{-# OPTIONS --rewriting --without-K #-}

open import new-prelude

module Lecture5-notes where

open import Lecture4-notes hiding (to; from; from-to-north; from-to-south; from-to-west; from-to-east; q) public


In this lecture, we will start proving some type equivalences, so we need to code a definition of equivalence. In the Lecture 3 exercies, we saw the definition of a bijection/isomorphism/quasi-equivalence in Agda: a record consisting of maps back and forth with homotopies showing that they compose to the identity. In the HoTT track, we saw the definition of equivalence of types as a bi-invertible map. We can code this similarly in Agda:

record is-equiv {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : Type l2} (f : A  B) : Type (l1  l2) where
  constructor Inverse
    post-inverse    : B  A
    is-post-inverse : post-inverse  f  id
    pre-inverse     : B  A
    is-pre-inverse  : f  pre-inverse  id

record _≃_ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Type l1) (B : Type l2) : Type (l1  l2) where
    map : A  B
    is-equivalence : is-equiv map

Here are some short names for projecting the the forward and (one of the) backward maps:

fwd :  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : Type l2}  A  B  A  B
fwd e = _≃_.map e

bwd :  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : Type l2}  A  B  B  A
bwd e = is-equiv.post-inverse (_≃_.is-equivalence e)

An isomorphism can be improved to an equivalence by using the same function as the pre-inverse and post-inverse:

improve :  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : Type l2}  A  B  A  B
improve (Isomorphism f (Inverse g gf fg)) = Equivalence f (Inverse g gf g fg)

Path over a path

Next, we will work towards stating the dependent elimination rules / induction principles for HITs. To do this, we will need the notion of a “dependent path” or “path over a path”.

Suppose you have a type A with elements a1 and a2 and a type family B : A → Type with elements b1 : B a1 and b2 : B a2. It doesn’t type check to ask if b1 ≡ b2 because b1 and b2 have different types. But if we also have a path p : a1 ≡ a2 then we can ask whether b1 ≡ b2 “up to” that path.

Using topological terminology, we can think about the total space of B, type Σ x ∶ A , B, which has a map pr₁ : (Σ x ∶ A , B) → A. When b : B x, we say that b is “in the fiber over x”, because the element (x , b) : (Σ x ∶ A , B) projects to x by pr₁. One way to compare elements in different fibres is to ask for a path in the total space, i.e. a path (a1 , b1) ≡ (a2 , b2) [ Σ x ∶ A , B ]. Using the characterization of paths in Σ types from Lecture 3 as pairs of paths, such a path has a first component path a1 ≡ a2 [ A ]. We are often interested in paths in the total space whose first component is a specified path p : a1 ≡ a2 [ A ]. This can be represented by a pair of a path q : (a1 , b1) ≡ (a2 , b2) [ Σ x ∶ A , B ] with a path fst (from-Σ-≡ q) ≡ p [ a1 ≡ a2 ]. However, there are a couple of more direct ways to represent this in type theory.

The first way to represent a path over p is with a new inductive definition:

data PathOver {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} (B : A  Type l2) :
              {a1 a2 : A} (p : a1  a2)
              (b1 : B a1) (b2 : B a2)  Type (l1  l2) where
  reflo : {x : A} {y : B x}  PathOver B (refl x) y y 

syntax PathOver B p b1 b2 = b1  b2 [ B  p ]
This is an “inductive family” with one constructor that says that any y
B x is equal to itself over reflexivity.

Another way to represent a path over p is as a homogeneous path transport B p b1 ≡ b2 [ B a2 ]. Semantically, this is because dependent types are fibrations, which includes that any path-over b1 ≡ b2 [ B ↓ p] factors uniquely into a heterogeneous path b1 ≡ transport B p b1 [ B ↓ p ] composed with a homogeneous path transport B p b1 ≡ b2 [ B a2 ].

In type theory, we can prove that these are equivalent by path induction:

transport-to-pathover : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} (B : A  Type l2)
                        {a1 a2 : A} (p : a1  a2)
                        (b1 : B a1) (b2 : B a2)
                      (transport B p b1  b2)  (b1  b2 [ B  p ]) 
transport-to-pathover B (refl _) b1 b2 = improve (Isomorphism ((λ { (refl _)  reflo }))
                                                       (Inverse (\ { reflo  refl _})
                                                                (\ {(refl _)  refl _})
                                                                (\ {(reflo)  refl _})))

path-to-pathover :  {A : Type} {B : A  Type}
                  {a : A} {x y : B a}
                  (p : x  y)
                  x  y [ B  refl a ]
path-to-pathover p = fwd (transport-to-pathover _ (refl _) _ _) p
ap of a dependent function naturally creates a path-over:
apd : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : A  Type l2}
      (f : (x : A)  B x) {a1 a2 : A} (p : a1  a2)
     f a1  f a2 [ B  p ]
apd f (refl _) = reflo

We’ll use the inductive family definition mainly because it will be closer to what you’ll see in Lectures 7,8,9 on Cubical Agda.

Dependent elims/induction for HITs

We’re finally in a position to state the dependent elimination rules for HITs. Let’s start with Circle2 because it’s a little easier to see what’s going on.

  Circle2-elim : (X : Circle2  Type)
                 (n : X north)
                 (s : X south)
                 (w : n  s [ X  west ])
                 (e : n  s [ X  east ])
                (x : Circle2)  X x
  Circle2-elim-north : (X : Circle2  Type) (n : X north) (s : X south)
                       (w : n  s [ X  west ]) (e : n  s [ X  east ])
                      Circle2-elim X n s w e north  n 
  Circle2-elim-south : (X : Circle2  Type) (n : X north) (s : X south)
                       (w : n  s [ X  west ]) (e : n  s [ X  east ])
                      Circle2-elim X n s w e south  s
{-# REWRITE Circle2-elim-north #-}
{-# REWRITE Circle2-elim-south #-}
  Circle2-elim-west : (X : Circle2  Type) (n : X north) (s : X south)
                      (w : n  s [ X  west ]) (e : n  s [ X  east ])
                     apd (Circle2-elim X n s w e) west  w
  Circle2-elim-east : (X : Circle2  Type) (n : X north) (s : X south)
                      (w : n  s [ X  west ]) (e : n  s [ X  east ])
                     apd (Circle2-elim X n s w e) east  e

Proving equivalences

One common reason dependent elims get used is to prove that functions are mutually inverse.

module RememberTheseFromLastTime where

  to : S1  Circle2
  to = S1-rec north (east  ! west)
  from : Circle2  S1
  from = Circle2-rec base base (refl base) loop
  from-to-north : to (from north)  north
  from-to-north = refl _
  from-to-south : to (from south)  south
  from-to-south = west
  from-to-west : ap to (ap from west)  from-to-south  west
  from-to-west = ap to (ap from west)  west ≡⟨ ap (\ H  ap to H  west) (Circle2-rec-west _ _ _ _) 
                  ap to (refl base)  west    ≡⟨ ∙unit-l west 
  from-to-east : ap to (ap from east)  from-to-south  east
  from-to-east = ap to (ap from east)  west ≡⟨ ap (\ H  ap to H  west) (Circle2-rec-east _ _ _ _) 
                 ap to loop  west           ≡⟨ ap (\ H  H  west) (S1-rec-loop _ _) 
                 east  ! west  west        ≡⟨ ! (∙assoc _ (! west) west) 
                 east  (! west  west)      ≡⟨ ap (\ H  east  H) (!-inv-l west) 
open RememberTheseFromLastTime public
PathOver-roundtrip≡ :  {A B : Type} (g : B  A) (f : A  B)
                        {a a' : A} (p : a  a')
                        {q : g (f a)  a}
                        {r : g (f a')  a'}
                       ! q  ((ap g (ap f p))  r)  p
                       q  r [ (\ x  g (f x)  x)  p ]
PathOver-roundtrip≡ g f  (refl _) {q = q} {r} h =
  path-to-pathover (ap (\ H  q  H) (! h) 
                    ( ∙assoc _ _ (refl _  r) 
                    (ap (\ H  H  (refl _  r)) (!-inv-r q) 
                    (∙unit-l (refl _  r)   ∙unit-l r )) ))

from-to : (y : Circle2)  to (from y)  y
from-to = Circle2-elim _
                       (PathOver-roundtrip≡ to from west (∙unit-l _  from-to-west))
                       (PathOver-roundtrip≡ to from east (∙unit-l _  from-to-east))

To do the other direction you’ll need

  S1-elim : (X : S1  Type)
            (x : X base)
            (p : x  x [ X  loop ])
           (x : S1)  X x
  S1-elim-base : (X : S1  Type)
                 (x : X base)
                 (p : x  x [ X  loop ])
                S1-elim X x p base  x

{-# REWRITE S1-elim-base #-}
  S1-elim-loop : (X : S1  Type)
                 (x : X base)
                 (p : x  x [ X  loop ])
                apd (S1-elim X x p) loop  p

Multiplication on the circle

Classically, if you think of the points on the circle as complex numbers, you can multiply two points, and the result will represent a point on the circle. There is a synthetic version of this operation in type theory. Defining it uses S1-elim and function extensionality, which says that paths between functions are homotopies.

PathOver-path-loop :  {A : Type} 
                     {a a' : A} {p : a  a'}
                     {q : a  a}
                     {r : a'  a'}
                    q  p  p  r
                    q  r [ (\ x  x  x)  p ]
PathOver-path-loop {p = (refl _)} h = path-to-pathover (h  (∙unit-l _)) 

mult : S1  S1  S1
mult = S1-rec ((\ y  y)) (λ≡ (S1-elim  z  z  z) loop (PathOver-path-loop (refl _))))
Note that it is also possible to do this without funext by binding the second input before doing the S1-rec on the first input (thanks Ulrik!):
mult-nofunext : S1  S1  S1
mult-nofunext x y = S1-rec y (S1-elim  z  z  z) loop (PathOver-path-loop (refl _)) y) x

Above, we used the main part of function extensionality: a homotopy induces a path between functions. The full form of the function extensionality axiom (mentioned briefly in HoTT Lecture 5) is that homotopies are equivalent to paths between functions, and in particular that the map from paths to homotopies that you can define by path induction is an equivalence.

app≡ : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : A  Type l2} {f g : (x : A)  B x}  f  g  f  g
app≡ p x = ap (\ f  f x) p 

  λ≡βinv : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : A  Type l2} {f g : (x : A)  B x}  (h : f  g) 
       app≡ (λ≡ h)  h

-- it's often more useful to have this as a homotopy
λ≡β : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : A  Type l2} {f g : (x : A)  B x}  (h : f  g) 
       app≡ (λ≡ h)  h
λ≡β h = app≡ (λ≡βinv h)

full-funext : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Type l1} {B : A  Type l2} {f g : (x : A)  B x}
             is-equiv {A = f  g} {B = f  g} app≡
full-funext = Inverse λ≡' λ≡η λ≡ λ≡βinv where
    λ≡' : _
    λ≡η : _