Martin Escardo 2012

Combinatory version of Gödel's System T and its standard set-theoretic


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.CombinatoryT where

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Continuity
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Combinators
open import UF.Base

data type : 𝓤₀  ̇ where
 ι   : type
 _⇒_ : type  type  type

data T : (σ : type)  𝓤₀  ̇ where
 Zero  : T ι
 Succ  : T (ι  ι)
 Iter  : {σ : type}      T ((σ  σ)  σ  ι  σ)
 K     : {σ τ : type}    T (σ  τ  σ)
 S     : {ρ σ τ : type}  T ((ρ  σ  τ)  (ρ  σ)  ρ  τ)
 _·_   : {σ τ : type}    T (σ  τ)  T σ  T τ

infixr 1 _⇒_
infixl 1 _·_

Set⟦_⟧ : type  𝓤₀  ̇
Set⟦ ι      = 
Set⟦ σ  τ  = Set⟦ σ   Set⟦ τ 

⟦_⟧ : {σ : type}  T σ  Set⟦ σ 
 Zero   = zero
 Succ   = succ
 Iter   = iter
 K      = Ķ
 S      = Ş
 t · u  =  t   u 

is-T-definable : {σ : type}  Set⟦ σ   𝓤₀ ̇
is-T-definable {σ} x = Σ t  T σ ,  t   x


System T extended with oracles.


data  : (σ : type)  𝓤₀ ̇ where
 Ω     :  (ι  ι)
 Zero  :  ι
 Succ  :  (ι  ι)
 Iter  : {σ : type}       ((σ  σ)  σ  ι  σ)
 K     : {σ τ : type}     (σ  τ  σ)
 S     : {ρ σ τ : type}   ((ρ  σ  τ)  (ρ  σ)  ρ  τ)
 _·_   : {σ τ : type}     (σ  τ)   σ   τ

⟦_⟧' : {σ : type}   σ  Baire  Set⟦ σ 
 Ω     ⟧' α = α
 Zero  ⟧' α = zero
 Succ  ⟧' α = succ
 Iter  ⟧' α = iter
 K     ⟧' α = Ķ
 S     ⟧' α = Ş
 t · u ⟧' α =  t ⟧' α ( u ⟧' α)

embedding : {σ : type}  T σ   σ
embedding Zero    = Zero
embedding Succ    = Succ
embedding Iter    = Iter
embedding K       = K
embedding S       = S
embedding (t · u) = embedding t · embedding u

preservation : {σ : type}  (t : T σ)  (α : Baire)   t    embedding t ⟧' α
preservation Zero    α = refl
preservation Succ    α = refl
preservation Iter    α = refl
preservation K       α = refl
preservation S       α = refl
preservation (t · u) α = ap₂ id (preservation t α) (preservation u α)
