
  This is a variant of the proof given in dialogue.lagda
  that does not use the formal oracle Ω, and instead directly shows
  the relation between ⟦_⟧ and B⟦_⟧ (see R's definition and main-lemma).
  Then, as before in dialogue-tree-correct, we use generic to consult the
  ``oracle'' α.

  Original author: Martin Escardo.
  Modifications made by Vincent Rahli, March 2015.


module dialogue-without-oracle where

Ķ : ∀{X Y : Set}  X  Y  X
Ķ x y = x
Ş : ∀{X Y Z : Set}  (X  Y  Z)  (X  Y)  X  Z
Ş f g x = f x (g x)

_∘_ : ∀{X Y Z : Set}  (Y  Z)  (X  Y)  (X  Z)
g  f = λ x  g(f x)

data  : Set where
  zero : 
  succ :   
rec : ∀{X : Set}  (X  X)  X    X
rec f x  zero    = x
rec f x (succ n) = f(rec f x n)

data ℕ₂ : Set where
    : ℕ₂

data List (X : Set) : Set where
  []        : List X
  _∷_ : X  List X  List X

data Tree (X : Set) : Set where
  empty : Tree X
  branch : X  (ℕ₂  Tree X)  Tree X

data Σ {X : Set} (Y : X  Set) : Set where
  _,_ : ∀(x : X)(y : Y x)  Σ {X} Y

π₀ : ∀{X : Set} {Y : X  Set}  (Σ \(x : X)  Y x)  X
π₀(x , y) = x
π₁ : ∀{X : Set} {Y : X  Set}  ∀(t : Σ \(x : X)  Y x)  Y(π₀ t)
π₁(x , y) = y

data _≡_ {X : Set} : X  X  Set where
  refl : ∀{x : X}  x  x

sym : ∀{X : Set}  ∀{x y : X}  x  y  y  x
sym refl = refl
trans : ∀{X : Set}  ∀{x y z : X}  x  y  y  z  x  z
trans refl refl = refl
cong : ∀{X Y : Set}  ∀(f : X  Y)  ∀{x₀ x₁ : X}  x₀  x₁  f x₀  f x₁
cong f refl = refl
cong₂ : ∀{X Y Z : Set}  ∀(f : X  Y  Z)
       ∀{x₀ x₁ : X}{y₀ y₁ : Y}  x₀  x₁  y₀  y₁  f x₀ y₀  f x₁ y₁
cong₂ f refl refl = refl

data D (X Y Z : Set) : Set where
  η : Z  D X Y Z
  β : (Y  D X Y Z)  X  D X Y Z

dialogue : ∀{X Y Z : Set}  D X Y Z  (X  Y)  Z
dialogue (η z)   α = z
dialogue (β φ x) α = dialogue (φ(α x)) α

eloquent : ∀{X Y Z : Set}  ((X  Y)  Z)  Set
eloquent f = Σ \d   α  dialogue d α  f α

Baire : Set
Baire =   

B : Set  Set
B = D  

data _≡[_]_ {X : Set} : (  X)  List   (  X)  Set where
  []  : ∀{α α' :   X}  α ≡[ [] ] α'
  _∷_ : ∀{α α' :   X}{i : }{s : List }  α i  α' i  α ≡[ s ] α'  α ≡[ i  s ] α'

continuous : (Baire  )  Set
continuous f = ∀(α : Baire)  Σ \(s : List )  ∀(α' : Baire)  α ≡[ s ] α'  f α  f α'

dialogue-continuity : ∀(d : B )  continuous(dialogue d)
dialogue-continuity (η n) α = ([] , lemma)
    lemma :  α'  α ≡[ [] ] α'  n  n
    lemma α' r = refl
dialogue-continuity (β φ i) α = ((i  s) , lemma)
    IH : ∀(i : )  continuous(dialogue(φ(α i)))
    IH i = dialogue-continuity (φ(α i))
    s : List 
    s = π₀(IH i α)
    claim₀ : ∀(α' : Baire)  α ≡[ s ] α'  dialogue(φ(α i)) α  dialogue(φ(α i)) α'
    claim₀ = π₁(IH i α)
    claim₁ : ∀(α' : Baire)  α i  α' i  dialogue (φ (α i)) α'  dialogue (φ (α' i)) α'
    claim₁ α' r = cong  n  dialogue (φ n) α') r
    lemma : ∀(α' : Baire)  α ≡[ i  s ] α'   dialogue (φ(α i)) α  dialogue(φ (α' i)) α'
    lemma α' (r  rs) = trans (claim₀ α' rs) (claim₁ α' r)

continuity-extensional : ∀(f g : Baire  )  (∀ α  f α  g α)  continuous f  continuous g
continuity-extensional f g t c α = (π₀(c α) ,  α' r  trans (sym (t α)) (trans (π₁(c α) α' r) (t α'))))
eloquent-is-continuous : ∀(f : Baire  )  eloquent f  continuous f
eloquent-is-continuous f (d , e) = continuity-extensional (dialogue d) f e (dialogue-continuity d)

Cantor : Set
Cantor =   ℕ₂
C : Set  Set
C = D  ℕ₂

data _≡[[_]]_ {X : Set} : (  X)  Tree   (  X)  Set where
  empty : ∀{α α' :   X}  α ≡[[ empty ]] α'
  branch :
    ∀{α α' :   X}{i : }{s : ℕ₂  Tree }
     α i  α' i  (∀(j : ℕ₂)  α ≡[[ s j ]] α')  α ≡[[ branch i s ]] α'

uniformly-continuous : (Cantor  )  Set
uniformly-continuous f = Σ \(s : Tree )  ∀(α α' : Cantor)  α ≡[[ s ]] α'  f α  f α'

dialogue-UC : ∀(d : C )  uniformly-continuous(dialogue d)
dialogue-UC (η n) = (empty , λ α α' n  refl)
dialogue-UC (β φ i) = (branch i s , lemma)
    IH : ∀(j : ℕ₂)  uniformly-continuous(dialogue(φ j))
    IH j = dialogue-UC (φ j)
    s : ℕ₂  Tree 
    s j = π₀(IH j)
    claim :  j α α'  α ≡[[ s j ]] α'  dialogue (φ j) α  dialogue (φ j) α'
    claim j = π₁(IH j)
    lemma :  α α'  α ≡[[ branch i s ]] α'  dialogue (φ (α i)) α  dialogue (φ (α' i)) α'
    lemma α α' (branch r l) = trans fact₀ fact₁
        fact₀ : dialogue (φ (α i)) α  dialogue (φ (α' i)) α
        fact₀ = cong  j  dialogue(φ j) α) r
        fact₁ : dialogue (φ (α' i)) α  dialogue (φ (α' i)) α'
        fact₁ = claim (α' i) α α' (l(α' i))

UC-extensional : ∀(f g : Cantor  )  (∀(α : Cantor)  f α  g α)
               uniformly-continuous f  uniformly-continuous g
UC-extensional f g t (u , c) = (u ,  α α' r  trans (sym (t α)) (trans (c α α' r) (t α'))))

eloquent-is-UC : ∀(f : Cantor  )  eloquent f  uniformly-continuous f
eloquent-is-UC f (d , e) = UC-extensional (dialogue d) f e (dialogue-UC d)

embed-ℕ₂-ℕ : ℕ₂  
embed-ℕ₂-ℕ  = zero
embed-ℕ₂-ℕ  = succ zero

embed-C-B : Cantor  Baire
embed-C-B α = embed-ℕ₂-ℕ  α

C-restriction : (Baire  )  (Cantor  )
C-restriction f = f  embed-C-B

prune : B   C 
prune (η n) = η n
prune (β φ i) = β  j  prune(φ(embed-ℕ₂-ℕ j))) i

prune-behaviour : ∀(d : B )(α : Cantor)  dialogue (prune d) α  C-restriction(dialogue d) α
prune-behaviour (η n)   α = refl
prune-behaviour (β φ n) α = prune-behaviour (φ(embed-ℕ₂-ℕ(α n))) α

eloquent-restriction : ∀(f : Baire  )  eloquent f  eloquent(C-restriction f)
eloquent-restriction f (d , c) = (prune d , λ α  trans (prune-behaviour d α) (c (embed-C-B α)))

data type : Set where
  ι          : type
  _⇒_ : type  type  type

data T : (σ : type)  Set where
  Zero   : T ι
  Succ   : T(ι  ι)
  Rec  : ∀{σ : type}      T((σ  σ)  σ  ι  σ)
  K    : ∀{σ τ : type}    T(σ  τ  σ)
  S    : ∀{ρ σ τ : type}  T((ρ  σ  τ)  (ρ  σ)  ρ  τ)
  _·_  : ∀{σ τ : type}    T(σ  τ)  T σ  T τ

infixr 1 _⇒_
infixl 1 _·_

Set⟦_⟧ : type  Set
Set⟦ ι  = 
Set⟦ σ  τ  = Set⟦ σ   Set⟦ τ 

⟦_⟧ : ∀{σ : type}  T σ  Set⟦ σ 
 Zero   = zero
 Succ   = succ
 Rec    = rec
 K      = Ķ
 S      = Ş
 t · u    =  t   u 

T-definable : ∀{σ : type}  Set⟦ σ   Set
T-definable x = Σ \t   t   x

kleisli-extension : ∀{X Y : Set}  (X  B Y)  B X  B Y
kleisli-extension f (η x)   = f x
kleisli-extension f (β φ i) = β  j  kleisli-extension f (φ j)) i

B-functor : ∀{X Y : Set}  (X  Y)  B X  B Y
B-functor f = kleisli-extension(η  f)

decode-α-is-natural : ∀{X Y : Set}(g : X  Y)(d : B X)(α : Baire)  g(dialogue d α)  dialogue (B-functor g d) α
decode-α-is-natural g (η x)   α = refl
decode-α-is-natural g (β φ i) α = decode-α-is-natural g (φ(α i)) α

decode-kleisli-extension : ∀{X Y : Set}(f : X  B Y)(d : B X)(α : Baire)
   dialogue (f(dialogue d α)) α  dialogue (kleisli-extension f d) α
decode-kleisli-extension f (η x)   α = refl
decode-kleisli-extension f (β φ i) α = decode-kleisli-extension f (φ(α i)) α

B-Set⟦_⟧ : type  Set
B-Set⟦ ι  = B(Set⟦ ι )
B-Set⟦ σ  τ  = B-Set⟦ σ   B-Set⟦ τ 

Kleisli-extension : ∀{X : Set} {σ : type}  (X  B-Set⟦ σ )  B X  B-Set⟦ σ 
Kleisli-extension {X} {ι} = kleisli-extension
Kleisli-extension {X} {σ  τ} = λ g d s  Kleisli-extension {X} {τ}  x  g x s) d

generic : B   B 
generic = kleisli-extension(β η)

generic-diagram : ∀(α : Baire)(d : B )  α(dialogue d α)  dialogue (generic d) α
generic-diagram α (η n) = refl
generic-diagram α (β φ n) = generic-diagram α (φ(α n))

zero' : B 
zero' = η zero
succ' : B   B 
succ' = B-functor succ

rec' : ∀{σ : type}  (B-Set⟦ σ   B-Set⟦ σ )  B-Set⟦ σ   B   B-Set⟦ σ 
rec' f x = Kleisli-extension(rec f x)

B⟦_⟧ : ∀{σ : type}  T σ  B-Set⟦ σ 
B⟦ Zero   = zero'
B⟦ Succ   = succ'
B⟦ Rec    = rec'
B⟦ K      = Ķ
B⟦ S      = Ş
B⟦ t · u  = B⟦ t  (B⟦ u )

dialogue-tree : T((ι  ι)  ι)  B 
dialogue-tree t = B⟦ t  generic

R : ∀{σ : type}  Baire  Set⟦ σ   B-Set⟦ σ   Set

R {ι} α n d = n  dialogue d α

R {σ  τ} α f f' =
  ∀(x : Set⟦ σ )(x' : B-Set⟦ σ )  R {σ} α x x'  R {τ} α (f x) (f' x')

R-kleisli-lemma : ∀(σ : type) (α : Baire) (g :   Set⟦ σ )(g' :   B-Set⟦ σ )
   (∀(k : )  R α (g k) (g' k))
   ∀(n : )(n' : B )  R α n n'  R α (g n) (Kleisli-extension g' n')

R-kleisli-lemma ι α g g' rg n n' rn = trans fact₃ (fact₀ α)
    fact₀ :  α  dialogue (g' (dialogue n' α)) α  dialogue (kleisli-extension g' n') α
    fact₀ = decode-kleisli-extension g' n'
    fact₁ : g n  dialogue (g' n) α
    fact₁ = rg n
    fact₂ : dialogue (g' n) α  dialogue (g' (dialogue n' α)) α
    fact₂ = cong  k  dialogue (g' k) α) rn
    fact₃ : g n  dialogue (g' (dialogue n' α)) α
    fact₃ = trans fact₁ fact₂

R-kleisli-lemma (σ  τ) α g g' rg n n' rn
  = λ y y' ry  R-kleisli-lemma τ α  k  g k y)  k  g' k y')  k  rg k y y' ry) n n' rn

main-lemma : ∀{σ : type}(t : T σ) (α : Baire)  R α  t  (B⟦ t )

main-lemma Zero = λ α  refl
main-lemma Succ = lemma
    claim :  α n n'  n  dialogue n' α  succ n  succ(dialogue n' α)
    claim α n n' s = cong succ s
    lemma : ∀(α : Baire) (n : )(n' : B )  (n  dialogue n' α)
           succ n  dialogue (B-functor succ n') α
    lemma α n n' rn = trans (claim α n n' rn) (decode-α-is-natural succ n' α)

main-lemma {(σ  .σ)  .σ  ι  .σ} Rec = lemma
    lemma :  (α : Baire) (f : Set⟦ σ   Set⟦ σ )(f' : B-Set⟦ σ   B-Set⟦ σ )  R {σ  σ} α f f'
       ∀(x : Set⟦ σ )(x' : B-Set⟦ σ )
       R {σ} α x x'  ∀(n : )(n' : B )  R {ι} α n n'
       R {σ} α (rec f x n) (Kleisli-extension(rec f' x') n')
    lemma α f f' rf x x' rx = R-kleisli-lemma σ α g g' rg
        g :   Set⟦ σ 
        g k = rec f x k
        g' :   B-Set⟦ σ 
        g' k = rec f' x' k
        rg : ∀(k : )  R α (g k) (g' k)
        rg zero = rx
        rg (succ k) = rf (g k) (g' k) (rg k)

main-lemma K = λ α x x' rx y y' ry  rx

main-lemma S = λ α f f' rf g g' rg x x' rx  rf x x' rx (g x) (g' x') (rg x x' rx)

main-lemma (t · u) = λ α  main-lemma t α  u  B⟦ u  (main-lemma u α)

dialogue-tree-correct : ∀(t : T((ι  ι)  ι))(α : Baire)   t  α  dialogue (dialogue-tree t) α
dialogue-tree-correct t α = claim₁
    lemma : ∀(n : )(n' : B )  n  dialogue n' α  α n  dialogue (generic n') α
    lemma n n' rn = trans (cong α rn) (generic-diagram α n')
    claim₁ :  t  α  dialogue (dialogue-tree t) α
    claim₁ = main-lemma t α α generic lemma

eloquence-theorem : ∀(f : Baire  )  T-definable f  eloquent f
eloquence-theorem f (t , r) = (dialogue-tree t , λ α  trans(sym(dialogue-tree-correct t α))(cong g  g α) r))

corollary₀ : ∀(f : Baire  )  T-definable f  continuous f
corollary₀ f d = eloquent-is-continuous f (eloquence-theorem f d)

corollary₁ : ∀(f : Baire  )  T-definable f  uniformly-continuous(C-restriction f)
corollary₁ f d = eloquent-is-UC (C-restriction f) (eloquent-restriction f (eloquence-theorem f d))