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Towards a fourth attempt

It is natural to wonder whether there exist algorithms that compute most significant digits first. Let's begin by considering multiplication by three. Assume that we want to multiply a decimal numeral by three, and suppose that, at some stage, the scanned part of the input is ``4#4''. The first output digit can be either 0 or 1. If we eventually scan an input digit <3then it has to be 0, and if we eventually scan a digit >3 then it has to be 1. Thus, while the next scanned digit is 3, we can't determine the first output digit. Therefore, to get the first digit of


we are forced to compute all the 43 digits of the input.

A solution to this problem, first proposed by Cauchy [16] in 1840, is the use of negative digits. For example


where we have written the negation symbol on the top of negative digits for clarity. Intuitively, in order to compute a function,
we estimate an output digit (after reading some input digits),
if it turns out to be not quite correct (after reading more input digits), we can use a negative digit to adjust the estimate.
For example, let's consider multiplication by three again. Suppose that ``0.3'' is an initial prefix of the input. Then we can safely produce ``1.'' as an initial prefix of the output. In fact, if we later read a digit 0, discovering that the numeral has ``0.30'' as an initial prefix, we can now output a negative digit 7#7, having produced ``8#8'' up to this point, which is the same as ``0.9''. A mathematical discussion of these issues is the subject of Chapter 6 below.

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Martin Escardo