Martin Escardo, 15 June 2020

We consider σ-sup-lattices. We have ℕ-indexed joins and ⊥ (and
hence finite joins).


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons

module OrderedTypes.sigma-sup-lattice (fe : Fun-Ext) where

open import UF.Hedberg
open import UF.SIP
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt

σ-suplat-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
σ-suplat-structure X = X × ((  X)  X)


A compatible order for σ-suplat structure (⊤ , ⊥ , ⋁) is a
partial order (prop-valued, reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric
binary relation) such that ⊥ is the smallest element, ⊤ is the largest
element, and ⋁ x is the least upper bound of the sequence x.


is-σ-sup-compatible-order : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  σ-suplat-structure X  (X  X  𝓥 ̇ )  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
is-σ-sup-compatible-order {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} ( , ) _≤_ = I × II × III × IV × V × VI × VII
  I   = (x y : X)  is-prop (x  y)
  II  = (x : X)  x  x
  III = (x y z : X)  x  y  y  z  x  z
  IV  = (x y : X)  x  y  y  x  x  y
  V   = (x : X)    x
  VI  = (x :   X) (n : )  x n   x
  VII = (x :   X) (u : X)  ((n : )  x n  u)   x  u

We can define the binary sup x ∨ y of two elements x and y by
⋁ (x * y) where x * y is the infinite sequence consisting of x
followed by infinitely many y's. Then we can define the intrinsic
order by x ≤ y iff x ∨ y = y.


private _*_ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  X  X  (  X)
(x * y)       0  = x
(x * y) (succ _) = y

intrinsic-order : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  σ-suplat-structure X  (X  X  𝓤 ̇ )
intrinsic-order ( , ) x y =  (x * y)  y

syntax intrinsic-order s x y = x ≤[ s ] y


Any compatible order is logically equivalent to the intrinsic order:


any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (s : σ-suplat-structure X) (_≤_ : X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
                                    is-σ-sup-compatible-order s _≤_
                                    (x y : X)  x  y  x ≤[ s ] y
any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order {𝓥} {X} ( , ) _≤_ (≤-prop-valued , ≤-refl , ≤-trans , ≤-anti , bottom , ⋁-is-ub , ⋁-is-lb-of-ubs) x y = a , b
  s = ( , )
  a : x  y  x ≤[ s ] y
  a l = iv
    i :  (n : )  (x * y) n  y
    i       0  = l
    i (succ n) = ≤-refl y
    ii :  (x * y)  y
    ii = ⋁-is-lb-of-ubs (x * y) y i
    iii : y   (x * y)
    iii = ⋁-is-ub (x * y) (succ 0)
    iv :  (x * y)  y
    iv = ≤-anti ( (x * y)) y ii iii
  b : x ≤[ s ] y  x  y
  b l = iii
    i :  (x * y)  y
    i = transport ( (x * y) ≤_) l (≤-refl ( (x * y)))
    ii : x   (x * y)
    ii = ⋁-is-ub (x * y) 0
    iii : x  y
    iii = ≤-trans _ _ _ ii i


Therefore, by functional and propositional extensionality, there is at
most one compatible order:


at-most-one-σ-sup-order : Prop-Ext
                         {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (s : σ-suplat-structure X) (_≤_ _≤'_ : X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
                         is-σ-sup-compatible-order s _≤_
                         is-σ-sup-compatible-order s _≤'_
                         _≤_  _≤'_
at-most-one-σ-sup-order pe s _≤_ _≤'_ (i , i') (j , j') = γ
  a :  x y  x  y  x ≤' y
  a x y = v  u
    u : x  y  x ≤[ s ] y
    u = lr-implication (any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order s _≤_ (i , i') x y)
    v : x ≤[ s ] y  x ≤' y
    v = rl-implication (any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order s _≤'_ (j , j') x y)

  b :  x y  x ≤' y  x  y
  b x y = v  u
    u : x ≤' y  x ≤[ s ] y
    u = lr-implication (any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order s _≤'_ (j , j') x y)
    v : x ≤[ s ] y  x  y
    v = rl-implication (any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order s _≤_ (i , i') x y)

  γ : _≤_  _≤'_
  γ = dfunext fe  x  dfunext fe  y  pe (i x y) (j x y) (a x y) (b x y)))


Hence being order compatible is property (rather than just data):


being-σ-sup-order-is-prop : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (s : σ-suplat-structure X) (_≤_ : X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
                           is-prop (is-σ-sup-compatible-order s _≤_)
being-σ-sup-order-is-prop ( , ) _≤_ = prop-criterion γ
  s = ( , )
  γ : is-σ-sup-compatible-order s _≤_  is-prop (is-σ-sup-compatible-order s _≤_)
  γ (≤-prop-valued , ≤-refl , ≤-trans , ≤-anti , bottom , ⋁-is-ub , ⋁-is-lb-of-ubs) =
    ×₇-is-prop (Π₂-is-prop fe  x y  being-prop-is-prop fe))
               (Π-is-prop  fe  x  ≤-prop-valued x x))
               (Π₅-is-prop fe  x _ z _ _  ≤-prop-valued x z))
               (Π₄-is-prop fe  x y _ _  type-with-prop-valued-refl-antisym-rel-is-set
                                            _≤_ ≤-prop-valued ≤-refl ≤-anti))
               (Π-is-prop  fe  x  ≤-prop-valued  x))
               (Π₂-is-prop fe  x n  ≤-prop-valued (x n) ( x)))
               (Π₃-is-prop fe  x u _  ≤-prop-valued ( x) u))

The σ-suplat axiom says that there exists a compatible order,
which is then unique by the above:


σ-suplat-axiom : (𝓥 : Universe) {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  σ-suplat-structure X  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
σ-suplat-axiom 𝓥 {X} s = Σ _≤_  (X  X  𝓥 ̇ ) , (is-σ-sup-compatible-order s _≤_)

σ-suplat-axiom-gives-is-set : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {s : σ-suplat-structure X}
                             σ-suplat-axiom 𝓥 s  is-set X
σ-suplat-axiom-gives-is-set (_≤_ , ≤-prop-valued , ≤-refl , _ , ≤-anti , _) =
  type-with-prop-valued-refl-antisym-rel-is-set _≤_ ≤-prop-valued ≤-refl ≤-anti

σ-suplat-axiom-is-prop : Prop-Ext
                        {𝓥 : Universe}
                        {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (s : σ-suplat-structure X)
                        is-prop (σ-suplat-axiom 𝓥 {X} s)
σ-suplat-axiom-is-prop pe s (_≤_ , a) (_≤'_ , a') = to-subtype-=
                                                      (being-σ-sup-order-is-prop s)
                                                      (at-most-one-σ-sup-order pe s _≤_ _≤'_ a a')

σ-SupLat : (𝓤 𝓥  : Universe)  (𝓤  𝓥) ̇
σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥 = Σ X   𝓤 ̇ , Σ s  σ-suplat-structure X , σ-suplat-axiom 𝓥 s

open sip public

⊥⟨_⟩ : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)   𝓐 
⊥⟨ A , ( , ) , _  = 

⋁⟨_⟩ : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)  (   𝓐 )   𝓐 
⋁⟨ A , ( , ) , _  = 

⟨_⟩-is-set : (L : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)  is-set  L 
⟨_⟩-is-set (X , s , a) = σ-suplat-axiom-gives-is-set a

⟨_⟩-order : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)
              𝓐    𝓐   𝓥 ̇
 A , ( , ) , (_≤_ , _) ⟩-order = _≤_

order : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)
        𝓐    𝓐   𝓥 ̇
order = ⟨_⟩-order

syntax order 𝓐 x y = x ≤⟨ 𝓐  y

⟨_⟩-structure : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)  σ-suplat-structure  𝓐 
 A , s , (_≤_ , i-viii) ⟩-structure = s

⟨_⟩-≤-is-σ-sup-compatible-order : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)
                                 is-σ-sup-compatible-order  𝓐 ⟩-structure ( 𝓐 ⟩-order)
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i-viii) ⟩-≤-is-σ-sup-compatible-order = i-viii

⟨_⟩-order-is-prop-valued : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a b :  𝓐 )  is-prop (a ≤⟨ 𝓐  b)
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii) ⟩-order-is-prop-valued = i

⟨_⟩-refl : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a :  𝓐 )  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  a
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii) ⟩-refl = ii

⟨_⟩-trans : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a b c :  𝓐 )  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  b  b ≤⟨ 𝓐  c  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  c
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii) ⟩-trans = iii

⟨_⟩-antisym : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a b :  𝓐 )  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  b  b ≤⟨ 𝓐  a  a  b
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii) ⟩-antisym = iv

⟨_⟩-⊥-is-minimum : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a :  𝓐 )  ⊥⟨ 𝓐  ≤⟨ 𝓐  a
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii) ⟩-⊥-is-minimum = v

⟨_⟩-⋁-is-ub : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a :    𝓐 ) (n : )  a n ≤⟨ 𝓐  ⋁⟨ 𝓐  a
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii) ⟩-⋁-is-ub = vi

⟨_⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a :    𝓐 ) (u :  𝓐 )
                    ((n : )  a n ≤⟨ 𝓐  u)
                    ⋁⟨ 𝓐  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  u
 A , _ , (_≤_ , i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii) ⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs = vii

⟨_⟩-=-gives-≤ : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) {a b :  𝓐 }  a  b  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  b
 𝓐 ⟩-=-gives-≤ {a} refl =  𝓐 ⟩-refl a

binary-join : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)   𝓐    𝓐    𝓐 
binary-join 𝓐 a b = ⋁⟨ 𝓐  (a * b)

syntax binary-join 𝓐 a b = a ∨⟨ 𝓐  b
infixl 100 binary-join

⟨_⟩-∨-is-ub-left : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a b :   𝓐 )  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  a ∨⟨ 𝓐  b
⟨_⟩-∨-is-ub-left 𝓐 a b =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-ub (a * b) 0

⟨_⟩-∨-is-ub-right : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a b :   𝓐 )  b ≤⟨ 𝓐  a ∨⟨ 𝓐  b
⟨_⟩-∨-is-ub-right 𝓐 a b =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-ub (a * b) 1

⟨_⟩-∨-is-lb-of-ubs : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a b u :  𝓐 )
                    a ≤⟨ 𝓐  u
                    b ≤⟨ 𝓐  u
                    a ∨⟨ 𝓐  b ≤⟨ 𝓐  u
⟨_⟩-∨-is-lb-of-ubs 𝓐 a b u l m =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs (a * b) u f
  f : (n : )  (a * b) n ≤⟨ 𝓐  u
  f 0 = l
  f (succ n) = m

⟨_⟩-⋁-idempotent : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (a :  𝓐 )
                   ⋁⟨ 𝓐  (n  a)  a
⟨_⟩-⋁-idempotent 𝓐 a =  𝓐 ⟩-antisym _ _
                              ( 𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs (n  a) a  n   𝓐 ⟩-refl a))
                              ( 𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-ub (n  a) 0)

⟨_⟩-⋁-transp : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥) (c :      𝓐 )
               ⋁⟨ 𝓐  (i  ⋁⟨ 𝓐  (j  c i j))  ⋁⟨ 𝓐  (j  ⋁⟨ 𝓐  (i  c i j))
⟨_⟩-⋁-transp {𝓤} {𝓥} 𝓐 c =  𝓐 ⟩-antisym _ _ m l
   = ⋁⟨ 𝓐 
  _≤_ :  𝓐    𝓐   𝓥 ̇
  a  b = a ≤⟨ 𝓐  b

  p :  i₀ j₀  c i₀ j₀   (i   (j  c i j))
  p i₀ j₀ =  𝓐 ⟩-trans _ _ _ p₀ p₁
    p₀ : c i₀ j₀   (j  c i₀ j)
    p₀ =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-ub  j  c i₀ j) j₀
    p₁ :  (j  c i₀ j)   (i   (j  c i j))
    p₁ =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-ub  i   (j  c i j)) i₀

  l :  (j   (i  c i j))   (i   (j  c i j))
  l =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs _ _  j   𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs _ _  i  p i j))

  q :  i₀ j₀  c i₀ j₀   (j   (i  c i j))
  q i₀ j₀ =  𝓐 ⟩-trans _ _ _ q₀ q₁
    q₀ : c i₀ j₀   (i  c i j₀)
    q₀ =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-ub  i  c i j₀) i₀
    q₁ :  (i  c i j₀)   (j   (i  c i j))
    q₁ =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-ub  j   (i  c i j)) j₀

  m :  (i   (j  c i j))   (j   (i  c i j))
  m =  𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs _ _  i   𝓐 ⟩-⋁-is-lb-of-ubs _ _  j  q i j))

is-σ-suplat-hom : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓦) (𝓑 : σ-SupLat 𝓥 𝓣)
                  ( 𝓐    𝓑 )  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
is-σ-suplat-hom  (_ , ( , ) , _) (_ , (⊥' , ⋁') , _) f = (f   ⊥')
                                                         × (∀ 𝕒  f ( 𝕒)  ⋁' (n  f (𝕒 n)))

being-σ-suplat-hom-is-prop : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓦) (𝓑 : σ-SupLat 𝓥 𝓣)
                             (f :  𝓐    𝓑 )
                            is-prop (is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓑 f)
being-σ-suplat-hom-is-prop 𝓐 𝓑 f = ×-is-prop
                                      𝓑 ⟩-is-set
                                     (Π-is-prop fe  _   𝓑 ⟩-is-set))

σ-suplat-hom-⊥ : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓦) (𝓑 : σ-SupLat 𝓥 𝓣)
                (f :  𝓐    𝓑 )
                is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓑 f
                f ⊥⟨ 𝓐   ⊥⟨ 𝓑 
σ-suplat-hom-⊥ 𝓐 𝓑 f (i , ii) = i

σ-suplat-hom-⋁ : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓦) (𝓑 : σ-SupLat 𝓥 𝓣)
                 (f :  𝓐    𝓑 )
                 is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓑 f
                  𝕒  f (⋁⟨ 𝓐  𝕒)  ⋁⟨ 𝓑  (n  f (𝕒 n))
σ-suplat-hom-⋁ 𝓐 𝓑 f (i , ii) = ii

is-monotone : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓦) (𝓑 : σ-SupLat 𝓥 𝓣)
             ( 𝓐    𝓑 )  𝓤  𝓦  𝓣 ̇
is-monotone 𝓐 𝓑 f =  a b  a ≤⟨ 𝓐  b  f a ≤⟨ 𝓑  f b

σ-suplat-hom-≤ : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓦) (𝓑 : σ-SupLat 𝓥 𝓣)
                (f :  𝓐    𝓑 )
                is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓑 f
                is-monotone 𝓐 𝓑 f
σ-suplat-hom-≤ 𝓐 𝓑 f i a b l = m
  c : f a * f b  f  (a * b)
  c 0 = refl
  c (succ n) = refl
  l' : ⋁⟨ 𝓐  (a * b)  b
  l' = lr-implication (any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order _ ( 𝓐 ⟩-order)  𝓐 ⟩-≤-is-σ-sup-compatible-order a b) l
  m' : ⋁⟨ 𝓑  (f a * f b)  f b
  m' = ⋁⟨ 𝓑  (f a * f b)   =⟨ ap ⋁⟨ 𝓑  (dfunext fe c) 
       ⋁⟨ 𝓑  (f  (a * b)) =⟨ (σ-suplat-hom-⋁ 𝓐 𝓑 f i (a * b))⁻¹ 
       f (⋁⟨ 𝓐  (a * b))   =⟨ ap f l' 
       f b                   
  m : f a ≤⟨ 𝓑  f b
  m = rl-implication (any-σ-sup-order-is-intrinsic-order _ ( 𝓑 ⟩-order)  𝓑 ⟩-≤-is-σ-sup-compatible-order  (f a) (f b)) m'

id-is-σ-suplat-hom : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓥)  is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓐 id
id-is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 = refl ,  𝕒  refl)

∘-σ-suplat-hom : (𝓐 : σ-SupLat 𝓤 𝓤') (𝓑 : σ-SupLat 𝓥 𝓥') (𝓒 : σ-SupLat 𝓦 𝓦')
                 (f :  𝓐    𝓑 ) (g :  𝓑    𝓒 )
                is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓑 f
                is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓑 𝓒 g
                is-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓒 (g  f)
∘-σ-suplat-hom 𝓐 𝓑 𝓒 f g (r₀ , s₀) (r₁ , s₁) = (r₂ , s₂)
  r₂ = g (f ⊥⟨ 𝓐 ) =⟨ ap g r₀ 
       g ⊥⟨ 𝓑      =⟨ r₁ 
       ⊥⟨ 𝓒        

  s₂ = λ 𝕒  g (f (⋁⟨ 𝓐  𝕒))           =⟨ ap g (s₀ 𝕒) 
             g (⋁⟨ 𝓑   n  f (𝕒 n))) =⟨ s₁  n  f (𝕒 n)) 
             ⋁⟨ 𝓒   n  g (f (𝕒 n))) 