Instructions on how to get Agda


Thanks to Amélia Liao, there’s an online version available, which means you won’t have to install anything. But if you would like to install Agda locally, please see below.


If you’re a Mac user who already uses homebrew, the process is painless: just run brew install agda and get ready to wait a while.

If you’re a Mac user who doesn’t already use homebrew, follow the instructions here to get it working.


If you’re an Arch or Fedora user, then pacman -S agda or yum install agda should work. See also theses Arch instructions.

If you’re Debian/Ubuntu, then you should install Agda through cabal, because the Agda in the repositories of the operating system is outdated. See these instructions.


For Windows, see these instructions. (Thanks Todd Waugh Ambridge!)

Editing Agda code

Most people use emacs with agda-mode to edit, but you can also use neovim with cornelis or vscode with the agda-mode port.

To get emacs with agda-mode set up, there’s a tutorial here

To get neovim with corenlis setup, there’s installation instructions on their GitHub

To get the vscode plugin setup, see here

Agda in Markdown files

If you’re using emacs, then add the following at the very end of your .emacs file (in your home directory)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\\\'" . agda2-mode))

to enable agda-mode for Markdown files with Agda code, like the lecture notes and exercises.

Checking that everything works

After installing Agda, you should check that it’s installed correctly by type-checking the Hello, Agda! program

Working outside the repository

If you would like to work on the exercises and have the lecture notes available outside (for open import) the repository, then you should register the repository as a library:

In ~/.agda/libraries add the line


and then add the line agda-lectures to ~/.agda/defaults.

Getting help

If you’re having trouble installing Agda, please ask for help in the #agda-installation channel on the summer school’s Discord server.