Martin Escardo, Paulo Oliva, 2022, version of October 2023.
Warning. This module is a mess. We plan to clean it up soon. At the
moment the proofs are in "blackboard" style (improvised proofs that
work) rather than "article" style (proofs written in a more
presentable way).
This generalizes (but also uses) the file Games.FiniteHistoryDependent
with a monad parameter 𝓣. When 𝓣 is the identity monad 𝕀𝕕, the
original development is obtained. We apply the selection-monad
transformer 𝕁-transf to 𝓣. Notice, however, that the definition of
game is the same. See [1] for background.
The main examples of 𝓣 we have in mind are the powerset monad (for the
Herbrand Functional Interpretation [2]), probability distribution
monads (for mixed strategies) and the reader monad (for alpha-beta
pruning in the file Games.alpha-beta).
[1] M. Escardo and P. Oliva.
Higher-order Games with Dependent Types (2023)
Available in TypeTopology at Games.FiniteHistoryDependent.
[2] M. Escardo and P. Oliva.
The Herbrand functional interpretation of the double negation shift (2017)
(Not available in TypeTopology at the time of writing (October 2023).)
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
open import Games.TypeTrees
open import Games.Monad
open import Games.J-transf
open import Games.K
open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (J)
open import UF.FunExt
module Games.Transformer
(fe : Fun-Ext)
(𝕋 : Monad)
(R : Type)
(𝓐 : Algebra 𝕋 R)
open import Games.FiniteHistoryDependent R
using (𝓚 ; Game ; game ; sequenceᴷ ; optimal-outcome)
open Game
fext : DN-funext 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀
fext = dfunext fe
open K-definitions R
open T-definitions 𝕋
open α-definitions 𝕋 R 𝓐
open JT-definitions 𝕋 R 𝓐 fe
The types of trees with JT and KT structure.
𝓙𝓣 : 𝑻 → Type
𝓙𝓣 = structure JT
𝓚𝓣 : 𝑻 → Type
𝓚𝓣 = structure KT
sequenceᴶᵀ : {Xt : 𝑻} → 𝓙𝓣 Xt → JT (Path Xt)
sequenceᴶᵀ = path-sequence 𝕁𝕋
T-Strategy : 𝑻 → Type
T-Strategy = structure T
T-strategic-path : {Xt : 𝑻} → T-Strategy Xt → T (Path Xt)
T-strategic-path = path-sequence 𝕋
is-in-T-equilibrium : {X : Type} {Xf : X → 𝑻}
(q : (Σ x ꞉ X , Path (Xf x)) → R)
(ϕ : K X)
→ T-Strategy (X ∷ Xf)
→ Type
is-in-T-equilibrium {X} {Xf} q ϕ σt@(σ :: σf) =
α-extᵀ q (T-strategic-path σt) = ϕ (λ x → α-curryᵀ q x (T-strategic-path (σf x)))
is-in-T-sgpe : {Xt : 𝑻} → 𝓚 Xt → (Path Xt → R) → T-Strategy Xt → Type
is-in-T-sgpe {[]} ⟨⟩ q ⟨⟩ = 𝟙
is-in-T-sgpe {X ∷ Xf} (ϕ :: ϕf) q σt@(σ :: σf) =
is-in-T-equilibrium q ϕ σt
× ((x : X) → is-in-T-sgpe {Xf x} (ϕf x) (subpred q x) (σf x))
is-T-optimal : (G : Game) → T-Strategy (Xt G) → Type
is-T-optimal (game Xt q ϕt) = is-in-T-sgpe {Xt} ϕt q
The main lemma is that the optimal outcome is the same thing as the
application of the outcome function to the path induced by a strategy
in perfect subgame equilibrium.
T-sgpe-lemma : (Xt : 𝑻) (ϕt : 𝓚 Xt) (q : Path Xt → R) (σt : T-Strategy Xt)
→ is-in-T-sgpe ϕt q σt
→ α-extᵀ q (T-strategic-path σt) = sequenceᴷ ϕt q
T-sgpe-lemma [] ⟨⟩ q ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ =
α-extᵀ q (T-strategic-path ⟨⟩) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (ηᵀ ⟨⟩)) =⟨ ap α (unitᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) ⟨⟩) ⟩
α (ηᵀ (q ⟨⟩)) =⟨ α-unitᵀ (q ⟨⟩) ⟩
q ⟨⟩ =⟨ refl ⟩
sequenceᴷ ⟨⟩ q ∎
T-sgpe-lemma (X ∷ Xf) (ϕ :: ϕt) q (σ :: σf) (h :: t) =
α-extᵀ q (T-strategic-path (σ :: σf)) =⟨ h ⟩
ϕ (λ x → α-curryᵀ q x (T-strategic-path (σf x))) =⟨ ap ϕ (fext IH) ⟩
ϕ (λ x → sequenceᴷ (ϕt x) (subpred q x)) =⟨ refl ⟩
sequenceᴷ (ϕ :: ϕt) q ∎
IH : (x : X) → α-curryᵀ q x (T-strategic-path (σf x))
= sequenceᴷ (ϕt x) (subpred q x)
IH x = T-sgpe-lemma (Xf x) (ϕt x) (subpred q x) (σf x) (t x)
This can be reformulated as follows in terms of the type of games:
T-optimality-theorem : (G : Game) (σt : T-Strategy (Xt G))
→ is-T-optimal G σt
→ α-extᵀ (q G) (T-strategic-path σt)
= optimal-outcome G
T-optimality-theorem (game Xt q ϕt) = T-sgpe-lemma Xt ϕt q
We now show how to use selection functions to compute a sgpe strategy.
T-selection-strategy : {Xt : 𝑻} → 𝓙𝓣 Xt → (Path Xt → R) → T-Strategy Xt
T-selection-strategy {[]} ⟨⟩ q = ⟨⟩
T-selection-strategy {X ∷ Xf} εt@(ε :: εf) q = σ :: σf
t : T (Path (X ∷ Xf))
t = sequenceᴶᵀ εt (ηᵀ ∘ q)
σ : T X
σ = mapᵀ path-head t
σf : (x : X) → T-Strategy (Xf x)
σf x = T-selection-strategy {Xf x} (εf x) (subpred q x)
For the next technical lemma, we need the monad T to satisfy the
condition extᵀ-const defined in Games.Monads, which says that the
Kleisli extension of a constant function is itself constant. Ohad
Kammar pointed out to us that this condition is equivalent to the
monad being affine. A proof is included in the module Games.Monad.
TODO. Explain the intuition of the condition extᵀ-const and
mapᵀ-path-head-lemma : {X : Type} {Xf : X → 𝑻}
(a : T X) (b : (x : X) → T (Path (Xf x)))
→ ext-const 𝕋
→ mapᵀ path-head (a ⊗ᵀ b) = a
mapᵀ-path-head-lemma {X} {Xf} a b ext-const =
mapᵀ path-head (a ⊗ᵀ b) =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ path-head) (a ⊗ᵀ b) =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ g (a ⊗ᵀ b) =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ g (extᵀ (λ x → mapᵀ (x ::_) (b x)) a) =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ g (extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ (x ::_)) (b x)) a) =⟨ ⦅1⦆ ⟩
extᵀ (extᵀ g ∘ (λ x → extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ (x ::_)) (b x))) a =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (extᵀ g ∘ (λ x → extᵀ (f x) (b x))) a =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ g (extᵀ (f x) (b x))) a =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → (extᵀ g ∘ extᵀ (f x)) (b x)) a =⟨ ⦅2⦆ ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (extᵀ g ∘ (f x)) (b x)) a =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (λ xs → extᵀ g (ηᵀ (x :: xs))) (b x)) a =⟨ ⦅3⦆ ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (λ xs → g (x :: xs)) (b x)) a =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (λ _ → ηᵀ x) (b x)) a =⟨ ⦅4⦆ ⟩
extᵀ ηᵀ a =⟨ extᵀ-η a ⟩
a ∎
g : Path (X ∷ Xf) → T X
g = ηᵀ ∘ path-head
f : (x : X) → Path (Xf x) → T (Path (X ∷ Xf))
f x = ηᵀ ∘ (x ::_)
I : ∀ x → (extᵀ g ∘ extᵀ (f x)) (b x) = extᵀ (extᵀ g ∘ (f x)) (b x)
I x = (assocᵀ g (f x) (b x))⁻¹
II : (x : X) (xs : Path (Xf x)) → extᵀ g (ηᵀ (x :: xs)) = g (x :: xs)
II x xs = unitᵀ g (x :: xs)
⦅1⦆ = (assocᵀ g (λ x → extᵀ (f x) (b x)) a)⁻¹
⦅2⦆ = ap (λ - → extᵀ - a) (fext I)
⦅3⦆ = ap (λ - → extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (- x) (b x)) a) (fext (λ x → fext (II x)))
⦅4⦆ = ap (λ - → extᵀ - a) (fext (λ x → ext-const (ηᵀ x) (b x)))
We also need the following technical lemma, which expresses the tensor
_⊗ᴶᵀ_ in terms of the tensor _⊗ᵀ_ as in Lemma 2.3 of reference [2]
module _ {X : Type}
{Y : X → Type}
(ε : JT X)
(δ : (x : X) → JT (Y x))
ν : ((Σ x ꞉ X , Y x) → T R) → (x : X) → T (Y x)
ν q x = δ x (λ y → q (x , y))
τ : ((Σ x ꞉ X , Y x) → T R) → T X
τ q = ε (λ x → extᵀ (λ y → q (x , y)) (ν q x))
⊗ᴶᵀ-in-terms-of-⊗ᵀ : (q : (Σ x ꞉ X , Y x) → T R)
→ (ε ⊗ᴶᵀ δ) q = τ q ⊗ᵀ ν q
⊗ᴶᵀ-in-terms-of-⊗ᵀ q =
(ε ⊗ᴶᵀ δ) q =⟨ refl ⟩
extᴶᵀ (λ x → extᴶᵀ (λ y _ → ηᵀ (x , y)) (δ x)) ε q =⟨ ⦅1⦆ ⟩
extᴶᵀ Θ ε q =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → Θ x q) (ε (λ x → extᵀ q (Θ x q))) =⟨ ⦅2⦆ ⟩
extᵀ (λ x → Θ x q) (τ q) =⟨ refl ⟩
τ q ⊗ᵀ ν q ∎
Θ : X → JT (Σ x ꞉ X , Y x)
Θ x r = extᵀ (λ y → ηᵀ (x , y)) (ν r x)
I : (λ x → extᴶᵀ (λ y _ → ηᵀ (x , y)) (δ x)) = Θ
I = fext (λ x →
fext (λ r → ap (λ - → extᵀ (λ y → ηᵀ (x , y)) (δ x (λ y → - (x , y))))
(fext (unitᵀ r))))
⦅1⦆ = ap (λ - → extᴶᵀ - ε q) I
II : ∀ x → extᵀ q ∘ extᵀ (λ y → ηᵀ (x , y)) = extᵀ (λ y → q (x , y))
II x = extᵀ q ∘ extᵀ (λ y → ηᵀ (x , y)) =⟨ ⦅i⦆ ⟩
(λ x' → extᵀ (extᵀ q ∘ (λ y → ηᵀ (x , y))) x') =⟨ refl ⟩
extᵀ (λ y → ((extᵀ q) ∘ ηᵀ) (x , y)) =⟨ ⦅ii⦆ ⟩
extᵀ (λ y → q (x , y)) ∎
⦅i⦆ = fext (λ x' → (assocᵀ q (λ y → ηᵀ (x , y)) x')⁻¹)
⦅ii⦆ = ap extᵀ (fext (λ y → unitᵀ q (x , y)))
III : ε (λ x → extᵀ q (extᵀ (λ y → ηᵀ (x , y)) (ν q x))) = τ q
III = ap ε (fext (λ x → ap (λ - → - (ν q x)) (II x)))
⦅2⦆ = ap (extᵀ (λ x → Θ x q)) III
The following is the main lemma of this file.
Given a selection tree εt over Xt and an outcome function q, we can
either sequence εt and apply it to q to obtain a monadic path on Xt,
or we can first use εt to calculate a strategy on Xt and derive its
monadic strategic path. The lemma says that these are the same path.
T-main-lemma : ext-const 𝕋
→ {Xt : 𝑻} (εt : 𝓙𝓣 Xt) (q : Path Xt → R)
→ sequenceᴶᵀ εt (ηᵀ ∘ q)
= T-strategic-path (T-selection-strategy εt q)
T-main-lemma ext-const {[]} ⟨⟩ q = refl
T-main-lemma ext-const {X ∷ Xf} εt@(ε :: εf) q = γ
δ : (x : X) → JT (Path (Xf x))
δ x = sequenceᴶᵀ {Xf x} (εf x)
q' : (x : X) → Path (Xf x) → T R
q' x = ηᵀ ∘ subpred q x
σf : (x : X) → T-Strategy (Xf x)
σf x = T-selection-strategy {Xf x} (εf x) (subpred q x)
b c : (x : X) → T (Path (Xf x))
b x = δ x (q' x)
c x = T-strategic-path (σf x)
IH : b ∼ c
IH x = T-main-lemma ext-const (εf x) (subpred q x)
σ : T X
σ = mapᵀ path-head (sequenceᴶᵀ εt (ηᵀ ∘ q))
I = ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (c x)) =⟨ ⦅1⦆ ⟩
mapᵀ path-head (ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (c x)) ⊗ᵀ c) =⟨ ⦅2⦆ ⟩
mapᵀ path-head (ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (b x)) ⊗ᵀ b) =⟨ ⦅3⦆ ⟩
mapᵀ path-head ((ε ⊗ᴶᵀ δ) (ηᵀ ∘ q)) =⟨ refl ⟩
mapᵀ path-head (sequenceᴶᵀ εt (ηᵀ ∘ q)) =⟨ refl ⟩
σ ∎
⦅1⦆ = (mapᵀ-path-head-lemma (ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (c x))) c ext-const)⁻¹
⦅2⦆ = ap (λ - → mapᵀ path-head (ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (- x)) ⊗ᵀ -))
(fext (λ x → (IH x)⁻¹))
⦅3⦆ = (ap (mapᵀ path-head) (⊗ᴶᵀ-in-terms-of-⊗ᵀ ε δ (ηᵀ ∘ q)))⁻¹
γ : sequenceᴶᵀ (ε :: εf) (ηᵀ ∘ q)
= T-strategic-path (T-selection-strategy (ε :: εf) q)
γ = sequenceᴶᵀ (ε :: εf) (ηᵀ ∘ q) =⟨ refl ⟩
(ε ⊗ᴶᵀ δ) (ηᵀ ∘ q) =⟨ ⦅1⦆ ⟩
ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (b x)) ⊗ᵀ b =⟨ ⦅2⦆ ⟩
(ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (c x)) ⊗ᵀ c) =⟨ ⦅3⦆ ⟩
σ ⊗ᵀ c =⟨ refl ⟩
σ ⊗ᵀ (λ x → T-strategic-path {Xf x} (σf x)) =⟨ refl ⟩
T-strategic-path (σ :: σf) =⟨ refl ⟩
T-strategic-path (T-selection-strategy (ε :: εf) q) ∎
⦅1⦆ = ⊗ᴶᵀ-in-terms-of-⊗ᵀ ε δ (ηᵀ ∘ q)
⦅2⦆ = ap (λ - → ε (λ x → extᵀ (q' x) (- x)) ⊗ᵀ -) (fext IH)
⦅3⦆ = ap (_⊗ᵀ c) I
Is α-Overlineᵀ useful?
α-Overlineᵀ : {Xt : 𝑻} → 𝓙𝓣 Xt → 𝓚𝓣 Xt
α-Overlineᵀ {[]} ⟨⟩ = ⟨⟩
α-Overlineᵀ {X ∷ Xf} (ε :: εf) = α-overlineᵀ ε :: λ x → α-Overlineᵀ {Xf x} (εf x)
_Attainsᵀ_ : {Xt : 𝑻} → 𝓙𝓣 Xt → 𝓚 Xt → Type
_Attainsᵀ_ {[]} ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ = 𝟙
_Attainsᵀ_ {X ∷ Xf} (ε :: εf) (ϕ :: ϕf) = (ε α-attainsᵀ ϕ)
× ((x : X) → (εf x) Attainsᵀ (ϕf x))
T-selection-strategy-lemma : ext-const 𝕋
→ {Xt : 𝑻} (εt : 𝓙𝓣 Xt) (ϕt : 𝓚 Xt) (q : Path Xt → R)
→ εt Attainsᵀ ϕt
→ is-in-T-sgpe ϕt q (T-selection-strategy εt q)
T-selection-strategy-lemma ext-const {[]} ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ q ⟨⟩ = ⟨⟩
T-selection-strategy-lemma ext-const {X ∷ Xf} εt@(ε :: εf) ϕt@(ϕ :: ϕf) q at@(a :: af) = γ
have-a : (p : X → T R) → α (extᵀ p (ε p)) = ϕ (α ∘ p)
have-a = a
σf : (x : X) → structure T (Xf x)
σf x = T-selection-strategy {Xf x} (εf x) (subpred q x)
σ : T X
σ = mapᵀ path-head (sequenceᴶᵀ εt (ηᵀ ∘ q))
p : X → T R
p x = mapᵀ (subpred q x) (T-strategic-path (σf x))
I = λ x → α-curryᵀ q x (T-strategic-path (σf x)) =⟨ refl ⟩
α-extᵀ (subpred q x) (T-strategic-path (σf x)) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (mapᵀ (subpred q x) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) ∎
have-a' : α (extᵀ p (ε p)) = ϕ (α ∘ p)
have-a' = a p
t : T (Path (X ∷ Xf))
t = T-strategic-path (σ :: σf)
III : ε p = σ
III = ε p =⟨ refl ⟩
ε (λ x → mapᵀ (subpred q x) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) =⟨ refl ⟩
ε (λ x → mapᵀ (subpred q x) (T-strategic-path (T-selection-strategy {Xf x} (εf x) (subpred q x)))) =⟨ III₀ ⟩
ε (λ x → mapᵀ (subpred q x) (sequenceᴶᵀ (εf x) (subpred (ηᵀ ∘ q) x))) =⟨ refl ⟩
ε (λ x → mapᵀ (subpred q x) (ν x)) =⟨ refl ⟩
ε (λ x → extᵀ (subpred (ηᵀ ∘ q) x) (ν x)) =⟨ refl ⟩
τ =⟨ III₁ ⟩
mapᵀ path-head (τ ⊗ᵀ ν) =⟨ III₂ ⟩
mapᵀ path-head ((ε ⊗ᴶᵀ (λ x → sequenceᴶᵀ (εf x))) (ηᵀ ∘ q)) =⟨ refl ⟩
mapᵀ path-head (sequenceᴶᵀ εt (ηᵀ ∘ q)) =⟨ refl ⟩
σ ∎
ν : (x : X) → T (Path (Xf x))
ν x = sequenceᴶᵀ (εf x) (subpred (ηᵀ ∘ q) x)
τ : T X
τ = ε (λ x → extᵀ (subpred (ηᵀ ∘ q) x) (ν x))
III₀ = ap (λ - → ε (λ x → mapᵀ (subpred q x) (- x))) (dfunext fe (λ x → (T-main-lemma ext-const (εf x) (subpred q x))⁻¹))
III₁ = (mapᵀ-path-head-lemma τ ν ext-const)⁻¹
III₂ = ap (mapᵀ path-head) ((⊗ᴶᵀ-in-terms-of-⊗ᵀ {X} {λ x → Path (Xf x)} ε (λ x → sequenceᴶᵀ (εf x)) (ηᵀ ∘ q)) ⁻¹)
II : α (extᵀ p (ε p)) = α-extᵀ q t
II = α (extᵀ p (ε p)) =⟨ II₀ ⟩
α (extᵀ p σ) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (extᵀ (λ x → mapᵀ (subpred q x) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) σ) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ subpred q x) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) σ) =⟨ II₁ ⟩
α (extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (λ xs → extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (ηᵀ (x :: xs))) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) σ) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) ∘ (λ xs → ηᵀ (x :: xs))) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) σ) =⟨ II₂ ⟩
α (extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (extᵀ (λ xs → ηᵀ (x :: xs)) (T-strategic-path (σf x)))) σ) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (extᵀ (extᵀ (λ x → ηᵀ (q x)) ∘ (λ x → mapᵀ (λ y → x , y) (T-strategic-path (σf x)))) σ) =⟨ II₃ ⟩
α (extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (extᵀ (λ x → mapᵀ (λ y → x , y) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) σ)) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (σ ⊗ᵀ λ x → T-strategic-path (σf x))) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (extᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (T-strategic-path (σ :: σf))) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (mapᵀ q (T-strategic-path (σ :: σf))) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (mapᵀ q (T-strategic-path (σ :: σf))) =⟨ refl ⟩
α (mapᵀ q t) =⟨ refl ⟩
α-extᵀ q t ∎
II₀ = ap (λ - → α (extᵀ p -)) III
II₁ = ap (λ - → α (extᵀ (λ x → extᵀ (λ xs → - x xs) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) σ)) (dfunext fe (λ x → dfunext fe (λ xs → (unitᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (x :: xs))⁻¹)))
II₂ = ap (λ - → α (extᵀ (λ x → - x) σ)) (dfunext fe (λ x → assocᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (λ xs → ηᵀ (x :: xs)) (T-strategic-path (σf x))))
II₃ = ap α (assocᵀ (ηᵀ ∘ q) (λ x → mapᵀ (λ y → x , y) (T-strategic-path (σf x))) σ)
γ' : (α-extᵀ q t = ϕ (α ∘ p))
× (((x : X) → is-in-T-sgpe {Xf x} (ϕf x) (subpred q x) (σf x)))
γ' = (α-extᵀ q t =⟨ II ⁻¹ ⟩
α (extᵀ p (ε p)) =⟨ a p ⟩
ϕ (α ∘ p) ∎) ,
(λ x → T-selection-strategy-lemma ext-const (εf x) (ϕf x) (subpred q x) (af x))
γ : is-in-T-sgpe (ϕ :: ϕf) q (T-selection-strategy (ε :: εf) q)
γ = γ'
main-theorem : ext-const 𝕋
→ (G : Game)
(εt : 𝓙𝓣 (Xt G))
→ εt Attainsᵀ (ϕt G)
→ is-T-optimal G (T-selection-strategy εt (q G))
main-theorem ext-const G εt = T-selection-strategy-lemma ext-const εt (ϕt G) (q G)
Alternative, non-inductive definition of T-optimality. We don't have
any use for it, but it is useful for comparison with the classical
notion. Partial, possibly empty, paths in 𝑻's, and related notions.
pPath : 𝑻 → Type
pPath [] = 𝟙
pPath (X ∷ Xf) = 𝟙 + (Σ x ꞉ X , pPath (Xf x))
sub𝑻 : (Xt : 𝑻) → pPath Xt → 𝑻
sub𝑻 [] ⟨⟩ = []
sub𝑻 (X ∷ Xf) (inl ⟨⟩) = X ∷ Xf
sub𝑻 (X ∷ Xf) (inr (x :: xs)) = sub𝑻 (Xf x) xs
Subpred : {Xt : 𝑻} → (Path Xt → R) → (xs : pPath Xt) → Path (sub𝑻 Xt xs) → R
Subpred {[]} q ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ = q ⟨⟩
Subpred {X ∷ Xf} q (inl ⟨⟩) (y :: ys) = q (y :: ys)
Subpred {X ∷ Xf} q (inr (x :: xs)) ys = Subpred {Xf x} (subpred q x) xs ys
sub𝓚 : {Xt : 𝑻} → 𝓚 Xt → (xs : pPath Xt) → 𝓚 (sub𝑻 Xt xs)
sub𝓚 {[]} ϕt ⟨⟩ = ⟨⟩
sub𝓚 {X ∷ Xf} ϕt (inl ⟨⟩) = ϕt
sub𝓚 {X ∷ Xf} (ϕ :: ϕf) (inr (x :: xs)) = sub𝓚 {Xf x} (ϕf x) xs
sub𝓙𝓣 : {Xt : 𝑻} → 𝓙𝓣 Xt → (xs : pPath Xt) → 𝓙𝓣 (sub𝑻 Xt xs)
sub𝓙𝓣 {[]} εt ⟨⟩ = ⟨⟩
sub𝓙𝓣 {X ∷ Xf} εt (inl ⟨⟩) = εt
sub𝓙𝓣 {X ∷ Xf} (ε :: εf) (inr (x :: xs)) = sub𝓙𝓣 {Xf x} (εf x) xs
subgame : (G : Game) → pPath (Xt G) → Game
subgame (game Xt q ϕt) xs = game (sub𝑻 Xt xs) (Subpred q xs) (sub𝓚 ϕt xs)
sub-T-Strategy : {Xt : 𝑻} → T-Strategy Xt → (xs : pPath Xt) → T-Strategy (sub𝑻 Xt xs)
sub-T-Strategy {[]} ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ = ⟨⟩
sub-T-Strategy {X ∷ Xf} (σ :: σf) (inl ⟨⟩) = σ :: σf
sub-T-Strategy {X ∷ Xf} (σ :: σf) (inr (x :: xs)) = sub-T-Strategy {Xf x} (σf x) xs
is-in-T-equilibrium' : (G : Game) → T-Strategy (Xt G) → Type
is-in-T-equilibrium' (game [] q ⟨⟩) ⟨⟩ = 𝟙
is-in-T-equilibrium' (game (X ∷ Xf) q (ϕ :: _)) σt = is-in-T-equilibrium q ϕ σt
is-T-optimal₂ : (G : Game) (σ : T-Strategy (Xt G)) → Type
is-T-optimal₂ G σ =
(xs : pPath (Xt G)) → is-in-T-equilibrium' (subgame G xs) (sub-T-Strategy σ xs)
T-sgpe-equiv : (G : Game) (σ : T-Strategy (Xt G))
→ is-T-optimal G σ
↔ is-T-optimal₂ G σ
T-sgpe-equiv (game Xt q ϕt) σ = I ϕt q σ , II ϕt q σ
I : {Xt : 𝑻} (ϕt : 𝓚 Xt) (q : Path Xt → R) (σ : T-Strategy Xt)
→ is-T-optimal (game Xt q ϕt) σ → is-T-optimal₂ (game Xt q ϕt) σ
I {[]} ⟨⟩ q ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ = ⟨⟩
I {X ∷ Xf} (ϕ :: ϕf) q (σ :: σf) (i :: _) (inl ⟨⟩) = i
I {X ∷ Xf} (ϕ :: ϕf) q (σ :: σf) (_ :: is) (inr (x :: xs)) =
I {Xf x} (ϕf x) (subpred q x) (σf x) (is x) xs
II : {Xt : 𝑻} (ϕt : 𝓚 Xt) (q : Path Xt → R) (σ : T-Strategy Xt)
→ is-T-optimal₂ (game Xt q ϕt) σ → is-T-optimal (game Xt q ϕt) σ
II {[]} ⟨⟩ q ⟨⟩ j = ⟨⟩
II {X ∷ Xf} (ϕ :: ϕf) q (σ :: σf) j =
j (inl ⟨⟩) ,
(λ x → II {Xf x} (ϕf x) (subpred q x) (σf x) (λ xs → j (inr (x :: xs))))