Martin Escardo 2012. We investigate coinduction and corecursion on ℕ∞, the generic convergent sequence. We show that the set ℕ∞ satisfies the following universal property for a suitable coalgebra PRED : ℕ∞ → 𝟙 + ℕ∞, where 𝟙 is the singleton type with an element *. For every type X and every κ : X → 𝟙 + X there is a unique h : X → ℕ∞ such that κ X ------------------> 𝟙 + X | | | | h | | 𝟙 + h | | | | v v ℕ∞ -----------------> 𝟙 + ℕ∞ PRED The maps κ and PRED are called coalgebras for the functor 𝟙 + (-), and the above diagram says that h is a coalgebra morphism from p to PRED. In equational form, this is PRED ∘ h = (𝟙 + h) ∘ κ, which can be considered as a corecursive definition of h. The map PRED (a sort of predecessor function) is an isomorphism with inverse SUCC (a sort of successor function). This follows from Lambek's Lemma once the above universal property is established, but we actually need to know this first in order to prove the universal property. SUCC : 𝟙 + ℕ∞ → ℕ∞ SUCC (in₀ *) = Zero SUCC (in₁ u) = Succ u Using this fact, the above corecursive definition of h is equivalent to: h = SUCC ∘ (𝟙 + h) ∘ κ or h(x) = SUCC((𝟙 + h)(κ x)). Now κ x is either of the form in₀ * or in₁ x' for a unique x' : X, and hence the above equation amounts to h(x) = Zero, if κ x = in₀ *, h(x) = Succ (h x'), if κ x = in₁ x', once we know the definition of 𝟙 + h. This shows more clearly how the diagram can be considered as a (co)recursive definition of h, and indicates how h may be constructed. In order to show that any two functions that make the above diagram commute are equal, that is, that the above two conditional equations uniquely determine h, we develop a coinduction principle based on bisimulations. This gives a technique for establishing equalities on ℕ∞. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import UF.FunExt module CoNaturals.UniversalProperty (fe : FunExt) where open import CoNaturals.Type open import MLTT.Plus-Properties open import MLTT.Spartan open import MLTT.Two-Properties open import Notation.CanonicalMap open import UF.Sets open import UF.Sets-Properties open import UF.Subsingletons-Properties private fe₀ : funext 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀ fe₀ = fe 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀ ZERO : 𝟙 + ℕ∞ ZERO = inl {𝓤₀} {𝓤₀} ⋆ PRED' : ℕ∞ → 𝟙 + ℕ∞ PRED' u = inr {𝓤₀} {𝓤₀} (Pred u) PRED : ℕ∞ → 𝟙 + ℕ∞ PRED u = 𝟚-Cases (positivity u) ZERO (PRED' u) PRED-Zero : PRED Zero = ZERO PRED-Zero = refl PRED-Succ : (u : ℕ∞) → PRED(Succ u) = inr u PRED-Succ u = ap inr Pred-Succ SUCC : 𝟙 {𝓤₀} + ℕ∞ → ℕ∞ SUCC(inl ⋆) = Zero SUCC(inr u) = Succ u PRED-SUCC : {y : 𝟙 + ℕ∞} → PRED(SUCC y) = y PRED-SUCC{inl ⋆} = refl PRED-SUCC{inr u} = refl SUCC-lc : {y z : 𝟙 + ℕ∞} → SUCC y = SUCC z → y = z SUCC-lc {y} {z} r = y =⟨ PRED-SUCC ⁻¹ ⟩ PRED (SUCC y) =⟨ ap PRED r ⟩ PRED (SUCC z) =⟨ PRED-SUCC ⟩ z ∎ SUCC-PRED : {u : ℕ∞} → SUCC(PRED u) = u SUCC-PRED {u} = 𝟚-equality-cases l₀ l₁ where l₀ : positivity u = ₀ → SUCC(PRED u) = u l₀ r = SUCC(PRED u) =⟨ ap SUCC c₀ ⟩ Zero =⟨ (is-Zero-equal-Zero fe₀ r)⁻¹ ⟩ u ∎ where c₀ : PRED u = ZERO c₀ = ap (𝟚-cases ZERO (PRED' u)) r l₁ : positivity u = ₁ → SUCC(PRED u) = u l₁ r = SUCC (PRED u) =⟨ ap SUCC c₀ ⟩ Succ (Pred u) =⟨ (not-Zero-is-Succ fe₀ c₁)⁻¹ ⟩ u ∎ where c₀ : PRED u = PRED' u c₀ = ap (𝟚-cases ZERO (PRED' u)) r c₁ : u ≠ Zero c₁ s = equal-₀-different-from-₁(ap positivity s) r PRED-lc : {u v : ℕ∞} → PRED u = PRED v → u = v PRED-lc {u} {v} r = u =⟨ SUCC-PRED ⁻¹ ⟩ SUCC (PRED u) =⟨ ap SUCC r ⟩ SUCC (PRED v) =⟨ SUCC-PRED ⟩ v ∎ 𝟙+ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ } → (X → Y) → 𝟙 + X → 𝟙 + Y 𝟙+ f (inl s) = inl {𝓤₀} s 𝟙+ f (inr x) = inr(f x) 𝟙+id-is-id : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } → 𝟙+ id ∼ id {𝓤} {𝟙 + X} 𝟙+id-is-id {𝓤} {X} (inl ⋆) = refl 𝟙+id-is-id {𝓤} {X} (inr x) = refl is-homomorphism : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } → (X → 𝟙 + X) → (X → ℕ∞) → 𝓤 ̇ is-homomorphism c h = (PRED ∘ h = (𝟙+ h) ∘ c) id-homomorphism : is-homomorphism PRED id id-homomorphism = dfunext fe₀ (λ u → (𝟙+id-is-id (PRED u))⁻¹) coalg-mophism→ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) (h : X → ℕ∞) → is-homomorphism κ h → h = SUCC ∘ (𝟙+ h) ∘ κ coalg-mophism→ {𝓤} κ h a = dfunext (fe 𝓤 𝓤₀) (λ x → h x =⟨ SUCC-PRED ⁻¹ ⟩ SUCC (PRED (h x)) =⟨ ap (λ - → SUCC(- x)) a ⟩ SUCC (𝟙+ h (κ x)) ∎) coalg-mophism← : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) (h : X → ℕ∞) → h = SUCC ∘ (𝟙+ h) ∘ κ → is-homomorphism κ h coalg-mophism← {𝓤} κ h b = dfunext (fe 𝓤 𝓤₀) (λ x → PRED (h x) =⟨ ap (λ - → PRED(- x)) b ⟩ PRED ((SUCC ∘ 𝟙+ h ∘ κ) x) =⟨ PRED-SUCC ⟩ 𝟙+ h (κ x) ∎) homomorphism-existence : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) → Σ h ꞉ (X → ℕ∞), is-homomorphism κ h homomorphism-existence {𝓤} {X} κ = h , dfunext (fe 𝓤 𝓤₀) h-spec where q : 𝟙 + X → 𝟙 + X q(inl s) = inl s q(inr x) = κ x Q : ℕ → 𝟙 + X → 𝟙 + X Q 0 z = z Q(succ n) z = q(Q n z) E : 𝟙 + X → 𝟚 E(inl s) = ₀ E(inr x) = ₁ hl : (z : 𝟙 + X) → E(q z) = ₁ → E z = ₁ hl (inl s) r = r hl (inr x) r = refl h : X → ℕ∞ h x = (λ i → E(Q(succ i) (inr x))) , (λ i → ≤₂-criterion (hl(Q(succ i) (inr x)))) h-spec : (x : X) → PRED(h x) = (𝟙+ h)(κ x) h-spec x = equality-cases (κ x) l₀ l₁ where l₀ : (s : 𝟙) → κ x = inl s → PRED(h x) = (𝟙+ h)(κ x) l₀ ⋆ r = PRED (h x) =⟨ ap PRED c ⟩ PRED Zero =⟨ PRED-Zero ⟩ ZERO =⟨ (ap (𝟙+ h) r)⁻¹ ⟩ 𝟙+ h (κ x) ∎ where c : h x = Zero c = is-Zero-equal-Zero fe₀ (ap E r) l₁ : (x' : X) → κ x = inr x' → PRED(h x) = (𝟙+ h)(κ x) l₁ x' r = PRED (h x) =⟨ ap PRED c₅ ⟩ inr (h x') =⟨ (ap (𝟙+ h) r)⁻¹ ⟩ 𝟙+ h (κ x) ∎ where c₁ : (n : ℕ) → q(Q n (inr x)) = Q n (κ x) c₁ 0 = refl c₁ (succ n) = ap q (c₁ n) c₂ : (n : ℕ) → q(Q n (inr x)) = Q n (inr x') c₂ n = q (Q n (inr x)) =⟨ c₁ n ⟩ Q n (κ x) =⟨ ap (Q n) r ⟩ Q n (inr x') ∎ c₃ : (n : ℕ) → E(q(Q n (inr x))) = E(Q n (inr x')) c₃ n = ap E (c₂ n) c₄ : (i : ℕ) → ι (h x) i = ι (Succ (h x')) i c₄ 0 = c₃ 0 c₄ (succ i) = c₃(succ i) c₅ : h x = Succ (h x') c₅ = ℕ∞-to-ℕ→𝟚-lc fe₀ (dfunext fe₀ c₄) ℕ∞-corec : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } → (X → 𝟙 + X) → (X → ℕ∞) ℕ∞-corec c = pr₁(homomorphism-existence c) ℕ∞-corec-homomorphism : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) → is-homomorphism κ (ℕ∞-corec κ) ℕ∞-corec-homomorphism κ = pr₂(homomorphism-existence κ) \end{code} We now discuss coinduction. We first define bisimulations. \begin{code} ℕ∞-bisimulation :(ℕ∞ → ℕ∞ → 𝓤 ̇ ) → 𝓤 ̇ ℕ∞-bisimulation R = (u v : ℕ∞) → R u v → (positivity u = positivity v) × R (Pred u) (Pred v) ℕ∞-coinduction : (R : ℕ∞ → ℕ∞ → 𝓤 ̇ ) → ℕ∞-bisimulation R → (u v : ℕ∞) → R u v → u = v ℕ∞-coinduction R b u v r = ℕ∞-to-ℕ→𝟚-lc fe₀ (dfunext fe₀ (l u v r)) where l : (u v : ℕ∞) → R u v → (i : ℕ) → ι u i = ι v i l u v r 0 = pr₁(b u v r) l u v r (succ i) = l (Pred u) (Pred v) (pr₂(b u v r)) i \end{code} To be able to use it for our purpose, we need to investigate coalgebra homomorphisms in more detail. \begin{code} coalg-morphism-Zero : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) (h : X → ℕ∞) → is-homomorphism κ h → (x : X) (s : 𝟙) → κ x = inl s → h x = Zero coalg-morphism-Zero p h a x ⋆ κ = h x =⟨ SUCC-PRED ⁻¹ ⟩ SUCC (PRED (h x)) =⟨ ap SUCC c ⟩ SUCC (inl ⋆) ∎ where c : PRED(h x) = inl ⋆ c = PRED (h x) =⟨ ap (λ - → - x) a ⟩ 𝟙+ h (p x) =⟨ ap (𝟙+ h) κ ⟩ inl ⋆ ∎ Coalg-morphism-Zero : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) → (x : X) (s : 𝟙) → κ x = inl s → ℕ∞-corec κ x = Zero Coalg-morphism-Zero κ = coalg-morphism-Zero κ (ℕ∞-corec κ) (ℕ∞-corec-homomorphism κ) coalg-morphism-Succ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) (h : X → ℕ∞) → is-homomorphism κ h → (x x' : X) → κ x = inr x' → h x = Succ (h x') coalg-morphism-Succ κ h a x x' q = h x =⟨ SUCC-PRED ⁻¹ ⟩ SUCC (PRED (h x)) =⟨ ap SUCC c ⟩ SUCC (inr (h x')) ∎ where c : PRED(h x) = inr(h x') c = PRED (h x) =⟨ ap (λ - → - x) a ⟩ 𝟙+ h (κ x) =⟨ ap (𝟙+ h) q ⟩ inr (h x') ∎ Coalg-morphism-Succ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) → (x x' : X) → κ x = inr x' → ℕ∞-corec κ x = Succ (ℕ∞-corec κ x') Coalg-morphism-Succ κ = coalg-morphism-Succ κ (ℕ∞-corec κ) (ℕ∞-corec-homomorphism κ) \end{code} The following two technical lemmas are used to construct a bisimulation: \begin{code} coalg-morphism-positivity : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) (f g : X → ℕ∞) → is-homomorphism κ f → is-homomorphism κ g → (x : X) → positivity(f x) = positivity(g x) coalg-morphism-positivity {𝓤} {X} κ f g a b x = equality-cases (κ x) l₀ l₁ where l₀ : (s : 𝟙) → κ x = inl s → positivity(f x) = positivity(g x) l₀ s q = positivity (f x) =⟨ ap positivity(coalg-morphism-Zero κ f a x s q) ⟩ ₀ =⟨ (ap positivity(coalg-morphism-Zero κ g b x s q))⁻¹ ⟩ positivity (g x) ∎ l₁ : (x' : X) → κ x = inr x' → positivity(f x) = positivity(g x) l₁ x' q = positivity (f x) =⟨ ap positivity(coalg-morphism-Succ κ f a x x' q) ⟩ positivity (Succ (f x')) =⟨ (ap positivity(coalg-morphism-Succ κ g b x x' q))⁻¹ ⟩ positivity (g x) ∎ coalg-morphism-Pred : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) (f g : X → ℕ∞) → is-homomorphism κ f → is-homomorphism κ g → (x : X) (u v : ℕ∞) → u = f x → v = g x → Σ x' ꞉ X , (Pred u = f x') × (Pred v = g x') coalg-morphism-Pred {𝓤} {X} κ f g a b x u v d e = equality-cases (κ x) l₀ l₁ where l₀ : (s : 𝟙) → κ x = inl s → Σ x' ꞉ X , (Pred u = f x') × (Pred v = g x') l₀ s q = x , (l f a u d , l g b v e) where l : (h : X → ℕ∞) → PRED ∘ h = (𝟙+ h) ∘ κ → (u : ℕ∞) → u = h x → Pred u = h x l h a u d = Pred u =⟨ c₁ ⟩ Zero =⟨ c₀ ⁻¹ ⟩ h x ∎ where c₀ : h x = Zero c₀ = coalg-morphism-Zero κ h a x s q c₁ : Pred u = Zero c₁ = ap Pred (u =⟨ d ⟩ h x =⟨ c₀ ⟩ Zero ∎) l₁ : (x' : X) → κ x = inr x' → Σ x' ꞉ X , (Pred u = f x') × (Pred v = g x') l₁ x' q = x' , (l f a u d , l g b v e) where l : (h : X → ℕ∞) → PRED ∘ h = (𝟙+ h) ∘ κ → (u : ℕ∞) → u = h x → Pred u = h x' l h a u d = Pred u =⟨ ap Pred d ⟩ Pred (h x) =⟨ ap Pred(coalg-morphism-Succ κ h a x x' q) ⟩ h x' ∎ \end{code} We are finally able to prove the uniqueness of coalgebra homomorphisms from κ to PRED. \begin{code} homomorphism-uniqueness : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) (f g : X → ℕ∞) → is-homomorphism κ f → is-homomorphism κ g → f = g homomorphism-uniqueness {𝓤} {X} κ f g a b = dfunext (fe 𝓤 𝓤₀) l where R : ℕ∞ → ℕ∞ → 𝓤 ̇ R u v = Σ x ꞉ X , (u = f x) × (v = g x) r : (x : X) → R (f x) (g x) r x = (x , refl , refl) R-positivity : (u v : ℕ∞) → R u v → positivity u = positivity v R-positivity u v (x , c , d) = positivity u =⟨ ap positivity c ⟩ positivity (f x) =⟨ coalg-morphism-positivity κ f g a b x ⟩ positivity (g x) =⟨ ap positivity (d ⁻¹) ⟩ positivity v ∎ R-Pred : (u v : ℕ∞) → R u v → R (Pred u) (Pred v) R-Pred u v (x , c , d) = (pr₁ l , pr₁(pr₂ l) , pr₂(pr₂ l)) where l : Σ x' ꞉ X , (Pred u = f x') × (Pred v = g x') l = coalg-morphism-Pred κ f g a b x u v c d R-bisimulation : ℕ∞-bisimulation R R-bisimulation u v r = (R-positivity u v r) , (R-Pred u v r) l : f ∼ g l x = ℕ∞-coinduction R R-bisimulation (f x) (g x) (r x) \end{code} Putting existence and uniqueness together, we get that PRED is the final coalgebra, as claimed: \begin{code} PRED-is-the-final-coalgebra : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } → (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) → Σ! h ꞉ (X → ℕ∞ ), is-homomorphism κ h PRED-is-the-final-coalgebra κ = homomorphism-existence κ , homomorphism-uniqueness κ \end{code} There is more formalization work to do (2017): By now we know that Σ! (a form of unique existence) is better captured by the contractibility of a Σ type (added 13th July 2018): \begin{code} open import UF.Base open import UF.Subsingletons open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt PRED-is-the-homotopy-final-coalgebra : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (κ : X → 𝟙 + X) → ∃! h ꞉ (X → ℕ∞), is-homomorphism κ h PRED-is-the-homotopy-final-coalgebra {𝓤} {X} κ = homomorphism-existence κ , γ where γ : (e : Σ h' ꞉ (X → ℕ∞), is-homomorphism κ h') → homomorphism-existence κ = e γ (h' , r) = to-Σ-= (homomorphism-uniqueness κ (ℕ∞-corec κ) h' (ℕ∞-corec-homomorphism κ) r , Π-is-set (fe 𝓤 𝓤₀) (λ _ → +-is-set 𝟙 ℕ∞ (props-are-sets 𝟙-is-prop) (ℕ∞-is-set fe₀)) _ _) \end{code}