Andrew Sneap, 7 Feb 2021

In this file I define the constructive field axioms.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan renaming (_+_ to _∔_)

open import UF.Sets

module Field.Axioms where

distributive : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  (X  X  X)  (X  X  X)  𝓤 ̇
distributive _⊕_ _⊙_ =  x y z  x  (y  z)  ((x  y)  (x  z))

field-structure : 𝓤 ̇  {𝓥 : Universe}   𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
field-structure F {𝓥} = (F  F  F) × (F  F  F) × (F  F  𝓥 ̇)


In the following axioms, e₀ is the additive identity element (usually
0), e₁ is the multiplicative identity element (usually 1). We cannot
simply say that e₀ ≠ e₁, since this is not constructive for the
Dedekind Reals, so we use an apartness relation.  For the rationals,
the apartness relation is defined as x ≠ y, but for the reals it is
defined as (x < y) ∔ (y < x)


field-axioms : (F : 𝓤 ̇ )→ { 𝓥 : Universe }  field-structure F { 𝓥 }  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
field-axioms F { 𝓥 } (_⊕_ , _⊙_ , _#_) = is-set F × associative _⊕_
                                                   × associative _⊙_
                                                   × commutative _⊕_
                                                   × commutative _⊙_
                                                   × distributive _⊕_ _⊙_
                                                   × (Σ (e₀ , e₁)  F × F , ((e₀ # e₁) × left-neutral e₀ _⊕_
                                                                                       × ((x : F)  Σ x'  F , x  x'  e₀)
                                                                                       × left-neutral e₁ _⊙_
                                                                                       × ((x : F)  (x # e₀)  Σ x'  F , x  x'  e₁)))

Field-structure : 𝓤 ̇  { 𝓥 : Universe }  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
Field-structure F  { 𝓥 } = Σ fs  field-structure F { 𝓥 } , field-axioms F fs

ordered-field-structure : {𝓤 𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : 𝓤 ̇ )→ (fs : field-structure F { 𝓥 })  (fa : field-axioms F fs)  (𝓤  (𝓦 )) ̇
ordered-field-structure {𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} F fs fa = (F  F  𝓦 ̇)

ordered-field-axioms : {𝓤 𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : 𝓤 ̇ )→ (fs : field-structure F)  (fa : field-axioms F fs)   ordered-field-structure { 𝓤 } { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 } F fs fa  (𝓤  𝓦) ̇
ordered-field-axioms {𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} F (_⊕_ , _⊙_ , _#_) (s , a , a' , c , c' , d , (e , e') , i) _<_ = ((x y z : F)  x < y  (x  z) < (y  z))
                                                                                                     × ((x y : F)  e < x  e < y  e < (x  y))
Ordered-field-structure : {𝓤 𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : 𝓤 ̇ )→ Field-structure F { 𝓥 }  𝓤  (𝓦 ) ̇
Ordered-field-structure {𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} F (fs , fa) = Σ ofa  (ordered-field-structure {𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} F fs fa) , ordered-field-axioms {𝓤} {𝓥} F fs fa ofa

Field : (𝓤 : Universe)  { 𝓥  : Universe}  (𝓤 )  (𝓥 ) ̇
Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Field-structure X { 𝓥 }

ordered-field-structure' : (𝓤 : Universe)  {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 })  𝓤  (𝓦 ) ̇
ordered-field-structure' _ { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 } (F , _) = F  F  𝓦 ̇

ordered-field-axioms' : (𝓤 : Universe)  {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 })  ordered-field-structure' 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 } F  𝓤  𝓦 ̇
ordered-field-axioms' 𝓤 {𝓥} {𝓦} (F , (_⊕_ , _⊛_ , _) , (s , a , a' , c , c' , d , (e , e') , i)) _<_
 = ((x y z : F)  x < y  (x  z) < (y  z)) × ((x y : F)  e < x  e < y  e < (x  y))

Ordered-field-structure' : (𝓤 : Universe)  { 𝓥 𝓦 : Universe }  (F : Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 })  𝓤  (𝓦 ) ̇
Ordered-field-structure' 𝓤 {𝓥} {𝓦} F = Σ ofs  ordered-field-structure' 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 } F , ordered-field-axioms' 𝓤 F ofs

Ordered-Field : (𝓤 : Universe)  { 𝓥 𝓦 : Universe }  (𝓤 )  (𝓥 )  (𝓦 ) ̇
Ordered-Field 𝓤 {𝓥} {𝓦} = Σ X  Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } , Ordered-field-structure' 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 } X

⟨_⟩ : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 }  𝓤 ̇
 (F , fs) , ofs  = F

addition : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })   F    F    F 
addition ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zero-left-neutral , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) = _+_

addition-commutative : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })  _
addition-commutative ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zero-left-neutral , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) = +-comm

multiplication-commutative : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })  _
multiplication-commutative ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zero-left-neutral , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) = *-comm

multiplication : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })   F    F    F 
multiplication ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zero-left-neutral , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) = _*_

apartness : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })   F    F   𝓥 ̇
apartness ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zero-left-neutral , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) = _♯_

additive-identity : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })   F 
additive-identity ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zero-left-neutral , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication)  = e₀

multiplicative-identity : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })   F 
multiplicative-identity ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zero-left-neutral , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) =  e₁

underlying-type-is-set : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })  is-set  F 
underlying-type-is-set {𝓥} ((a , (pr₃ , pr₄) , F-is-set , c) , d) = F-is-set

zero-left-neutral : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })  _
zero-left-neutral ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zln , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) = zln

addition-associative : {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe}  (F : Ordered-Field 𝓤 { 𝓥 } { 𝓦 })  _
addition-associative ((F , (_+_ , _*_ , _♯_) , F-is-set , +-assoc , *-assoc , +-comm , *-comm , dist , (e₀ , e₁) , e₀♯e₁ , zln , +-inverse , *-left-neutral , *-inverse) , _<_ , <-respects-additions , <-respects-multiplication) = +-assoc


ArchimedeanOrderedField : (𝓤 : Universe) → {𝓥 𝓦 : Universe} → (𝓤 ⁺) ⊔ (𝓥 ⁺) ⊔ (𝓦 ⁺) ̇
ArchimedeanOrderedField 𝓤 {𝓥} {𝓦} = Σ (F , (_<_ , ofa)) ꞉ Ordered-Field 𝓤 {𝓥 } { 𝓦 } , ((embedding : (ℚ → ⟨ (F , (_<_ , ofa)) ⟩)) → (∀ x y → ∃ z ꞉ ℚ , (x < embedding z) × (embedding z < y)))
