Ian Ray, 25 July 2023 updated on 11 January 2024.

Formalizing the auxilary notion of a delta-complete poset and the main
theorems of Section 6.2 from Tom de Jong's thesis involving impredicativity
(in the form of resizing principles) in order theory.

Link to Tom's thesis
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.12405


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --exact-split #-}

open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Subsingletons

module OrderedTypes.DeltaCompletePoset
 (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
 (fe : Fun-Ext)
 (pe : Prop-Ext)

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import MLTT.Two-Properties

open import UF.ClassicalLogic
open import UF.Embeddings
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.NotNotStablePropositions
open import UF.Retracts
open import UF.Size
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open import Locales.Frame pt fe hiding (𝟚; ; )
open import OrderedTypes.TwoElementPoset pt fe
open import Slice.Family

open AllCombinators pt fe

module δ-complete-poset {𝓤 𝓦 : Universe} (𝓥 : Universe) (A : Poset 𝓤 𝓦) where

 δ : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  (P : Ω 𝓥)  (𝟙{𝓥} + P holds)   A ∣ₚ
 δ x y P (inl _) = x
 δ x y P (inr _) = y

 _≤_ :  A ∣ₚ   A ∣ₚ  Ω 𝓦
 _≤_ = rel-syntax A

 open Joins (_≤_)

 δ-fam : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  (P : Ω 𝓥)  Fam 𝓥  A ∣ₚ
 δ-fam x y P = ((𝟙 + P holds) , δ x y P)

 is-δ-complete : 𝓤  𝓦  (𝓥 ) ̇
 is-δ-complete = (x y :  A ∣ₚ)
                (x  y) holds
                (P : Ω 𝓥)
                Σ s   A ∣ₚ , (s is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds

 sup-of-δ : is-δ-complete
           (x y :  A ∣ₚ)
           (x  y) holds
           (P : Ω 𝓥)
            A ∣ₚ
 sup-of-δ i x y o P = pr₁ (i x y o P)

 module _ (i : is-δ-complete)
          (x y :  A ∣ₚ)
          (o : (x  y) holds)
          (P : Ω 𝓥)

  is-sup-of-δ : ((sup-of-δ i x y o P) is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds
  is-sup-of-δ = pr₂ (i x y o P)

  is-ub-of-δ : ((sup-of-δ i x y o P) is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds
  is-ub-of-δ = pr₁ is-sup-of-δ

  has-lub-cond-δ : ((u , _) : upper-bound (δ-fam x y P))
                  ((sup-of-δ i x y o P)  u) holds
  has-lub-cond-δ = pr₂ is-sup-of-δ

  lower-is-sup-δ : ¬ (P holds)  x  sup-of-δ i x y o P
  lower-is-sup-δ not-P = ≤-is-antisymmetric A x-below-sup sup-below-x
    x-below-sup : (x  sup-of-δ i x y o P) holds
    x-below-sup = is-ub-of-δ (inl )

    x-is-ub : (x is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds
    x-is-ub (inl ) = ≤-is-reflexive A x
    x-is-ub (inr in-P) = 𝟘-induction (not-P in-P)

    sup-below-x : (sup-of-δ i x y o P  x) holds
    sup-below-x = has-lub-cond-δ (x , x-is-ub)

  upper-is-sup-δ : P holds  y  sup-of-δ i x y o P
  upper-is-sup-δ in-P = ≤-is-antisymmetric A y-below-sup sup-below-y
    y-below-sup : (y  sup-of-δ i x y o P) holds
    y-below-sup = is-ub-of-δ (inr in-P)

    y-is-ub : (y is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds
    y-is-ub (inl ) = o
    y-is-ub (inr in-P) = ≤-is-reflexive A y

    sup-below-y : (sup-of-δ i x y o P  y) holds
    sup-below-y = has-lub-cond-δ (y , y-is-ub)

  sup-δ-below-upper : (sup-of-δ i x y o P  y) holds
  sup-δ-below-upper = has-lub-cond-δ (y , y-is-ub)
    y-is-ub : (y is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds
    y-is-ub (inl ) = o
    y-is-ub (inr _) = ≤-is-reflexive A y


TODO: It would be nice to show that classically every poset is δ_𝓥 complete.
Also we should provide the critical examples of δ_𝓥 complete posets
(𝓥-sup lattices, etc.) We should also show that is-δ-complete is a subsingleton.

We now define the type of δ_𝓥 complete posets.


δ-complete-Poset : (𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 : Universe)  (𝓤  𝓦  𝓥)  ̇
δ-complete-Poset 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 = Σ A  Poset 𝓤 𝓦 , is-δ-complete A
  open δ-complete-poset 𝓥

Poset-δ : (D : δ-complete-Poset 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥)  Poset 𝓤 𝓦
Poset-δ D = pr₁ D

δ-completeness : (D : δ-complete-Poset 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥)
                δ-complete-poset.is-δ-complete 𝓥 (Poset-δ D)
δ-completeness D = pr₂ D



module non-trivial-posets {𝓤  𝓦 : Universe} (A : Poset 𝓤 𝓦) where

 is-non-trivial-poset : 𝓤  𝓦 ̇
 is-non-trivial-poset =
   Σ x   A ∣ₚ , (Σ y   A ∣ₚ , (x ≤[ A ] y) holds × (x  y))

 lower : is-non-trivial-poset   A ∣ₚ
 lower i = pr₁ i

 upper : is-non-trivial-poset   A ∣ₚ
 upper i = pr₁ (pr₂ i)

 ordering : (i : is-non-trivial-poset)  (lower i ≤[ A ] upper i) holds
 ordering i = pr₁ (pr₂ (pr₂ i))

 not-equal : (i : is-non-trivial-poset)  lower i  upper i
 not-equal i = pr₂ (pr₂ (pr₂ i))

 module _ (𝓥 : Universe) (i : is-non-trivial-poset) where

  open Joins (rel-syntax A)
  open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 A
   x = lower i
   y = upper i
   x-below-y = ordering i
   x-not-equal-y = not-equal i

  WEM-lemma : (P : Ω 𝓥)
             ((x is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds  ¬ (P holds))
            × ((y is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds  ¬ ¬ (P holds))
  WEM-lemma P = (x-is-lub-to-not-P , y-is-lub-to-not-not-P)
    x-is-lub-to-not-P : (x is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds  ¬ (P holds)
    x-is-lub-to-not-P (x-is-ub , _) in-P =
      x-not-equal-y (≤-is-antisymmetric A (x-below-y) (x-is-ub (inr in-P)))
    y-is-lub-to-not-not-P : (y is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds  ¬ ¬ (P holds)
    y-is-lub-to-not-not-P (_ , y-has-lub-cond) not-P =
      x-not-equal-y (≤-is-antisymmetric A (x-below-y)
                                        (y-has-lub-cond (x , x-is-ub)))
      x-is-ub : (x is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds
      x-is-ub (inl ) = ≤-is-reflexive A x
      x-is-ub (inr in-P) = 𝟘-induction (not-P in-P)

  x-is-lub-gives-not-P : (P : Ω 𝓥)
                        (x is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds  ¬ (P holds)
  x-is-lub-gives-not-P P = pr₁ (WEM-lemma P)

  y-is-lub-gives-not-not-P : (P : Ω 𝓥)
                            (y is-lub-of (δ-fam x y P)) holds  ¬ ¬ (P holds)
  y-is-lub-gives-not-not-P P = pr₂ (WEM-lemma P)


We now show that the two element poset is δ complete only if WEM holds.


2-is-non-trivial : non-trivial-posets.is-non-trivial-poset 2-Poset
2-is-non-trivial = ( ,  ,  , zero-is-not-one)

2-is-δ-complete-gives-WEM : {𝓥 : Universe}
                           δ-complete-poset.is-δ-complete {𝓤₀} {𝓤₀} 𝓥 2-Poset
                           typal-WEM 𝓥
2-is-δ-complete-gives-WEM {𝓥} i = WEM-gives-typal-WEM fe wem'
  open Joins (rel-syntax 2-Poset)
  open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 2-Poset
  open non-trivial-posets 2-Poset

  module _ (P : 𝓥 ̇ ) (P-is-prop : is-prop P) where

   sup-from-δ-completeness : Σ s   2-Poset ∣ₚ ,
                           (s is-lub-of (δ-fam   (P , P-is-prop))) holds
   sup-from-δ-completeness = i    (P , P-is-prop)

   sup-gives-wem : Σ s   2-Poset ∣ₚ ,
                            (s is-lub-of (δ-fam   (P , P-is-prop))) holds
                           ¬ P + ¬ (¬ P)
   sup-gives-wem ( , sup) =
     inl (x-is-lub-gives-not-P 𝓥 2-is-non-trivial (P , P-is-prop) sup)
   sup-gives-wem ( , sup) =
     inr (y-is-lub-gives-not-not-P 𝓥 2-is-non-trivial (P , P-is-prop) sup)

   wem' : ¬ P + ¬ (¬ P)
   wem' = sup-gives-wem sup-from-δ-completeness


Since non-trivial is a negated concept it only has enough strength to derive
WEM, we now introduce the stronger concept of positivity.


module Positive-Posets (𝓤  𝓦  𝓥 : Universe) (A : Poset 𝓤 𝓦) where

 open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 A
 open Universal fe
 open PosetReasoning A
 open Joins (_≤_)

 module positive-posets (i : is-δ-complete) where

  _<_ : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  𝓤  𝓦  (𝓥 ) ̇
  x < y = (x  y) holds
        × ((z :  A ∣ₚ)
           (y  z) holds
           (P : Ω 𝓥)
           (z is-lub-of (δ-fam x z P)) holds
           P holds)

  order-from-strictly-below : {x y :  A ∣ₚ}  x < y  (x  y) holds
  order-from-strictly-below c = pr₁ c

  sup-condition-from-strictly-below : {x y :  A ∣ₚ}
                                     x < y
                                     ((z :  A ∣ₚ)
                                      (y  z) holds
                                      (P : Ω 𝓥)
                                      (z is-lub-of (δ-fam x z P)) holds
                                      P holds)
  sup-condition-from-strictly-below x-strictly-below-y =
     pr₂ x-strictly-below-y

  strictly-below-implies-non-trivial : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)
                                      (x < y)
                                      (x  y) holds × (x  y)
  strictly-below-implies-non-trivial x y i x-strictly-below-y =
    (x-below-y , x-not-equal-y)
    x-below-y : (x  y) holds
    x-below-y = order-from-strictly-below x-strictly-below-y

    x-not-equal-y : x  y
    x-not-equal-y p =
      𝟘-elim (sup-condition-from-strictly-below x-strictly-below-y y
                                                (≤-is-reflexive A y) 
                                                (y-is-ub , y-has-lub-cond))

       y-is-ub : (y is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam x y )) holds
       y-is-ub (inl ) = order-from-strictly-below x-strictly-below-y

       y-has-lub-cond : ((u , _) : upper-bound (δ-fam x y ))  (y  u) holds
       y-has-lub-cond (u , is-upbnd) = y =⟨ p ⁻¹ ⟩ₚ is-upbnd (inl )


TODO: We could show that if the converse holds then so does EM in 𝓥.
This is because in particular, for x,y : Ω 𝓥

  if x ≤ y and x ≠ y implies x < y then by taking x = ⊥ and y = P
  we can show DNE (¬¬ P → P) holds

it is well established that DNE is equivalent to EM.


  ≤-<-to-< : (i : is-δ-complete)
            (x y z :  A ∣ₚ)
            (x  y) holds × y < z
            x < z
  ≤-<-to-< i x y z (x-below-y , y-strictly-below-z) =
    (≤-is-transitive A x y z x-below-y
                     (order-from-strictly-below y-strictly-below-z)
     , sup-cond-P)
    sup-cond-P : (w :  A ∣ₚ)
                (z  w) holds
                (P : Ω 𝓥)
                (w is-lub-of (δ-fam x w P)) holds
                P holds
    sup-cond-P w z-below-w P (w-is-ubₓ , w-has-lub-condₓ) =
      sup-condition-from-strictly-below y-strictly-below-z w z-below-w P
                                        (w-is-ub , w-has-lub-cond)
      w-is-ub : (w is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam y w P)) holds
      w-is-ub (inl ) = ≤-is-transitive A y z w
      w-is-ub (inr p) = ≤-is-reflexive A w

      w-has-lub-cond : ((u , u-is-ub) : (upper-bound (δ-fam y w P)))
                      (w  u) holds
      w-has-lub-cond (u , u-is-ub) = w-has-lub-condₓ (u , u-is-ubₓ)
        u-is-ubₓ : (u is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam x w P)) holds
        u-is-ubₓ (inl ) = ≤-is-transitive A x y u (x-below-y) (u-is-ub (inl ))
        u-is-ubₓ (inr p) = u-is-ub (inr p)

  <-≤-to-< : (i : is-δ-complete)
            (x y z :  A ∣ₚ)
            x < y × (y  z) holds
            x < z
  <-≤-to-< i x y z (x-strictly-below-y , y-below-z) =
   (≤-is-transitive A x y z
                    (order-from-strictly-below x-strictly-below-y) y-below-z
    , sup-cond-P)
     sup-cond-P : (w :  A ∣ₚ)
                 (z  w) holds
                 (P : Ω 𝓥)
                 (w is-lub-of (δ-fam x w P)) holds
                 P holds
     sup-cond-P w z-below-w P w-is-lub =
       sup-condition-from-strictly-below x-strictly-below-y w
                                         (≤-is-transitive A y z w
                                         P w-is-lub

  is-positive-poset : 𝓤  𝓦  (𝓥 ) ̇
  is-positive-poset = Σ x   A ∣ₚ , (Σ y   A ∣ₚ , x < y)


Next we will formalize the first retract lemma. The result will allow us to
exhibit the type of not-not stable propositions as a retract of a locally small
non-trivial δ-complete poset. We start by defining local smallness.


module Local-Smallness (𝓤  𝓦  𝓥 : Universe)
                       (A : Poset 𝓤 𝓦)
                       (_≤_ :  A ∣ₚ   A ∣ₚ  Ω 𝓦)

 is-locally-small-order : 𝓤  𝓦  (𝓥 )  ̇
 is-locally-small-order = (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  ((x  y) holds) is 𝓥 small

 module local-smallness (l : is-locally-small-order) where

  _≤ⱽ_ : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  𝓥  ̇
  x ≤ⱽ y = pr₁ (l x y)

  ≤ⱽ-is-prop : (x :  A ∣ₚ)  (y :  A ∣ₚ)  is-prop (x ≤ⱽ y)
  ≤ⱽ-is-prop x y = equiv-to-prop (pr₂ (l x y)) (holds-is-prop (x  y))

  ≤ⱽ-≃-≤ : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  x ≤ⱽ y  (x  y) holds
  ≤ⱽ-≃-≤ x y = pr₂ (l x y)

  ≤ⱽ-to-≤ : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  x ≤ⱽ y  (x  y) holds
  ≤ⱽ-to-≤ x y =   ≤ⱽ-≃-≤ x y 

  ≤-to-≤ⱽ : (x y :  A ∣ₚ)  (x  y) holds  x ≤ⱽ y
  ≤-to-≤ⱽ x y =  ≤ⱽ-≃-≤ x y ⌝⁻¹

module Retract-Lemmas (𝓤  𝓦  𝓥 : Universe) (A : Poset 𝓤 𝓦) where

 open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 A
 open PosetReasoning A
 open non-trivial-posets A
 open Positive-Posets 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 A
 open Local-Smallness 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 A _≤_
 open Joins (_≤_)

 module def-Δ (i : is-δ-complete)
              {x y :  A ∣ₚ}
              (x-below-y : (x  y) holds)

  Δ : Ω 𝓥   A ∣ₚ
  Δ P = sup-of-δ i x y x-below-y P

 module retract-lemma₁ (l : is-locally-small-order)
                       (i : is-δ-complete)
                       (x y :  A ∣ₚ)
                       (x-below-y : (x  y) holds)

  open local-smallness l
  open def-Δ i x-below-y

  non-trivial-to-Δ-section : x  y  is-section (Δ  Ω¬¬-to-Ω)
  non-trivial-to-Δ-section x-not-equal-y = (r , H)
    r :  A ∣ₚ  Ω¬¬ 𝓥
    r z = ((¬ (z ≤ⱽ x) , negations-are-props fe) , ¬-is-¬¬-stable)

    f : ((P , P-¬¬-stable) : Ω¬¬ 𝓥)  ¬ (Δ P ≤ⱽ x)  P holds
    f (P , P-¬¬-stable) not-Δ-leq-x = P-¬¬-stable not-not-P
      not-not-P : ¬¬ (P holds)
      not-not-P not-P = not-Δ-leq-x (≤-to-≤ⱽ (Δ P)
                                  (transport  z  (z  x) holds)
                                             (≤-is-reflexive A x)))
        x-is-Δ : x  Δ P
        x-is-Δ = lower-is-sup-δ i x y x-below-y P not-P

    g : ((P , P-¬¬-stable) : Ω¬¬ 𝓥)  P holds  ¬ (Δ P ≤ⱽ x)
    g (P , P-¬¬-stable) in-P Δ-below-x =
      x-not-equal-y (≤-is-antisymmetric A x-below-y y-below-x)
      y-is-Δ : y  Δ P
      y-is-Δ = upper-is-sup-δ i x y x-below-y P in-P

      y-below-x : (y  x) holds
      y-below-x = transport  z  (z  x) holds)
                          (y-is-Δ ⁻¹)
                          (≤ⱽ-to-≤ (Δ P) x Δ-below-x)

    H : r  Δ  Ω¬¬-to-Ω  id
    H (P , P-¬¬-stable) =
      to-subtype-=  X  being-¬¬-stable-is-prop fe (holds-is-prop X))
                    (to-subtype-=  Y  being-prop-is-prop fe)
                                   (pe (negations-are-props fe)
                                       (holds-is-prop P)
                                       (f (P , P-¬¬-stable))
                                       (g (P , P-¬¬-stable))))

  Δ-section-to-non-trivial : is-section (Δ  Ω¬¬-to-Ω)  x  y
  Δ-section-to-non-trivial (r , H) x-is-y = 𝟘-is-not-𝟙 𝟘-is-𝟙
    x-is-Δ-⊥ : x  Δ 
    x-is-Δ-⊥ = lower-is-sup-δ i x y x-below-y  ⊥-doesnt-hold

    y-is-Δ-⊤ : y  Δ 
    y-is-Δ-⊤ = upper-is-sup-δ i x y x-below-y  ⊤-holds

    ⊥-is-⊤ : ( , 𝟘-is-¬¬-stable)  ( , 𝟙-is-¬¬-stable)
    ⊥-is-⊤ = ( , 𝟘-is-¬¬-stable) =⟨ H ( , 𝟘-is-¬¬-stable) ⁻¹ 
             r (Δ )              =⟨ ap r x-is-Δ-⊥ ⁻¹ 
             r x                  =⟨ ap r x-is-y 
             r y                  =⟨ ap r y-is-Δ-⊤ 
             r (Δ )              =⟨ H ( , 𝟙-is-¬¬-stable) 
             ( , 𝟙-is-¬¬-stable) 

    𝟘-is-𝟙 : 𝟘  𝟙
    𝟘-is-𝟙 = ap (_holds  Ω¬¬-to-Ω) ⊥-is-⊤

  non-trivial-iff-Δ-section : x  y  is-section (Δ  Ω¬¬-to-Ω)
  non-trivial-iff-Δ-section =
    (non-trivial-to-Δ-section , Δ-section-to-non-trivial)


We now formalize the second retract lemma. Here we replace the assumption of
non-triviality with positivity. This allows us to exhibit the type of
propositions as a retract of a locally small positive δ-complete poset.


 module retract-lemma₂ (l : is-locally-small-order)
                       (i : is-δ-complete)
                       (x y :  A ∣ₚ)
                       (x-below-y : (x  y) holds)

  open positive-posets i
  open local-smallness l
  open def-Δ i

   t : (z :  A ∣ₚ)  (y  z) holds  (x  z) holds
   t z y-below-z = ≤-is-transitive A x y z x-below-y y-below-z

  positive-to-Δ-section : x < y  (z :  A ∣ₚ)
                         (y-below-z : (y  z) holds)
                         is-section (Δ (t z y-below-z))
  positive-to-Δ-section x-strictly-below-y z y-below-z = (r , H)
    r :  A ∣ₚ  Ω 𝓥
    r w = (z ≤ⱽ w , ≤ⱽ-is-prop z w)

    f : (P : Ω 𝓥)  z ≤ⱽ Δ (t z y-below-z) P  P holds
    f P z-belowⱽ-Δ =
        x-below-z z
        (≤-is-reflexive A z) P
        (transport  v  (v is-lub-of (δ-fam x z P)) holds)
                          (z-is-Δ ⁻¹)
                          (is-sup-of-δ i x z (t z y-below-z) P))
      z-below-Δ : (z  Δ (t z y-below-z) P) holds
      z-below-Δ = ≤ⱽ-to-≤ z (Δ (t z y-below-z) P) z-belowⱽ-Δ

      Δ-below-z : (Δ (t z y-below-z) P  z) holds
      Δ-below-z = sup-δ-below-upper i x z (t z y-below-z) P

      z-is-Δ : z  Δ (t z y-below-z) P
      z-is-Δ = ≤-is-antisymmetric A z-below-Δ Δ-below-z

      x-below-z : x < z
      x-below-z = <-≤-to-< i x y z (x-strictly-below-y , y-below-z)

    g : (P : Ω 𝓥)  P holds  z ≤ⱽ Δ (t z y-below-z) P
    g P in-P = ≤-to-≤ⱽ z (Δ (t z y-below-z) P) z-below-Δ
      z-is-Δ : z  Δ (t z y-below-z) P
      z-is-Δ = upper-is-sup-δ i x z (t z y-below-z) P in-P

      z-below-Δ : (z  Δ (t z y-below-z) P) holds
      z-below-Δ = transport  v  (z  v) holds) z-is-Δ (≤-is-reflexive A z)

    H : r  (Δ (≤-is-transitive A x y z x-below-y y-below-z))  id
    H P = to-subtype-=  _  being-prop-is-prop fe)
                                      (pe (≤ⱽ-is-prop z (Δ (t z y-below-z) P))
                                          (holds-is-prop P)
                                          (f P)
                                          (g P))

  Δ-section-to-positive : ((z :  A ∣ₚ)
                         (y-below-z : (y  z) holds)
                         is-section (Δ (t z y-below-z)))
                         x < y
  Δ-section-to-positive G = (x-below-y , sup-condition-Δ)
    r : (z :  A ∣ₚ)  (y  z) holds  ( A ∣ₚ  Ω 𝓥)
    r z y-below-z = pr₁ (G z y-below-z)

    H : (z :  A ∣ₚ)
       (y-below-z : (y  z) holds)
       (r z y-below-z)  (Δ (t z y-below-z))  id
    H z y-below-z = pr₂ (G z y-below-z)

    sup-condition-Δ : (z :  A ∣ₚ)
                     (y  z) holds
                     (P : Ω 𝓥)
                     (z is-lub-of (δ-fam x z P)) holds
                     P holds
    sup-condition-Δ z y-below-z P (z-is-ub-Δ , z-has-lub-cond-Δ) =
      idtofun 𝟙 (P holds) 𝟙-is-P 
      z-below-Δ-P : (z  Δ (t z y-below-z) P) holds
      z-below-Δ-P =
        z-has-lub-cond-Δ (Δ (t z y-below-z) P
                         , is-ub-of-δ i x z (t z y-below-z) P)

      Δ-P-below-z : (Δ (t z y-below-z) P  z) holds
      Δ-P-below-z = sup-δ-below-upper i x z (t z y-below-z) P

      z-is-Δ-P : z  Δ (t z y-below-z) P
      z-is-Δ-P = ≤-is-antisymmetric A z-below-Δ-P Δ-P-below-z

      Δ-⊤-is-z : Δ (t z y-below-z)   z
      Δ-⊤-is-z = (upper-is-sup-δ i x z (t z y-below-z)  ⊤-holds) ⁻¹

      ⊤-is-P :   P
      ⊤-is-P =                                      =⟨ (H z y-below-z ) ⁻¹ 
               (r z y-below-z) (Δ (t z y-below-z) ) =⟨ ap (r z y-below-z)
               (r z y-below-z) z                     =⟨ ap (r z y-below-z)
               (r z y-below-z) (Δ (t z y-below-z) P) =⟨ H z y-below-z P 

      𝟙-is-P : 𝟙  P holds
      𝟙-is-P = ap _holds ⊤-is-P

  positive-iff-Δ-section : x < y  ((z :  A ∣ₚ)
                                    (y-below-z : (y  z) holds)
                                    is-section (Δ (t z y-below-z)))
  positive-iff-Δ-section = (positive-to-Δ-section , Δ-section-to-positive)


We will now define what it means for a δ-complete poset to be small.


module Small-δ-complete-poset (𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 : Universe) (A : Poset 𝓤 𝓦) where

 open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 A
 open Local-Smallness 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 A _≤_

 module small-δ-complete-poset (i : is-δ-complete) where

  poset-is-small : 𝓤  𝓦  (𝓥 )  ̇
  poset-is-small = is-locally-small-order ×  A ∣ₚ is 𝓥 small


We take a quick detour to give two concrete examples of non-trivial and
positive δ-complete posets: the type of not-not stable propositions and the
type of propositions.


module Ω-δ-complete-positive-Poset (𝓥 : Universe) where

 _⊑_ : Ω 𝓥  Ω 𝓥  𝓥  ̇
 P  Q = P holds  Q holds

 ⊑-is-prop-valued : (P Q : Ω 𝓥)  is-prop (P  Q)
 ⊑-is-prop-valued P Q = Π-is-prop fe  _  holds-is-prop Q)

 ⊑-is-reflexive : (P : Ω 𝓥)  P  P
 ⊑-is-reflexive _ = id

 ⊑-is-antisymmetric : {P Q : Ω 𝓥}  P  Q  Q  P  P  Q
 ⊑-is-antisymmetric {P} {Q} o r =
   to-subtype-=  _  being-prop-is-prop fe)
                 (pe (holds-is-prop P) (holds-is-prop Q) o r)

 ⊑-is-transitive : (P Q R : Ω 𝓥)  P  Q  Q  R  P  R
 ⊑-is-transitive P Q R o r p = r (o p)

 Ω-Poset : Poset (𝓥 ) 𝓥
 Ω-Poset = (Ω 𝓥 ,
             P  λ Q  (P  Q , ⊑-is-prop-valued P Q)) ,
            (⊑-is-reflexive , ⊑-is-transitive) , ⊑-is-antisymmetric)

 open Local-Smallness (𝓥 ) 𝓥 𝓥
                       P  λ Q  (P  Q , ⊑-is-prop-valued P Q))

 ⊑-is-locally-small : is-locally-small-order
 ⊑-is-locally-small P Q = (P  Q , ≃-refl (P  Q))

 open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 Ω-Poset

 Ω-is-δ-complete : is-δ-complete
 Ω-is-δ-complete Q R Q-⊑-R P = ((Ǝ i  (𝟙 + P holds) , (δ Q R P i holds)) ,
                                (is-upbnd , has-sup-cond))
   open Joins  Q  λ R  (Q  R , ⊑-is-prop-valued Q R))
   open propositional-truncations-exist pt

   is-upbnd : ((Ǝ i  (𝟙 + P holds) ,
               (δ Q R P i holds)) is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam Q R P)) holds
   is-upbnd i e =  (i , e) 

   has-sup-cond : ((U , _) : upper-bound (δ-fam Q R P))
                 (Ǝ i  (𝟙 + P holds) , (δ Q R P i holds))  U
   has-sup-cond (U , U-is-upbnd) = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop U) f
     f : Σ i  (𝟙 + (P holds)) , δ Q R P i holds  U holds
     f (i , e) = U-is-upbnd i e

 open Positive-Posets (𝓥 ) 𝓥 𝓥 Ω-Poset
 open positive-posets Ω-is-δ-complete

 Ω-is-positive : is-positive-poset
 Ω-is-positive = ( ,  , (𝟘-elim , f))
   open Joins  Q  λ R  (Q  R , ⊑-is-prop-valued Q R))
   f : (Q : Ω 𝓥)
      (P : Ω 𝓥)
      (Q is-lub-of (δ-fam  Q P)) holds
      P holds
   f Q o P (Q-is-upbnd , Q-has-lub-cond) =
     Q-has-lub-cond (P , P-is-upbnd) (o )
     P-is-upbnd : (P is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam  Q P)) holds
     P-is-upbnd (inr p) e = p

module Ω¬¬-δ-complete-non-trivial-Poset (𝓥 : Universe) where

 _⊑_ : Ω¬¬ 𝓥  Ω¬¬ 𝓥  𝓥  ̇
 P  Q = P holds'  Q holds'

 ⊑-is-prop-valued : (P Q : Ω¬¬ 𝓥)  is-prop (P  Q)
 ⊑-is-prop-valued P Q = Π-is-prop fe  _  holds'-is-prop Q)

 ⊑-is-reflexive : (P : Ω¬¬ 𝓥)  P  P
 ⊑-is-reflexive _ = id

 ⊑-is-antisymmetric : {P Q : Ω¬¬ 𝓥}  P  Q  Q  P  P  Q
 ⊑-is-antisymmetric {P} {Q} o r =
   to-subtype-=  X  being-¬¬-stable-is-prop fe (holds-is-prop X))
                 (to-subtype-=  _  being-prop-is-prop fe)
                                (pe (holds'-is-prop P) (holds'-is-prop Q) o r))

 ⊑-is-transitive : (P Q R : Ω¬¬ 𝓥)  P  Q  Q  R  P  R
 ⊑-is-transitive P Q R o r p = r (o p)

 Ω¬¬-Poset : Poset (𝓥 ) 𝓥
 Ω¬¬-Poset = (Ω¬¬ 𝓥 ,
               P  λ Q  (P  Q , ⊑-is-prop-valued P Q)) ,
              (⊑-is-reflexive , ⊑-is-transitive) , ⊑-is-antisymmetric)

 open Local-Smallness (𝓥 ) 𝓥 𝓥
                       P  λ Q  (P  Q , ⊑-is-prop-valued P Q))

 ⊑-is-locally-small : is-locally-small-order
 ⊑-is-locally-small P Q = (P  Q , ≃-refl (P  Q))

 open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 Ω¬¬-Poset

 Ω¬¬-is-δ-complete : is-δ-complete
 Ω¬¬-is-δ-complete Q R Q-⊑-R P =
   (((¬¬ (((Ǝ i  (𝟙 + P holds) , (δ Q R P i) holds') holds)) ,
    negations-are-props fe) ,
    ¬-is-¬¬-stable) ,
    (is-upbnd , has-lub-cond))
   open Joins  Q  λ R  (Q  R , ⊑-is-prop-valued Q R))
   open propositional-truncations-exist pt

   E : Ω¬¬ 𝓥
   E = ((¬¬ ((Ǝ i  (𝟙 + P holds) , (δ Q R P i) holds') holds) ,
        negations-are-props fe) ,

   is-upbnd : (E is-an-upper-bound-of (δ-fam Q R P)) holds
   is-upbnd i δ-i not-exists = not-exists  (i , δ-i) 

   has-lub-cond : ((U , _) : upper-bound (δ-fam Q R P))  E  U
   has-lub-cond (U , U-is-upbnd) = E-to-U
     untrunc-map : Σ i  (𝟙 + (P holds)) , δ Q R P i holds'  U holds'
     untrunc-map (i , δ-i) = U-is-upbnd i δ-i
     f : (Ǝ i  (𝟙 + P holds) , (δ Q R P i) holds') holds  U holds'
     f = ∥∥-rec (holds'-is-prop U) untrunc-map
     g : ¬¬ ((Ǝ i  (𝟙 + P holds) , (δ Q R P i) holds') holds)  ¬¬ (U holds')
     g = double-contrapositive f
     h : ¬¬ (U holds')  U holds'
     h = holds'-is-¬¬-stable U
     E-to-U : E  U
     E-to-U = h  g

 open non-trivial-posets ꪪ-Poset

 ꪪ-is-non-trivial : is-non-trivial-poset
 Ω¬¬-is-non-trivial = (( , 𝟘-is-¬¬-stable) , ( , 𝟙-is-¬¬-stable) ,
                      𝟘-elim ,  np  𝟘-is-not-𝟙 (ap (pr₁  pr₁) np)))


Now we can prove Theorem 6.2.21 from Tom de Jong's thesis.


module Predicative-Taboos (𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 : Universe) (A : Poset 𝓤 𝓦) where

 open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 A
 open non-trivial-posets A
 open Positive-Posets 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 A
 open positive-posets
 open Local-Smallness 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 A _≤_
 open Small-δ-complete-poset 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 A
 open Retract-Lemmas 𝓤 𝓦 𝓥 A

 small-non-trivial-δ-complete-poset-implies-¬¬resizing :
   (δ-complete : is-δ-complete)
   small-δ-complete-poset.poset-is-small δ-complete
   Ω¬¬-Resizing 𝓥 𝓥
   δ-complete (x , y , x-below-y , x-not-equal-y)
              (locally-small , carrier-small) =
  embedded-retract-is-small Δ-Retract Δ-Embedding carrier-small
   open retract-lemma₁ locally-small δ-complete x y x-below-y
   open def-Δ δ-complete

   r :  A ∣ₚ  Ω¬¬ 𝓥
   r = pr₁ (non-trivial-to-Δ-section x-not-equal-y)

   H : r  Δ x-below-y  Ω¬¬-to-Ω  id
   H = pr₂ (non-trivial-to-Δ-section x-not-equal-y)

   Δ-Retract : retract Ω¬¬ 𝓥 of  A ∣ₚ
   Δ-Retract = (r , Δ x-below-y  Ω¬¬-to-Ω , H)

   Δ-Embedding : is-embedding (section Δ-Retract)
   Δ-Embedding =
     sections-into-sets-are-embeddings (Δ x-below-y  Ω¬¬-to-Ω)
                                       (r , H)
                                       carrier-of-[ A ]-is-set

 small-positive-δ-complete-poset-implies-resizing :
   (δ-complete : is-δ-complete)
   is-positive-poset δ-complete
   small-δ-complete-poset.poset-is-small δ-complete
   Ω-Resizing 𝓥 𝓥
   (x , y , x-below-y , sup-condition)
   (locally-small , carrier-small) =
  embedded-retract-is-small Δ-Retract Δ-Embedding carrier-small
   open retract-lemma₂ locally-small δ-complete x y x-below-y
   open def-Δ δ-complete

   r :  A ∣ₚ  Ω 𝓥
   r = pr₁ (positive-to-Δ-section (x-below-y , sup-condition)
                                  (≤-is-reflexive A y))

   H : r  Δ (≤-is-transitive A x y y x-below-y (≤-is-reflexive A y))  id
   H = pr₂ (positive-to-Δ-section (x-below-y , sup-condition)
                                  (≤-is-reflexive A y))

   Δ-Retract : retract Ω 𝓥 of  A ∣ₚ
   Δ-Retract =
     (r , Δ (≤-is-transitive A x y y x-below-y (≤-is-reflexive A y)) , H)

   Δ-Embedding : is-embedding (section Δ-Retract)
   Δ-Embedding = sections-into-sets-are-embeddings
                 (Δ (≤-is-transitive A x y y x-below-y (≤-is-reflexive A y)))
                 (r , H)
                 carrier-of-[ A ]-is-set

module Resizing-Implications (𝓥 : Universe) where

 module _ where

  open Ω¬¬-δ-complete-non-trivial-Poset 𝓥
  open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 Ω¬¬-Poset
  open non-trivial-posets ꪪ-Poset
  open Small-δ-complete-poset (𝓥 ) 𝓥 𝓥 Ω¬¬-Poset
  open small-δ-complete-poset Ω¬¬-is-δ-complete

  ¬¬resizing-implies-small-non-trivial-δ-complete-poset :
    Ω¬¬-Resizing 𝓥 𝓥
    Σ P  Poset (𝓥 ) 𝓥 , is-δ-complete × is-non-trivial-poset × poset-is-small
  ¬¬resizing-implies-small-non-trivial-δ-complete-poset resize =
    (ꪪ-Poset ,
     Ω¬¬-is-δ-complete ,
     ꪪ-is-non-trivial ,
     ⊑-is-locally-small ,

 module _ where

  open Ω-δ-complete-positive-Poset 𝓥
  open δ-complete-poset 𝓥 Ω-Poset
  open Positive-Posets (𝓥 ) 𝓥 𝓥 Ω-Poset
  open positive-posets Ω-is-δ-complete
  open Small-δ-complete-poset (𝓥 ) 𝓥 𝓥 Ω-Poset
  open small-δ-complete-poset Ω-is-δ-complete

  resizing-implies-small-positive-δ-complete-poset :
    Ω-Resizing 𝓥 𝓥
    Σ P  Poset (𝓥 ) 𝓥 , is-δ-complete × is-positive-poset × poset-is-small
  resizing-implies-small-positive-δ-complete-poset resize =
    (Ω-Poset ,
     Ω-is-δ-complete ,
     Ω-is-positive ,
     ⊑-is-locally-small ,
