Note: for this week we have two solution files for the exercises. Dan Licata’s solutions are below. Tom de Jong’s solutions in are in We are providing both to illustrate slightly different ways of using Agda. Tom’s are a little more verbose and easier for a person to read non-interactively. Dan’s are a little more inlined and meant to show you roughly the minimum text you need to get Agda to check the proofs, but are harder to read unless you do so interactively (by putting holes around sub-expressions and getting Agda to tell you what the types are supposed to be). It’s sometimes nice to code in the terse style when you are coding for yourself, and then to clean it up more like the more verbose solution when writing it up for other people.

Note: Agda will get confused if you make a single file that imports both our solutions and your solutions in Exercises5. The reason is that rewrite rules are installed globally, and both files declare rewrites for the reduction rules for suspension types (if you get that far), and Agda won’t let you install a rewrite for something that already reduces. (For a similar reason, Solutions5-tom has the rewrites commented out to make our build scripts for github work, so you will need to uncomment those in your copy to load the file.)

{-# OPTIONS --rewriting --without-K #-}

open import new-prelude
open import Lecture5-notes
open import Solutions4 using (ap-!; to-from-base; to-from-loop; s2c; c2s; susp-func)

module Solutions5-dan where

1 point and 2 point circles are equivalent (⋆)

In lecture, we defined maps between the one point circle (S1) and the two point circle (Circle2) and checked that the round-trip on Circle2 is the identity.

Prove that the round-trip on S1 is the identity (use to-from-base and to-from-loop from the Lecture 4 exercises), and package all of these items up as an equivalence S1 ≃ Circle2.

to-from : (x : S1)  from (to x)  x
to-from = S1-elim _
                  (PathOver-roundtrip≡ from to loop (∙unit-l _  to-from-loop))

circles-equivalent : S1  Circle2
circles-equivalent = improve (Isomorphism to (Inverse from to-from from-to))

Reversing the circle (⋆⋆)

Define a map S1 → S1 that “reverses the orientation of the circle”, i.e. sends loop to ! loop.

rev : S1  S1
rev = S1-rec base (! loop)
Prove that rev is an equivalence. Hint: you will need to state and prove one new generalized “path algebra” lemma and to use one of the lemmas from the “Functions are group homomorphism” section of Lecture 4’s exercises.
!-invol : {l : Level} {A : Type l} {x y : A}  (p : x  y)  (! (! p))  p
!-invol (refl _) = refl _

rev-equiv : is-equiv rev
rev-equiv = Inverse rev invol rev invol where
  invol : rev  rev  id
  invol = S1-elim _
                  (refl _)
                  (PathOver-roundtrip≡ rev rev _
                    (∙unit-l _ 
                     ap (ap rev) (S1-rec-loop _ _) 
                     ap-! loop 
                     ap ! (S1-rec-loop _ _) 
                     !-invol loop))

Circles to torus (⋆⋆)

In the Lecture 4 exercises, you defined a map from the Torus to S1 × S1. In this problem, you will define a converse map. The goal is for these two maps to be part of an equivalence, but we won’t prove that in these exercises.

You will need to state and prove a lemma characterizing a path over a path in a path fibration. Then, to define the map S1 × S1 → Torus, you will want to curry it and use S1-rec and/or S1-elim on each circle.

PathOver-path≡ :  {A B : Type} {g : A  B} {f : A  B}
                          {a a' : A} {p : a  a'}
                          {q : (f a)  (g a)}
                          {r : (f a')  (g a')}
                         q  ap g p  ap f p  r
                         q  r [ (\ x  (f x)  (g x))  p ]
PathOver-path≡ {p = (refl _)} h = path-to-pathover (h  ∙unit-l _)

circles-to-torus : S1  (S1  Torus)
circles-to-torus = S1-rec (S1-rec baseT qT)
                          (λ≡ (S1-elim _
                                       (PathOver-path≡ (ap (\ H  pT  H) (S1-rec-loop _ _) 
                                                        ap (\ H  H  pT) (! (S1-rec-loop _ _))))))

circles-to-torus-nofunext : S1  (S1  Torus)
circles-to-torus-nofunext x y = S1-rec (S1-rec baseT qT y)
                                       ( (S1-elim (\ y  S1-rec baseT qT y  S1-rec baseT qT y)
                                            (PathOver-path≡ (ap (\ H  pT  H) (S1-rec-loop _ _) 
                                                             ap (\ H  H  pT) (! (S1-rec-loop _ _))))) y )

circles-to-torus' : S1 × S1  Torus
circles-to-torus' (x , y) = circles-to-torus x y

Below are some “extra credit” exercises if you want more to do. These are (even more) optional: nothing in the next lecture will depend on you understanding them. The next section (H space) is harder code but uses only the circle, whereas the following sections are a bit easier code but require understanding the suspension type, which we haven’t talked about too much yet.

H space

The multiplication operation on the circle discussed in lecture is part of what is called an “H space” structure on the circle. One part of this structure is that the circle’s basepoint is a unit element for multiplication.

(⋆) Show that base is a left unit.
mult-unit-l : (y : S1)  mult base y  y
mult-unit-l y = refl _
(⋆) Because we’ll need it in a second, show that ap distributes over function composition:
ap-∘ :  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : Type l2} {C : Type l3}
       (f : A  B) (g : B  C)
       {a a' : A}
       (p : a  a')
      ap (g  f) p  ap g (ap f p)
ap-∘ _ _ (refl _) = refl _

(⋆⋆) Suppose we have a curried function f : S1 → A → B. Under the equivalence between paths in S1 × A and pairs of paths discussed in Lecture 3, we can then “apply” (the uncurried version of) f to a pair of paths (p : x ≡ y [ S1 ] , q : z ≡ w [ A ]) to get a path (f x z ≡ f y w [ B ]). In the special case where q is reflexivity on a, this application to p and q can be simplified to ap ( x → f x a) p : f x a ≡ f y a [ B ].

Now, suppose that f is defined by circle recursion. We would expect some kind of reduction for applying f to the pair of paths (loop , q) — i.e. we should have reductions for nested pattern matching on HITs. In the case where q is reflexivity, applying f to the pair (loop , refl) can reduce like this:
S1-rec-loop-1 :  {A B : Type} {f : A  B} {h : f  f} {a : A}
                       ap (\ x  S1-rec f h x a) loop  app≡ h a
S1-rec-loop-1 {f = f}{h}{a} = (ap-∘ (S1-rec f h) (\ z  z a) loop)  ap (ap (\ z  z a)) (S1-rec-loop _ _)

Prove this reduction using ap-∘ and the reduction rule for S1-rec on the loop.

(⋆⋆⋆) Show that base is a right unit for multiplication. You will need a slightly different path-over lemma than before.

PathOver-endo≡ :  {A : Type} {f : A  A}
                 {a a' : A} {p : a  a'}
                 {q : (f a)  a}
                 {r : (f a')  a'}
                ! q  ((ap f p)  r)  p
                q  r [ (\ x  f x  x)  p ]
PathOver-endo≡ {p = (refl _)} {q = q} {r} h =
  path-to-pathover (ap (\ H  q  H) (! h) 
                       ( ∙assoc _ _ (refl _  r) 
                        (ap (\ H  H  (refl _  r)) (!-inv-r q) 
                         (∙unit-l (refl _  r)   ∙unit-l r )) ))

mult-unit-r : (x : S1)  mult x base  x
mult-unit-r = S1-elim _
                      (refl _)
                        ((∙unit-l _)  (S1-rec-loop-1  ( λ≡β _ _)) ))

Suspensions and the 2-point circle

(⋆) Postulate the computation rules for the non-dependent susp-rec and declare rewrites for the point reduction rules on the point constructors.
  Susp-rec-north : {l : Level} {A : Type} {X : Type l}
                 (n : X) (s : X) (m : A  n  s)
                  Susp-rec n s m northS  n
  Susp-rec-south : {l : Level} {A : Type} {X : Type l}
                   (n : X) (s : X) (m : A  n  s)
                    Susp-rec n s m southS  s
{-# REWRITE Susp-rec-north #-}
{-# REWRITE Susp-rec-south #-}
  Susp-rec-merid : {l : Level} {A : Type} {X : Type l}
                   (n : X) (s : X) (m : A  n  s)
                  (x : A)  ap (Susp-rec n s m) (merid x)  m x

(⋆) Postulate the dependent elimination rule for suspensions:

  Susp-elim : {A : Type} (P : Susp A  Type)
             (n : P northS)
             (s : P southS)
             (m : (x : A)  n  s [ P  merid x ])
             (x : Susp A)  P x

(⋆⋆) Show that the maps s2c and c2s from the Lecture 4 exercises are mutually inverse:

c2s2c : (x : Circle2)  s2c (c2s x)  x
c2s2c = Circle2-elim _ (refl _) (refl _)
                    (PathOver-roundtrip≡ s2c c2s _
                     (∙unit-l _  (ap (ap s2c) (Circle2-rec-west _ _ _ _)  Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _)))
                    (PathOver-roundtrip≡ s2c c2s _
                     (∙unit-l _  (ap (ap s2c) (Circle2-rec-east _ _ _ _)  Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _)))

s2c2s : (x : Susp Bool)  c2s (s2c x)  x
s2c2s = Susp-elim _ (refl _) (refl _) \ { true  PathOver-roundtrip≡ c2s s2c _
                                                 (∙unit-l _ 
                                                  (ap (ap c2s) (Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _)
                                                   Circle2-rec-west _ _ _ _)) ;
                                          false  PathOver-roundtrip≡ c2s s2c _
                                                  (∙unit-l _ 
                                                  (ap (ap c2s) (Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _)
                                                   Circle2-rec-east _ _ _ _))}

(⋆) Conclude that Circle2 is equivalent to Susp Bool:

Circle2-Susp-Bool : Circle2  Susp Bool
Circle2-Susp-Bool = improve (Isomorphism c2s (Inverse s2c c2s2c s2c2s)) 

Functoriality of suspension (⋆⋆)

In the Lecture 4 exercises, we defined functoriality for the suspension type, which given a function X → Y gives a function Σ X → Σ Y. Show that this operation is functorial, meaning that it preserves identity and composition of functions:
susp-func-id :  {X : Type}  susp-func {X} id  id
susp-func-id = Susp-elim _ (refl _)
                           (refl _)
                           (\x  PathOver-endo≡ (∙unit-l _  (Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _)) )

susp-func-∘ :  {X Y Z : Type} (f : X  Y) (g : Y  Z)
             susp-func {X} (g  f)  susp-func g  susp-func f
susp-func-∘ f g = Susp-elim _
                            (refl _)
                            (refl _)
                            (\x  PathOver-path≡ (∙unit-l _ 
                                                 ap-∘ (susp-func f)  (susp-func g) _ 
                                                 ap (ap (susp-func g)) (Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _) 
                                                 Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _ 
                                                 ! (Susp-rec-merid _ _ _ _)))