Jon Sterling, started 16th Dec 2022

A duploid is a preduploid that has "shifts" between positive and negative objects.

1. An "upshift" for an object `A` is a negative object `⇑A` together with an invertible
thunkable map `wrap : A ⊢ ⇑A`.

2. A "downshift" for an object `A` is a positive object `⇓A` together with an
invertible linear map `force : ⇓A ⊢ A`.

Note that the inverses to the maps specified above are uniquely determined.  The
upshift and downshift, when viewed in terms of the categories obtained from the
duploid, will ultimately form a pair of adjunctions `↑⊣↓` and `⇓⊣⇑`

1. The upshift becomes a *left* adjoint functor `↑ : 𝓟-thunk → 𝓝-lin` from the
category of positive types and thunkable maps to the category of negative
objects and linear maps. Its right adjoint is the downshift `↓ : 𝓝-lin →

2. The upshift becomes a *right* adjoint functor `⇑ : 𝓟 → 𝓝` from the category
of positive types and all maps to the category of negative objects and all
maps. Its left adjoint is the downshift `⇓ : 𝓝 → 𝓟`.

The category of positive objects and all maps is the Kleisli category for the
monad of the adjunction `↑⊣↓`; the category of negative objects and all maps is
the Kleisli category for the comonad of `↑⊣↓`. Then the (flipped) adjunction
`⇓⊣⇑` is the usual adjunction between the Kleisli categories for the monad and
the comonad respectively.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc

module Duploids.Duploid (fe : Fun-Ext) (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where

open PropositionalTruncation pt

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.Base
open import UF.Subsingletons

open import Categories.Category fe
open import Categories.Functor fe
open import Duploids.DeductiveSystem fe
open import Duploids.Preduploid fe pt

module _ (𝓓 : deductive-system 𝓤 𝓥) where
 open deductive-system 𝓓
 open polarities 𝓓
 open ⊢-properties 𝓓

 module _ (A : ob) where
  upshift-data : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  upshift-data = Σ ⇑A  ob , ⇑A  A

  downshift-data : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  downshift-data = Σ ⇓A  ob , A  ⇓A

 module _ {A : ob} where
  upshift-axioms : upshift-data A  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  upshift-axioms (⇑A , force) =
   is-negative ⇑A ×
   (Σ delay  A  ⇑A ,
    is-inverse force delay
    × is-linear force)

  downshift-axioms : downshift-data A  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  downshift-axioms (⇓A , wrap) =
   is-positive ⇓A ×
   (Σ unwrap  ⇓A  A ,
    is-inverse wrap unwrap
    × is-thunkable wrap)

  module upshift-data (ush : upshift-data A) where
   upshift : ob
   upshift = pr₁ ush

   force : upshift  A
   force = pr₂ ush

  module downshift-data (dsh : downshift-data A) where
   downshift : ob
   downshift = pr₁ dsh

   wrap : A  downshift
   wrap = pr₂ dsh

  module upshift-axioms {ush : upshift-data A} (ax : upshift-axioms ush) where
   open upshift-data ush

   upshift-negative : is-negative upshift
   upshift-negative = pr₁ ax

   delay : A  upshift
   delay = pr₁ (pr₂ ax)

   force-delay-inverse : is-inverse force delay
   force-delay-inverse = pr₁ (pr₂ (pr₂ ax))

   force-linear : is-linear force
   force-linear = pr₂ (pr₂ (pr₂ ax))

  module downshift-axioms {dsh : downshift-data A} (ax : downshift-axioms dsh) where
   open downshift-data dsh

   downshift-positive : is-positive downshift
   downshift-positive = pr₁ ax

   unwrap : downshift  A
   unwrap = pr₁ (pr₂ ax)

   wrap-unwrap-inverse : is-inverse wrap unwrap
   wrap-unwrap-inverse = pr₁ (pr₂ (pr₂ ax))

   wrap-thunkable : is-thunkable wrap
   wrap-thunkable = pr₂ (pr₂ (pr₂ ax))

  upshift-axioms-is-prop : {ush : _}  is-prop (upshift-axioms ush)
  upshift-axioms-is-prop ax0 ax1 =
   let module ax0 = upshift-axioms ax0 in
   let module ax1 = upshift-axioms ax1 in
    (being-negative-is-prop _ _)
       (ax0.upshift-negative _ _) ,
       (being-inverse-is-prop _ _ _)
       (being-linear-is-prop _ _)))

  downshift-axioms-is-prop : {dsh : _}  is-prop (downshift-axioms dsh)
  downshift-axioms-is-prop ax0 ax1 =
   let module ax0 = downshift-axioms ax0 in
   let module ax1 = downshift-axioms ax1 in
    (being-positive-is-prop _ _)
       (ax0.downshift-positive _ _) ,
       (being-inverse-is-prop _ _ _)
       (being-thunkable-is-prop _ _)))

 module _ (A : ob) where
  has-upshift : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  has-upshift = Σ ush  upshift-data A , upshift-axioms ush

  has-downshift : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  has-downshift = Σ dsh  downshift-data A , downshift-axioms dsh

  module has-upshift (h : has-upshift) where
   open upshift-data (pr₁ h) public
   open upshift-axioms (pr₂ h) public

  module has-downshift (h : has-downshift) where
   open downshift-data (pr₁ h) public
   open downshift-axioms (pr₂ h) public

 has-all-shifts : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 has-all-shifts = (A : ob)  has-upshift A × has-downshift A

 -- This is not necessarily a proposition, because we do not yet know how to
 -- state the property that a deductive system is univalent.

 duploid-structure : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 duploid-structure =
  preduploid-axioms 𝓓
  × has-all-shifts

 module duploid-structure (str : duploid-structure) where
  underlying-preduploid : preduploid 𝓤 𝓥
  underlying-preduploid = make 𝓓 (pr₁ str)

  module _ (A : ob) where
    A-has-shifts = pr₂ str A
    module ⇑A = has-upshift A (pr₁ A-has-shifts)
    module ⇓A = has-downshift A (pr₂ A-has-shifts)

   ⇑_ = ⇑A.upshift
   ⇓_ = ⇓A.downshift

  module _ {A : ob} where
    A-has-shifts = pr₂ str A
    module ⇑A = has-upshift A (pr₁ A-has-shifts)
    module ⇓A = has-downshift A (pr₂ A-has-shifts)

   open ⇑A hiding (upshift) public
   open ⇓A hiding (downshift) public

duploid : (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)  (𝓤  𝓥) ̇
duploid 𝓤 𝓥 = Σ 𝓓  deductive-system 𝓤 𝓥 , duploid-structure 𝓓

module duploid (𝓓 : duploid 𝓤 𝓥) where
 open duploid-structure (pr₁ 𝓓) (pr₂ 𝓓) public
 open preduploid underlying-preduploid public

-- Some preliminary "quick notation" for working with duploids
module duploid-notation (𝓓 : duploid 𝓤 𝓥) where
 open duploid 𝓓
 _>>_ = cut
 𝒹 = delay
 𝒻 = force
 𝓌 = wrap
 𝓊 = unwrap

module unrestricted-upshift-functor (𝓓 : duploid 𝓤 𝓥) where
 module 𝓓 = duploid 𝓓
 𝓝 = NegativesAndAllMaps.precat 𝓓.underlying-preduploid
 𝓟 = PositivesAndAllMaps.precat 𝓓.underlying-preduploid
 module 𝓝 = precategory 𝓝
 module 𝓟 = precategory 𝓟

 open ⊢-properties (preduploid.underlying-deductive-system 𝓓.underlying-preduploid)
 open functor-of-precategories
 open duploid-notation 𝓓

 module str where
  ob : 𝓟.ob  𝓝.ob
  ob (A , A-pos) = 𝓓.⇑ A , 𝓓.upshift-negative

  hom : (A B : 𝓟.ob)  pr₁ A 𝓓.⊢ pr₁ B  (𝓓.⇑ pr₁ A) 𝓓.⊢ (𝓓.⇑ pr₁ B)
  hom A B f = 𝒻 >> (f >> 𝒹)

  structure : functor-structure 𝓟 𝓝
  structure = ob , hom

 module ax where
    preserves-idn : (A : 𝓟.ob)  𝒻 >> (𝓓.idn _ >> 𝒹)  𝓓.idn (𝓓.⇑ pr₁ A)
    preserves-idn (A , A-pos) =
     𝒻 >> (𝓓.idn A >> 𝒹) =⟨ ap (𝒻 >>_) (𝓓.idn-L _ _ _) 
     𝒻 >> 𝒹 =⟨ pr₁ 𝓓.force-delay-inverse 
     𝓓.idn (𝓓.⇑ A) 

    : (A B C : 𝓟.ob)
     (f : 𝓟.hom A B)
     (g : 𝓟.hom B C)
     𝒻 >> ((f >> g) >> 𝒹)  (𝒻 >> (f >> 𝒹)) >> (𝒻 >> (g >> 𝒹))
   preserves-seq (A , A-pos) (B , B-pos) (C , C-pos) f g =
    𝒻 >> ((f >> g) >> 𝒹) =⟨ ap (𝒻 >>_) (𝒹-linear _ _ _ _) 
    𝒻 >> (f >> (g >> 𝒹)) =⟨ g-𝒹-linear _ _ _ _ ⁻¹ 
    ((𝒻 >> f) >> (g >> 𝒹)) =⟨ ap (_>> (g >> 𝒹)) (help1 ⁻¹) 
    ((𝒻 >> (f >> 𝒹)) >> 𝒻) >> (g >> 𝒹) =⟨ g-𝒹-linear _ _ _ _ 
    (𝒻 >> (f >> 𝒹)) >> (𝒻 >> (g >> 𝒹)) 
     help2 : (f >> 𝒹) >> 𝒻  f
     help2 =
      (f >> 𝒹) >> 𝒻 =⟨ 𝓓.force-linear _ _ _ _ 
      f >> (𝒹 >> 𝒻) =⟨ ap (f >>_) (pr₂ 𝓓.force-delay-inverse) 
      f >> 𝓓.idn _ =⟨ 𝓓.idn-R _ _ _ 

     help1 : ((𝒻 >> (f >> 𝒹)) >> 𝒻)  𝒻 >> f
     help1 =
      ((𝒻 >> (f >> 𝒹)) >> 𝒻) =⟨ 𝓓.force-linear _ _ _ _ 
      (𝒻 >> ((f >> 𝒹) >> 𝒻)) =⟨ ap (𝒻 >>_) help2 
      (𝒻 >> f) 

     g-𝒹-linear : is-linear (g >> 𝒹)
     g-𝒹-linear = B-pos (𝓓.⇑ C) (g >> 𝒹)

     𝒹-linear : is-linear (𝒹 {C})
     𝒹-linear = C-pos (𝓓.⇑ C) 𝒹

  axioms : functor-axioms 𝓟 𝓝 str.structure
  axioms = preserves-idn , preserves-seq

 ⇑-functor : functor 𝓟 𝓝
 ⇑-functor = make str.structure ax.axioms
