title:         Distributive lattices
author:        Ayberk Tosun
date-started:  2024-02-14


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Sets

module Locales.DistributiveLattice.Definition
        (fe : Fun-Ext)
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)

open import Locales.Frame pt fe
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open Implication fe


We give the equational definition from Stone Spaces.


record DistributiveLattice (𝓤 : Universe) : 𝓤   ̇ where
  X   : 𝓤  ̇
  𝟏   : X
  𝟎   : X
  _∧_ : X  X  X
  _∨_ : X  X  X

  X-is-set      : is-set X

  ∧-associative : (x y z : X)  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z
  ∧-commutative : (x y   : X)  x  y  y  x
  ∧-unit        : (x     : X)  x  𝟏  x
  ∧-idempotent  : (x     : X)  x  x  x
  ∧-absorptive  : (x y   : X)  x  (x  y)  x

  ∨-associative : (x y z : X)  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z
  ∨-commutative : (x y   : X)  x  y  y  x
  ∨-unit        : (x     : X)  x  𝟎  x
  ∨-idempotent  : (x     : X)  x  x  x
  ∨-absorptive  : (x y   : X)  x  (x  y)  x

  distributivityᵈ : (x y z : X)  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)


Some easy lemmas that we prove directly inside the record definition.


 distributivityᵈ₁ : (x y z : X)  (y  z)  x  (y  x)  (z  x)
 distributivityᵈ₁ x y z = (y  z)  x         =⟨  
                          x  (y  z)         =⟨  
                          (x  y)  (x  z)   =⟨  
                          (y  x)  (x  z)   =⟨  
                          (y  x)  (z  x)   
                             = ∧-commutative (y  z) x
                             = distributivityᵈ x y z
                             = ap (_∨ (x  z)) (∧-commutative x y)
                             = ap ((y  x) ∨_) (∧-commutative x z)

 ∨-unit₁ : (x : X)  𝟎  x  x
 ∨-unit₁ x = 𝟎  x   =⟨ ∨-commutative 𝟎 x 
             x  𝟎   =⟨ ∨-unit x          

 ∧-absorptive₁ : (x y : X)  x  (y  x)  x
 ∧-absorptive₁ x y = x  (y  x) =⟨ ap (x ∧_) (∨-commutative y x) 
                     x  (x  y) =⟨ ∧-absorptive x y              

 ∨-absorptive₁ : (x y : X)  x  (y  x)  x
 ∨-absorptive₁ x y = x  (y  x) =⟨ ap (x ∨_) (∧-commutative y x) 
                     x  (x  y) =⟨ ∨-absorptive x y              

 ∨-absorptive₂ : (x y : X)  (x  y)  x  x
 ∨-absorptive₂ x y = (x  y)  x =⟨ ∨-commutative (x  y) x 
                     x  (x  y) =⟨ ∨-absorptive x y        

 ∧-absorptive₃ : (x y : X)  (y  x)  x  x
 ∧-absorptive₃ x y = (y  x)  x =⟨ ∧-commutative (y  x) x 
                     x  (y  x) =⟨ ∧-absorptive₁ x y       

 ∨-absorptive₃ : (x y : X)  (y  x)  x  x
 ∨-absorptive₃ x y = (y  x)  x =⟨  
                     (x  y)  x =⟨  
                        = ap (_∨ x) (∧-commutative y x)
                        = ∨-absorptive₂ x y


Notation for the carrier set.


∣_∣ᵈ : DistributiveLattice 𝓤  𝓤  ̇
∣_∣ᵈ L = let open DistributiveLattice L in X


The dual of the distributivity law.


module _ (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) where

 open DistributiveLattice L

 distributivity-op : (x y z :  L ∣ᵈ)  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)
 distributivity-op x y z =
  x  (y  z)              =⟨  
  x  ((z  y)  (z  x))  =⟨  
  (x  z)  (y  x)        =⟨  
  (y  x)  (x  z)        =⟨  
  (x  y)  (x  z)        
    𝒶 = ap (_∨ (y  z)) (∨-absorptive₁ x z ⁻¹)
    𝒷 = ap ((x  (z  x)) ∨_) (∧-commutative y z)
    𝒸 = ∨-associative x (z  x) (z  y) ⁻¹
    𝒹 = ap (x ∨_) (∨-commutative (z  x) (z  y))
     = ap (x ∨_) (distributivityᵈ z y x ⁻¹)
    𝒻 = ap (_∨ (z  (y  x))) (∧-absorptive₁ x y ⁻¹)
     = distributivityᵈ₁ (y  x) x z ⁻¹

     = x  (y  z)                   =⟨ 𝒶 
        (x  (z  x))  (y  z)       =⟨ 𝒷 
        (x  (z  x))  (z  y)       =⟨ 𝒸 
        x  ((z  x)  (z  y))       =⟨ 𝒹 
        x  ((z  y)  (z  x))       
     = x  ((z  y)  (z  x))       =⟨  
        x  (z  (y  x))             =⟨ 𝒻 
        (x  (y  x))  (z  (y  x)) =⟨  
        (x  z)  (y  x)             
     = ∧-commutative (x  z) (y  x)
     = ap (_∧ (x  z)) (∨-commutative y x)


Definition of the order as `x ≤ y := x ∧ y = x`.


orderᵈ-∧ : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤)   L ∣ᵈ   L ∣ᵈ  Ω 𝓤
orderᵈ-∧ L x y = (x  y  x) , X-is-set
  open DistributiveLattice L


We take this as our primary order.


syntax orderᵈ-∧ L x y = x ≤ᵈ[ L ] y

≤ᵈ-is-reflexive : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤)  is-reflexive (orderᵈ-∧ L) holds
≤ᵈ-is-reflexive L = ∧-idempotent
  open DistributiveLattice L

≤ᵈ-is-transitive : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤)  is-transitive (orderᵈ-∧ L) holds
≤ᵈ-is-transitive L x y z p q =
 x  z         =⟨  
 (x  y)  z   =⟨  
 x  (y  z)   =⟨  
 x  y         =⟨  
   open DistributiveLattice L

    = ap (_∧ z) (p ⁻¹)
    = ∧-associative x y z ⁻¹
    = ap (x ∧_) q
    = p

≤ᵈ-is-antisymmetric : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤)  is-antisymmetric (orderᵈ-∧ L)
≤ᵈ-is-antisymmetric L {x} {y} p q =
 x      =⟨  
 x  y  =⟨  
 y  x  =⟨  
   open DistributiveLattice L

    = p ⁻¹
    = ∧-commutative x y
    = q


It is also useful to have the alternative definition `x ≤ y := x ∨ y = y`.


orderᵈ-∨ : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤)   L ∣ᵈ   L ∣ᵈ  Ω 𝓤
orderᵈ-∨ L x y = (x  y  y) , X-is-set
  open DistributiveLattice L

syntax orderᵈ-∨ L x y = x ≤ᵈ[ L ]₀ y

orderᵈ-∨-implies-orderᵈ : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) {x y :  L ∣ᵈ}
                         (x ≤ᵈ[ L ]₀ y  x ≤ᵈ[ L ] y) holds
orderᵈ-∨-implies-orderᵈ L {x} {y} p =
 x  y =⟨   x  (x  y) =⟨   x 
   open DistributiveLattice L

    = ap (x ∧_) p ⁻¹
    = ∧-absorptive x y

orderᵈ-implies-orderᵈ-∨ : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) {x y :  L ∣ᵈ}
                         (x ≤ᵈ[ L ] y  x ≤ᵈ[ L ]₀ y) holds
orderᵈ-implies-orderᵈ-∨ L {x} {y} p =
 x  y       =⟨                 
 y  x       =⟨                 
 y  (x  y) =⟨                 
 y  (y  x) =⟨ ∨-absorptive y x 
   open DistributiveLattice L

    = ∨-commutative x y
    = ap (y ∨_) (p ⁻¹)
    = ap (y ∨_) (∧-commutative x y)


We package everything up into a poset.


poset-ofᵈ : DistributiveLattice 𝓤  Poset 𝓤 𝓤
poset-ofᵈ L =  L ∣ᵈ
            , orderᵈ-∧ L
            , (≤ᵈ-is-reflexive L , ≤ᵈ-is-transitive L)
            , ≤ᵈ-is-antisymmetric L
  open DistributiveLattice L


Finally, we show that the operations `_∧_` and `_∨_` are indeed meets and
join operations.


module _ (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) where

 open DistributiveLattice L
 open Meets (orderᵈ-∧ L)
 open Joins (orderᵈ-∧ L)

 𝟏ᵈ-is-top : (x : X)  (x ≤ᵈ[ L ] 𝟏) holds
 𝟏ᵈ-is-top = ∧-unit

 𝟎ᵈ-is-bottom : (x : X)  (𝟎 ≤ᵈ[ L ] x) holds
 𝟎ᵈ-is-bottom x = orderᵈ-∨-implies-orderᵈ L (∨-unit₁ x)

 only-𝟎-is-below-𝟎ᵈ : (x : X)  (x ≤ᵈ[ L ] 𝟎) holds  x  𝟎
 only-𝟎-is-below-𝟎ᵈ x p =
  ≤-is-antisymmetric (poset-ofᵈ L) p (𝟎ᵈ-is-bottom x)

 ∧-is-a-lower-bound₂ : (x y : X)  ((x  y) ≤ᵈ[ L ] y) holds
 ∧-is-a-lower-bound₂ x y = (x  y)  y =⟨  
                           x  (y  y) =⟨  
                           x  y 
                              = ∧-associative x y y ⁻¹
                              = ap (x ∧_) (∧-idempotent y)

 ∧-is-a-lower-bound₁ : (x y : X)  ((x  y) ≤ᵈ[ L ] x) holds
 ∧-is-a-lower-bound₁ x y = (x  y)  x   =⟨  
                           (y  x)  x   =⟨  
                           y  (x  x)   =⟨  
                           y  x         =⟨  
                           x  y          
                              = ap (_∧ x) (∧-commutative x y)
                              = ∧-associative y x x ⁻¹
                              = ap (y ∧_) (∧-idempotent x)
                              = ∧-commutative y x

 ∧-is-greatest : (x y z :  L ∣ᵈ)
                (z is-a-lower-bound-of (x , y)  z ≤ᵈ[ L ] (x  y)) holds
 ∧-is-greatest x y z (p₁ , p₂) = z  (x  y)    =⟨  
                                 (z  x)  y    =⟨  
                                 z  y          =⟨  
                                    = ∧-associative z x y
                                    = ap (_∧ y) p₁
                                    = p₂

 ∧-is-glb : (x y :  L ∣ᵈ)  ((x  y) is-glb-of (x , y)) holds
 ∧-is-glb x y = (∧-is-a-lower-bound₁ x y , ∧-is-a-lower-bound₂ x y)
              , λ (z , p)  ∧-is-greatest x y z p



 ∨-is-an-upper-bound₁ : (x y :  L ∣ᵈ)  (x ≤ᵈ[ L ] (x  y)) holds
 ∨-is-an-upper-bound₁ = ∧-absorptive

 ∨-is-an-upper-bound₂ : (x y :  L ∣ᵈ)  (y ≤ᵈ[ L ] (x  y)) holds
 ∨-is-an-upper-bound₂ x y = ∧-absorptive₁ y x

 ∨-is-least : (x y z :  L ∣ᵈ)  (z is-an-upper-bound-of₂ (x , y)  (x  y) ≤ᵈ[ L ] z) holds
 ∨-is-least x y z (p₁ , p₂) = orderᵈ-∨-implies-orderᵈ L 
   q₂ : y  z  z
   q₂ = orderᵈ-implies-orderᵈ-∨ L p₂

   q₁ : x  z  z
   q₁ = orderᵈ-implies-orderᵈ-∨ L p₁

    = ∨-associative x y z ⁻¹
    = ap (x ∨_) q₂
    = q₁

    : (x  y)  z  z
    = (x  y)  z   =⟨  
       x  (y  z)   =⟨  
       x  z         =⟨  

 ∨-is-lub : (x y :  L ∣ᵈ)  ((x  y) is-lub-of₂ (x , y)) holds
 ∨-is-lub x y = (∨-is-an-upper-bound₁ x y , ∨-is-an-upper-bound₂ x y)
              , λ (z , p)  ∨-is-least x y z p
