Martin Escardo 11th September 2024.

Markov's principle and the well-known fact that it and WLPO together
imply LPO.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}

module Taboos.MarkovsPrinciple where

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import MLTT.Two-Properties
open import NotionsOfDecidability.Complemented
open import Taboos.LPO
open import Taboos.WLPO
open import TypeTopology.CompactTypes
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated
open import UF.FunExt

MP : (𝓤 : Universe)  𝓤  ̇
MP 𝓤 = (A :   𝓤 ̇ )
      is-complemented A
      ¬¬ (Σ n   , A n)
      Σ n   , A n

 : funext 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀
  MP 𝓤₀
MP-and-WLPO-give-LPO fe mp wlpo = III
  I : WLPO-traditional
  I = WLPO-gives-WLPO-traditional fe wlpo

  II : WLPO-traditional  is-compact 
  II wlpot p = II₄
    II₀ : ¬ (Σ n   , p n  )  (n : )  p n  
    II₀ ν n = Lemma[b≠₀→b=₁]  (e : p n  )  ν (n , e))

    II₁ : ¬ ((n : )  p n  )  ¬¬ (Σ n   , p n  )
    II₁ = contrapositive II₀

    II₂ : ¬ ((n : )  p n  )  Σ n   , p n  
    II₂ ν = mp  n  p n  )
                n  𝟚-is-discrete (p n) )
               (II₁ ν)

    II₃ : is-decidable ((n : )  p n  )
         (Σ n   , p n  ) + ((n : )  p n  )
    II₃ (inl a) = inr a
    II₃ (inr ν) = inl (II₂ ν)

    II₄ : (Σ n   , p n  ) + ((n : )  p n  )
    II₄ = II₃ (wlpot p)

  III = compact-ℕ-gives-LPO fe (II I)


TODO. It doesn't matter if we formulated MP with Σ or ∃, or for
𝟚-valued functions, so that we get four logically equivalent