Ayberk Tosun.

Started  on: 29 September 2023.
Finished on: 2 October 2023.

This module contains the definition of the Scott locale of a large and locally
small dcpo with a specified small compact basis, a notion defined in Tom de
Jong's domain theory development.

If one starts with a dcpo with a specified small compact basis, one can ensure
that the resulting Scott locale is locally small by quantifying over only the
basic/compact opens. This is the difference between the construction in this
module and the one in `ScottLocale.Definition`


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import Slice.Family
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier
open import UF.Subsingletons


We assume the existence of propositional truncations as well as function
extensionality, and we assume a universe `𝓀` over which we consider large and
locally small dcpos.


module Locales.ScottLocale.ScottLocalesOfAlgebraicDcpos
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (fe : Fun-Ext)
        (𝓀  : Universe)

open Universal fe
open Implication fe
open Existential pt
open Conjunction

open import Locales.Frame pt fe

open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo                   pt fe 𝓀 renaming
                                                                (⟨_⟩ to ⟨_βŸ©βˆ™)
open import DomainTheory.Topology.ScottTopology        pt fe 𝓀
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Continuity pt fe 𝓀
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Bases      pt fe 𝓀

open import Locales.ScottLocale.Definition pt fe 𝓀

open Locale

open PropositionalTruncation pt


The construction is carried out over a large and locally small dcpo `𝓓` equipped
with a small compact basis. Because the type of small compact bases for large
and locally small dcpos has _split support_, the construction can also be
carried out without assuming a specified small compact basis.

TODO: use the following module to do the same construction with only the
truncation of the basis in consideration.


module ScottLocaleConstruction (𝓓    : DCPO {𝓀 ⁺} {𝓀})
                               (hscb : has-specified-small-compact-basis 𝓓)
                               (pe   : propext 𝓀)                          where

 open DefnOfScottTopology 𝓓 𝓀
 open DefnOfScottLocale 𝓓 𝓀 pe using (π’ͺβ‚›-equality; _βŠ†β‚›_; βŠ†β‚›-is-reflexive;
                                      βŠ†β‚›-is-transitive; βŠ†β‚›-is-antisymmetric;
                                      βŠ€β‚›; βŠ€β‚›-is-top; _βˆ§β‚›_; βˆ§β‚›-is-meet;
                                      distributivityβ‚›; ⋁ₛ_; ⋁ₛ-is-join)
                               renaming (ScottLocale to ScottLocaleβ€²)


We denote by `𝕒` the fact that the dcpo `𝓓` in consideration is _structurally


 𝕒 : structurally-algebraic 𝓓
 𝕒 = structurally-algebraic-if-specified-small-compact-basis 𝓓 hscb


We denote by `I` the index type of the basis and by `Ξ²` its enumeration


  I = index-of-compact-basis     𝓓 hscb
  Ξ² = family-of-compact-elements 𝓓 hscb



 ℬ : Fam 𝓀 ⟨ 𝓓 βŸ©βˆ™
 ℬ = I , Ξ²


The order `_βŠ†β‚–_` is the small version of the relation that quantifies only over
the basic opens. The order `_βŠ†β‚›_` is the large version.


 open structurally-algebraic

 _βŠ†β‚–_ : π’ͺβ‚› β†’ π’ͺβ‚› β†’ Ξ© 𝓀
 (U , _) βŠ†β‚– (V , _) = β±― i κž‰ I , U (ℬ [ i ]) β‡’ V (ℬ [ i ])

 βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› : (π”˜ 𝔙 : π’ͺβ‚›) β†’ (π”˜ βŠ†β‚– 𝔙 β‡’ π”˜ βŠ†β‚› 𝔙) holds
 βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› π”˜@(U , ι₁ , υ₁) 𝔙@(V , ΞΉβ‚‚ , Ο…β‚‚) Ο† x p =
  transport (Ξ» - β†’ (- βˆˆβ‚› 𝔙) holds) (eq ⁻¹) †
    S : Fam 𝓀 ⟨ 𝓓 βŸ©βˆ™
    S = index-of-compact-family 𝕒 x , compact-family 𝕒 x

    S↑ : Fam↑
    S↑ = S , compact-family-is-directed 𝕒 x

    eq : x = ⋁ S↑
    eq = compact-family-∐-= 𝕒 x ⁻¹

    pβ€² : ((⋁ S↑) βˆˆβ‚› π”˜) holds
    pβ€² = transport (Ξ» - β†’ (- βˆˆβ‚› π”˜) holds) eq p

    † : ((⋁ S↑) βˆˆβ‚› 𝔙) holds
    † = βˆ₯βˆ₯-rec (holds-is-prop ((⋁ S↑) βˆˆβ‚› 𝔙)) ‑ (υ₁ S↑ pβ€²)
      ‑ : Ξ£ i κž‰ index S , ((S [ i ]) βˆˆβ‚› π”˜) holds β†’ ((⋁ S↑) βˆˆβ‚› 𝔙) holds
      ‑ (i , q) = ΞΉβ‚‚ (S [ i ]) (⋁ S↑) r (⋁-is-upperbound S↑ i)
        r : ((S [ i ]) βˆˆβ‚› 𝔙) holds
        r = Ο† (pr₁ i) q

 βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– : (π”˜ 𝔙 : π’ͺβ‚›) β†’ (π”˜ βŠ†β‚› 𝔙 β‡’ π”˜ βŠ†β‚– 𝔙) holds
 βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ 𝔙 p = p ∘ (ℬ [_])

 βŠ†β‚›-iff-βŠ†β‚– : (π”˜ 𝔙 : π’ͺβ‚›) β†’ (π”˜ βŠ†β‚› 𝔙 ⇔ π”˜ βŠ†β‚– 𝔙) holds
 βŠ†β‚›-iff-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ 𝔙 = βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ 𝔙 , βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› π”˜ 𝔙

 βŠ†β‚–-is-reflexive : is-reflexive _βŠ†β‚–_ holds
 βŠ†β‚–-is-reflexive π”˜@(U , Ξ΄) = βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ π”˜ (βŠ†β‚›-is-reflexive π”˜)

 βŠ†β‚–-is-transitive : is-transitive _βŠ†β‚–_ holds
 βŠ†β‚–-is-transitive π”˜@(U , Ξ΄) 𝔙@(V , Ο΅) π”š@(W , ΞΆ) p q = βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ π”š †
   † : (π”˜ βŠ†β‚› π”š) holds
   † = βŠ†β‚›-is-transitive π”˜ 𝔙 π”š (βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› π”˜ 𝔙 p) (βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› 𝔙 π”š q)

 βŠ†β‚–-is-antisymmetric : is-antisymmetric _βŠ†β‚–_
 βŠ†β‚–-is-antisymmetric {π”˜} {𝔙} p q = βŠ†β‚›-is-antisymmetric † ‑
   † : (π”˜ βŠ†β‚› 𝔙) holds
   † = βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› π”˜ 𝔙 p

   ‑ : (𝔙 βŠ†β‚› π”˜) holds
   ‑ = βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› 𝔙 π”˜ q

 βŠ†β‚–-is-partial-order : is-partial-order π’ͺβ‚› _βŠ†β‚–_
 βŠ†β‚–-is-partial-order = (βŠ†β‚–-is-reflexive , βŠ†β‚–-is-transitive) , βŠ†β‚–-is-antisymmetric

 poset-of-scott-opensβ‚› : Poset (𝓀 ⁺) (𝓀 ⁺)
 poset-of-scott-opensβ‚› =
  π’ͺβ‚› , _βŠ†β‚›_ , (βŠ†β‚›-is-reflexive , βŠ†β‚›-is-transitive) , βŠ†β‚›-is-antisymmetric


The top open.


 βŠ€β‚›-is-top-wrt-βŠ†β‚– : (π”˜ : π’ͺβ‚›) β†’ (π”˜ βŠ†β‚– βŠ€β‚›) holds
 βŠ€β‚›-is-top-wrt-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ = βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ βŠ€β‚› (βŠ€β‚›-is-top π”˜)


The meet of two opens.


 open Meets _βŠ†β‚–_

 βˆ§β‚›-is-meet-wrt-βŠ†β‚– : (π”˜ 𝔙 : π’ͺβ‚›) β†’ ((π”˜ βˆ§β‚› 𝔙) is-glb-of (π”˜ , 𝔙)) holds
 βˆ§β‚›-is-meet-wrt-βŠ†β‚– π”˜ 𝔙 = † , ‑
   † : ((π”˜ βˆ§β‚› 𝔙) is-a-lower-bound-of (π”˜ , 𝔙)) holds
   † = βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– (π”˜ βˆ§β‚› 𝔙) π”˜ (∧[ π’ͺ ScottLocaleβ€² ]-lower₁ π”˜ 𝔙)
     , βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– (π”˜ βˆ§β‚› 𝔙) 𝔙 (∧[ π’ͺ ScottLocaleβ€² ]-lowerβ‚‚ π”˜ 𝔙)

   ‑ : ((W , _) : lower-bound (π”˜ , 𝔙)) β†’ (W βŠ†β‚– (π”˜ βˆ§β‚› 𝔙)) holds
   ‑ (π”š , p , q) =
    βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– π”š (π”˜ βˆ§β‚› 𝔙) (∧[ π’ͺ ScottLocaleβ€² ]-greatest π”˜ 𝔙 π”š ♣ β™ )
      ♣ : (π”š βŠ†β‚› π”˜) holds
      ♣ = βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› π”š π”˜ p

      β™  : (π”š βŠ†β‚› 𝔙) holds
      β™  = βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› π”š 𝔙 q


The 𝓀-join of opens.


 open Joins _βŠ†β‚–_

 ⋁ₛ-is-join-wrt-βŠ†β‚– : (S : Fam 𝓀 π’ͺβ‚›) β†’ ((⋁ₛ S) is-lub-of S) holds
 ⋁ₛ-is-join-wrt-βŠ†β‚– S = † , ‑
   † : ((⋁ₛ S) is-an-upper-bound-of S) holds
   † i = βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– (S [ i ]) (⋁ₛ S) (⋁[ π’ͺ ScottLocaleβ€² ]-upper S i)

   ‑ : ((U , _) : upper-bound S) β†’ ((⋁ₛ S) βŠ†β‚– U) holds
   ‑ (π”˜ , p) = βŠ†β‚›-implies-βŠ†β‚– (⋁ₛ S) π”˜ ((⋁[ π’ͺ ScottLocaleβ€² ]-least S (π”˜ , β€»)))
     β€» : (i : index S) β†’ ((S [ i ]) βŠ†β‚› π”˜) holds
     β€» i = βŠ†β‚–-implies-βŠ†β‚› (S [ i ]) π”˜ (p i)



 π’ͺβ‚›-frame-structure : frame-structure 𝓀 𝓀 π’ͺβ‚›
 π’ͺβ‚›-frame-structure = (_βŠ†β‚–_ , βŠ€β‚› , _βˆ§β‚›_ , ⋁ₛ_)
                    , βŠ†β‚–-is-partial-order
                    , βŠ€β‚›-is-top-wrt-βŠ†β‚–
                    , (Ξ» (U , V) β†’ βˆ§β‚›-is-meet-wrt-βŠ†β‚– U V)
                    , ⋁ₛ-is-join-wrt-βŠ†β‚–
                    , Ξ» (U , S) β†’ distributivityβ‚› U S


We finally define the locally small Scott locale of algebraic dcpo `𝓓`:


 ScottLocale : Locale (𝓀 ⁺) 𝓀 𝓀
 ScottLocale = record { ⟨_βŸ©β‚— = π’ͺβ‚› ; frame-str-of = π’ͺβ‚›-frame-structure }
