Martin Escardo 12th September 2024 This file provides an interface to implement automatic converscxion of decimal literals to types other than just the natural numbers. See \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} module Notation.Decimal where open import MLTT.Universes open import MLTT.NaturalNumbers record Decimal {π€ π₯ : Universe} (A : π€ Μ ) : π€ β π₯ βΊ Μ where field constraint : β β π₯ Μ fromβ : (n : β) {{_ : constraint n}} β A open Decimal {{...}} public using (fromβ) {-# BUILTIN FROMNAT fromβ #-} {-# DISPLAY Decimal.fromβ _ n = fromβ n #-} record Negative {π€ π₯ : Universe} (A : π€ Μ ) : π€ β π₯ βΊ Μ where field constraint : β β π₯ Μ fromNeg : (n : β) {{_ : constraint n}} β A open Negative {{...}} public using (fromNeg) {-# BUILTIN FROMNEG fromNeg #-} {-# DISPLAY Negative.fromNeg _ n = fromNeg n #-} data No-Constraint : π€β Μ where no-constraint : No-Constraint instance really-no-constraint : No-Constraint really-no-constraint = no-constraint make-decimal-with-no-constraint : {A : π€ Μ } β ((n : β) {{_ : No-Constraint}} β A) β Decimal A make-decimal-with-no-constraint f = record { constraint = Ξ» _ β No-Constraint ; fromβ = f } make-negative-with-no-constraint : {A : π€ Μ } β ((n : β) {{_ : No-Constraint}} β A) β Negative A make-negative-with-no-constraint f = record { constraint = Ξ» _ β No-Constraint ; fromNeg = f } \end{code} The natural place for this would be MLTT.NaturalNumbers, but then we would get a circular dependency. \begin{code} instance Decimal-β-to-β : Decimal β Decimal-β-to-β = make-decimal-with-no-constraint (Ξ» n β n) \end{code}