Martin Escardo and Paulo Oliva, 2-27 July 2021, with more additions later. Refactored and slightly improved October 2022, and then again in April 2023 with many additions. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} module Games.index where import Games.Constructor -- For simplifying the construction of games. import Games.Examples -- Miscelaneous small examples. import Games.FiniteHistoryDependent -- Theory of finite history dependent games. import Games.Transformer -- With additional monad for irrational players. import Games.J -- Selection monad. import Games.J-transf -- A selection monad transformer. import Games.J-transf-variation -- Another selection monad transformer. import Games.K -- Continuation (or quantifier) monad. import Games.JK -- Relationship between the two mondas. import Games.Monad -- (Automatically strong, wild) monads on types. import Games.Reader -- Reader monad. import Games.List -- List monad. import Games.NonEmptyList -- Non-empty list monad. import Games.NonEmptyListOriginal -- Non-empty list monad, original version. import Games.TicTacToe0 import Games.TicTacToe1 -- Like TicTacToe0 but using Games.Constructor. import Games.TicTacToe2 -- More efficient and less elegant version. import Games.TypeTrees -- Dependent type trees. import Games.alpha-beta -- Many new things for efficiency. import Games.Discussion -- import Games.Main -- To be able to compile for efficieny. -- Can't be imported here as it's not --safe. -- This is for Agda compilation to Haskell of -- examples to be able to run them more efficiently. \end{code}