Ettore Aldrovandi ealdrovandi@fsu.edu
Keri D'Angelo kd349@cornell.edu

June 2022

This is an addendum to the file Groups. We prove that group axioms are
a proposition. This fact is needed in order to have a meaningful
definition of subgroups. Much of the first part is the same as in

July 2022

This is vestigial. The proof that group-axioms is prop is in Groups.Type



{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module Groups.Type-Supplement where

open import Groups.Type hiding (group-axioms-is-prop)
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Sets-Properties
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt


First prove that monoid axioms are a proposition. Same as in


monoid-axioms-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                       (X : 𝓤 ̇ )(m : monoid-structure X)
                       is-prop (monoid-axioms X m)
monoid-axioms-is-prop fe X (_·_ , e) a = γ a
    i : is-set X
    i = pr₁ a

    γ : is-prop (monoid-axioms X (_·_ , e))
    γ = ×-is-prop (being-set-is-prop fe)
        (Π-is-prop fe  x  i))
        (Π-is-prop fe  x  i))
        (Π-is-prop fe
           x  Π-is-prop fe
             y  Π-is-prop fe
               z  i))))))


Version with the unit as part of the structure rather than part of the
axioms. We prove that the group axiom is a prop following


group-structure₁ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
group-structure₁ X = Σ m  monoid-structure X , monoid-axioms X m

group-axiom₁ : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )→ monoid-structure X  𝓤 ̇
group-axiom₁ X (_·_ , e) = (x : X)  Σ x'  X , (x' · x  e) × (x · x'  e)

group-axiom₁-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                      (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                      (s : group-structure₁ X)
                      is-prop (group-axiom₁ X (pr₁ s))
group-axiom₁-is-prop fe X ((_·_ , e) , m) = γ
    i : is-set X
    i = pr₁ m

    j : (x : X)  is-prop (Σ x'  X , (x' · x  e) × (x · x'  e))
    j x (y , q , _) (z , _ , u) = to-subtype-=  x'  ×-is-prop i i) p
        p : y  z
        p = inv-lemma X _·_ e m x y z q u

    γ : is-prop (group-axiom₁ X (_·_ , e))
    γ = Π-is-prop fe j


Conversion between the two types of group axioms.

group-axiom₁→axioms : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                     (s : group-structure₁ X)
                     (γ : group-axiom₁ X (pr₁ s))
                     group-axioms X (pr₁ (pr₁ s))
group-axiom₁→axioms X ((_·_ , e) , (i , l , r , a)) γ = i , a , (e , (l , (r , γ)))

group-axioms→axiom₁ : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                     (_·_ : group-structure X)
                     (s : group-axioms X _·_)
                     group-structure₁ X  group-axiom₁ X (monoid-structure-of (X , _·_ , s))
group-axioms→axiom₁ X _·_ (i , a , e , l , r , γ) = λ { _  γ}

-- just to be clear
group-axioms→axiom₁' : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                      (_·_ : group-structure X)
                      (s : group-axioms X _·_)
                      group-structure₁ X × group-axiom₁ X (monoid-structure-of (X , _·_ , s))
group-axioms→axiom₁' X _·_ (i , a , e , l , r , γ) = ((_·_ , e) , (i , l , r , a)) , γ


Direct proof that the group axioms (as in Groups) are a
proposition. This ought to be in Groups.lagda.


group-axioms-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                      (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                      (_·_ : group-structure X)
                      is-prop (group-axioms X _·_)
group-axioms-is-prop fe X _·_ s = γ s
    i : is-set X
    i = pr₁ s

    α : is-prop (associative _·_)
    α = Π-is-prop fe
                   x  Π-is-prop fe
                                    y   Π-is-prop fe
                                                      z  i)))

    β : is-prop ( Σ e  X , left-neutral e _·_ ×
                            right-neutral e _·_ ×
                            ((x : X)  Σ x'  X , (x' · x  e) × (x · x'  e)) )
    β (e , l , _ , _) (e' , _ , r , _) = to-subtype-= η p
        p : e  e'
        p = e      =⟨ (r e) ⁻¹ 
            e · e' =⟨ l e' 

        η : (x : X)  is-prop (left-neutral x _·_ ×
                               right-neutral x _·_ ×
                               ((x₁ : X)  Σ x'  X , (x' · x₁  x) × (x₁ · x'  x)))
        η x t = ε t
            ε : is-prop (left-neutral x _·_ ×
                               right-neutral x _·_ ×
                               ((x₁ : X)  Σ x'  X , (x' · x₁  x) × (x₁ · x'  x)))
            ε = ×-is-prop (Π-is-prop fe  _  i))
                (×-is-prop (Π-is-prop fe  _  i))
                 (Π-is-prop fe ε'))
                      ε' : (x₁ : X)  is-prop (Σ x'  X , (x' · x₁  x) × (x₁ · x'  x))
                      ε' x₁ (u , v) (u' , v') = to-subtype-=  x₂  ×-is-prop i i) q
                          q : u  u'
                          q = u             =⟨ (pr₁ (pr₂ t) u) ⁻¹ 
                              u · x         =⟨ ap  a  u · a) (pr₂ v') ⁻¹ 
                              u · (x₁ · u') =⟨ (pr₁ (pr₂ s) _ _ _) ⁻¹ 
                              (u · x₁) · u' =⟨ ap  a  a · u') (pr₁ v) 
                              x · u'        =⟨ pr₁ t u' 

    γ : is-prop (group-axioms X _·_)
    γ = ×-is-prop (being-set-is-prop fe)
        (×-is-prop α β)