Tom de Jong, late February, early March 2022.
Updated 27 June 2024.
We use single step functions to construct a small compact basis on the
exponential of dcpos Eᴰ where D and E have small compact bases and E is
sup-complete. This is used in DomainTheory.Bilimits.Dinfinity.lagda to show that
Scott's D∞ has a small compact basis, and hence is algebraic.
We can prove a similar result for dcpos with a small bases that are not
necessarily algebraic, but the formalization of this argument is not entirely
complete, as it depends on a lemma on the sup-completeness of the ideal
completion, see below for details.
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}
open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (J)
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
module DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.StepFunctions
(pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
(fe : Fun-Ext)
(𝓥 : Universe)
open PropositionalTruncation pt hiding (_∨_)
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Bases pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Continuity pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Exponential pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Pointed pt fe 𝓥 hiding (⊥ ; ⊥-is-least)
open import DomainTheory.Basics.SupComplete pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.WayBelow pt fe 𝓥
We introduce single step functions to show that sup-complete algebraic dcpos are
closed under exponentials, cf. Exercise II-2.31 in "Continuous Lattices and
Domains" by Gierz et al.
Classically, a single step function
⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ is given like this:
x ↦ e if d ⊑ x
⊥ otherwise
Constructively, we can't expect to make this case distinction, so we define
single step functions using subsingleton suprema instead.
module single-step-function-def
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
(𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
(𝓓-is-locally-small : is-locally-small 𝓓)
open is-locally-small 𝓓-is-locally-small
⦅_⇒_⦆ : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ x = ∐ˢˢ 𝓔 α (⊑ₛ-is-prop-valued d x)
α : d ⊑ₛ x → ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
α _ = e
single-step-function-index : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → 𝓥 ̇
single-step-function-index d x = d ⊑ₛ x
single-step-function-index-is-prop : {d x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩}
→ is-prop (single-step-function-index d x)
single-step-function-index-is-prop {d} {x} = ⊑ₛ-is-prop-valued d x
single-step-function-family : {d x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} (e : ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫)
→ single-step-function-index d x → ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
single-step-function-family e _ = e
single-step-function-is-continuous : (d : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (e : ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫)
→ is-compact 𝓓 d
→ is-continuous 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆
single-step-function-is-continuous d e d-is-compact I α δ = (ub , lb-of-ubs)
ub : (i : I) → ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ (α i) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ (∐ 𝓓 δ)
ub i = ∐ˢˢ-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓔 (λ _ → e)
single-step-function-index-is-prop (⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ (∐ 𝓓 δ))
(λ p → ∐ˢˢ-is-upperbound 𝓔 (λ _ → e)
(d ⊑ₛ[ p ]
α i ⊑ₛ[ ⌜ ⊑ₛ-≃-⊑ ⌝⁻¹ (∐-is-upperbound 𝓓 δ i) ]
∐ 𝓓 δ ∎ₛ))
lb-of-ubs : is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order (𝓔 ⁻))
(⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ (∐ 𝓓 δ)) (⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ ∘ α)
lb-of-ubs y y-is-ub = ∐ˢˢ-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓔 (λ _ → e)
single-step-function-index-is-prop y γ
γ : (p : d ⊑ₛ ∐ 𝓓 δ) → e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ y
γ p = ∥∥-rec (prop-valuedness (𝓔 ⁻) e y)
lemma (d-is-compact I α δ (⌜ ⊑ₛ-≃-⊑ ⌝ p))
lemma : (Σ i ꞉ I , d ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ α i)
→ e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ y
lemma (i , u) = e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ v ]
⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ (α i) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ y-is-ub i ]
y ∎⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
v = ∐ˢˢ-is-upperbound 𝓔 (λ _ → e) single-step-function-index-is-prop
(⌜ ⊑ₛ-≃-⊑ ⌝⁻¹ u)
⦅_⇒_⦆[_] : (d : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (e : ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫)
→ is-compact 𝓓 d
→ DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]
⦅_⇒_⦆[_] d e d-is-compact =
(⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ , single-step-function-is-continuous d e d-is-compact)
below-single-step-function-criterion : (d : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (e : ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫) (κ : is-compact 𝓓 d)
(f : DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ])
→ ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆[ κ ] ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ f
↔ e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ d
below-single-step-function-criterion d e κ f = ⦅1⦆ , ⦅2⦆
⦅1⦆ : ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆[ κ ] ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ f
→ e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ d
⦅1⦆ u = e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ v ]
⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆ d ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ u d ]
[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ d ∎⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
v = ∐ˢˢ-is-upperbound 𝓔 (λ _ → e) single-step-function-index-is-prop
(⌜ ⊑ₛ-≃-⊑ ⌝⁻¹ (reflexivity 𝓓 d))
⦅2⦆ : e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ d
→ ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆[ κ ] ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ f
⦅2⦆ u x = ∐ˢˢ-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓔 (λ _ → e)
([ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ x) γ
γ : (p : d ⊑ₛ x) → e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ x
γ p = e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ u ]
[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ d ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ v ]
[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ f ⟩ x ∎⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
v = monotone-if-continuous 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) f d x (⌜ ⊑ₛ-≃-⊑ ⌝ p)
single-step-function-is-compact : (d : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (e : ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫)
(κ : is-compact 𝓓 d)
→ is-compact (𝓔 ⁻) e
→ is-compact (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆[ κ ]
single-step-function-is-compact d e κ e-is-compact I g δ e-below-∐g =
∥∥-functor lemma
(e-is-compact I (pointwise-family 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) g d)
(pointwise-family-is-directed 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) g δ d) claim)
claim : e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ ∐ (𝓔 ⁻) (pointwise-family-is-directed 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) g δ d)
claim = lr-implication
d e κ (∐ (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) {I} {g} δ))
lemma : (Σ i ꞉ I , e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ g i ⟩ d)
→ (Σ i ꞉ I , ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆[ κ ] ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ g i)
lemma (i , u) = (i , v)
v : ⦅ d ⇒ e ⦆[ κ ] ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ g i
v = rl-implication
(below-single-step-function-criterion d e κ (g i)) u
We now work towards constructing a small compact basis for the exponential
𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻). We start with a family of single step functions that we will
later directify by taking finite joins.
module single-step-functions-bases
(Bᴰ Bᴱ : 𝓥 ̇ )
(βᴰ : Bᴰ → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(βᴱ : Bᴱ → ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫)
(κᴰ : is-small-compact-basis 𝓓 βᴰ)
(κᴱ : is-small-compact-basis (𝓔 ⁻) βᴱ)
single-step-functions : Bᴰ × Bᴱ → DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]
single-step-functions (d , e) = ⦅ βᴰ d ⇒ βᴱ e ⦆[ basis-is-compact d ]
open is-small-compact-basis κᴰ
module single-step-functions-into-sup-complete-dcpo
(𝓔-is-sup-complete : is-sup-complete (𝓔 ⁻))
module _
(𝕗 : DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ])
f : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
f = [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]⟨ 𝕗 ⟩
f-is-continuous : is-continuous 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) f
f-is-continuous = continuity-of-function 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) 𝕗
open is-sup-complete 𝓔-is-sup-complete
single-step-functions-below-function :
(Σ p ꞉ (Bᴰ × Bᴱ) , single-step-functions p ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ 𝕗)
→ DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]
single-step-functions-below-function = single-step-functions ∘ pr₁
single-step-functions-below-function-sup :
is-sup (underlying-order (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))) 𝕗
single-step-functions-below-function-sup = (ub , lb-of-ubs)
ub : is-upperbound (underlying-order (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))) 𝕗
ub = pr₂
lb-of-ubs :
is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))) 𝕗
lb-of-ubs 𝕘@(g , _) g-is-ub x = fx-below-gx
module _ where
open is-small-compact-basis κᴱ
claim₁ : (d : Bᴰ) (e : Bᴱ) → e ⊑ᴮₛ f (βᴰ d) → βᴱ e ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ g (βᴰ d)
claim₁ d e u =
lr-implication (below-single-step-function-criterion (βᴰ d) (βᴱ e)
(is-small-compact-basis.basis-is-compact κᴰ d) 𝕘)
(g-is-ub ((d , e) , v))
v : single-step-functions (d , e) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ 𝕗
v = rl-implication
(below-single-step-function-criterion (βᴰ d) (βᴱ e)
(is-small-compact-basis.basis-is-compact κᴰ d) 𝕗)
(⊑ᴮₛ-to-⊑ᴮ u)
claim₂ : (d : Bᴰ) → f (βᴰ d) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ g (βᴰ d)
claim₂ d = f (βᴰ d) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ ⦅1⦆ ]
∐ (𝓔 ⁻) (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed (f (βᴰ d))) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ ⦅2⦆ ]
g (βᴰ d) ∎⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
⦅1⦆ = ↓ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ (f (βᴰ d))
⦅2⦆ = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (𝓔 ⁻) (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed (f (βᴰ d)))
(g (βᴰ d)) (λ (e , v) → claim₁ d e v)
open is-small-compact-basis κᴰ
δ : is-Directed 𝓓 (↓-inclusionₛ x)
δ = ↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x
ε : is-Directed (𝓔 ⁻) (f ∘ ↓-inclusionₛ x)
ε = image-is-directed' 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) 𝕗 δ
fx-below-gx : f x ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫ g x
fx-below-gx = f x ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ ⦅1⦆ ]
f (∐ 𝓓 δ) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ ⦅2⦆ ]
∐ (𝓔 ⁻) ε ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ ⦅3⦆ ]
g x ∎⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
⦅1⦆ = =-to-⊒ (𝓔 ⁻) (ap f (↓ᴮₛ-∐-= x))
⦅2⦆ = continuous-∐-⊑ 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) 𝕗 δ
⦅3⦆ = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (𝓔 ⁻) ε (g x) γ
γ : is-upperbound (underlying-order (𝓔 ⁻)) (g x) (f ∘ ↓-inclusionₛ x)
γ (d , u) = f (βᴰ d) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ claim₂ d ]
g (βᴰ d) ⊑⟪ 𝓔 ⟫[ v ]
g x ∎⟪ 𝓔 ⟫
v = monotone-if-continuous 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) 𝕘 (βᴰ d) x (⊑ᴮₛ-to-⊑ᴮ u)
Now we are in position to show that the exponential has a small compact basis.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
(𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
(𝓔-is-sup-complete : is-sup-complete (𝓔 ⁻))
(Bᴰ Bᴱ : 𝓥 ̇ )
(βᴰ : Bᴰ → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(βᴱ : Bᴱ → ⟪ 𝓔 ⟫)
(κᴰ : is-small-compact-basis 𝓓 βᴰ)
(κᴱ : is-small-compact-basis (𝓔 ⁻) βᴱ)
exp-is-sup-complete : is-sup-complete (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))
exp-is-sup-complete = exponential-is-sup-complete 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻) 𝓔-is-sup-complete
open sup-complete-dcpo (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) exp-is-sup-complete
open single-step-function-def 𝓓 𝓔 (locally-small-if-small-compact-basis 𝓓 βᴰ κᴰ)
open single-step-functions-bases Bᴰ Bᴱ βᴰ βᴱ κᴰ κᴱ
B : 𝓥 ̇
B = domain (directify single-step-functions)
β : B → DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ⁻ ]
β = directify single-step-functions
exponential-has-small-compact-basis : Prop-Ext
→ is-small-compact-basis (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) β
exponential-has-small-compact-basis pe =
{ basis-is-compact = ⦅1⦆
; ⊑ᴮ-is-small = ⦅2⦆
; ↓ᴮ-is-directed = ⦅3⦆
; ↓ᴮ-is-sup = ⦅4⦆
⦅1⦆ : (b : B) → is-compact (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) (β b)
⦅1⦆ = directify-is-compact single-step-functions
(λ (d , e) → single-step-function-is-compact (βᴰ d) (βᴱ e)
(is-small-compact-basis.basis-is-compact κᴰ d)
(is-small-compact-basis.basis-is-compact κᴱ e))
⦅2⦆ : (f : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩) (b : B)
→ is-small (β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩ f)
⦅2⦆ f b = ⌜ local-smallness-equivalent-definitions (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) ⌝
exp-is-locally-small (β b) f
exp-is-locally-small : is-locally-small (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))
exp-is-locally-small =
locally-small-exponential-criterion pe 𝓓 (𝓔 ⁻)
∣ Bᴰ , βᴰ , compact-basis-is-basis 𝓓 βᴰ κᴰ ∣
(locally-small-if-small-compact-basis (𝓔 ⁻) βᴱ κᴱ)
⦅3⦆ : (f : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩)
→ is-Directed (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) (↓-inclusion (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) β f)
⦅3⦆ f = directify-↓-is-directed single-step-functions {f}
⦅4⦆ : (f : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻) ⟩)
→ is-sup (underlying-order (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))) f
(↓-inclusion (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻)) β f)
⦅4⦆ (f , f-is-cts) =
directify-↓-sup single-step-functions {f , f-is-cts}
(single-step-functions-below-function-sup (f , f-is-cts))
open single-step-functions-into-sup-complete-dcpo 𝓔-is-sup-complete
exponential-has-specified-small-compact-basis : Prop-Ext
→ has-specified-small-compact-basis (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))
exponential-has-specified-small-compact-basis pe =
(B , β , exponential-has-small-compact-basis pe)
exponential-is-structurally-algebraic : Prop-Ext
→ structurally-algebraic (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))
exponential-is-structurally-algebraic pe =
structurally-algebraic-if-specified-small-compact-basis (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))
(exponential-has-specified-small-compact-basis pe)
exponential-is-algebraic : Prop-Ext → is-algebraic-dcpo (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 ⁻))
exponential-is-algebraic pe = ∣ exponential-is-structurally-algebraic pe ∣
The fact that sup-complete (algebraic) dcpos with small compact bases are closed
under exponentials can be used to show that the same holds for sup-complete
(continuous) dcpos with small bases.
The proof outline, which Martín Escardó explained to me, is as follows:
Start with dcpos 𝓓 and 𝓔 with small bases βᴰ : Bᴰ → 𝓓 and βᴱ : Bᴱ → 𝓔. Then
𝓓 and 𝓔 are continuous retracts of dcpos 𝓓' and 𝓔' respectively both with small
compact bases, using the ideal completions of the bases.
Moreover, these retracts induce a continuous retract of the exponentials:
(𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔) is a continuous retract of (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔')
and the latter is algebraic with a small compact basis by the above. Finally, we
can use the continuous retract to give a small basis on (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔).
NB: The above proof outline depends on the fact that 𝓔' and (hence)
(𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔') are sup-complete. This can be shown by using the concrete
definition of 𝓔' as the ideal completion of βᴱ and by ensuring that the basis βᴱ
is closed under finite joins to begin with.
This was formalized on 27 June 2024. Prior to this, the sup-completeness of 𝓔'
was an assumption to an anonymous module.
module _
(pe : Prop-Ext)
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
(𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
{Bᴰ Bᴱₚᵣₑ : 𝓥 ̇ }
(βᴰ : Bᴰ → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(βᴱₚᵣₑ : Bᴱₚᵣₑ → ⟨ 𝓔 ⟩)
(βᴰ-is-small-basis : is-small-basis 𝓓 βᴰ)
(βᴱₚᵣₑ-is-small-basis : is-small-basis 𝓔 βᴱₚᵣₑ)
(𝓔-is-sup-complete : is-sup-complete 𝓔)
open import DomainTheory.IdealCompletion.Retracts pt fe pe 𝓥
As a first step, we construct a new basis of 𝓔 which is guaranteed to have
finite joins.
𝓔-has-finite-joins : has-finite-joins 𝓔
𝓔-has-finite-joins = sup-complete-dcpo-has-finite-joins 𝓔 𝓔-is-sup-complete
refined-basis : Σ B ꞉ 𝓥 ̇ , Σ β ꞉ (B → ⟨ 𝓔 ⟩) ,
Σ p ꞉ is-small-basis 𝓔 β ,
basis-has-finite-joins 𝓔 β p 𝓔-has-finite-joins
refined-basis = refine-basis-to-have-finite-joins 𝓔 βᴱₚᵣₑ
Bᴱ : 𝓥 ̇
Bᴱ = pr₁ refined-basis
βᴱ : Bᴱ → ⟨ 𝓔 ⟩
βᴱ = pr₁ (pr₂ refined-basis)
βᴱ-is-small-basis : is-small-basis 𝓔 βᴱ
βᴱ-is-small-basis = pr₁ (pr₂ (pr₂ refined-basis))
βᴱ-has-finite-joins : basis-has-finite-joins 𝓔 βᴱ βᴱ-is-small-basis
βᴱ-has-finite-joins = pr₂ (pr₂ (pr₂ (refined-basis)))
We now proceed with the proof as outlined above.
module _ where
open Idl-continuous-retract-of-algebraic 𝓓 βᴰ βᴰ-is-small-basis
𝓓' : DCPO {𝓥 ⁺} {𝓥}
𝓓' = Idl-DCPO
𝓓-continuous-retract-of-𝓓' : 𝓓 continuous-retract-of 𝓓'
𝓓-continuous-retract-of-𝓓' = Idl-continuous-retract
module _ where
open Idl-continuous-retract-of-algebraic 𝓔 βᴱ βᴱ-is-small-basis
𝓔' : DCPO {𝓥 ⁺} {𝓥}
𝓔' = Idl-DCPO
𝓔-continuous-retract-of-𝓔' : 𝓔 continuous-retract-of 𝓔'
𝓔-continuous-retract-of-𝓔' = Idl-continuous-retract
𝓔'-is-sup-complete : is-sup-complete 𝓔'
𝓔'-is-sup-complete =
Idl-is-sup-complete-if-basis-has-finite-joins 𝓔-is-sup-complete
exp-continuous-retract : (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔) continuous-retract-of (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔')
exp-continuous-retract =
{ s = s
; r = r
; s-section-of-r = s-section-of-r
; s-is-continuous = s-is-cts
; r-is-continuous = r-is-cts
module _ where
open _continuous-retract-of_ 𝓓-continuous-retract-of-𝓓'
sᴰ = s
rᴰ = r
sᴰ-is-cts = s-is-continuous
rᴰ-is-cts = r-is-continuous
rᴰ-sᴰ-equation = s-section-of-r
module _ where
open _continuous-retract-of_ 𝓔-continuous-retract-of-𝓔'
sᴱ = s
rᴱ = r
sᴱ-is-cts = s-is-continuous
rᴱ-is-cts = r-is-continuous
rᴱ-sᴱ-equation = s-section-of-r
s : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔 ⟩ → ⟨ 𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔' ⟩
s f = DCPO-∘₃ 𝓓' 𝓓 𝓔 𝓔' (rᴰ , rᴰ-is-cts) f (sᴱ , sᴱ-is-cts)
r : ⟨ 𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔' ⟩ → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔 ⟩
r g = DCPO-∘₃ 𝓓 𝓓' 𝓔' 𝓔 (sᴰ , sᴰ-is-cts) g (rᴱ , rᴱ-is-cts)
s-section-of-r : r ∘ s ∼ id
s-section-of-r (f , _) = to-continuous-function-= 𝓓 𝓔 γ
γ : rᴱ ∘ sᴱ ∘ f ∘ rᴰ ∘ sᴰ ∼ f
γ x = (rᴱ ∘ sᴱ ∘ f ∘ rᴰ ∘ sᴰ) x =⟨ rᴱ-sᴱ-equation ((f ∘ rᴰ ∘ sᴰ) x) ⟩
(f ∘ rᴰ ∘ sᴰ) x =⟨ ap f (rᴰ-sᴰ-equation x) ⟩
f x ∎
s-is-cts : is-continuous (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔) (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔') s
s-is-cts = DCPO-∘₃-is-continuous₂ 𝓓' 𝓓 𝓔 𝓔'
(rᴰ , rᴰ-is-cts) (sᴱ , sᴱ-is-cts)
r-is-cts : is-continuous (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔') (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔) r
r-is-cts = DCPO-∘₃-is-continuous₂ 𝓓 𝓓' 𝓔' 𝓔
(sᴰ , sᴰ-is-cts) (rᴱ , rᴱ-is-cts)
open sup-complete-dcpo 𝓔' 𝓔'-is-sup-complete
open has-finite-joins (sup-complete-dcpo-has-finite-joins 𝓔' 𝓔'-is-sup-complete)
exp-has-small-compact-basis : has-specified-small-compact-basis (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔')
exp-has-small-compact-basis =
𝓓' (𝓔' , ⊥ , ⊥-is-least)
Bᴰ' Bᴱ' βᴰ' βᴱ' κᴰ' κᴱ' pe
module _ where
open Idl-continuous-retract-of-algebraic 𝓓 βᴰ βᴰ-is-small-basis
small-compact-basisᴰ' : has-specified-small-compact-basis 𝓓'
small-compact-basisᴰ' = Idl-has-specified-small-compact-basis
(λ _ → ⊑ᴮ-is-reflexive)
Bᴰ' : 𝓥 ̇
Bᴰ' = pr₁ small-compact-basisᴰ'
βᴰ' : Bᴰ' → ⟨ 𝓓' ⟩
βᴰ' = pr₁ (pr₂ small-compact-basisᴰ')
κᴰ' : is-small-compact-basis 𝓓' βᴰ'
κᴰ' = pr₂ (pr₂ small-compact-basisᴰ')
module _ where
open Idl-continuous-retract-of-algebraic 𝓔 βᴱ βᴱ-is-small-basis
small-compact-basisᴱ' : has-specified-small-compact-basis 𝓔'
small-compact-basisᴱ' = Idl-has-specified-small-compact-basis
(λ _ → ⊑ᴮ-is-reflexive)
Bᴱ' : 𝓥 ̇
Bᴱ' = pr₁ small-compact-basisᴱ'
βᴱ' : Bᴱ' → ⟨ 𝓔' ⟩
βᴱ' = pr₁ (pr₂ small-compact-basisᴱ')
κᴱ' : is-small-compact-basis 𝓔' βᴱ'
κᴱ' = pr₂ (pr₂ small-compact-basisᴱ')
exponential-has-specified-small-basis : has-specified-small-basis (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔)
exponential-has-specified-small-basis = B , r ∘ β ,
small-basis-from-continuous-retract pe (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔) (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔')
exp-continuous-retract β (compact-basis-is-basis (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔') β κ)
open _continuous-retract-of_ exp-continuous-retract
exp-small-compact-basis : has-specified-small-compact-basis (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔')
exp-small-compact-basis = exp-has-small-compact-basis
B : 𝓥 ̇
B = pr₁ exp-has-small-compact-basis
β : B → DCPO[ 𝓓' , 𝓔' ]
β = pr₁ (pr₂ exp-has-small-compact-basis)
κ : is-small-compact-basis (𝓓' ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔') β
κ = pr₂ (pr₂ exp-has-small-compact-basis)