Martin Escardo 2015.

If all functions (ℕ → ℕ) → ℕ are continuous then 0 = 1.

In this version we don't use identity types, but we use a universe
instead, in order to define equality on ℕ. This is the only equality
type we consider, and we name it ≡.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module ContinuityAxiom.FalseWithoutIdentityTypes where

open import MLTT.Sigma
open import MLTT.NaturalNumbers
open import MLTT.Unit
open import MLTT.Empty

infix 3 _≡_

_≡_ :     𝓤₀ ̇
0         0        = 𝟙
(succ m)  0        = 𝟘
0         (succ n) = 𝟘
(succ m)  (succ n) = m  n

refl :  n  n  n
refl 0 = 
refl (succ n) = refl n

≡-ind : (A : (m n : )  m  n  𝓤₀ ̇ )
       (∀ n  A n n (refl n))    m n p  A m n p
≡-ind A r 0 0                = r 0
≡-ind A r (succ m) 0 p        = 𝟘-elim p
≡-ind A r 0 (succ n) p        = 𝟘-elim p
≡-ind A r (succ m) (succ n) p = ≡-ind
                                  m n  A (succ m) (succ n))
                                  n  r(succ n)) m n p

We only use ≡-ind to define ≡-rec:


≡-rec : (A :     𝓤₀ ̇ )  (∀ n  A n n)    m n  m  n  A m n
≡-rec A = ≡-ind  m n _  A m n)


We only use ≡-rec to define transport:


transport : (A :   𝓤₀ ̇ )  {x y : }  x  y  A x  A y
transport A {x} {y} = ≡-rec  x y  A x  A y)  _ a  a) x y


From transport we prove all properties of equality we need here:


sym : ∀{x y}  x  y  y  x
sym {x} {y} p = transport  z  z  x) {x} {y} p (refl x)

euclidean : ∀{a b c}  b  c  b  a  c  a
euclidean {a} {b} {c} = transport  d  d  a) {b} {c}

trans : ∀{x y z}  x  y  y  z  x  z
trans {x} {y} {z} p = euclidean {z} {y} (sym {x} p)

ap : ∀(f :   )  ∀{x y}  x  y  f x  f y
ap f {x} {y} p = transport  z  f x  f z) {x} {y} p (refl(f x))


The Baire space of infinite sequences of natural numbers, ranged over
by α and β:


Baire : 𝓤₀ ̇
Baire =   

head : {X :   𝓤₀ ̇ }  ((i : )  X i)  X 0
head α = α 0

tail : {X :   𝓤₀ ̇ }  ((i : )  X i)  ((i : )  X (succ i))
tail α = λ i  α(succ i)

_≡[_]_ : Baire    Baire  𝓤₀ ̇
α ≡[ zero ] β   = 𝟙
α ≡[ succ n ] β = (head α  head β) × (tail α ≡[ n ] tail β)


The sequence consisting of n zeros followed by infinitely many k's
is written "n zeros-and-then k":


_zeros-and-then_ :     Baire
( 0       zeros-and-then k)  i       = k
((succ n) zeros-and-then k)  0       = 0
((succ n) zeros-and-then k) (succ i) = (n zeros-and-then k) i

zeros-and-then-spec₀ :  n k  (n zeros-and-then k) n  k
zeros-and-then-spec₀  0       k = refl k
zeros-and-then-spec₀ (succ n) k = zeros-and-then-spec₀ n k


The sequence consisting of infinitely many zeros:


O : Baire
O = λ i  0

zeros-and-then-spec₁ :  n k  O ≡[ n ] (n zeros-and-then k)
zeros-and-then-spec₁ zero k = 
zeros-and-then-spec₁ (succ n) k =  , (zeros-and-then-spec₁ n k)


We now come to the subject of this file. We define the Curry-Howard
interpretation of a Brouwerian continuity principle, and show that not
all functions are continuous. Notice that, by definition, 0≡1 is 𝟘.


continuous : (Baire  )  𝓤₀ ̇
continuous f =  α  Σ n   , (∀ β  α ≡[ n ] β  f α  f β)

theorem : (∀(f : Baire  )  continuous f)  0  1
theorem continuity = zero-is-one

  M : (Baire  )  
  M f = pr₁ (continuity f O)

  continuity₀ :  f β  O ≡[ M f ] β  f O  f β
  continuity₀ f = pr₂(continuity f O)

  m : 
  m = M α  0)

  f : Baire  
  f β = M α  β (α m))

  crucial-observation : f O  m
  crucial-observation = refl (f O)

  crucial-fact :  β  O ≡[ M f ] β  m  f β
  crucial-fact = continuity₀ f

  lemma₀ : M f  0  0  1
  lemma₀ p = zero-is-one
    c₀ :  β  O ≡[ M f ] β
    c₀ β = transport  n  O ≡[ n ] β) (sym {M f} p) (refl 0)

    c₁ :  β  m  f β
    c₁ β = crucial-fact β (c₀ β)

    c₂ : M α  α m)  m
    c₂ = sym {m} (c₁  i  i))

    c₃ :  α  O ≡[ M α  α m) ] α  0  α m
    c₃ = continuity₀  α  α m)

    c₄ :  α  O ≡[ m ] α  0  α m
    c₄ = transport  n   α  O ≡[ n ] α  0  α m) c₂ c₃

    α : Baire
    α = m zeros-and-then 1

    α-property₀ : α m  1
    α-property₀ = zeros-and-then-spec₀ m 1

    α-property₁ : O ≡[ m ] α
    α-property₁ = zeros-and-then-spec₁ m 1

    c₅ : 0  α m
    c₅ = c₄ α α-property₁

    zero-is-one : 0  1
    zero-is-one = trans {0} {α m} c₅ α-property₀

  lemma₁ : (Σ n   , (M f  succ n))  0  1
  lemma₁ (n , p) = zero-is-one
    β : Baire
    β = (M f) zeros-and-then 1

    β-property₀ : β (M f)  1
    β-property₀ = zeros-and-then-spec₀ (M f) 1

    β-property₁ : O ≡[ M f ] β
    β-property₁ = zeros-and-then-spec₁ (M f) 1

    c₀ : f β  m
    c₀ = sym {m} (crucial-fact β β-property₁)

    c₁ :  α  O ≡[ f β ] α  β 0  β (α m)
    c₁ α = continuity₀  α  β (α m)) α

    c₂ :  α  O ≡[ m ] α  β 0  β (α m)
    c₂ = transport  n   α  O ≡[ n ] α  β 0  β (α m)) c₀ c₁

    α : Baire
    α = m zeros-and-then (M f)

    α-property₀ : α m  M f
    α-property₀ = zeros-and-then-spec₀ m (M f)

    α-property₁ : O ≡[ m ] α
    α-property₁ = zeros-and-then-spec₁ m (M f)

    c₃ : β 0  β (α m)
    c₃ = c₂ α α-property₁

    c₅ : β (α m)  β (M f)
    c₅ = ap β α-property₀

    c₆ : β (α m)  1
    c₆ = trans {β (α m)} c₅ β-property₀

    c₄ : β 0  1
    c₄ = trans {β 0} c₃ c₆

    c₈ : O ≡[ succ n ] β
    c₈ = transport  n  O ≡[ n ] β) p β-property₁

    c₉ : O ≡[ succ n ] β  0  β 0
    c₉ e = pr₁ e

    c₇ : 0  β 0
    c₇ = c₉ c₈

    zero-is-one : 0  1
    zero-is-one = trans {0} {β 0} c₇ c₄

  lemma : (Σ n   , M f  n)  0  1
  lemma (0      , p) = lemma₀ p
  lemma (succ n , p) = lemma₁(n , p)

  zero-is-one : 0  1
  zero-is-one = lemma(M f , refl(M f))


The following observation was communicated to me independently by
each of Altenkirch, Coquand and Martin-Lӧf.

A continuous function is extensional in the sense that it assigns the
same value to pointwise equal inputs:


continuous-functions-are-extensional : (f : Baire  )
                                      continuous f
                                       α β  (∀ i  α i  β i)  f α  f β
continuous-functions-are-extensional f f-continuous α β e = g β (h α β e n)
  n : 
  n = pr₁ (f-continuous α)

  g :  β  α ≡[ n ] β  f α  f β
  g = pr₂(f-continuous α)

  h :  α β  (∀ i  α i  β i)   n  α ≡[ n ] β
  h α β e zero     = 
  h α β e (succ n) = (e zero) , (h (tail α) (tail β) (tail e) n)


So there is some amount of extensionality built-in in the definition
of continuity.

And here is a simplification suggested by an anonymous TLCA'2015
referee, which we incorporated in the TLCA final version of the paper:

  "Considering \beta = 0^(Mf+1) 1^\omega and \alpha = 0^m
   (Mf+1)^\omega, one can avoid the proof case Mf = 0 and use just the
   other one."


≡[]-lemma : {α β : Baire} (n : )  α ≡[ succ n ] β  α ≡[ n ] β
≡[]-lemma zero     _       = 
≡[]-lemma (succ n) (p , q) = p , ≡[]-lemma n q

theorem' : (∀(f : Baire  )  continuous f)  0  1
theorem' continuity = zero-is-one
  M : (Baire  )  
  M f = pr₁ (continuity f O)

  continuity₀ :  f β  O ≡[ M f ] β  f O  f β
  continuity₀ f = pr₂ (continuity f O)

  m : 
  m = M α  0)

  f : Baire  
  f β = M α  β (α m))

  β : Baire
  β = (succ(M f)) zeros-and-then 1

  β-property₀ : β (succ(M f))  1
  β-property₀ = zeros-and-then-spec₀ (succ(M f)) 1

  β-property₁ : O ≡[ succ(M f) ] β
  β-property₁ = zeros-and-then-spec₁ (succ(M f)) 1

  β-property₂ : O ≡[ M f ] β
  β-property₂ = ≡[]-lemma (M f) β-property₁

  c₀ : f β  m
  c₀ = sym {m} (continuity₀ f β β-property₂)

  c₁ :  α  O ≡[ f β ] α  β 0  β (α m)
  c₁ = continuity₀  α  β (α m))

  c₂ :  α  O ≡[ m ] α  β 0  β (α m)
  c₂ = transport  n   α  O ≡[ n ] α  β 0  β (α m)) c₀ c₁

  α : Baire
  α = m zeros-and-then (succ(M f))

  α-property₀ : α m  succ(M f)
  α-property₀ = zeros-and-then-spec₀ m (succ(M f))

  α-property₁ : O ≡[ m ] α
  α-property₁ = zeros-and-then-spec₁ m (succ(M f))

  c₃ : β 0  β (α m)
  c₃ = c₂ α α-property₁

  c₄ : β (α m)  β (succ(M f))
  c₄ = ap β {α m} {succ(M f)} α-property₀

  c₅ : β (α m)  1
  c₅ = trans {β (α m)} c₄ β-property₀

  c₆ : β 0  1
  c₆ = trans {β 0} {β (α m)} {1} c₃ c₅

  c₇ : 0  β 0
  c₇ = pr₁ β-property₁

  zero-is-one : 0  1
  zero-is-one = trans {0} {β 0} {1} c₇ c₆
