Tom de Jong, 3 - 5 March 2020 As suggested by Martin Escardo. Dyadic rationals ( \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} module DyadicsInductive.Dyadics where open import MLTT.Spartan open import MLTT.Unit-Properties open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated open import UF.Sets \end{code} We inductively construct dyadic rationals in (-1,1), as follows. Start with the point 0 in the middle (represented by middle below). Define two functions (represented by left and right below): l : (-1,1) โ (-1,1) l x = (x-1)/2 r : (-1,1) โ (-1,1) r x = (x+1)/2 Some values (ordered) to give an impression: 0 -- just 0 -1/2 1/2 -- l 0 = -1/2 and r 0 = 1/2 -3/4 -1/4 1/4 3/4 -- l (l 0), l (r 0), r (l 0) and r (r 0) In this module we just define the type and prove that it has decidable equality. The order on ๐ป is defined in the separate module Dyadic-Order. \begin{code} data ๐ป : ๐คโ ฬ where middle : ๐ป left : ๐ป โ ๐ป right : ๐ป โ ๐ป \end{code} Using the well-known encode-decode method (cf. Section 2.13 of the HoTT book), we can show that right and left are injective and that ๐ป is discrete (i.e. it has decidable equality). By Hedberg's Theorem, ๐ป is a set. \begin{code} middle-is-not-left : {x : ๐ป} โ middle โ left x middle-is-not-left p = ๐-is-not-๐ (ap f p) where f : ๐ป โ ๐คโ ฬ f middle = ๐ f (left _) = ๐ f (right _) = ๐ middle-is-not-right : {x : ๐ป} โ middle โ right x middle-is-not-right p = ๐-is-not-๐ (ap f p) where f : ๐ป โ ๐คโ ฬ f middle = ๐ f (left _) = ๐ f (right _) = ๐ left-is-not-right : {x y : ๐ป} โ left x โ right y left-is-not-right p = ๐-is-not-๐ (ap f p) where f : ๐ป โ ๐คโ ฬ f middle = ๐ f (left x) = ๐ f (right x) = ๐ left-lc : {x y : ๐ป} โ left x ๏ผ left y โ x ๏ผ y left-lc = ap f where f : ๐ป โ ๐ป f middle = middle f (left x) = x f (right x) = right x right-lc : {x y : ๐ป} โ right x ๏ผ right y โ x ๏ผ y right-lc = ap f where f : ๐ป โ ๐ป f middle = middle f (left x) = left x f (right x) = x ๐ป-is-discrete : is-discrete ๐ป ๐ป-is-discrete middle middle = inl refl ๐ป-is-discrete middle (left y) = inr middle-is-not-left ๐ป-is-discrete middle (right y) = inr middle-is-not-right ๐ป-is-discrete (left x) middle = inr (ฮป p โ middle-is-not-left (p โปยน)) ๐ป-is-discrete (left x) (left y) = cases a b (๐ป-is-discrete x y) where a : x ๏ผ y โ is-decidable (left x ๏ผ left y) a = inl โ ap left b : ยฌ (x ๏ผ y) โ is-decidable (left x ๏ผ left y) b = inr โ contrapositive left-lc ๐ป-is-discrete (left x) (right y) = inr left-is-not-right ๐ป-is-discrete (right x) middle = inr (ฮป p โ middle-is-not-right (p โปยน)) ๐ป-is-discrete (right x) (left y) = inr (ฮป p โ left-is-not-right (p โปยน)) ๐ป-is-discrete (right x) (right y) = cases a b (๐ป-is-discrete x y) where a : x ๏ผ y โ is-decidable (right x ๏ผ right y) a = inl โ ap right b : ยฌ (x ๏ผ y) โ is-decidable (right x ๏ผ right y) b = inr โ contrapositive right-lc ๐ป-is-set : is-set ๐ป ๐ป-is-set = discrete-types-are-sets ๐ป-is-discrete \end{code}