{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

open import new-prelude
open import Lecture4-notes

module Exercises4 where

Constructing homotopies between paths

(⋆) Give two “different” path-between-paths/homotopies between (loop ∙ ! loop) ∙ loop and loop. They should be different in the sense that one should cancel the !loop with the first loop, and one with the second loop. But these aren’t really really different, in that there will be a path-between-paths-between-paths between the two!

homotopy1 : (loop  ! loop)  loop  loop
homotopy1 = {!!}

homotopy2 : (loop  ! loop)  loop  loop
homotopy2 = {!!}

(Harder exercise (🌶️): give a path between homotopy1 and homotopy2! I’d recommend saving this until later though, because there is a trick to it that we haven’t covered in lecture yet.)

path-between-paths-between-paths : homotopy1  homotopy2
path-between-paths-between-paths = {!!}

Functions are group homomorphism

(⋆⋆) State and prove a general lemma about what ap of a function on the inverse of a path (! p) does (see ap-∙ for inspiration).

State and prove a general lemma about what ! (p ∙ q) is.

Use them to prove that the double function takes loop-inverse to loop-inverse concatenated with itself.

double-!loop : ap double (! loop)  ! loop  ! loop
double-!loop = {!!}

(⋆) Define a function invert : S1 → S1 such that (ap invert) inverts a path on the circle, i.e. sends the n-fold loop to the -n-fold loop.

invert : S1  S1
invert = {!!}

Circles equivalence

See the maps between the 1 point circle and the 2 point circle in the lecture code. Check that the composite map S1 → S1 is homotopic to the identity on base and loop:


to-from-base : from (to base)  base
to-from-base = {!!}


to-from-loop : ap from (ap to loop)  loop
to-from-loop = {!!}

Note: the problems below here are progressively more optional, so if you run out of time/energy at some point that is totally fine.

Torus to circles

The torus is equivalent to the product of two circles S1 × S1. The idea for the map from the torus to S1 × S1 that is part of this equivalence is that one loop on on the torus is sent to to the circle loop in one copy of S1, and the other loop on the torus to the loop in the other copy of the circle. Define this map.

Hint: for the image of the square, you might want a lemma saying how paths in product types compose (⋆⋆⋆):

compose-pair≡ : {A B : Type} {x1 x2 x3 : A} {y1 y2 y3 : B}
                (p12 : x1  x2) (p23 : x2  x3)
                (q12 : y1  y2) (q23 : y2  y3)
               ((pair≡ p12 q12)  (pair≡ p23 q23))  {!!} [ (x1 , y1)  (x3 , y3) [ A × B ] ]
compose-pair≡ = {!!}
torus-to-circles : Torus  S1 × S1
torus-to-circles = {!!}

Suspensions (🌶️)

Find a type X such that the two-point circle Circle2 is equivalent to the suspension Susp X. Check your answer by defining a logical equivalence (functions back and forth), since we haven’t seen how to prove that such functions are inverse yet.

c2s : Circle2  Susp {!!}
c2s = {!!}

s2c : Susp {!!}  Circle2
s2c = {!!}

Suspension is a functor from types, which means that it acts on functions as well as types. Define the action of Susp on functions:

susp-func : {X Y : Type}  (f : X  Y)  Susp X  Susp Y
susp-func f = {!!} 

To really prove that Susp is a functor, we should check that this action on functions preserves the identity function and composition of functions. But to do that we would need the dependent elimination rule for suspensions, which we haven’t talked about yet.

Pushouts (🌶️)

Fix a type X. Find types A,B,C with functions f : C → A and g : C → B such that the suspension Susp X is equivalent to the Pushout C A B f g. Check your answer by defining a logical equivalence (functions back and forth), since we haven’t seen how to prove that such functions are inverse yet.

SuspFromPush : Type  Type
SuspFromPush A = {!!}

s2p : (A : Type)  Susp A  SuspFromPush A
s2p A = {!!}

p2s : (A : Type)  SuspFromPush A  Susp A
p2s A = {!!}