Martin Escardo 25 May 2013

This is an extension of The MFPS paper in which dialogue trees
are constructed internally in system T, rather than externally in
Agda, using Church encoding of trees (as system T doesn't directly
support trees). We work with the lambda-calculus version of the MFPS


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Internal where

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (rec ; _^_) renaming ( to 〈〉)
open import MLTT.Fin
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Combinators
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.SystemT
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Church


We now internalize Church encodings in system T.


⌜D⋆⌝ : type  type  type  type  type
⌜D⋆⌝ X Y Z A = (Z  A)  ((Y  A)  X  A)  A

⌜η⌝ : {X Y Z A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
     T Γ (Z  ⌜D⋆⌝ X Y Z A)
⌜η⌝ = ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (ν₁ · ν₂)))

η-meaning : {X Y Z A : type}   ⌜η⌝ {X} {Y} {Z} {A} ⟧₀  η⋆
η-meaning = refl

⌜β⌝ : {X Y Z A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
     T Γ (((Y  ⌜D⋆⌝ X Y Z A)  X  ⌜D⋆⌝ X Y Z A))
⌜β⌝ = ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (ν₀ · ƛ (ν₄ · ν₀ · ν₂ · ν₁) · ν₂))))

β-meaning : {X Y Z A : type}   ⌜β⌝ {X} {Y} {Z} {A} ⟧₀  β⋆
β-meaning = refl

⌜B⌝ : type  type  type
⌜B⌝ = ⌜D⋆⌝ ι ι

⌜kleisli-extension⌝ : {X Y A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
                     T Γ ((X  ⌜B⌝ Y A)  ⌜B⌝ X A  ⌜B⌝ Y A)
⌜kleisli-extension⌝ = ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (ν₂ · ƛ (ν₄ · ν₀ · ν₂ · ν₁) · ν₀))))

kleisli-extension-meaning : {X Y A : type}
                            ⌜kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {Y} {A} ⟧₀
kleisli-extension-meaning = refl

⌜B-functor⌝ : {X Y A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
             T Γ ((X  Y)  ⌜B⌝ X A  ⌜B⌝ Y A)
⌜B-functor⌝ = ƛ (⌜kleisli-extension⌝ · ƛ (⌜η⌝ · (ν₁ · ν₀)))

B-functor-meaning : {X Y A : type}
                    ⌜B-functor⌝ {X} {Y} {A} ⟧₀
B-functor-meaning = refl

B-type〖_〗 : type  type  type
B-type〖 ι  A     = ⌜B⌝ ι A
B-type〖 σ  τ  A = B-type〖 σ  A  B-type〖 τ  A

⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ : {X A : type} {σ : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
                     T Γ ((X  B-type〖 σ  A)  ⌜B⌝ X A  B-type〖 σ  A)
⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {A} {ι}     = ⌜kleisli-extension⌝
⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {A} {σ  τ} =
  ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {A} {τ} · ƛ (ν₃ · ν₀ · ν₁) · ν₁)))

Kleisli-extension-meaning : {X A : type} {σ τ : type}
                            ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {A} {σ  τ}⟧₀
                           λ g d s   ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {A} {τ} 
                                       (⟨⟩  g  d  s)
                                        x  g x s)
Kleisli-extension-meaning = refl

⌜zero⌝ : {A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}  T Γ (⌜B⌝ ι A)
⌜zero⌝ = ⌜η⌝ · Zero

⌜succ⌝ : {A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}  T Γ (⌜B⌝ ι A  ⌜B⌝ ι A)
⌜succ⌝ =  ⌜B-functor⌝ · Succ

⌜rec⌝ : {σ A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
       T Γ ((⌜B⌝ ι A
                B-type〖 σ  A
                B-type〖 σ  A)
                B-type〖 σ  A
             ⌜B⌝ ι A
             B-type〖 σ  A)
⌜rec⌝ {σ} {A} = ƛ (ƛ (⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}
                        · (Rec · (ƛ (ν₂ · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) · ν₀)))

rec-meaning : {σ A : type}
              ⌜rec⌝ {σ} {A} ⟧₀
             λ f x   ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ} 
                        (⟨⟩  f  x)
                        (rec (f   ⌜η⌝ {ι} {ι} {ι} {A} ⟧₀) x)
rec-meaning = refl

B-context【_】 : {n : }  Cxt n  type  Cxt n
B-context【_】 {0}      〈〉       A = 〈〉
B-context【_】 {succ n} (Γ , σ) A = (B-context【_】 {n} Γ A , B-type〖 σ  A)

infix 10 B-context【_】

⌜ν⌝ : {n : } {Γ : Cxt n} {A : type} (i : Fin n)
     T (B-context【 Γ  A) (B-type〖 Γ [ i ]  A)
⌜ν⌝ i = transport (T (B-context【 _  _)) (p i) (ν i)
  p : {n : } {Γ : Cxt n} {A : type} (i : Fin n)
     B-context【 Γ  A [ i ]  B-type〖 Γ [ i ]  A
  p {0}      {〈〉}     ()
  p {succ n} {Γ , x} 𝟎       = refl
  p {succ n} {Γ , x} (suc i) = p i


(Compositional) translation of terms:


⌜_⌝ : {n : } {Γ : Cxt n} {σ : type} {A : type}
     T Γ σ
     T (B-context【 Γ  A) (B-type〖 σ  A)
 Zero             = ⌜zero⌝
 Succ             = ⌜succ⌝
 Rec {_} {_} {σ}  = ⌜rec⌝ {σ}
 ν i              = ⌜ν⌝ i
 ƛ t              = ƛ  t 
 t · u            =  t  ·  u 


Given a term of type (ι ⇒ ι) ⇒ ι, we calculate a term defining its dialogue tree.


⌜generic⌝ : {A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
           T Γ (⌜B⌝ ι A  ⌜B⌝ ι A)
⌜generic⌝ = ⌜kleisli-extension⌝ · (⌜β⌝ · ⌜η⌝)

⌜dialogue-tree⌝ : {A : type} {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
                 T Γ ((ι  ι)  ι)
                 T (B-context【 Γ  A) (⌜B⌝ ι A)
⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t =  t  · ⌜generic⌝


TODO. Formulate and prove the correctness of ⌜dialogue-tree⌝. We'll do this in another file.

Given a term t of type (ι ⇒ ι) ⇒ ι, we calculate a term defining a
modulus of continuity for t.


max' :     
max' 0        n        = n
max' (succ m) 0        = succ m
max' (succ m) (succ n) = succ (max' m n)

max :     
max = rec  (m : ) (f :   )  rec  (n : ) _  succ (f n)) (succ m))  n  n)

max-agreement : (m n : )  max m n  max' m n
max-agreement 0        n        = refl
max-agreement (succ m) 0        = refl
max-agreement (succ m) (succ n) = ap succ (max-agreement m n)

maxᵀ : {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}  T Γ (ι  ι  ι)
maxᵀ = Rec · ƛ (ƛ (Rec · ƛ (ƛ (Succ · (ν₂ · ν₁))) · (Succ · ν₁))) · ƛ ν₀

maxᵀ-meaning :  maxᵀ ⟧₀  max
maxᵀ-meaning = refl


A modulus of continuity can be calculated from a dialogue tree.


max-question-in-path : {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
                      T (B-context【 Γ  ((ι  ι)  ι))
                         ((⌜B⌝ ι ((ι  ι)  ι))  (ι  ι)  ι)
max-question-in-path =
 ƛ (ν₀ · ƛ (ƛ Zero) · ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (maxᵀ · (Succ · ν₁) · (ν₂ · (ν₀ · ν₁) · ν₀)))))

max-question-in-path-meaning-η :

  n α   max-question-in-path ⟧₀ ( ⌜η⌝ ⟧₀ n) α  0

max-question-in-path-meaning-η n α = refl

max-question-in-path-meaning-β :

  φ n α   max-question-in-path ⟧₀ ( ⌜β⌝ ⟧₀ φ n) α
         max (succ n) ( max-question-in-path ⟧₀ (φ (α n)) α)

max-question-in-path-meaning-β φ n α = refl

internal-mod-cont : {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}
                   T Γ ((ι  ι)  ι)
                   T (B-context【 Γ  ((ι  ι)  ι)) ((ι  ι)  ι)
internal-mod-cont t = max-question-in-path · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ {(ι  ι)  ι} t)

internal-mod-cont₀ : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)  T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)
internal-mod-cont₀ = internal-mod-cont

external-mod-cont : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)  (  )  
external-mod-cont t =  internal-mod-cont₀ t ⟧₀


TODO. Prove the correctness of the internal modulus of continuity.

Examples to be compared with those of the lambda-calculus version of
the MFPS paper file.


module examples2 where

 m₁ : (  )  
 m₁ = external-mod-cont (ƛ (ν₀ · numeral 17))

 m₁-explicitly : m₁  λ α  18
 m₁-explicitly = refl

 example₁ : m₁ id  18
 example₁ = refl

 example₁' : m₁  i  0)  18
 example₁' = refl

 f₂ : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)
 f₂ = ƛ (ν₀ · (ν₀ · numeral 17))

 f₂-meaning :  f₂ ⟧₀  λ α  α (α 17)
 f₂-meaning = refl

 m₂ : (  )  
 m₂ = external-mod-cont (ƛ (ν₀ · (ν₀ · numeral 17)))

 m₂-explicitly : m₂  λ α  succ (max 17 (α 17))
 m₂-explicitly = refl


This is what m₂ evaluates to with Agda normalization:


 m₂-explicitly' : m₂ 
   λ α  succ (rec  x₁ x₂  succ (rec  x₃ x₄  succ (rec  x₅ x₆
   succ (rec  x₇ x₈  succ (rec  x₉ x₁₀  succ (rec  x₁₁ x₁₂ 
  succ (rec  x₁₃ x₁₄  succ (rec  x₁₅ x₁₆  succ (rec  x₁₇ x₁₈ 
  succ (rec  x₁₉ x₂₀  succ (rec  x₂₁ x₂₂  succ (rec  x₂₃ x₂₄ 
  succ (rec  x₂₅ x₂₆  succ (rec  x₂₇ x₂₈  succ (rec  x₂₉ x₃₀ 
  succ (rec  x₃₁ x₃₂  succ (rec  x₃₃ x₃₄  succ x₃₃) 1 x₃₁)) 2
  x₂₉)) 3 x₂₇)) 4 x₂₅)) 5 x₂₃)) 6 x₂₁)) 7 x₁₉)) 8 x₁₇)) 9 x₁₅)) 10
  x₁₃)) 11 x₁₁)) 12 x₉)) 13 x₇)) 14 x₅)) 15 x₃)) 16 x₁)) 17 (α 17))
 m₂-explicitly' = refl

 example₂ : m₂ succ  19
 example₂ = refl

 example₂' : m₂  i  0)  18
 example₂' = refl

 example₂'''' : m₂  i  1000)  1001
 example₂'''' = refl

 example₂'' : m₂ id  18
 example₂'' = refl

 example₂''' : m₂ (succ  succ)  20
 example₂''' = refl

 Add : {n : } {Γ : Cxt n}  T Γ (ι  ι  ι)
 Add = Rec · (ƛ Succ)

 t₃ : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)
 t₃ = ƛ (ν₀ · (ν₀ · (Add · (ν₀ · numeral 17) · (ν₀ · numeral 34))))

 add :     
 add = rec  _  succ)

 t₃-meaning :  t₃ ⟧₀  λ α  α (α (add (α 17) (α 34)))
 t₃-meaning = refl

 m₃ : (  )  
 m₃ = external-mod-cont t₃

{- This takes a long time to type check:
 m₃-explicitly : m₃ = λ α →
   rec (λ x x₁ → succ (rec (λ x₂ x₃ → succ (rec (λ x₄ x₅ → succ (rec (λ x₆
   x₇ → succ (rec (λ x₈ x₉ → succ (rec (λ x₁₀ x₁₁ → succ (rec (λ
   x₁₂ x₁₃ → succ (rec (λ x₁₄ x₁₅ → succ (rec (λ x₁₆ x₁₇ → succ
   (rec (λ x₁₈ x₁₉ → succ (rec (λ x₂₀ x₂₁ → succ (rec (λ x₂₂ x₂₃ →
   succ (rec (λ x₂₄ x₂₅ → succ (rec (λ x₂₆ x₂₇ → succ (rec (λ x₂₈
   x₂₉ → succ (rec (λ x₃₀ x₃₁ → succ (rec (λ x₃₂ x₃₃ → succ (rec (λ
   x₃₄ x₃₅ → succ (rec (λ x₃₆ x₃₇ → succ (rec (λ x₃₈ x₃₉ → succ
   (rec (λ x₄₀ x₄₁ → succ (rec (λ x₄₂ x₄₃ → succ (rec (λ x₄₄ x₄₅ →
   succ (rec (λ x₄₆ x₄₇ → succ (rec (λ x₄₈ x₄₉ → succ (rec (λ x₅₀
   x₅₁ → succ (rec (λ x₅₂ x₅₃ → succ (rec (λ x₅₄ x₅₅ → succ (rec (λ
   x₅₆ x₅₇ → succ (rec (λ x₅₈ x₅₉ → succ (rec (λ x₆₀ x₆₁ → succ
   (rec (λ x₆₂ x₆₃ → succ (rec (λ x₆₄ x₆₅ → succ (rec (λ x₆₆ x₆₇ →
   succ x₆₆) 1 x₆₄)) 2 x₆₂)) 3 x₆₀)) 4 x₅₈)) 5 x₅₆)) 6 x₅₄)) 7
   x₅₂)) 8 x₅₀)) 9 x₄₈)) 10 x₄₆)) 11 x₄₄)) 12 x₄₂)) 13 x₄₀)) 14
   x₃₈)) 15 x₃₆)) 16 x₃₄)) 17 x₃₂)) 18 x₃₀)) 19 x₂₈)) 20 x₂₆)) 21
   x₂₄)) 22 x₂₂)) 23 x₂₀)) 24 x₁₈)) 25 x₁₆)) 26 x₁₄)) 27 x₁₂)) 28
   x₁₀)) 29 x₈)) 30 x₆)) 31 x₄)) 32 x₂)) 33 x)) 34 (rec (λ x x₁ x₂
   x₃ → x₁ (λ x₄ → x₂ (succ x₄)) x₃) (λ x x₁ → x₁ (λ x₂ → x x₂) 17)
   (α 34) (λ x x₁ → rec (λ x₂ x₃ → rec (λ x₄ x₅ → succ (x₃ x₄))
   (succ x₂)) (λ x₂ → x₂) x (rec (λ x₂ x₃ → rec (λ x₄ x₅ → succ (x₃
   x₄)) (succ x₂)) (λ x₂ → x₂) (x₁ x) 0)) (λ x x₁ x₂ → rec (λ x₃ x₄
   → rec (λ x₅ x₆ → succ (x₄ x₅)) (succ x₃)) (λ x₃ → x₃) x₁ (x (x₂
   x₁) x₂)) α)
 m₃-explicitly = refl

 example₃ : m₃ succ  55
 example₃ = refl

 example₃' : m₃ id  52
 example₃' = refl

 example₃'' : m₃  i  0)  35
 example₃'' = refl

 example₃''' : m₃  i  300)  601
 example₃''' = refl

 example₃'''' : m₃  i  add i i)  205
 example₃'''' = refl

 f : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)
 f = ƛ (ν₀ · (ν₀ · (ν₀ · numeral 17)))

 m₄ : (  )  
 m₄ = external-mod-cont f

 example₄ : m₄ id  18
 example₄ = refl

 example₄' : m₄  i  0)  18
 example₄' = refl

 example₄'' : m₄ succ  20
 example₄'' = refl

 example₄''' : m₄  i  add i i)  69
 example₄''' = refl

 example₄'''' :  f ⟧₀  i  add i i)  136
 example₄'''' = refl
