d α
    =⟨ dialogues-agreement d α ⟩
   dialogue⋆ (church-encode d) α
    =⟨ ap (λ k → k α) (i ((ι ⇒ ι) ⇒ ι) (λ z α → z) (λ φ x α → φ (α x) α) ⁻¹) ⟩
   dialogue⋆ ⟦ t ⟧₀ α

  c1 : is-dialogue-for d t → (Σ n ꞉ ℕ , ((n = dialogue d α ) × (n = dialogue⋆ ⟦ t ⟧₀ α)))
  c1 h = dialogue d α , refl , c0 h

  c2 : Σ x ꞉ ℕ , (x = dialogue d α) × (x = dialogue⋆ ⟦ t ⟧₀ α) → is-dialogue-for d t
  c2 (x , a , b) A η' β' = {!!}
RnormAs {σ ⇒ σ₁} d t α = {!!} , {!!}

Can we get R⋆'s main lemma from R's and Rnorm's:

  ⟦ t ⟧ = dialogue B⟦ t ⟧ α
→ ⟦ ⌜ t ⌝ ⟧₀ ≣⋆ church-encode B⟦ t ⟧
→ ⟦ t ⟧ = dialogue⋆ ⟦ ⌜ t ⌝ ⟧₀ α


→ dialogue B⟦ t ⟧ α = dialogue⋆ church-encode B⟦ t ⟧ α

