module DataStructures where

-- Some definitions of standard things
-- (sorry for not using libraries).

open import Naturals
open import Addition
open import Finite
open import LogicalFacts

data List (X : Set) : Set where
 [] : List X
 _::_  : X  List X  List X

infixr 30 _::_

-- Transforms a finite list given as a map to an enumerated finite
-- list:

list : {m : } {X : Set}  (smaller m  X)  List X
list {0} s = []
list {succ m} s = s fzero :: list {m} (s  fsucc)

-- Binary products:

data _×_ (X Y : Set) : Set where
 _,_ : X  Y  X × Y

infixr 20 _,_

-- The cons operation for the Cantor space:

open import Cantor
open import Two

_^_ :   ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ
(0 ^ α) 0 = 
((succ n) ^ α) 0 = 
(b ^ α) (succ n) = α n

infixr 30 _^_

-- Take a finite initial sublist of an infinite sequence.

take : (m : ) {X : Set}  (  X)  List X
take 0 α = []
take (succ m) α = α 0 :: take m (α  succ)

-- Index a finite sequence:

_!_ : {m : }  (smaller(m + 1)  )    
_!_ {m} s n = s(fmin m n)