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Signed-digit notation

We take signed-digit binary notation as our paradigmatic example. A signed-digit numeral is an infinite sequence over the signed-digit alphabet 40#40, where 7#7 stands for -1. As before, a numeral 41#41 denotes the number


and the surjection 29#29 is a quotient map 43#43. The above definitions and facts for standard numerals apply to signed-digit numerals, except that now one has that, in contrast to Proposition 6.4,

Proposition 7.1   Every continuous function 44#44 has a realizer 45#45 of finite character.

The same holds for functions of several arguments, with realizers defined in the obvious way.

Since one can effectively translate between the representations of real numbers discussed in Chapter 7, all of them have the same property.

Martin Escardo