Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

Equality in Σ types

The material here is rather subtle.

Equality in binary products

Equality in binary product types behaves as expected:

module _ {X A : Type} {(x , a) (y , b) : X × A} where

 from-×-≡ : (x , a)  (y , b)
           (x  y) × (a  b)
 from-×-≡ (refl (x , a)) = (refl x , refl a)

 to-×-≡ : (x  y) × (a  b)
         (x , a)  (y , b)
 to-×-≡ (refl x , refl a) = refl (x , a)

 ×-≡ : (x , a)  (y , b)  (x  y) × (a  b)
 ×-≡ = from-×-≡ , to-×-≡

Equality in Σ types

Equality in Σ types is much less intuitive.

Firstly, if we have a type X, a family A : X → Type, and pairs (x , a) and (y , b) in the type Σ A, it is the case that if (x , a) ≡ (y , b) then x ≡ y, just as in the case of binary products:

Σ-≡-fst : {X : Type} {A : X  Type} {(x , a) (y , b) : Σ A}
         (x , a)  (y , b)  x  y
Σ-≡-fst (refl (x , a)) = refl x

However, we don’t have that (x , a) ≡ (y , b) implies a ≡ b. It is not that this is false, but instead that it doesn’t even type-check. In fact we have

  • a : A x
  • b : A y

and the types A x and A y are not necessarily the same. But equality is only defined for elements of the same type. Notice that x ≡ y doesn’t say that x and y are the same. It only says that there is an identification between them. And the distinction between sameness and identification is important.

We can use the function transport (defined in the module identity-type)

    transport : {X : Type} (A : X → Type)
              → {x y : X} → x ≡ y → A x → A y
    transport A (refl x) a = a

to solve this problem:

Σ-≡-snd : {X : Type} {A : X  Type} {(x , a) (y , b) : Σ A}
         (e : (x , a)  (y , b))
         transport A (Σ-≡-fst e) a  b
Σ-≡-snd (refl (x , a)) = refl a

We can pack these two functions into a single one as follows:

from-Σ-≡ : {X : Type} {A : X  Type} {(x , a) (y , b) : Σ A}
          (x , a)  (y , b)
          Σ e  x  y , transport A e a  b
from-Σ-≡ (refl (x , a)) = (refl x , refl a)

This says that from (x , a) ≡ (y , b) we can get some e : x ≡ y such that transport A e a ≡ b.

The converse also holds:
to-Σ-≡ : {X : Type} {A : X  Type} {(x , a) (y , b) : Σ A}
        (Σ e  x  y , transport A e a  b)
        (x , a)  (y , b)
to-Σ-≡ (refl x , refl a) = refl (x , a)

So the functions from-Σ-≡ and to-Σ-≡ give a complete characterization of equality in Σ types.

Σ-≡ : {X : Type} {A : X  Type} {(x , a) (y , b) : Σ A}
     (x , a)  (y , b)  (Σ e  x  y , transport A e a  b)
Σ-≡ = from-Σ-≡ , to-Σ-≡

Exercise. The function from-Σ-≡ is actually an isomorphism with inverse to-Σ-≡, so that we actually get the stronger result

((x , a) ≡ (y , b)) ≅ (Σ e ꞉ x ≡ y , transport A e a ≡ b).

Dependent version of ap

Recall the function ap defined in the module identity-type:

    ap : {A B : Type} (f : A → B) {x y : A} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
    ap f (refl x) = refl (f x)

A similar phenomenon as for Σ happens with dependent functions f : (x : X) → A x. We can’t conclude that if x ≡ y then f x ≡ f y, because, again, the equality in the conclusion doesn’t type check, as f x and f y belong to the types A x and A y, which are not the same in general, even if x and y are identified.

But again we can use transport to solve this problem:
apd : {X : Type} {A : X  Type} (f : (x : X)  A x) {x y : X}
      (e : x  y)  transport A e (f x)  f y
apd f (refl x) = refl (f x)

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