Martin Escardo 12-14 March 2024. We construct an embedding of ℕ∞ into ℕ⊥, the lifting on ℕ, or the flat domain of natural numbers, and prove various properties of it. We conclude that we can recover ℕ∞ as the subtype of sharp elements of ℕ⊥, ℕ∞ ≃ (Σ y ꞉ ℕ⊥ , is-sharp y), where y is called sharp if η n ⊑ y is decidable for every n ꞉ ℕ [1]. [1] Tom de Jong. Apartness, sharp elements, and the Scott topology of domains. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science , Volume 33 , Issue 7, August 2023 , pp. 573 - 604. There are two equivalent copies of ℕ∞ in this development. We use the one defined in CoNaturals.GenericConvergentSequence2 imported via the module CoNaturals.Type2. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.FunExt open import UF.Subsingletons module CoNaturals.Sharp (fe : funext 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀) (pe : propext 𝓤₀) where open import CoNaturals.Type2 open import Lifting.Construction 𝓤₀ open import Lifting.IdentityViaSIP 𝓤₀ {𝓤₀} {ℕ} open import Lifting.Set 𝓤₀ open import Lifting.UnivalentPrecategory 𝓤₀ {𝓤₀} ℕ open import MLTT.Plus-Properties open import MLTT.Two-Properties open import Notation.CanonicalMap open import NotionsOfDecidability.Decidable open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated open import UF.Embeddings open import UF.Equiv open import UF.PropTrunc open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt \end{code} We introduce the following standard notation, and write ι : ℕ → ℕ⊥ for the canonical inclusion of the natural numbers into the flat domain ℕ⊥ of natural numbers. Notice that we also write ι : ℕ → ℕ∞ for the canonical inclusion of the natural numbers into the conatural numbers, introduced in the module that defines ℕ∞. \begin{code} ℕ⊥ = 𝓛 ℕ instance canonical-map-ℕ-ℕ⊥ : Canonical-Map ℕ ℕ⊥ ι {{canonical-map-ℕ-ℕ⊥}} = η instance Canonical-Map-ℕ-ℕ∞ : Canonical-Map ℕ ℕ∞ ι {{Canonical-Map-ℕ-ℕ∞}} = ℕ-to-ℕ∞ \end{code} We define a map sharp : ℕ∞ → ℕ⊥ so that * sharp (ι n) = ι n and * sharp ∞ = ⊥. \begin{code} sharp : ℕ∞ → ℕ⊥ sharp x = is-finite x , size {x} , being-finite-is-prop fe x sharp-finite : (n : ℕ) → sharp (ι n) = ι n sharp-finite n = II where I : sharp (ι n) ⊑ ι n I = (λ _ → ⋆) , (λ (n' , e) → ℕ-to-ℕ∞-lc fe ((diagonal-lemma fe n' (ι n) e)⁻¹)) II : sharp (ι n) = ι n II = ⊑-anti-lemma pe fe fe I (λ _ → n , (ℕ-to-ℕ∞-diagonal fe n)) sharp-∞ : sharp ∞ = ⊥ sharp-∞ = II where I : sharp ∞ ⊑ ⊥ I = is-infinite-∞ , (λ is-finite-∞ → 𝟘-elim (is-infinite-∞ is-finite-∞)) II : sharp ∞ = ⊥ II = ⊑-anti pe fe fe (I , ⊥-least (sharp ∞)) \end{code} The map sharp is left-cancellable and hence an embedding. \begin{code} sharp-lc : left-cancellable sharp sharp-lc {x} {y} e = II where I : (x y : ℕ∞) → sharp x ⋍· sharp y → (n : ℕ) → ι n = x → ι n = y I x y a n e = ι n =⟨ ap ι (g φ) ⟩ ι (size {y} (⌜ f ⌝ φ)) =⟨ size-property fe (⌜ f ⌝ φ) ⟩ y ∎ where φ : is-finite x φ = n , (ℕ∞-to-ℕ→𝟚 x n =⟨ ap (λ - → ℕ∞-to-ℕ→𝟚 - n) (e ⁻¹) ⟩ ℕ∞-to-ℕ→𝟚 (ι n) n =⟨ ℕ-to-ℕ∞-diagonal fe n ⟩ ₁ ∎) f : is-finite x ≃ is-finite y f = is-defined-⋍· (sharp x) (sharp y) a g : (φ : is-finite x) → size {x} φ = size {y} (⌜ f ⌝ φ) g = value-⋍· (sharp x) (sharp y) a II : x = y II = ℕ∞-equality-criterion fe x y (I x y (Id-to-⋍· _ _ e)) (I y x (Id-to-⋍· _ _ (e ⁻¹))) sharp-is-embedding : is-embedding sharp sharp-is-embedding = lc-maps-into-sets-are-embeddings sharp sharp-lc (lifting-of-set-is-set fe fe pe ℕ ℕ-is-set) \end{code} We have the following two corollaries. \begin{code} sharp-finite' : (x : ℕ∞) (n : ℕ) → sharp x = ι n → x = ι n sharp-finite' x n e = sharp-lc (sharp x =⟨ e ⟩ ι n =⟨ (sharp-finite n)⁻¹ ⟩ sharp (ι n) ∎) sharp-∞' : (x : ℕ∞) → sharp x = ⊥ → x = ∞ sharp-∞' x e = sharp-lc (sharp x =⟨ e ⟩ ⊥ =⟨ sharp-∞ ⁻¹ ⟩ sharp ∞ ∎) \end{code} The image of the embedding has empty complement, in the following sense. \begin{code} sharp-image-has-empty-complement : ¬ (Σ l ꞉ 𝓛 ℕ , ((x : ℕ∞) → sharp x ≠ l)) sharp-image-has-empty-complement (l , f) = η-image fe fe pe (l , (λ (e : l = ⊥) → f ∞ (sharp-∞ ∙ e ⁻¹)) , (λ n (e : l = η n) → f (ι n) (sharp-finite n ∙ e ⁻¹))) \end{code} But the embedding is a surjection (and hence an equivalence) if and only if excluded middle holds. \begin{code} module _ (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where open PropositionalTruncation pt open import UF.ImageAndSurjection pt open import UF.ClassicalLogic sharp-is-surjection-gives-EM : is-surjection sharp → EM 𝓤₀ sharp-is-surjection-gives-EM sharp-is-surjection P P-is-prop = ∥∥-rec (decidability-of-prop-is-prop fe P-is-prop) II I where y : ℕ⊥ y = P , (λ _ → 0) , P-is-prop I : ∃ x ꞉ ℕ∞ , sharp x = y I = sharp-is-surjection y II : (Σ x ꞉ ℕ∞ , sharp x = y) → P + ¬ P II (x , e) = IV III where III : (ι 0 = x) + (ι 0 ≠ x) III = finite-isolated fe 0 x IV : (ι 0 = x) + (ι 0 ≠ x) → P + ¬ P IV (inl d) = inl (⌜ C ⌝⁻¹ ⋆) where A = y =⟨ e ⁻¹ ⟩ sharp x =⟨ ap sharp (d ⁻¹) ⟩ sharp (ι 0) =⟨ sharp-finite 0 ⟩ ι 0 ∎ B : y ⋍· ι 0 B = Id-to-⋍· _ _ A C : P ≃ 𝟙 C = is-defined-⋍· y (ι 0) B IV (inr ν) = inr (contrapositive B C) where A : y ⊑ ι 0 A = unique-to-𝟙 , (λ (p : P) → refl) B : P → y = ι 0 B p = ⊑-anti-lemma pe fe fe A (λ _ → p) C : ¬ (y = ι 0) C d = ν (C₁ ⁻¹) where C₀ = sharp x =⟨ e ⟩ y =⟨ d ⟩ ι 0 ∎ C₁ : x = ι 0 C₁ = sharp-finite' x 0 C₀ EM-gives-sharp-is-retraction : EM 𝓤₀ → (y : ℕ⊥) → Σ x ꞉ ℕ∞ , sharp x = y EM-gives-sharp-is-retraction em y@(P , φ , P-is-prop) = I (em P P-is-prop) where I : P + ¬ P → Σ x ꞉ ℕ∞ , sharp x = y I (inl p) = ι (φ p) , III where II : sharp (ι (φ p)) ⊑ y II = (λ _ → p) , (λ (n , e) → ℕ-to-ℕ∞-lc fe ((diagonal-lemma fe n (ι (φ p)) e)⁻¹)) III : sharp (ι (φ p)) = y III = ⊑-anti-lemma pe fe fe II (λ _ → ℕ-to-ℕ∞-is-finite (φ p)) I (inr ν) = ∞ , III where II : sharp ∞ ⊑ y II = transport (_⊑ y) (sharp-∞ ⁻¹) (⊥-least y) III : sharp ∞ = y III = ⊑-anti-lemma pe fe fe II λ (p : P) → 𝟘-elim (ν p) EM-gives-sharp-is-surjection : EM 𝓤₀ → is-surjection sharp EM-gives-sharp-is-surjection em y = ∣ EM-gives-sharp-is-retraction em y ∣ EM-gives-sharp-is-equiv : EM 𝓤₀ → is-equiv sharp EM-gives-sharp-is-equiv em = lc-split-surjections-are-equivs sharp sharp-lc (EM-gives-sharp-is-retraction em) \end{code} Added 14th March 2024. The image of the function sharp consists precisely of the sharp elements of ℕ⊥ in the sense of [1], so that we can recover ℕ∞ as the subtype of sharp elements of ℕ⊥: ℕ∞ ≃ (Σ y : ℕ⊥ , is-sharp y). In an algebraic domain D, it is proved in [1] that d : D is sharp if and only if b ⊑ d is decidable for every compact element b : D. In DomainTheory.Lifting.LiftingSetAlgebraic, it is shown that the compact elements of 𝓛 X for a set X are precisely ⊥ and those of the form η x. But ⊥ ⊑ d is always decidable, simply because it is true. So an element d of 𝓛 X is sharp if and only if η x ⊑ d is decidable for every x : X. We continue with the particular case X = ℕ. \begin{code} is-sharp : ℕ⊥ → 𝓤₀ ̇ is-sharp y = (n : ℕ) → is-decidable (ι n ⊑ y) being-sharp-is-prop : (y : ℕ⊥) → is-prop (is-sharp y) being-sharp-is-prop l = Π-is-prop fe (λ n → decidability-of-prop-is-prop fe (⊑-prop-valued fe fe ℕ-is-set (ι n) l)) sharp-is-sharp : (x : ℕ∞) → is-sharp (sharp x) sharp-is-sharp x n = I (finite-isolated fe n x) where I : is-decidable (ι n = x) → is-decidable (ι n ⊑ sharp x) I (inl refl) = inl ((λ ⋆ → n , ℕ-to-ℕ∞-diagonal fe n) , (λ ⋆ → refl)) I (inr ν) = inr f where f : ¬ (ι n ⊑ sharp x) f (a , b) = ν (ι n =⟨ ap ι (b ⋆) ⟩ ι (size {x} (a ⋆)) =⟨ size-property fe (a ⋆) ⟩ x ∎) only-sharp-is-sharp : (y : ℕ⊥) → is-sharp y → Σ x ꞉ ℕ∞ , sharp x = y only-sharp-is-sharp y@(P , φ , P-is-prop) y-is-sharp = V where y-is-sharp' : (n : ℕ) → ¬ (ι n ⊑ y) + (ι n ⊑ y) y-is-sharp' n = +-commutative (y-is-sharp n) α : ℕ → 𝟚 α = indicator-map y-is-sharp' α-property₀ : (n : ℕ) → α n = ₀ → ¬ (ι n ⊑ y) α-property₀ = indicator-property₀ y-is-sharp' α-property₁ : (n : ℕ) → α n = ₁ → ι n ⊑ y α-property₁ = indicator-property₁ y-is-sharp' α-property : (n n' : ℕ) → α n = ₁ → α n' = ₁ → n = n' α-property n n' e e' = η-bounded y n n' (α-property₁ n e) (α-property₁ n' e') a : has-at-most-one-₁ α a (n , e) (n' , e') = to-T-= (α-property n n' e e') x : ℕ∞ x = α , a II : sharp x ⊑ y II = II₀ , II₁ where II₀ : (Σ n ꞉ ℕ , α n = ₁) → P II₀ (n , e) = def-pr (ι n) y (α-property₁ n e) ⋆ II₁ : ((n , e) : Σ n ꞉ ℕ , α n = ₁) → n = φ (II₀ (n , e)) II₁ (n , e) = α-property n n' e B where n' : ℕ n' = φ (II₀ (n , e)) A : ι n' ⊑ y A = (λ _ → II₀ (n , e)) , (λ _ → refl) B : α n' = ₁ B = different-from-₀-equal-₁ (λ (d : α n' = ₀) → α-property₀ n' d A) III : P → Σ n ꞉ ℕ , α n = ₁ III p = φ p , different-from-₀-equal-₁ (λ (e : α (φ p) = ₀) → III₁ e III₀) where III₀ : ι (φ p) ⊑ y III₀ = (λ _ → p) , (λ _ → refl) III₁ : α (φ p) = ₀ → ¬ (ι (φ p) ⊑ y) III₁ = α-property₀ (φ p) IV : sharp x = y IV = ⊑-anti-lemma pe fe fe II III V : Σ x ꞉ ℕ∞ , sharp x = y V = x , IV theorem : ℕ∞ ≃ (Σ y ꞉ ℕ⊥ , is-sharp y) theorem = r , r-is-equiv where r : ℕ∞ → (Σ y ꞉ ℕ⊥ , is-sharp y) r x = sharp x , sharp-is-sharp x r-is-embedding : is-embedding r r-is-embedding = factor-is-embedding r pr₁ sharp-is-embedding (pr₁-is-embedding being-sharp-is-prop) s : (Σ y ꞉ ℕ⊥ , is-sharp y) → ℕ∞ s (y , y-is-sharp) = pr₁ (only-sharp-is-sharp y y-is-sharp) h : (σ@(y , _) : Σ y ꞉ ℕ⊥ , is-sharp y) → sharp (s σ) = y h (y , y-is-sharp) = pr₂ (only-sharp-is-sharp y y-is-sharp) rs : r ∘ s ∼ id rs σ = to-subtype-= being-sharp-is-prop (h σ) r-is-equiv : is-equiv r r-is-equiv = embeddings-with-sections-are-equivs r r-is-embedding (s , rs) \end{code} Other ways to distinguish ℕ∞ and ℕ⊥: * ℕ∞ is totally separated. * ℕ⊥ is injective and hence indecomposable. This is already proved in other modules.