-- Martin Escardo, 3rd August 2015, modified 9 May to add the rewriting option only.

-- Propositional truncation.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-} -- Needed because we import prop which now relies on that.

module proptrunc where

open import preliminaries
open import prop

-- Propositional truncation first:

∥_∥ : {i : Level}  U i  U i
 X  = (p : Prop)  (X  p holds)  p holds

-- Here ∥ X ∥ is ranged over by s and t.

∣_∣ : {i : Level} {X : U i}  X   X 
 x  = λ _ f  f x

∥∥-rec : {i : Level} {X : U i} {P : U₀}  isProp P  (X  P)   X   P
∥∥-rec {i} {X} {P} isp φ s = s  P , isp  φ

∥∥-rec-comp : {i : Level} {X : U i} {P : U₀}
             {isp : isProp P} (φ : X  P) (x : X)   ∥∥-rec isp φ  x   φ x
∥∥-rec-comp φ x = refl(φ x)

-- To have that ∥ X ∥ is a proposition we need function extensionality. 
-- In fact, assuming that ∥ X ∥ is a proposition gives function extensionality 
-- (proof omitted here).

∥∥-isProp : {i : Level} {X : U i}  isProp  X 
∥∥-isProp s t = lemma
  open import funext
  lemma : s  t
  lemma = funext  p  funext  f  holdsIsProp p (s p f) (t p f)))

-- Induction on ∥ X ∥ follows from recursion:

∥∥-ind : {i : Level} {X : U i} {P :  X   U₀}  ((s :  X )  isProp(P s))
        ((x : X)  P  x )   (s :  X )  P s
∥∥-ind {i} {X} {P} isp φ s = ∥∥-rec (isp s) ψ s
  ψ : X  P s
  ψ x = transport P (∥∥-isProp  x  s) (φ x)

-- There should be a way of defining ∥∥-ind so that its computation
-- rule holds definitionally (using the ideas of the file hsetfunext
-- elsewhere). For the above definition, it only holds
-- propositionally:

∥∥-ind-comp : {i : Level} {X : U i} {P :  X   U₀}
              (isp : (s :  X )  isProp(P s)) (φ : (x : X)  P  x )
             (x : X)  ∥∥-ind isp φ  x   φ x
∥∥-ind-comp isp φ x = isp  x  (∥∥-ind isp φ  x ) (φ x)