Week 7 - Cubical Agda Exercises

Standard disclaimer:

The exercises are designed to increase in difficulty so that we can cater to our large and diverse audience. This also means that it is perfectly fine if you don’t manage to do all exercises: some of them are definitely a bit hard for beginners and there are likely too many exercises! You may wish to come back to them later when you have learned more.

Having said that, here we go!

In case you haven’t done the other Agda exercises: This is a markdown file with Agda code, which means that it displays nicely on GitHub, but at the same time you can load this file in Agda and fill the holes to solve exercises.

When solving the problems, please make a copy of this file to work in, so that it doesn’t get overwritten (in case we update the exercises through git)!

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

module Exercises7 where

open import cubical-prelude
open import Lecture7-notes
    A : Type 
    B : A  Type 

Part I: Generalizing to dependent functions

Exercise 1 (★)

State and prove funExt for dependent functions f g : (x : A) → B x

Exercise 2 (★)

Generalize the type of ap to dependent function f : (x : A) → B x (hint: the result should be a PathP)

Part II: Some facts about (homotopy) propositions and sets

The first three homotopy levels isContr, isProp and isSet are defined in cubical-prelude in the usual way (only using path types of course).

Exercise 3 (★)

State and prove that inhabited propositions are contractible

Exercise 4 (★)


isPropΠ : (h : (x : A)  isProp (B x))  isProp ((x : A)  B x)
isPropΠ = {!!}

Exercise 5 (★)

Prove the inverse of funExt (sometimes called happly):

funExt⁻ : {f g : (x : A)  B x}  f  g  ((x : A)  f x  g x)
funExt⁻  = {!!}

Exercise 6 (★★)

Use funExt⁻ to prove isSetΠ:

isSetΠ : (h : (x : A)  isSet (B x))  isSet ((x : A)  B x)
isSetΠ = {!!}

Exercise 7 (★★★): alternative contractibility of singletons

We could have defined the type of singletons as follows

singl' : {A : Type } (a : A)  Type 
singl' {A = A} a = Σ x  A , x  a

Prove the corresponding version of contractibility of singetons for singl' (hint: use a suitable combinations of connections and ~_)

isContrSingl' : (x : A)  isContr (singl' x)
isContrSingl' x = {!!}

Part III: Equality in Σ-types

Exercise 8 (★★)

Having the primitive notion of equality be heterogeneous is an easily overlooked, but very important, strength of cubical type theory. This allows us to work directly with equality in Σ-types without using transport.

Fill the following holes (some of them are easier than you might think):

module _ {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'} {x y : Σ A B} where

  ΣPathP : Σ p  pr₁ x  pr₁ y , PathP  i  B (p i)) (pr₂ x) (pr₂ y)
          x  y
  ΣPathP = {!!}

  PathPΣ : x  y
          Σ p  pr₁ x  pr₁ y , PathP  i  B (p i)) (pr₂ x) (pr₂ y)
  PathPΣ = {!!}

  ΣPathP-PathPΣ :  p  PathPΣ (ΣPathP p)  p
  ΣPathP-PathPΣ = {!!}

  PathPΣ-ΣPathP :  p  ΣPathP (PathPΣ p)  p
  PathPΣ-ΣPathP = {!!}

If one looks carefully the proof of prf in Lecture 7 uses ΣPathP inlined, in fact this is used all over the place when working cubically and simplifies many proofs which in Book HoTT requires long complicated reasoning about transport.

Part IV: Some HITs

Now we want prove some identities of HITs analogous to Torus ≡ S¹ × S¹ Hint: you can just use isoToPath in all of them.

Exercise 9 (★★)

We saw two definitions of the torus: Torus having a dependent path constructor square and Torus' with a path constructor square that involves composition.

Using these two ideas, define the Klein bottle in two different ways.

Exercise 10 (★★)


suspUnitChar : Susp Unit  Interval
suspUnitChar = {!!}

Exercise 11 (★★★)

Define suspension using the Pushout HIT and prove that it’s equal to Susp.

Exercise 12 (🌶)

The goal of this exercise is to prove

suspBoolChar : Susp Bool  
suspBoolChar = {!!}

For the map Susp Bool → S¹, we have to specify the behavior of two path constructors. The idea is to map one to loop and one to refl.

For the other direction, we have to fix one base point in Susp Bool and give a non-trivial loop on it, i.e. one that shouldn’t cancel out to refl.

Proving that the two maps cancel each other requires some primitives of Cubical Agda that we won’t really discuss in the lectures, namely hcomp and hfill. These are used (among other things) to define path composition and ensure that it behaves correctly.

Path composition corresponds to the top of the following square:

       x --------> z
       ^           ^
       ¦           ¦
  refl ¦     sq    ¦ q
       ¦           ¦
       ¦           ¦
       x --------> y

The type of sq is a PathP sending p to p ∙ q over q and the following lemma lets us construct such a square:

comp-filler : {x y z : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z)
             PathP  j  refl {x = x} j  q j) p (p  q)
comp-filler {x = x} p q j i = hfill  k  λ { (i = i0)  x
                                              ; (i = i1)  q k })
                                    (inS (p i)) j

You can use this comp-filler as a black-box for proving the round-trips in this exercise.

Hint: For one of the round-trips you only need the following familiar result, that is a direct consequence of comp-filler in Cubical Agda

rUnit : {x y : A} (p : x  y)  p  refl  p
rUnit p = sym (comp-filler p refl)