Tom de Jong, 8 March 2020.
Minor updates on 28 January 2022.
We give the main properties of the ideal completion of an abstract basis,
cf. Section 2.2.6 of "Domain Theory" by Abramsky and Jung.
In particular, we show that the abstract basis is a small basis for the ideal
completion, making it a continuous dcpo in particular. Moreover, if the relation
of the abstract basis is reflexive, then the ideal completion has a small
compact basis and hence is algebraic.
In proving this, it is helpful to characterize the way-below relation in the
ideal completion.
Finally, we describe how a monotone map from the abstract basis to a dcpo
induces a map from the ideal completion to the dcpo.
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}
open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (J)
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Subsingletons
module DomainTheory.IdealCompletion.Properties
(pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
(fe : Fun-Ext)
(pe : Prop-Ext)
(𝓥 : Universe)
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Powerset
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.WayBelow pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Bases pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Continuity pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.IdealCompletion.IdealCompletion pt fe pe 𝓥
open PropositionalTruncation pt
We first prove the basic yet useful fact that reflexivity implies the nullary
and binary interpolation axioms for abstract bases.
module _
{X : 𝓤 ̇ }
(_≺_ : X → X → 𝓣 ̇ )
reflexivity-implies-INT₀ : ({x : X} → x ≺ x) → (x : X) → ∃ y ꞉ X , y ≺ x
reflexivity-implies-INT₀ r x = ∣ x , r ∣
reflexivity-implies-INT₂ : ({x : X} → x ≺ x) → {y₀ y₁ x : X} → y₀ ≺ x → y₁ ≺ x
→ ∃ z ꞉ X , y₀ ≺ z × y₁ ≺ z × z ≺ x
reflexivity-implies-INT₂ r {y₀} {y₁} {x} l m = ∣ x , l , m , r ∣
A few useful facts regarding ideals on abstract bases:
- the ideals are rounded;
- the map that maps x : X to its prinicipal ideal is monotone;
- suprema of ideals are given by unions.
module Idl-Properties
{X : 𝓤 ̇ }
(_≺_ : X → X → 𝓥 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇ )
(≺-prop-valued : {x y : X} → is-prop (x ≺ y))
(INT₂ : {y₀ y₁ x : X} → y₀ ≺ x → y₁ ≺ x
→ ∃ z ꞉ X , y₀ ≺ z × y₁ ≺ z × z ≺ x)
(INT₀ : (x : X) → ∃ y ꞉ X , y ≺ x)
(≺-trans : {x y z : X} → x ≺ y → y ≺ z → x ≺ z)
open Ideals {𝓤} {𝓥 ⊔ 𝓣} {X} _≺_ ≺-prop-valued INT₂ INT₀ ≺-trans
roundedness : (I : Idl) {x : X} → (x ∈ᵢ I) → ∃ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ I × x ≺ y
roundedness I {x} xI = ∥∥-functor γ h
h : ∃ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ I × x ≺ y × x ≺ y
h = directed-sets-are-semidirected (carrier I)
(ideals-are-directed-sets (carrier I) (ideality I))
x x xI xI
γ : (Σ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ I × x ≺ y × x ≺ y)
→ Σ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ I × x ≺ y
γ (y , yI , l , _) = y , yI , l
infix 25 ↓_
↓_ : X → Idl
↓ x = (λ (y : X) → (y ≺ x) , ≺-prop-valued) ,
ls , inh , δ
ls : is-lowerset (λ y → (y ≺ x) , ≺-prop-valued)
ls x y = ≺-trans
inh : ∃ y ꞉ X , y ≺ x
inh = INT₀ x
δ : is-semidirected-set (λ y → (y ≺ x) , ≺-prop-valued)
δ y₁ y₂ l₁ l₂ = ∥∥-functor γ (INT₂ l₁ l₂)
γ : (Σ z ꞉ X , y₁ ≺ z × y₂ ≺ z × z ≺ x)
→ (Σ z ꞉ X , z ≺ x × y₁ ≺ z × y₂ ≺ z)
γ (z , m₁ , m₂ , n) = z , n , m₁ , m₂
↓-is-monotone : {x y : X} → x ≺ y → ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ y
↓-is-monotone {x} {y} l _ m = ≺-trans m l
Idl-sups-from-powerset : {𝓐 : 𝓥 ̇ } (α : 𝓐 → Idl) (I : Idl)
→ is-sup _⊆_ (carrier I) (carrier ∘ α)
→ is-sup _⊑_ I α
Idl-sups-from-powerset {𝓐} α I I-is-sup = (ub , lb-of-ubs)
ub : is-upperbound _⊑_ I α
ub = sup-is-upperbound _⊆_ {𝓥} {𝓐} {carrier I} {carrier ∘ α} I-is-sup
lb-of-ubs : is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds _⊑_ I α
lb-of-ubs J J-is-ub = sup-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds _⊆_ {𝓥} {𝓐}
{carrier I} {carrier ∘ α}
I-is-sup (carrier J) J-is-ub
We are mainly interested in ideals of small abstract basis, i.e. when X : 𝓥 and
_≺_ takes values in 𝓥.
record abstract-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ̇ where
basis-carrier : 𝓥 ̇
_≺_ : basis-carrier → basis-carrier → 𝓥 ̇
≺-prop-valued : {x y : basis-carrier} → is-prop (x ≺ y)
≺-trans : {x y z : basis-carrier} → x ≺ y → y ≺ z → x ≺ z
INT₀ : (x : basis-carrier) → ∃ y ꞉ basis-carrier , y ≺ x
INT₂ : {y₀ y₁ x : basis-carrier} → y₀ ≺ x → y₁ ≺ x
→ ∃ z ꞉ basis-carrier , y₀ ≺ z × y₁ ≺ z × z ≺ x
record reflexive-abstract-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ̇ where
basis-carrier : 𝓥 ̇
_≺_ : basis-carrier → basis-carrier → 𝓥 ̇
≺-prop-valued : {x y : basis-carrier} → is-prop (x ≺ y)
≺-trans : {x y z : basis-carrier} → x ≺ y → y ≺ z → x ≺ z
≺-refl : {x : basis-carrier} → x ≺ x
INT₀ : (x : basis-carrier) → ∃ y ꞉ basis-carrier , y ≺ x
INT₀ = reflexivity-implies-INT₀ _≺_ ≺-refl
INT₂ : {y₀ y₁ x : basis-carrier} → y₀ ≺ x → y₁ ≺ x
→ ∃ z ꞉ basis-carrier , y₀ ≺ z × y₁ ≺ z × z ≺ x
INT₂ = reflexivity-implies-INT₂ _≺_ ≺-refl
reflexive-abstract-basis-to-abstract-basis : reflexive-abstract-basis
→ abstract-basis
reflexive-abstract-basis-to-abstract-basis rab =
{ basis-carrier = basis-carrier
; _≺_ = _≺_
; ≺-prop-valued = ≺-prop-valued
; ≺-trans = ≺-trans
; INT₀ = INT₀
; INT₂ = INT₂
open reflexive-abstract-basis rab
module Ideals-of-small-abstract-basis
(abs-basis : abstract-basis)
open abstract-basis abs-basis renaming (basis-carrier to X)
open Ideals {𝓥} {𝓥} {X} _≺_ ≺-prop-valued INT₂ INT₀ ≺-trans public
open Idl-Properties {𝓥} {𝓥} {X} _≺_ ≺-prop-valued INT₂ INT₀ ≺-trans public
We show that every ideal I is the supremum of {↓ x ∣ x ∈ I}.
↓-of-ideal : (I : Idl) → 𝕋 (carrier I) → Idl
↓-of-ideal I (i , _) = ↓ i
↓-of-ideal-is-directed : (I : Idl) → is-Directed Idl-DCPO (↓-of-ideal I)
↓-of-ideal-is-directed (I , ι) = inh , ε
δ : is-semidirected-set I
δ = directed-sets-are-semidirected I (ideals-are-directed-sets I ι)
inh : ∥ 𝕋 I ∥
inh = directed-sets-are-inhabited I (ideals-are-directed-sets I ι)
ε : is-semidirected _⊑_ (↓-of-ideal (I , ι))
ε (i , p) (j , q) = ∥∥-functor γ (δ i j p q)
γ : (Σ x ꞉ X , x ∈ I × i ≺ x × j ≺ x)
→ Σ k ꞉ 𝕋 I , (↓-of-ideal (I , ι) (i , p) ⊑ ↓-of-ideal (I , ι) k)
× (↓-of-ideal (I , ι) (j , q) ⊑ ↓-of-ideal (I , ι) k)
γ (x , xI , lᵢ , lⱼ) = (x , xI) , (u , v)
u : ↓-of-ideal (I , ι) (i , p) ⊑ ↓-of-ideal (I , ι) (x , xI)
u y mᵢ = ≺-trans mᵢ lᵢ
v : ↓-of-ideal (I , ι) (j , q) ⊑ ↓-of-ideal (I , ι) (x , xI)
v y m = ≺-trans m lⱼ
Idl-∐-= : (I : Idl)
→ I = ∐ Idl-DCPO {_} {↓-of-ideal I} (↓-of-ideal-is-directed I)
Idl-∐-= I = antisymmetry Idl-DCPO I (∐ Idl-DCPO {_} {α} δ) l₁ l₂
α : 𝕋 (carrier I) → Idl
α = ↓-of-ideal I
δ : is-Directed Idl-DCPO α
δ = ↓-of-ideal-is-directed I
l₁ : I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ∐ Idl-DCPO {_} {α} δ
l₁ i p = ∥∥-functor γ (roundedness I p)
γ : (Σ j ꞉ X , j ∈ᵢ I × i ≺ j)
→ Σ a ꞉ 𝕋 (carrier I) , i ∈ᵢ α a
γ (j , q , m) = (j , q) , m
l₂ : ∐ Idl-DCPO {_} {α} δ ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ I
l₂ i p = ∥∥-rec (∈-is-prop (carrier I) i) γ p
γ : (Σ j ꞉ 𝕋 (carrier I) , i ≺ pr₁ j) → i ∈ carrier I
γ ((j , q) , m) = ideals-are-lowersets (carrier I) (ideality I)
i j m q
We give two characterizations of the way-below relation in Idl, cf. Proposition
2.2.22 of "Domain Theory" by Abramsky and Jung.
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑ : (I J : Idl) → I ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
→ ∃ x ꞉ X , x ∈ᵢ J × I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑ I J u = ∥∥-functor γ g
γ : (Σ j ꞉ 𝕋 (carrier J) , I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ (↓-of-ideal J j))
→ Σ x ꞉ X , x ∈ᵢ J × I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
γ ((j , p) , l) = j , (p , l)
g : ∃ j ꞉ 𝕋 (carrier J) , I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ (↓-of-ideal J j)
g = u (𝕋 (carrier J)) (↓-of-ideal J) (↓-of-ideal-is-directed J)
(=-to-⊑ Idl-DCPO (Idl-∐-= J))
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑-converse : (I J : Idl)
→ ∃ x ꞉ X , x ∈ᵢ J × I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
→ I ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑-converse I J = ∥∥-rec (≪-is-prop-valued Idl-DCPO {I} {J}) γ
γ : (Σ x ꞉ X , x ∈ᵢ J × I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x)
→ I ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
γ (x , xJ , s) 𝓐 α δ t = ∥∥-functor g (t x xJ)
g : (Σ a ꞉ 𝓐 , x ∈ᵢ α a)
→ Σ a ꞉ 𝓐 , I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ α a
g (a , xa) = a , r
r : I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ α a
r = transitivity Idl-DCPO I (↓ x) (α a) s q
q : ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ α a
q y l = ideals-are-lowersets (carrier (α a)) (ideality (α a)) y x l xa
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑₂ : (I J : Idl) → I ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
→ ∃ x ꞉ X , Σ y ꞉ X , x ≺ y
× I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
× ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ y
× ↓ y ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑₂ I J u = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop γ (Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑ I J u)
γ : (Σ x ꞉ X , x ∈ᵢ J × I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x)
→ ∃ x ꞉ X , Σ y ꞉ X , x ≺ y
× I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
× ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ y
× ↓ y ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
γ (x , xJ , s) = ∥∥-functor g (roundedness J xJ)
g : (Σ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ J × x ≺ y)
→ Σ x ꞉ X , Σ y ꞉ X , x ≺ y
× I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
× ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ y
× ↓ y ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
g (y , yJ , l) = x , y , l , s , t , r
t : ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ y
t = ↓-is-monotone l
r : ↓ y ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
r z m = ideals-are-lowersets (carrier J) (ideality J) z y m yJ
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑₂-converse : (I J : Idl)
→ ∃ x ꞉ X , Σ y ꞉ X , x ≺ y
× I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
× ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ y
× ↓ y ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
→ I ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑₂-converse I J = ∥∥-rec (≪-is-prop-valued Idl-DCPO {I} {J}) γ
γ : (Σ x ꞉ X , Σ y ꞉ X , x ≺ y
× I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
× ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ y
× ↓ y ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J)
→ I ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
γ (x , y , l , s , _ , r) 𝓐 α δ m = ∥∥-functor g (m x (r x l))
g : (Σ a ꞉ 𝓐 , x ∈ᵢ α a)
→ Σ a ꞉ 𝓐 , I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ α a
g (a , xa) = a , h
h : I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ α a
h = transitivity Idl-DCPO I (↓ x) (α a) s s'
s' : ↓ x ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ α a
s' z n = ideals-are-lowersets (carrier (α a)) (ideality (α a)) z x n xa
For principal ideals we have the following criteria for being way-below another
↓≪-criterion : (I : Idl) (x : X)
→ x ∈ᵢ I → ↓ x ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ I
↓≪-criterion I x x-in-I =
Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑-converse (↓ x) I ∣ x , x-in-I , reflexivity Idl-DCPO (↓ x) ∣
↓⊑-criterion : (I : Idl) (x : X)
→ x ∈ᵢ I → ↓ x ⊑ I
↓⊑-criterion I x x-in-I = ≪-to-⊑ Idl-DCPO {↓ x} {I} (↓≪-criterion I x x-in-I)
↓⊑-criterion-converse : (I : Idl) (x : X)
→ x ≺ x
→ ↓ x ⊑ I → x ∈ᵢ I
↓⊑-criterion-converse I x r ↓x-below-I = ↓x-below-I x r
We now work towards showing that ↓_ : X → Idl is a small basis (in the sense of
DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Bases.lagda) for Idl. In particular, Idl is a
continuous dcpo.
↓-Idl-inclusion : (I : Idl) → (Σ x ꞉ X , ↓ x ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ I) → Idl
↓-Idl-inclusion I = ↓_ ∘ pr₁
↓-Idl-inclusion-is-directed : (I : Idl)
→ is-Directed (Idl-DCPO) (↓-Idl-inclusion I)
↓-Idl-inclusion-is-directed I = inh , semidir
inh : ∥ domain (↓-Idl-inclusion I) ∥
inh = ∥∥-functor h (directed-sets-are-inhabited (carrier I)
(ideals-are-directed-sets (carrier I) (ideality I)))
h : 𝕋 (carrier I) → domain (↓-Idl-inclusion I)
h (x , x-in-I) = (x , ↓≪-criterion I x x-in-I)
semidir : is-semidirected _⊑_ (↓-Idl-inclusion I)
semidir (x , ↓x-way-below-I) (y , ↓y-way-below-I) =
∥∥-rec₂ ∃-is-prop f
(Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑ (↓ x) I ↓x-way-below-I)
(Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑ (↓ y) I ↓y-way-below-I)
f : (Σ x' ꞉ X , x' ∈ᵢ I × ↓ x ⊑ ↓ x')
→ (Σ y' ꞉ X , y' ∈ᵢ I × ↓ y ⊑ ↓ y')
→ ∃ k ꞉ domain (↓-Idl-inclusion I) , (↓ x ⊑ ↓-Idl-inclusion I k)
× (↓ y ⊑ ↓-Idl-inclusion I k)
f (x' , x'-in-I , ↓x-below-↓x') (y' , y'-in-I , ↓y-below-↓y') =
∥∥-functor g (directed-sets-are-semidirected
(carrier I)
(ideals-are-directed-sets (carrier I) (ideality I))
x' y' x'-in-I y'-in-I)
g : (Σ z ꞉ X , z ∈ᵢ I × (x' ≺ z) × (y' ≺ z))
→ Σ k ꞉ domain (↓-Idl-inclusion I) , (↓ x ⊑ ↓-Idl-inclusion I k)
× (↓ y ⊑ ↓-Idl-inclusion I k)
g (z , z-in-I , x'-below-z , y'-below-z) =
(z , ↓≪-criterion I z z-in-I) , (u , v)
u : ↓ x ⊑ ↓ z
u = transitivity Idl-DCPO (↓ x) (↓ x') (↓ z)
↓x-below-↓x' (↓-is-monotone x'-below-z)
v : ↓ y ⊑ ↓ z
v = transitivity Idl-DCPO (↓ y) (↓ y') (↓ z)
↓y-below-↓y' (↓-is-monotone y'-below-z)
↓-Idl-inclusion-sup : (I : Idl) → is-sup _⊑_ I (↓-Idl-inclusion I)
↓-Idl-inclusion-sup I = ub , lb-of-ubs
ub : is-upperbound _⊑_ I (↓-Idl-inclusion I)
ub (x , ↓x-way-below-I) y y-below-x = s y y-below-x
s : ↓ x ⊑ I
s = ≪-to-⊑ Idl-DCPO {↓ x} {I} ↓x-way-below-I
lb-of-ubs : is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds _⊑_ I (↓-Idl-inclusion I)
lb-of-ubs J J-is-ub x x-in-I = ∥∥-rec (∈-is-prop (carrier J) x) h
(roundedness I x-in-I)
h : (Σ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ I × x ≺ y) → x ∈ᵢ J
h (y , y-in-I , x-below-y) = J-is-ub (y , lem) x x-below-y
lem : ↓ y ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ I
lem = ↓≪-criterion I y y-in-I
↓-is-small-basis : is-small-basis Idl-DCPO ↓_
↓-is-small-basis = record {
≪ᴮ-is-small = λ I x → (↓ x ≪ₛ I) , e (↓ x) I;
↡ᴮ-is-directed = ↓-Idl-inclusion-is-directed;
↡ᴮ-is-sup = ↓-Idl-inclusion-sup
_≪ₛ_ : Idl → Idl → 𝓥 ̇
I ≪ₛ J = ∃ x ꞉ X , (x ∈ᵢ J) × I ⊑⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ ↓ x
e : (I J : Idl) → I ≪ₛ J ≃ I ≪⟨ Idl-DCPO ⟩ J
e I J = logically-equivalent-props-are-equivalent
∃-is-prop (≪-is-prop-valued Idl-DCPO {I} {J})
(Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑-converse I J)
(Idl-≪-in-terms-of-⊑ I J)
Idl-has-specified-small-basis : has-specified-small-basis Idl-DCPO
Idl-has-specified-small-basis = (X , ↓_ , ↓-is-small-basis)
Idl-structurally-continuous : structurally-continuous Idl-DCPO
Idl-structurally-continuous = structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis
Idl-DCPO Idl-has-specified-small-basis
Idl-is-continuous-dcpo : is-continuous-dcpo Idl-DCPO
Idl-is-continuous-dcpo = ∣ Idl-structurally-continuous ∣
If _≺_ is reflexive, then Idl is algebraic with ↓_ : X → Idl giving a small
compact basis, as we prove now.
↓-is-compact : (x : X) → x ≺ x → is-compact Idl-DCPO (↓ x)
↓-is-compact x r 𝓘 α δ x-below-∐α =
∥∥-functor h (x-below-∐α x r)
h : (Σ i ꞉ 𝓘 , x ∈ᵢ α i)
→ Σ i ꞉ 𝓘 , ↓ x ⊑ α i
h (i , x-in-αᵢ) = (i , ↓⊑-criterion (α i) x x-in-αᵢ)
module _
(≺-is-reflexive : (x : X) → x ≺ x)
↓-is-small-compact-basis : is-small-compact-basis Idl-DCPO ↓_
↓-is-small-compact-basis =
small-and-compact-basis Idl-DCPO ↓_ ↓-is-small-basis
(λ x → ↓-is-compact x (≺-is-reflexive x))
Idl-has-specified-small-compact-basis : has-specified-small-compact-basis Idl-DCPO
Idl-has-specified-small-compact-basis = (X , ↓_ , ↓-is-small-compact-basis)
Idl-structurally-algebraic : structurally-algebraic Idl-DCPO
Idl-structurally-algebraic =
Idl-DCPO Idl-has-specified-small-compact-basis
Idl-is-algebraic-dcpo : is-algebraic-dcpo Idl-DCPO
Idl-is-algebraic-dcpo = ∣ Idl-structurally-algebraic ∣
Finally, given a monotone map from X to a dcpo D, we construct a continuous map
from Idl to D. This provides us with a convenient way to define maps out of the
ideal completion.
module Idl-mediating
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
(f : X → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(f-is-monotone : {x y : X} → x ≺ y → f x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ f y)
Idl-mediating-directed : (I : Idl)
→ is-Directed 𝓓 {𝕋 (carrier I)} (f ∘ pr₁)
Idl-mediating-directed I =
(directed-sets-are-inhabited (carrier I) Idir) , ε
ι : 𝕋 (carrier I) → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
ι = f ∘ pr₁
Idir : is-directed-set (carrier I)
Idir = ideals-are-directed-sets (carrier I) (ideality I)
ε : is-semidirected (underlying-order 𝓓) ι
ε (x , xI) (y , yI) = ∥∥-functor γ g
γ : (Σ z ꞉ X , z ∈ᵢ I × x ≺ z × y ≺ z)
→ Σ i ꞉ 𝕋 (carrier I) , (ι (x , xI) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ι i)
× (ι (y , yI) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ι i)
γ (z , zI , lx , ly) = (z , zI) , f-is-monotone lx , f-is-monotone ly
g : ∃ z ꞉ X , z ∈ᵢ I × x ≺ z × y ≺ z
g = directed-sets-are-semidirected (carrier I) Idir x y xI yI
Idl-mediating-map : Idl → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
Idl-mediating-map I = ∐ 𝓓 (Idl-mediating-directed I)
Idl-mediating-map-is-continuous : is-continuous Idl-DCPO 𝓓 Idl-mediating-map
Idl-mediating-map-is-continuous 𝓐 α δ = ub , lb
f' : Idl → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
f' = Idl-mediating-map
ε : (I : Idl) → is-Directed 𝓓 (f ∘ pr₁)
ε = Idl-mediating-directed
ub : (a : 𝓐) → f' (α a) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ f' (∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ)
ub a = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓓 (ε (α a))
(f' (∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ)) γ
γ : (y : (Σ x ꞉ X , x ∈ᵢ α a))
→ f (pr₁ y) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ f' (∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ)
γ (x , p) = ∐-is-upperbound 𝓓 (ε (∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ)) g
g : Σ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ (∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ)
g = x , ∣ a , p ∣
lb : is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order 𝓓)
(f' (∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ))
(λ a → f' (α a))
lb d u = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓓 (ε (∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ)) d γ
γ : (x : (Σ y ꞉ X , y ∈ᵢ ∐ Idl-DCPO {𝓐} {α} δ))
→ f (pr₁ x) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ d
γ (x , p) = ∥∥-rec (prop-valuedness 𝓓 (f x) d) g p
g : (Σ a ꞉ 𝓐 , x ∈ᵢ α a) → f x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ d
g (a , q) = f x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩[ ∐-is-upperbound 𝓓 (ε (α a)) (x , q) ]
f' (α a) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩[ u a ]
d ∎⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
If _≺_ is reflexive, then the mediating map makes the obvious triangle commute.
Idl-mediating-map-commutes : reflexive _≺_
→ Idl-mediating-map ∘ ↓_ ∼ f
Idl-mediating-map-commutes r x = γ
δ : is-Directed 𝓓 (f ∘ pr₁)
δ = Idl-mediating-directed (↓ x)
γ : ∐ 𝓓 δ = f x
γ = antisymmetry 𝓓 (∐ 𝓓 δ) (f x) a b
a : ∐ 𝓓 δ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ f x
a = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓓 δ (f x) g
g : (y : Σ z ꞉ X , z ∈ᵢ ↓ x)
→ f (pr₁ y) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ f x
g (y , l) = f-is-monotone l
b : f x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 δ
b = ∐-is-upperbound 𝓓 δ (x , r x)
Added 24 June 2024.
Moreover, it is the unique Scott continuous to do so.
Idl-mediating-map-is-unique' : reflexive _≺_
→ (g : Idl → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
→ is-continuous Idl-DCPO 𝓓 g
→ g ∘ ↓_ ∼ f
→ g ∼ Idl-mediating-map
Idl-mediating-map-is-unique' r g c h I =
g I =⟨ ⦅1⦆ ⟩
g (∐ Idl-DCPO δ) =⟨ ⦅2⦆ ⟩
∐ 𝓓 (image-is-directed' Idl-DCPO 𝓓 (g , c) δ) =⟨ ⦅3⦆ ⟩
∐ 𝓓 (Idl-mediating-directed I) =⟨ refl ⟩
Idl-mediating-map I ∎
δ : is-Directed Idl-DCPO (↓-of-ideal I)
δ = ↓-of-ideal-is-directed I
⦅1⦆ = ap g (Idl-∐-= I)
⦅2⦆ = continuous-∐-= Idl-DCPO 𝓓 (g , c) δ
⦅3⦆ = ∐-family-=' 𝓓 (λ (b , _) → h b)
(image-is-directed' Idl-DCPO 𝓓 (g , c) δ)
(Idl-mediating-directed I)
Idl-mediating-map-is-unique : reflexive _≺_
→ ∃! f̅ ꞉ DCPO[ Idl-DCPO , 𝓓 ] ,
[ Idl-DCPO , 𝓓 ]⟨ f̅ ⟩ ∘ ↓_ ∼ f
Idl-mediating-map-is-unique r =
((Idl-mediating-map , Idl-mediating-map-is-continuous) ,
Idl-mediating-map-commutes r) ,
(λ ((g , c) , h) → to-subtype-=
(λ _ → Π-is-prop fe (λ _ → sethood 𝓓))
(to-continuous-function-= Idl-DCPO 𝓓
(∼-sym (Idl-mediating-map-is-unique' r g c h))))