-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- title: Directed families author: Ayberk Tosun date-started: 2024-03-02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many constructions and theorems related to directed families have been developed in the `Locales.Frame` module, even though they concern only the underlying order of frames. This is a new module in which I will be collecting such proofs and constructions that involve only the order of a given frame. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.FunExt open import UF.PropTrunc open import UF.SubtypeClassifier module Locales.DirectedFamily (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) (fe : Fun-Ext) {X : 𝓤 ̇} (_≤_ : X → X → Ω 𝓥) where open import Slice.Family open import UF.Logic open AllCombinators pt fe open PropositionalTruncation pt \end{code} \section{Directed families} Alias for the order just to be able to declare fixity without warnings. \begin{code} infix 7 _⊑_ _⊑_ = _≤_ \end{code} Definition of directedness. \begin{code} is-closed-under-binary-upper-bounds : Fam 𝓦 X → Ω (𝓥 ⊔ 𝓦) is-closed-under-binary-upper-bounds S = Ɐ i ꞉ I , Ɐ j ꞉ I , Ǝₚ k ꞉ I , ((S [ i ] ⊑ S [ k ]) ∧ (S [ j ]) ≤ (S [ k ])) where I = index S is-directed : (S : Fam 𝓦 X) → Ω (𝓥 ⊔ 𝓦) is-directed S = ∥ index S ∥Ω ∧ is-closed-under-binary-upper-bounds S directed-implies-inhabited : (S : Fam 𝓦 X) → (is-directed S ⇒ ∥ index S ∥Ω) holds directed-implies-inhabited S (ι , _) = ι directed-implies-closed-under-binary-upper-bounds : (S : Fam 𝓦 X) → (is-directed S ⇒ is-closed-under-binary-upper-bounds S) holds directed-implies-closed-under-binary-upper-bounds S (_ , υ) = υ \end{code}