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Inequality tests in real number computation

In all effective approaches to exact real number computation via concrete representations, the (in)equality relations are undecidable. This is not surprising, because an infinite amount of information must be checked in order to decide that two given numbers are equal. In particular, this means that it is not possible to obtain exact algorithms from finite-precision algorithms by simply changing the underlying representation of numbers. The reason is that (in)equality tests are the basic ingredient for branching and looping.

Nevertheless, many definitions by cases consisting of inequalities, such as


do produce computable functions--but they don't produce algorithms, because such functions cannot be computed by first evaluating the condition and then computing the corresponding branch. As an application of the order-normalization Theorem 9.1, we obtain.

Theorem 10.1   There is a computable partial function


such that


with domain of definition 93#93

Notice that, given this domain of definition, an equivalent specification is



Although the operator is partial, it can be used to define total functions. For example,


which shows that 97#97 is indeed computable. If 98#98 are computable functions that agree at a computable number x0, then the function 99#99 defined by


is also computable, because


Also, some partial functions such as


can be defined by


and hence are computable.

Notice that the case-analysis operator is a continuous map, defined on a subset of [-1,1]4, which cannot be extended to a continuous map on any larger subset. In other words, the points (x,t,y,z) with x = t but 104#104 are singularities of the case-analysis operator. This means that the partial character of the case-analysis operator is due to topological rather than recursion-theoretic reasons.

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Martin Escardo