title:          The discrete locale
author:         Ayberk Tosun
date-started:   2024-03-04
date-completed: 2024-03-04

We define the discrete locale (i.e. the frame of opens of the discrete topology)
over a set `X`.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons

module Locales.DiscreteLocale.Definition
        (fe : Fun-Ext)
        (pe : Prop-Ext)
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)

open import Locales.Frame pt fe
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import Slice.Family
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Powerset
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open AllCombinators pt fe renaming (_∧_ to _∧ₚ_; _∨_ to _∨ₚ_)
open PropositionalSubsetInclusionNotation fe
open PropositionalTruncation pt hiding (_∨_)


We work with a fixed set `X` in this module.


module DefnOfDiscreteLocale (X : 𝓤  ̇) (σ : is-set X) where


We start by writing down the poset of subsets of `X`.


 _⊆ᵖ_ : 𝓟 X  𝓟 X  Ω 𝓤
 P ⊆ᵖ Q = P ⊆ₚ Q

 infix 30 _⊆ᵖ_

 ⊆-partial-order : is-partial-order (𝓟 X) _⊆ₚ_
 ⊆-partial-order = (⊆-refl , ⊆-trans') , subset-extensionality pe fe

 poset-of-subsets : Poset (𝓤 ) 𝓤
 poset-of-subsets = 𝓟 X
                  , _⊆ₚ_
                  , (⊆-refl , ⊆-trans')
                  , subset-extensionality pe fe


The top element is the full subset, denoted `full`.


 full-is-top : (P : 𝓟 X)  (P ⊆ₚ full) holds
 full-is-top I x = λ _  


Binary meets are set intersection.


 open Meets _⊆ᵖ_

 ∩-gives-glb : ((P , Q) : 𝓟 X × 𝓟 X)  ((P  Q) is-glb-of (P , Q)) holds
 ∩-gives-glb (P , Q) = ((λ _  pr₁) ,  _  pr₂))
                     , λ (_ , φ , ψ) x r  φ x r , ψ x r


Small joins are given by set union, defined as:


 ⋁ₚ_ : Fam 𝓤 (𝓟 X)  𝓟 X
 ⋁ₚ S = λ x  Ǝ k  index S , x  (S [ k ])

 infix 32 ⋁ₚ_

 open Joins _⊆ᵖ_

 ⋁ₚ-gives-an-upper-bound : (S : Fam 𝓤 (𝓟 X))
                          ((⋁ₚ S) is-an-upper-bound-of S) holds
 ⋁ₚ-gives-an-upper-bound S i _ μ =  i , μ 

 ⋁ₚ-is-least : (S : Fam 𝓤 (𝓟 X)) (U : 𝓟 X)
              (U is-an-upper-bound-of S) holds
              (⋁ₚ S)  U
 ⋁ₚ-is-least S U υ x = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (x ∈ₚ U)) 
    : Σ i  index S , x  (S [ i ])  U x holds
    (i , μ) = υ i x μ

 ⋁ₚ-gives-lub : (S : Fam 𝓤 (𝓟 X))  ((⋁ₚ S) is-lub-of S) holds
 ⋁ₚ-gives-lub S = ⋁ₚ-gives-an-upper-bound S
                , λ { (U , υ)  ⋁ₚ-is-least S U υ }


Finally, the distributivity law.


 distributivityₚ : (P : 𝓟 X) (S : Fam 𝓤 (𝓟 X))
                  P  (⋁ₚ S)  ⋁ₚ  P  Q  Q ε S 
 distributivityₚ P S = subset-extensionality pe fe  
    : (P  ⋁ₚ S) ⊆ᵖ ⋁ₚ  P  Q  Q ε S  holds
    x (p , e) = ∥∥-rec ∥∥-is-prop  { (i , q)   i , (p , q)  }) e

    : ⋁ₚ  P  Q  Q ε S  ⊆ᵖ (P  ⋁ₚ S) holds
    x = ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (x ∈ₚ (P  ⋁ₚ S))) γ
     γ : Σ i  index S , x  (P  (S [ i ]))  x  (P  (⋁ₚ S))
     γ (i , p , q) = p ,  i , q 


We package these up into a frame that we call `frame-of-subsets`.


 frame-of-subsets-structure : frame-structure 𝓤 𝓤 (𝓟 X)
 frame-of-subsets-structure = (_⊆ₚ_ , full , _∩_ , ⋁ₚ_)
                            , ⊆-partial-order
                            , full-is-top
                            , ∩-gives-glb
                            , ⋁ₚ-gives-lub
                            , λ (P , Q)  distributivityₚ P Q

 frame-of-subsets : Frame (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤
 frame-of-subsets = 𝓟 X , frame-of-subsets-structure


The discrete locale on set `X` is the locale given by the frame of subsets of


discrete-locale : (X : 𝓤  ̇)  is-set X  Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤
discrete-locale X σ =
  { ⟨_⟩ₗ         = 𝓟 X
  ; frame-str-of = DefnOfDiscreteLocale.frame-of-subsets-structure X σ
