Martin Escardo, Paulo Oliva, 2023 with many additions Decemnber 2024

(Strong, wild) monads on types.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.FunExt

module Games.Monad where

record Monad : Type₁ where
  functor : Type  Type
  η       : {X : Type}  X  functor X
  ext     : {X Y : Type}  (X  functor Y)  functor X  functor Y
  ext-η   : {X : Type}
           ext (η {X})  𝑖𝑑 (functor X)
  unit    : {X Y : Type} (f : X  functor Y)
           ext f  η  f
  assoc   : {X Y Z : Type} (g : Y  functor Z) (f : X  functor Y)
           ext (ext g  f)  ext g  ext f

  T = functor

 map : {X Y : Type}  (X  Y)  T X  T Y
 map f = ext (η  f)

 map-id : {X : Type}  map (𝑖𝑑 X)  𝑖𝑑 (T X)
 map-id = ext-η

 map-∘ : funext₀
        {X Y Z : Type} (f : X  Y) (g : Y  Z)
        map (g  f)  map g  map f
 map-∘ fe f g t =
  map (g  f) t                               =⟨ refl 
  ext  x  η (g (f x))) t                   =⟨ by-unit 
  ext  x  ext  y  η (g y)) (η (f x))) t =⟨ by-assoc 
  ext  x  η (g x)) (ext  x  η (f x)) t) =⟨ refl 
  (map g  map f) t                           
    by-unit  = ap  -  ext - t)
                  (dfunext fe  x  (unit  y  η (g y)) (f x))⁻¹))
    by-assoc = assoc  x  η (g x))  x  η (f x)) t

 map-∘₃ : funext₀
        {X Y Z T : Type} (f : X  Y) (g : Y  Z) (h : Z  T)
        map (h  g  f)  map h  map g  map f
 map-∘₃ fe f g h t =
  map (h  g  f) t         =⟨ by-functoriality 
  (map (h  g)  map f) t   =⟨ again-by-functoriality 
  (map h  map g) (map f t) =⟨ refl 
  (map h  map g  map f) t 
    by-functoriality  = map-∘ fe f (h  g) t
    again-by-functoriality = ap  -  (-  map f) t) (dfunext fe (map-∘ fe g h))

 μ : {X : Type}  T (T X)  T X
 μ = ext id

 ext-is-μ-map : funext₀
               {X Y : Type} (f : X  T Y)
               ext f  μ  map f
 ext-is-μ-map fe f tt =
  ext f tt                  =⟨ by-unit ⁻¹ 
  ext (ext id  η  f) tt   =⟨ by-assoc 
  (ext id  ext (η  f)) tt =⟨ refl 
  (μ  map f) tt            
    by-unit  = ap  -  ext (-  f) tt) (dfunext fe (unit id))
    by-assoc = assoc id (η  f) tt

 μ-assoc : funext₀
          {X : Type}
          μ {X}  map (μ {X})  μ {X}  μ {T X}
 μ-assoc fe ttt =
  (μ  map μ) ttt       =⟨ (ext-is-μ-map fe μ ttt)⁻¹ 
  ext μ ttt             =⟨ refl 
  ext (ext id  id) ttt =⟨ assoc id id ttt 
  ext id (ext id ttt)   =⟨ refl 
  (μ  μ) ttt           

 η-natural : {X Y : Type} (h : X  Y)
            map h  η {X}  η {Y}  h
 η-natural h x =
  map h (η x)               =⟨ refl 
  ext  x  η (h x)) (η x) =⟨ unit  x  η (h x)) x 
  η (h x)                   

 μ-natural : funext₀
            {X Y : Type} (h : X  Y)
            map h  μ {X}   μ {Y}  map (map h)
 μ-natural fe h tt =
  (map h  μ) tt                            =⟨ refl 
  ext (η  h) (ext id tt)                   =⟨ by-assoc ⁻¹ 
  ext (ext (η  h)) tt                      =⟨ by-unit ⁻¹ 
  ext  t  ext id (η (ext (η  h) t))) tt =⟨ again-by-assoc 
  ext id (ext  t  η (ext (η  h) t)) tt) =⟨ refl 
  (μ  map (map h)) tt                      
    by-assoc       = assoc  x  η (h x)) id tt
    by-unit        = ap  -  ext - tt)
                        (dfunext fe  t  unit id (ext (η  h) t)))
    again-by-assoc = assoc id  x  η (ext (η  h) x)) tt

 η-unit₀ : {X : Type}  μ {X}  η {T X}  id
 η-unit₀ t = μ (η t)      =⟨ refl 
             ext id (η t) =⟨ unit id t 

 η-unit₁ : funext₀
          {X : Type}  μ {X}  map (η {X})  id
 η-unit₁ fe t =
  μ (map η t)                    =⟨ refl 
  ext id (ext (η  η) t)         =⟨ by-assoc 
  ext  x  ext id (η (η x))) t =⟨ by-unit 
  ext η t                        =⟨ ext-η t 
    by-assoc = (assoc id  x  η (η x)) t)⁻¹
    by-unit  = ap  -  ext - t) (dfunext fe  x  unit id (η x)))

 _⊗_ : {X : Type} {Y : X  Type}
      T X
      ((x : X)  T (Y x))
      T (Σ x  X , Y x)
 t  f = ext  x  map  y  x , y) (f x)) t

open Monad public

tensor : (𝕋 : Monad) {X : Type} {Y : X  Type}
        functor 𝕋 X
        ((x : X)  functor 𝕋 (Y x))
        functor 𝕋 (Σ x  X , Y x)
tensor 𝕋 = _⊗_ 𝕋

syntax tensor 𝕋 t f = t ⊗[ 𝕋 ] f

𝕀𝕕 : Monad
𝕀𝕕 = record {
      functor = id ;
      η       = id ;
      ext     = id ;
      ext-η   = λ x  refl ;
      unit    = λ f x  refl ;
      assoc   = λ g f x  refl

𝕀𝕕⊗ : {X : Type} {Y : X  Type}
      (x : X)
      (f : (x : X)  (Y x))
     x ⊗[ 𝕀𝕕 ] f  x , f x
𝕀𝕕⊗ x f = refl


If we want to call a monad T, then we can use the following module:


module T-definitions (𝕋 : Monad) where

 T : Type  Type
 T = functor 𝕋

 ηᵀ : {X : Type}  X  T X
 ηᵀ = η 𝕋

 extᵀ : {X Y : Type}  (X  T Y)  T X  T Y
 extᵀ = ext 𝕋

 extᵀ-η : {X : Type}  extᵀ (ηᵀ {X})  𝑖𝑑 (T X)
 extᵀ-η = ext-η 𝕋

 unitᵀ : {X Y : Type} (f : X  T Y)  extᵀ f  ηᵀ  f
 unitᵀ = unit 𝕋

 assocᵀ : {X Y Z : Type} (g : Y  T Z) (f : X  T Y)
         extᵀ (extᵀ g  f)  extᵀ g  extᵀ f
 assocᵀ = assoc 𝕋

 mapᵀ : {X Y : Type}  (X  Y)  T X  T Y
 mapᵀ = map 𝕋

 mapᵀ-id : {X : Type}  mapᵀ (𝑖𝑑 X)  𝑖𝑑 (T X)
 mapᵀ-id = map-id 𝕋

 mapᵀ-∘ : funext₀
         {X Y Z : Type} (f : X  Y) (g : Y  Z)
         mapᵀ (g  f)  mapᵀ g  mapᵀ f
 mapᵀ-∘ = map-∘ 𝕋

 ηᵀ-natural : {X Y : Type} (f : X  Y)
            mapᵀ f  ηᵀ  ηᵀ  f
 ηᵀ-natural = η-natural 𝕋

 μᵀ : {X : Type}  T (T X)  T X
 μᵀ = μ 𝕋

 μᵀ-natural : funext₀
             {X Y : Type} (h : X  Y)
             mapᵀ h  μᵀ {X}   μᵀ {Y}  mapᵀ (mapᵀ h)
 μᵀ-natural = μ-natural 𝕋

 ηᵀ-unit₀ : {X : Type}  μᵀ {X}  ηᵀ {T X}  id
 ηᵀ-unit₀ = η-unit₀ 𝕋

 ηᵀ-unit₁ : funext₀
          {X : Type}  μᵀ {X}  mapᵀ (ηᵀ {X})  id
 ηᵀ-unit₁ = η-unit₁ 𝕋

 _⊗ᵀ_ : {X : Type} {Y : X  Type}
       T X
       ((x : X)  T (Y x))
       T (Σ x  X , Y x)
 _⊗ᵀ_ = _⊗_ 𝕋


For some results, we need our monad to satisfy the condition
extᵀ-const defined below. Ohad Kammar pointed out to us that this
condition is equivalent to the monad being affine. We include his
proof here.

References given by Ohad Kammar and Alex Simpson:

[1] Anders Kock, Bilinearity and Cartesian closed monads,
Math. Stand. 29 (1971) 161-174.



[4] Gavin Wraith mentions affine theories in his lecture notes form
1969 (Prop. 3.5 here:

[5] Bart Jacobs' "Semantics of weakening and contraction".


module _ (𝕋 : Monad) where

 open T-definitions 𝕋

 is-affine : Type
 is-affine = is-equiv (ηᵀ {𝟙})

 ext-const' : Type  Type₁
 ext-const' X = {Y : Type} (u : T Y)
               extᵀ  (x : X)  u)  λ (t : T X)  u

 ext-const : Type₁
 ext-const = {X : Type}  ext-const' X

 affine-gives-ext-const' : Fun-Ext  is-affine  ext-const' 𝟙
 affine-gives-ext-const' fe a {Y} u t = γ
   f = λ (x : 𝟙)  u

   I : f  inverse (ηᵀ {𝟙}) a  extᵀ f
   I s = (f  inverse ηᵀ a) s         =⟨ I₀ 
         extᵀ f (ηᵀ (inverse ηᵀ a s)) =⟨ I₁ 
         extᵀ f s                     
     I₀ = (unitᵀ f (inverse ηᵀ a s))⁻¹
     I₁ = ap (extᵀ f) (inverses-are-sections ηᵀ a s)

   γ : extᵀ f t  u
   γ = extᵀ f t                   =⟨ (ap  -  - t) (dfunext fe I))⁻¹ 
       (f  inverse (ηᵀ {𝟙}) a) t =⟨ refl 

 affine-gives-ext-const : Fun-Ext  is-affine  ext-const
 affine-gives-ext-const fe a {X} {Y} u t = γ
   g : X  T Y
   g _ = u

   f : T 𝟙  T Y
   f _ = u

   h : 𝟙  T Y
   h _ = u

   k : X  T 𝟙
   k = ηᵀ {𝟙}  unique-to-𝟙

   I : extᵀ h  f
   I = dfunext fe (affine-gives-ext-const' fe a u)

   γ = extᵀ g t             =⟨ refl 
       extᵀ (f  k) t       =⟨ ap  -  extᵀ (-  k) t) (I ⁻¹) 
       extᵀ (extᵀ h  k) t  =⟨ assocᵀ h k t 
       extᵀ h (extᵀ k t)    =⟨ ap  -  - (extᵀ k t)) I 
       f (extᵀ k t)         =⟨ refl 

 ext-const-gives-affine : ext-const  is-affine
 ext-const-gives-affine ϕ = γ
   η⁻¹ : T 𝟙  𝟙
   η⁻¹ t = 

   I : η⁻¹  ηᵀ  id
   I  = refl

   II : ηᵀ  η⁻¹  id
   II t = (ηᵀ  η⁻¹) t        =⟨ refl 
          ηᵀ                 =⟨ (ϕ {𝟙} (ηᵀ ) t)⁻¹ 
          extᵀ  x  ηᵀ ) t =⟨ refl 
          extᵀ ηᵀ t           =⟨ extᵀ-η t 

   γ : is-equiv (ηᵀ {𝟙})
   γ = qinvs-are-equivs ηᵀ (η⁻¹ , I , II)


Monad algebras.


record Algebra (𝕋 : Monad) (A : Type) : Type₁ where
  structure-map : functor 𝕋 A  A
  aunit         : structure-map  η 𝕋  id
  aassoc        : structure-map  ext 𝕋 (η 𝕋  structure-map)
                 structure-map  ext 𝕋 id

 open T-definitions 𝕋

  α = structure-map

 extension : {X : Type}  (X  A)  T X  A
 extension f = α  mapᵀ f

 _extends_ : {X : Type}  (T X  A)  (X  A)  Type
 g extends f = g  ηᵀ  f

 extension-property : {X : Type} (f : X  A)
                     (extension f) extends f
 extension-property f x =
  (extension f  ηᵀ) x =⟨ refl 
  α (mapᵀ f (ηᵀ x))    =⟨ ap α (ηᵀ-natural f x) 
  α (ηᵀ (f x))         =⟨ aunit (f x) 
  f x                  

 is-hom-from-free : {X : Type}  (T X  A)  Type
 is-hom-from-free h = h  μᵀ  α  mapᵀ h

 extension-is-hom : funext₀
                   {X : Type} (f : X  A)
                   is-hom-from-free (extension f)
 extension-is-hom fe f tt =
  (extension f  μᵀ) tt           =⟨ refl 
  (α  mapᵀ f  μᵀ) tt            =⟨ ap α (μᵀ-natural fe f tt) 
  (α  μᵀ  mapᵀ (mapᵀ f)) tt     =⟨ (aassoc (mapᵀ (mapᵀ f) tt))⁻¹ 
  (α  mapᵀ α  mapᵀ (mapᵀ f)) tt =⟨ ap α ((mapᵀ-∘ fe (mapᵀ f) α tt)⁻¹) 
  (α  mapᵀ (α  mapᵀ f)) tt      =⟨ refl 
  (α  mapᵀ (extension f)) tt     

 at-most-one-extension : funext₀
                        {X : Type} (g h : T X  A)
                        g  ηᵀ  h  ηᵀ
                        is-hom-from-free g
                        is-hom-from-free h
                        g  h
 at-most-one-extension fe g h g-h-agreement g-is-hom h-is-hom tt =
  g tt                      =⟨ refl 
  (g  id) tt               =⟨ by-unit₁ ⁻¹ 
  (g  μᵀ  mapᵀ ηᵀ) tt     =⟨ by-g-is-hom 
  (α  mapᵀ g  mapᵀ ηᵀ) tt =⟨ by-functoriality ⁻¹ 
  (α  mapᵀ (g  ηᵀ)) tt    =⟨ by-agreement 
  (α  mapᵀ (h  ηᵀ)) tt    =⟨ by-functoriality-again 
  (α  mapᵀ h  mapᵀ ηᵀ) tt =⟨ by-h-is-hom ⁻¹ 
  (h  μᵀ  mapᵀ ηᵀ) tt     =⟨ by-unit₁-again 
  h tt                      
    by-unit₁ = ap g (ηᵀ-unit₁ fe tt)
    by-g-is-hom = g-is-hom (mapᵀ ηᵀ tt)
    by-functoriality = ap α (mapᵀ-∘ fe ηᵀ g tt)
    by-agreement = ap  -  (α  mapᵀ -) tt) (dfunext fe g-h-agreement)
    by-functoriality-again = ap α (mapᵀ-∘ fe ηᵀ h tt)
    by-h-is-hom = h-is-hom (mapᵀ ηᵀ tt)
    by-unit₁-again = ap h (ηᵀ-unit₁ fe tt)

 extension-uniqueness : funext₀
                       {X : Type} (f : X  A) (h : T X  A)
                       h extends f
                       is-hom-from-free h
                       extension f  h
 extension-uniqueness fe f h h-extends-f h-is-hom =
  at-most-one-extension fe (extension f) h e (extension-is-hom fe f) h-is-hom
   e : extension f  ηᵀ  h  ηᵀ
   e tt = (extension f  ηᵀ) tt =⟨ extension-property f tt 
          f tt                  =⟨ (h-extends-f tt)⁻¹ 
          (h  ηᵀ) tt           

open Algebra public

module _ (𝕋 : Monad) where

 open T-definitions 𝕋

 free : funext₀  (X : Type)  Algebra 𝕋 (T X)
 free fe X =
  record {
   structure-map = μᵀ ;
   aunit         = ηᵀ-unit₀ ;
   aassoc        = μ-assoc 𝕋 fe

 is-hom : {A B : Type}
          (𝓐 : Algebra 𝕋 A)
          (𝓑 : Algebra 𝕋 B)
         (A  B)
 is-hom 𝓐 𝓑 h = h  α  β  mapᵀ h
   α = structure-map 𝓐
   β = structure-map 𝓑

 monad-extension-is-hom : (fe : funext₀)
                          {X Y : Type}
                          (f : X  T Y)
                         is-hom (free fe X) (free fe Y) (extᵀ f)
 monad-extension-is-hom fe {X} {Y} f tt =
  (extᵀ f  μᵀ) tt             =⟨ by-ext-is-μ-map 
  (μᵀ  mapᵀ f  μᵀ) tt        =⟨ extension-is-hom (free fe Y) fe f tt 
  (μᵀ  mapᵀ (μᵀ  mapᵀ f)) tt =⟨ again-by-ext-is-μ-map ⁻¹ 
  (μᵀ  mapᵀ (extᵀ f)) tt      
    by-ext-is-μ-map = ext-is-μ-map 𝕋 fe f (μᵀ tt)
    again-by-ext-is-μ-map = ap  -  (μᵀ  mapᵀ -) tt)
                               (dfunext fe (ext-is-μ-map 𝕋 fe f))

 hom-∘ : funext₀
        {A B C : Type}
         (𝓐 : Algebra 𝕋 A)
         (𝓑 : Algebra 𝕋 B)
         (𝓒 : Algebra 𝕋 C)
        (f : A  B)
        (g : B  C)
        is-hom 𝓐 𝓑 f
        is-hom 𝓑 𝓒 g
        is-hom 𝓐 𝓒 (g  f)
 hom-∘ fe 𝓐 𝓑 𝓒 f g f-is-hom g-is-hom t =
  g (f (α t))           =⟨ ap g (f-is-hom t) 
  g (β (mapᵀ f t))      =⟨ g-is-hom (mapᵀ f t) 
  γ (mapᵀ g (mapᵀ f t)) =⟨ ap γ ((mapᵀ-∘ fe f g t)⁻¹) 
  γ (mapᵀ (g  f) t)    
    α = structure-map 𝓐
    β = structure-map 𝓑
    γ = structure-map 𝓒

 extension-assoc : {A : Type}
                   (𝓐 : Algebra 𝕋 A)
                  {X Y : Type}
                   (g : Y  A) (f : X  T Y)
                  extension 𝓐 (extension 𝓐 g  f)  extension 𝓐 g  extᵀ f
 extension-assoc {A} 𝓐 fe {X} {Y} g f =
  extension-uniqueness 𝓐 fe ϕ h h-extends-ϕ h-is-hom
   ϕ : X  A
   ϕ = extension 𝓐 g  f

   h : T X  A
   h = extension 𝓐 g  extᵀ f

   h-extends-ϕ : h  ηᵀ  ϕ
   h-extends-ϕ x =
    (h  ηᵀ) x                      =⟨ refl 
    (extension 𝓐 g  extᵀ f  ηᵀ) x =⟨ ap (extension 𝓐 g) (unitᵀ f x) 
    (extension 𝓐 g  f) x           =⟨ refl 
    ϕ x                             

   h-is-hom : is-hom (free fe X) 𝓐 h
   h-is-hom = hom-∘ fe
               (free fe X) (free fe Y) 𝓐
               (extᵀ f) (extension 𝓐 g)
               (monad-extension-is-hom fe f) (extension-is-hom 𝓐 fe g)

If we want to call an algebra (literally) α, we can use this module:


module α-definitions
        (𝕋 : Monad)
        (A : Type)
        (𝓐 : Algebra 𝕋 A)

 open T-definitions 𝕋

 α : T A  A
 α = structure-map 𝓐

 α-unitᵀ : α  ηᵀ  id
 α-unitᵀ = aunit 𝓐

 α-assocᵀ : α  extᵀ (ηᵀ  α)  α  extᵀ id
 α-assocᵀ = aassoc 𝓐

 α-assocᵀ' : α  mapᵀ α  α  μᵀ
 α-assocᵀ' = α-assocᵀ

 α-extᵀ : {X : Type}  (X  A)  T X  A
 α-extᵀ = extension 𝓐

 α-extᵀ-unit : {X : Type}
               (f : X  A)
              α-extᵀ f  ηᵀ  f
 α-extᵀ-unit = extension-property 𝓐

 α-extᵀ-assoc : funext₀
               {X Y : Type} (g : Y  A) (f : X  T Y)
               α-extᵀ (α-extᵀ g  f)  α-extᵀ g  extᵀ f
 α-extᵀ-assoc = extension-assoc 𝕋 𝓐

 α-curryᵀ : {X : Type} {Y : X  Type}
           ((Σ x  X , Y x)  A)
           (x : X)  T (Y x)  A
 α-curryᵀ q x = α-extᵀ (curry q x)


TODO. Define monad morphism (for example overline is a monad morphism
from J to K).